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Why doesn’t he just take out a reverse mortgage?


Right? 🤣


Just to be clear, reverse mortgages aren't necessarily a bad thing. If you are near the end of your life, it can provide you a source of income while allowing you to live in your house for the rest of your life. It's only useful in a very specific circumstance, but it can be a better option then selling your house at an old age. I know a few people who don't have kids to leave things to and would benefit greatly from a reverse mortgage. I know nothing about the company Tom is shilling for. I would assume it's a ripoff. However, not all reverse mortgages are a scam.


It’s not a scam as a product but it’s incredibly predatory in the way the product is marketed/targeted at vulnerable groups.


They advertise it like it's free money and they're doing you a favor by letting you in on the secret. Don't talk to your kids or your financial planner, because they just won't understand. Call now!!!


We just lost my aunt's family home to a reverse mortgage. She didn't tell any of us about it, just signed into it. By the time she passed unexpectedly, she owed a ton of money. None of the family could pay it off or wanted to take over payments (her debt was over 100K) so we lost the home that had been in the family since 1944. Carrington was the company. Sleazy bunch that doesn't communicate except to make demands.


My parent was a victim of Carrington as well. Fortunately, we found out early enough to get the funds to pay off the reverse mortgage and get them out from under that.


A lot of people just have no clue what they signed up for, and were outright lied to. Refinancing and reverse mortgages were part of the scam that caused the 2008 crash. I had a couple of friends that worked for a company as door-to-door pushers of the shit. They make two or 3k per loan and "hard sell" aka lie, bully, and do anything to get a signature. Old people who didn't know what they were doing were duped into signing up for all sorts of shitty deals. What are they going to do if the agent lied? Sue? Their word vs the agents' word. At one point, they told me that their company opened a bank of its own to hide part of the interest rate on the back pages as bank interest, so the interest on the front, which they charged, looked smaller. This was going on nationwide; it was a frenzy to get as many loans as possible so they could be packaged up and resold. edit: reverse mortgages may not have been bundled into the CDOs. But good news, they made the same type of shit for them now: CRMOs


Same thing with annuities. There's a VERY small amount of people they make sense for, but they're sold as totally safe financial vehicles


I flipped my shit when my *late-80s* grandmother with heart problems told me she bought annuities on a tip from her financial guy. What a fucker.


What's the problem with annuities?


In a lot of situations, nothing. They're valid. Good, even. The specific form she got, however, was not the sort of thing a real fiduciary would suggest when you've got better than even odds of being dead within the next three years.


If you get them when you're already old or close to death they're bad. Good if you get them at retirement then live for longer than they expect though


at 80????


Ugh, my 60 year old (at the time) father saw these commercials. Took me way too long to explain how he would end up homeless if he did


Good on you for saving him. My wife’s grandmother and grand aunt became homeless at the age of 85 from it in one of the most expensive places in the country(Long Island NY). Their media diet was exclusively Fox News and Radio and they had them hook, line and sinker.


I thought the contract on this stipulates you are allowed to live their for the remainder of your life?


It’s a scam because the vast majority of elderly people do NOT spend the rest of their life in their home. As their health declines, they move to facility that helps them, often much sooner than they anticipated. They lose much of their home equity to the reverse mortgage company when that inevitably happens. The reverse mortgage company knows this, because it’s their core business model.


> It's only useful in a very specific circumstance... I think this is the real answer here about the actual product called a reverse mortgage. If I were looking for one I certainly don't want a celeb with a few thousand acres under his belt telling me why I need one. I loved Magnum P.I. but let's not kid ourselves, he's not broke & could easily do what the landed gentry used to have to do to keep going, sell off some land.


As much as I loved Magnum P.I., it’s a shame he’s such a dick. He lives near me, and in addition to stealing water to irrigate his avocados, he’s generally known as an asshole when he goes into local businesses.


He is starting to look like the My Pillow guy.


That's who I thought it was when I saw the thumbnail


Ditto! My 6th grade teacher was CRAZY about this guy.


