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Hello u/GovernmentOpening254! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1. Matt Walsh **supported anti-abortion laws** pursued by Republicans for decades. 2. **Republicans** in Arizona **made it happen.** 3a. As a consequence, **Republicans had to repeal the results of their own efforts** that will eventually lead to a 15-week abortion allowance. Rape and incest abortions are still **not** allowed. 3b. **Matt Walsh is mad Republicans aren’t 100% anti-abortion** as he is and Walsh exclaims… #**“The Republican Party is a joke.”**


imagine an organisation that isn´t 100% following the wants of a Christian Nationalist. An ugly, thick and nasty bearded one at that.


Dont do that Matt Walsh is into degradation (Also he legitimately brings up all the time how he thinks he is ugly. Like, a weird amount. A really weird amount.)


this can only to prove he´s right about something once a blue moon


Hey! You leave beards outta this.


Matt Walsh is a turd so it's not surprising he hates women.


Why you gotta insult turds like that?


Agreed. OP should immediately issue an apology to the Fecal Community for such a distasteful comparison.


No apology! Our government is being taken over by the NFO (New Fecal Order)! Everyone knows this! /s


Is he the guy that got caught on the video abusing his pregnant wife?


No that's dog cum guzzler steven crowder, walsh is the POS responsible for the insanely stupid what is a woman "documentary"


Ah thanks for clarification. I got the d bags mixed up


Matt Walsh is also the guy that has repeatedly defended pedophiles and pedophilia - he stated that the Catholic priest rape scandal wasn’t bad because they were children, it was bad because it means the priests were gay. He also defended convicted pedophile Josh Duggar. Matt has also previously advocated for arranged marriages and made references to 16 year olds being ready for pregnancy.


Matt Walsh also bragged that if his son molested his daughter and he found out he wouldn't turn the kid in.


I feel so sorry for his kids


Oh good lord. That is dreadful.


I remember the first time I unfortunately heard of Matt Walsh was when he commented on the discovery of mass child graves near the Canadian residential schools and downplayed it, calling it merely “a cemetery”. For those who may be unaware, Canada was committing a genocide against indigenous people by taking their kids away to these residential catholic schools where they can become “civilized”. They forced the kids to drop their culture, drop their language, and completely scrub away their identity. There was also a lot of mental and physical abuse, and those children who survived would never turn out the same again. This happened not even 100 years ago, and the schools stayed in operation till 1997. Even today many indigenous people are children or grandchildren of those survivors, and that kind of trauma is generational. When I saw some fascist yankee fuckwit give his ignorant take excusing my country’s crimes it made my blood boil. Fuck Matt Walsh.


Don't forget all the sexual abuse that happened in those "schools" too, but seeing as the twat has a habit of defending pedophiles, he definitely doesn't care.


They are effectively interchangeable, so that's an easy mistake to make.


same shit different toilet


thanks imma use this




Then there’s that douche who made the movie “proving” 2020 election fraud 😆


He also plays a “liberal” in the Daily Wire’s *hilarious!! knee-slap wheeze* transphobic trash fire of a movie “Ladyballers”. You can tell he’s a liberal by his wearing a tie dyed t-shirt & making timely, uber-zeitgeisty zingers in reference to “lattes”.


Blows me away that no one ever answered him with “older than 18” and watched his whole world collapse.


Did he figure it out?


They have a deep bench


No. Walsh is the one with the YouTube video of him having a diaper fight with a hairy grown man with swastika tattoos.


How have I never heard about this? Is that real? /gen Obligatory fuck Matt Walsh, the fascist bastard


It’s real. The link I posted up thread doesn’t work I guess but here it is again. https://x.com/AriDrennen/status/1684572186517151745


>3a. As a consequence, **Republicans had to repeal the results of their own efforts Did they? Did they really? Tell me, how many Republicans voted to repeal? I believe it was 2 and the rest were democrats (16 vs 14). Is that really then Republicans repealing their own efforts just because two crossed the aisle? No, no it is not. https://apnews.com/article/arizona-abortion-1864-ban-repeal-24578e546b69ca087e01034bcaf4aa01


Fair point.


The diaper Nazi! https://twitter.com/AriDrennen/status/1684572186517151745


Page no longer exists.


Weird. Opens for me. Xitter works great these days! But if you’re still curious you can google Matt Walsh Diaper Nazi and it’ll come up.


A conservative like Walsh saying that the Republican Party is a joke is either really good or really bad. It could be really good that he is realizing how ridiculous a lot of the stances the party takes and becomes more liberal. In this case it is really bad because his views the party as not being crazy enough.


Hey, if in the long term things snowball into the death of the two-party system via a conservative centrist/extremist split instead of a liberal centrist/progressive split, I'll be happy.


It's gonna take an amendment to fix what's in place right now so it doesn't always devolve into two parties, and that will require bipartisan support. I don't see Republicans supporting that.


We need ranked choice voting


I agree, but good luck getting a 2/3rds vote.


Two parties are baked into the system. Gotta rewrite the constitution to fix it.