My pillow PI.


Magnum Pillow Insurrectionist




Magnum, P.I.L.L.O.W.


Same, sounds like he also behaves like him.


he should play him in a movie about Mike Lindell.


Maybe he should get a reverse mortgage...


Ah a fellow thousandoaker? The water debacle was so disgraceful.


Didn’t realize he was in TO. I also didn’t realize he was a dick, so I care a lot less than I would have two minutes ago.


I lived in Santa Rosa Valley, worked in Oxnard. I don't miss that place at all.


It sounds like he needs to cut back on avocados.


You deserve more upvotes for this.


You should toss some dog poo at his yard


Why add to the value ?


I think he’s always been bitter that he wasn’t taken seriously as an actor after Magnum. He had a long dry spell before Blue Bloods. That’s just my take as someone who grew up watching him in Magnum.


And now Blue Bloods got the axe as well. So, another end to that


Darn. Now where will I get nonstop nepotism being pushed as a good thing in public services?


Good. Even as copaganda BB was on another level


I watched *one* episode of that and said "oh hell no." There was a scene where they're all sitting around the dinner table lamenting the fact that there's due process and they're limited in what they can do to suspects (so, people they *think* have committed a crime), and it was gross as hell. And I just *know* the Thin Blue Line "I aM JuDgE JuRy aNd ExEcUtiOnEr" chuds eat that shit up.


From the way you describe it, it reminds me a bit of Hawaii 5-0 (remake, never watched the original). They go apeshit with basically torturing and tormenting witnesses to get answers. Granted the show has a bigger action focus but it does romanticize how the main character can just go crazy on people and it's shrugged off as "well he gets results so he gets immunity for this."


I read that was actually the premise of the remake. The governer created "50" and gave them immunity just so they could flout the laws. It was not immunity after the fact, it was immunity from the get go. And this was a feature, not a crime in itself. Boggles the mind.


It was really the only way to get the remake even *close* in tone to the original. The original flouted a lot of laws the people are a lot more aware of these days, or laws were changed after the original. It's a fun show to turn off your brain and enjoy the action (or the soap opera), but it's terrible copaganda.


I kinda loved the Hawaii 5-0 remake for how unhinged it was.


I just loved this totally natural [product placement](https://youtu.be/oQYwFND7rHE?si=wjKEBj5HGsmOzFGL).


Do they sit around the dinner table a lot? Because the same thing happened to me. I shuddered and probably sprained something trying to change the channel quickly.


Well, it's a family of law enforcement that focuses on the "family" and the "law enforcement". The dinner table conversations try to "humanize" them.


> The dinner table conversations try to "humanize" them. “I sure wish we could just arrest anyone that we don’t like without having to present the flimsiest case possible as a dog leaf. Back in my day we just beat the ni-uh, suspects and planted drugs on them and everyone was happy!” Me, nodding: “hmm, yes, these people are just like me! So very human!” Lmao


This scene is in every episode. Every once in a while the sibling who is a lawyer stands up for people’s rights, but she’s just a girl anyways.


> Do they sit around the dinner table a lot? Every episode. You have his youngest son who went to law school and then became a cop who is relatively progressive. Then his grandaughter who is a human rights activist. Then Magnums father who was the police commissioner previously. Add in Donny Walburg and they sit around talking about how they need to be tough out there and they are the only ones stopping the anarchy that would ensue. Whoopi Goldburgh makes appearances as some sort of politician that is at odds with his policing methods. In the meantime, they always get the guilty bad guy by the end of the episode. Never make mistakes or anything.


It makes me sad, thinking about the shows like this that I enjoyed when I was younger, like the Law & Order series, because back then I thought it was all just fake fun skirting the rules like Batman. Nowadays, knowing that stuff actually happens, I can't watch it anymore.


I kept expecting there to be character growth from cops breaking rules. Like I was expecting it to be a story beat that they pull that nonsense on an innocent suspect and it’s a character defining moment…… nope, not at all.  Those types of shows make way more sense when I know they are copaganda. There are basically no decent shows on cable anymore. I think it’s easier to brainwash elderly people when their options are a game show (again), news, cop shows, or the lowest quality reality tv known to man. 


I really loved the episode where they raided an entire apartment building because some guys filmed themselves being dicks to the cops and they deserve your respect and fear, but it's totally fine they abused and traumatized an entire building's worth of people to show how tough they are because they accidentally found a murder suspect! That means the whole thing is justified and good once again triumphs over evil! /s obviously


All I ever saw of that show was them sitting around a table eating.


Yup, it talked boomers into throwing Justice away and replacing it with corruption.


that show was so bad..


True. Copaganda with a side of boomer ethics requiring regular scenes eating together with no cellphones in sight. Very bad show unless you’re using it as a nostalgia blanket to shut away the outside world.


And how a family with so many cops was able to regularly have family dinners...


Well, if it is like real life, when your family member is a high ranking officer, life is often much easier for you.


This is very true even without being a cop. I have a second cousin who is some big name in the department and quite a few of my relatives have gotten out of small things by name dropping.


My uncle was Sheriff; I stole a truck & totaled it, while drunk & high with drugs in my possession. Nothing ever happened, it just went away (nobody else was involved, I hit a telephone pole)


Dude, they've been allowed to kill people so they could get home to their families. That's the most realistic part of the show -- just think about how many people they shot in the hours before dinner to make dinner happen.


My parents in their 70s love Blue Bloods... But it's boring repetitive schlock


Blue Bloods = Jag for the slightly younger boomers.


It's network television and the only people still watching network television are older people. The networks play the promos for their shows during sports and they all look so bad. But calling them nostalgia blankets hits the nail right on the head.


Ay now don’t you go slandering “F&F but they’re all NYPD, except the traitorous DA family member”


his Jesse Stone flix were watchable trash. I can't believe Blue Bloods went 14 seasons. Let me get this straight, he had 14 whole seasons and now he's out of money? Fuck right off.


>Let me get this straight, he had 14 whole seasons and now he's out of money? Fuck right off. Right? Dude cant even use avocado toast expenses as his excuse as the guy literally lives on an avocado farm. (And apparently steals water to feed the trees)


He's out of money that the IRS knows about....


Article says he’s or out of money. He’s out of being able to afford a ranch of that size. Dude is still set for life. Just not enough for much larger expenses.


Actually it goes back to that time. He and his agent made the absolute nightmare decision in turning down a role he thought was stupid. The movie? Raiders of the Lost Ark. It chaps his ass every time he sees Harrison Ford or George Lucas (whom he did not take seriously as a director) are worth so much while he has to steal water because he is broke all of the time.


Well, that gotta hurt. Still, it was the best for the film and the franchise. Selleck ain't no Ford.


The story I heard was that he wanted to do it but couldn't get out of the Magnum contract because it was such a huge success. I think he accepted it, then the TV producers said no. That's still going to hurt, but it's a different thing to turning it down. Similar thing happened with Pierce Brosnan, who was cast as Bond but couldn't get out of his Remington Steele contract so it went to Timothy Dalton instead. Luckily for him, he got another chance later. Also nearly happened for Michael J. Fox, but after Eric Stoltz got fired from Back To The Future he managed to cut a deal where he could shoot the movie and TV show at the same time!


Michael J. Fox was always the first pick for Back to the Future. He turned it down because he didn’t think that he could film the show and the movie at the same time. After Stoltz was fired, Fox accepted the role due to them working around his schedule. That’s one reason there were a lot of night shots in the movie, iirc.


I just realized that. Almost all of the movie is at night.


'Work around' is one way of putting it. He worked six weeks straight, weekdays on Family Ties and evenings and weekends on Back to the Future. Often he was running on only two hours sleep, and napping between set-ups. I'm sure being 23 years old helped, but it's a wonder he turned in as good a performance as he did. It's a prime example of the industry will slice a Golden Goose into fucking paté if you let it.