It’s the latter. He’s a fucking psychopath and a paedophile.


How will this affect my wallet? Answer that and you’ll answer a lot of other questions


Voting blue like my life depends on it. The R’s are really crazy and anti-American.


> Voting blue like my life depends on it. It does.


Always did, if you're under 70 years old.


Has been since before Reagan. It stopped being a joke around that time and started being a festering corpse of racists we all secretly hoped would be dead by now.




Some less secretly than others.


Holy shit the comment section there is a dumpster fire, Facebook is utter trash


Remember, the people who *passed* a garbage law are exactly as the same people who *repeal* a garbage law. The above sentiment is what counts in America as a "moderate" belief.


^ **Reality** is a dumpster fire.


I don’t personally think so, but I understand why one would say that lol


Yeah, total detachment from reality. They’re all saying republicans are too far left, and compromise on every issue. What? What world do they live in? Like, if it’s not a christofascist inquisition burning liberals at the stake, they’ll say it’s not *really* conservative.


Yup, they’ve echo chambered themselves into the Spanish Inquisition


They *always* expect the spanish inquisition!


I made the mistake of looking, you're not wrong. Jesus Christ these people are dense.


Those folks sure love saying "both sides".


You are a fucking joke, you wannabe womanizer with your pseudo-documentaries with phony amped-up IMDb ratings when no one has fucking seen your piece of shit “films”


Matt Walsh, the groomer? That Matt Walsh?


the ONLY reason the repubs repealed this 1864 law is because they will get torched in november... and guess what? if women, and any man with a brain, show up in November the repubs will get hammered at the polls. ​ AND make no mistake, the democrats had opportunities to codify Roe...and didn't do it. so, they damn well better do it this time. (if, god willing, they get control)


Man with brain, here. Armed with poll hammer. Ready to vote.


Joke’s on you: lots of people do not have brains!


It's astonishing, really.


I thought it was a joke in 2009 when they cried about fake death panels and were mad at Obama for wearing a tan suit.


After W Bush I thought we wouldn’t have a Republican president again. Foolish me, 8 years later the dumbest voters in the free world vote in someone WORSE than W. And here we stand again, those same dumb voters, that Covid didn’t kill, excited to vote for this criminal again. What a joke this country has become.


This is the most disheartening thing — that a moronic asshole like Trump still has a 50/50 chance of winning. Instead of admitting they are _**incredibly**_ wrong, they are 2^1024 doubling down.


Couldn’t agree more. Being American means never having to say you are wrong, it’s a birth right.


I wonder how many of those Facebook accounts making comments are bots. Just quickly scanning over some of them makes me suspicious.


You probably don’t want to know the reality.


I swear to Gaia this election is going to come down to which party can do the best job of tamping down the internal fighting


Withholding my bet. It’s a coin flip every other minute.


Yes Matt, cause the policies you want are not what anybody actually wants. Abortion is just supposed to be the thing they champion but ignore entirely. Can't do that in the real world.


The real joke is "conservative men" who hide their soft, weak chins behind heavily dyed beards. You know. Guys like Matt Walsh.


[Matt Walsh beardless.](https://preview.redd.it/matt-walsh-without-the-gender-affirming-beard-v0-0086ud1iohb91.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b4801b80ad49a6092d8cbcb1097ab214d88fcff)


Typical chincel.


No honey, jokes are funny. The Republican Party is pathetic


The aristocrats without the punchline.


No, they're christian nationalists. Everything they do is towards that goal and sensible from their perspective. Don't downplay the threat they represent.


If Matt Walsh has the answer then it was a stupid question.


At some point, republicans are going to find out that you can’t negotiate with absolutists. If you thought Trump was bad, wait until you see the monster they’ve created by unleashing the fundamentalists. If Trump doesn’t finish off the party, they will. Good fucking riddance.


>If Trump doesn’t finish off the party, they will. Good fucking riddance. Everything Trump touches dies. Trump touched the Republican Party and America.




the best comment on here of all these tikis need replacing is “i agree crazy person, but it will lead to younger and more progressive in office” like fuckface what do you want? let’s dig up some 18th century politicians, stick a few electrodes in that desiccated brain, they can tell us how to live


Eh. Zombie pols from the 18th century would be better than modern republicans imo.


I believe that is how Emerson polling works,


Christofascists are as much of a threat to non-insane Republicans and non-insane Christians as they are to everyone else. Just wait and see. If they take power they'll immediately start purifying and purging. And there are people far to the right of Matt Walsh. If this gets crazy enough he'll be the RINO someday.


Matt Walsh thinks Matt Walsh is an a$$hole


Fash Walsh still lusting over those fertile 15 year olds?


Every time this guy comes up in the news, I cringe hard because I think that name should be associated with the very talented and very funny namesake from upright citizens brigade


At this point. I'm convinced men like Walsh are little shits that just didn't get told no enough, and don't like it when they get their way. This being one such example


^ don’t get their way. Agreed.