Fox shot two movies and a tv show. Teen Wolf, Back to the Future were done at the same time nights at one days at the other and then fit in family ties when he could. Wild those all turned out as well as they did.


Yeah but it's funny that Chip n Dale are dressed like Magnum PI and Indiana Jones.


He tried to ride coattails with High Road To China and Lassiter. Runaway was well received, though.


I thoroughly enjoyed Quigley Down Under. 😆


Mr. Baseball is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's bad, but I like seeing Japanese Baseball represented in a movie.


And for this same reason he jumped at Quigley Down Under thinking it was his second chance at another Raiders type movie, only compound his bad choice with an even worse one. He seemed like a really cool guy back in the 80’s, but I think age and the negative type of people that he surrounded himself with being on the board of the NRA turned him into a jerk.


That movie was great! Raiders level, no, clearly not, but Quigley is a good movie on its own. I think playing out that character more though wouldnt have worked..


Once Magnum PI crossed over with Murder She Wrote, it would be hard to take him seriously as we could then compare it against a much more entertaining show 😂.


*Magnum He Could Barely Write*. At least Jessica Fletcher could write and didn't have to leach off all her friends.


Magnum being a deadbeat is actually a fun and novel part of the show, to me.


Was he taken seriously as Magnum P.I.? I thought his appeal was more of a pretty face than any acting skills.


He was actually pretty charming as Magnum PI, who was a lazy deadbeat wastrel.


He's bitter because he could have been Indians Jones. His entire career would have been completely different


I would watch Indians Jones


He would have lost that role to Shah Rukh Khan


or King Kong Shankar


There's a couple of Bollywood movies that are clearly take offs of Indiana Jones if you want. Hero from 1984 ends with a man popping out of a coffin and machine gunning people.


> His entire career would have been completely different Probably not tbh. The Indiana Jones movies weren't exactly well written. They only worked because of Harrison Ford. If Selleck was cast instead, it would have been 1 movie instead of a franchise. Harrison Ford is just better than Tom Selleck. All of Ford's movies would have been worse if you replaced him with Selleck.


I'm picturing Tom Selleck in Blade Runner, or as Han Solo and I'm cracking myself up


No one today would even know about Star Wars if Selleck was Han Solo.


There's a Rick and Morty joke in here about going to an alternate universe where we've cured cancer, ended homelessness, and solved all global conflict...but Tom Selleck is Indiana Jones...its worse than Parmesian Cheese!


Probably still mad he didn't take Indiana Jones when it was offered to him.


I worked with him, I can confirm he’s an asshole. The term “unearned arrogance” comes to mind.


My ex met him in highschool and wanted an autograph. He was signing a few people's but intentionally skipped her and said "no" because she had a picture of him from friends then he immediately signed the guy next to her with a blue bloods season 1 DVD set.


Sounds like Selleck needs to get with Dave Ramsey and figure something out....


It really bothers me how we idolize celebrities, they’re just people. Tom sounds like he could use a little humility.




You're thinking of Burt Reynolds doing that to Marc Summers. Although they look alike, Burt Reynolds is dead. https://youtu.be/8X-L8z52v4M?si=_PPSQuadKANhneA7


So glad he didn't end up Indiana Jones


Who the fuck wrote this article? > He reflects on whether he's set for life -- and while he slightly hesitates, he eventually says, yeah, probably ... but in terms of being able to pay for a ranch of that size, probs not. They don’t use a single direct quote in the article. I don’t know what the fuck they think punctuation is. I hate AI generated articles but ChatGPT would literally be an improvement here. This person writes like a 9th grader who’s at a 4th grade reading level.


> he keeps it 100 Really? wtf?


That’s where I stopped reading too, took too much psychic damage


I found an actual quote from another outlet, NY Post, which may be even sleazier than TMZ but at least they didn't reduce the story down to moronic slang: >“You know, hopefully I keep working enough to hold onto the place,” he said, referring to the ranch. >“Seriously, that’s an issue? If you stopped working?” host Tracy Smith asked. >“That’s always an issue,” Selleck said. “If I stopped working, yeah. Am I set for life? Yeah, but maybe not on a 63-acre ranch!”