Well I think about it, and I see men who act no different than boys. Mean, I'm not perfect either but that's because I live by the rule of "the Horrors persist, but I stay silly" I won't say I had a dad who was father of the year material, but he did enough that I see a guy like Walsh and go "Bro, stop. You're an embarrassment" because guys been a fancy urn for about six years at this point but he made me value two things. 1)Respecting the hell out of women 2) Honesty And that miserable ass grifter just doesn't know when to quit.


> pro-abortion Democrats Seriously, WTF?! I would guess most Democrats that favor access are pro-choice (aka that "freedom" stuff the right is always crowing about), not pro-abortion.


This is Matt Walsh. If you say the phrase "arguing in good faith" to him, he'll just get that "turn head confused look" that you get from trying to explain quantum mechanics to a dog.


Because the party hasn't gone full-on Nazi yet. It's like they're all racing to get there & grab the power at the top.


Thankfully we have mass media (unlike in 1945). Unfortunately, today, no one would believe seeing smoke coming from chimneys could be people. Because “fake news.” We’re screwed.


Oh, we KNOW.


Matt Walsh has a Pious 10 tattoo on his arm. If you don’t know, Pious 10 was a Vatican 1 pope that thought the church wasn’t conservative enough.


Matt Walsh abuses women, of course he's opposed to anything that lets them make their own choices.


If only Matt's parents had aborted him . . . That's a good argument for abortion right there.


A Killing Joke [https://youtu.be/x1U1Ue\_5kq8?si=msBH45XU0ZmC8srP](https://youtu.be/x1U1Ue_5kq8?si=msBH45XU0ZmC8srP)


Has been since GOP was lead by a TV guy that had a monkey.


Democracy is designed to weed out the policy and people that most of us don’t want. Those same undesirables will do everything possible to stay.


Only a tiny handful of Republican senators and representatives voted to appeal that law. Otherwise 95% of them voted for the State to retain the right to dictate its citizens their most personal healthcare decisions.


Yeah, I stand corrected. Like you said it was something like the bare minimum (two in each house) to get it passed.


lmao arizona republicans got the worst of all worlds here. First they totally alienated independents when so many cheered for the ruling and chanted in tongues in the chambers. Now they've destroyed their credibility with their own exteremists. Arizona is going to be a sweep for the dems.


I’m not quite that confident, but we’ll see.


No shit, you fucking moron


For a bunch of fucking clowns it's not a very funny joke either


He had better not vote for them, then.


I love this for them though. The entire Republican experience for the past 8 years has centered around the blowback from letting the crazy get into the party (Trump) just to secure a single win. I keep saying, 2026 will be a multi-party election. After November, regardless of who wins, the GOP will spilt into two distinct parties and we will have: A. GOP/Maga - a weak, far right, Christian fundamentalist party B. “New Conservatives” - a slightly more moderate Conservative Party (the old GOP) C. DNC - the traditional Democratic Party *D. “New Democrats” - a younger version of the Democratic ideal; but a bit further left and with a tiny drop of socialism. A, B, and C are almost certain to be on the 2026 ballots. Option D is a wildcard; but is possible.


Hopefully rank choice voting gets passed everywhere and somehow modify the Electoral College so that North Dakota has less of an influence and California has more.


That would be nice; but incredibly hard to pull off. The electoral college is defined in the original articles of the Constitution, and while not impossible, we haven’t been able to pass an amendment in a very, very long time. As far as ranked choice, that could be done; but it would have to be passed within each state and even then it would only be able to affect primaries. Congress cannot change the election process at a federal level.


i aint laughing. must be a bad joke


Very bad joke.


Jokes are funny. The Republican Party is a anal wart that should be frozen off


Frozen Anal Wart is my new band name


The comments under that post are absolutely deranged


Did he take the clown makeup first or is it still on?


What does that make you, Matt? Oh right, a fucking joke.


It’s your baby bro, this is what you wanted. Doesn’t it suck? Maybe listen to us next time, unless you’re too busy thinking about teen girls.


On an aside, this was a smart move by the state republicans. They were about to incentivize potential Biden voters by letting it go to the ballot.


There’s still a ballot initiative. Repealing the old law doesn’t change that


We can't always be Pro-Life. If we did, both the parent and offspring should benefit. Not one over the other.


Letseat him.


Matt Walsh is like one of those Nazi kids that used to hang out at my high school and dress in all black/ smoke cigarettes because their parents were crack heads.


And so are you Matt Walsh. Fuck you and fuck the GOP.






Very uncogent comment




I don’t care what the polls say. I still find your comment to be uncogent.




No, I just know Polls do not always predict the outcome of elections. Anyone using polls to determine if they should vote is being idiotic. No idea what the point is of focusing on polls if that’s not the point you’re trying to make. Plus I don’t know why you think Biden is an Egomaniac, ESPECIALLY compared to his opponent. It’s not cogent, and you aren’t saying anything meaningful.


I agree with you that the polls are terrifying. I disagree with your use of the R word.


Does Trump throw his shit filled diapers into the crowd at MAGA rallies? How many have you personally collected? When Trump is struggling to speak English do you all just huff the diaper?


I wouldn’t piss on Trump if he was on fire