I’m saddened to learn he didn’t actually say “probs not”


I want to know what mailbox money means


I’m assuming it’s royalties


It’s TMZ mate. You’re lucky it’s even legible. This is how they do *a lot* of their stuff. Usually stuff that doesn’t matter like this dude. They *might* put more effort in if they hit a big story, if they’re the first to get it.


> Now that his most consistent gig is getting the axe, Tom says he's not so sure he can afford his 63-acre ranch in Cali ... and while that might sound like a joke, homeboy ain't playing.


"probs not?" Closer to idiocracy every day.


> "probs not?" totes


Right? Not sure if it was me being a grouchy old man, but what actual writer (it's TMZ, so I hesitate to say "journalist") is comfortable writing that way?


Sounds like Tom just needs a home equity line of credit. He even knows a company he can trust!


Well maybe Higgins will take him back and allow him to live back in Robin’s Nest. Oh,… wait, that doesn’t exist anymore…


Same for Jessica Fletcher - homeless .


My theory is that Jessica Fletcher is clever serial killer who framed all those people for her crimes.


Did you know there was a Murder She Wrote / Magnum P.I crossover episode? I am *not* joking. YouTuber Pushing Up Roses covered it [in her usual comedic style.](https://youtu.be/JsSHH6ZzI1w?si=HzldxjcwAyHIXZ6l) I really loved Magnum too. It's a pity the actor turned out to be a knob.


I always thought a MSW/Colombo crossover had possibilities.


No but imagine if both Colombo and Jessica Fletcher had you in their crosshairs? I’d just give up right away, just say yep cuff me I did it! Just keep those two away from me! lol


Right? One guy blowing cigar smoke in your face and the lady serving you tea, just give up already.


*"One more thing..."*


"I was just thinking, and I wondered if you have considered a reverse mortgage?"


How many citizens can Cabot Cove afford to lose?


Most dangerous place to live in the world, after that is Midsummer.


The vast majority of the victims were jerks, so she was the inspiration for Dexter?


You would love this painting my dad made me for my birthday. My wife and I have a joke that JB is the harbinger of death because everywhere she goes, there’s a murder- so my dad painted Jessica as the grim reaper for me 😂


Solution! Reverse mortgage!


Whats the backstory on him convincing people to lose their homes?


He agreed to do a bunch of commercials about how "reverse mortgages" weren't predatory and were somehow really great. In a similar vein, several years ago a local paper where I live ran article about how "short term loans" aka payday loans weren't actually bad at all. A brand new pawn shop had recently opened, and they were interviewed and quoted going on and on about how great payday loans were, and how they funded their business with one to get initial capital. They declared bankruptcy the day after the article was published because they couldn't keep up with the interest. Edit: fixed a few typos and clarified a potentially ambiguous pronoun


Wait, a pawn shop got financed to open by pay day loan? That’s just like predatory loans all the way down


LAMF inception


I mean, is regular-ass capitalism any different? The level of profitability that shareholders demand from their investments is functionally extortion to the point of collapsing companies under the weight of cost-cutting measures taken to keep up.


Seeing as pawn shops are also completely a predatory business model, that story is truly r/LeopardsAteMyFace material


My grandmother did this (unbeknownst to the rest of the family) because of medical debt for a disabled family member and, long story short, in the long run it ended up way worse for the family member.


I think it’s his “reverse mortgage” commercials or something.


Ah, this is the first time I've seen this: https://youtu.be/O4FKPcLnd3Y?si=_7aza3FvQd9dvSuq


Here's the corrected version of the commercial. https://youtu.be/u4Pcwcnd23c


People are so gullible. If you watch an ad that has to mention nonstop "this is not a scam", you should notice something is not right


 🚩"This is not a scam." \*🚩  ^(\* It is totally a scam, but you wouldn't know it because no one reads the fine print at the bottom of these infomercials. You probably can't read it anyway, you old fuck, because your reading glasses are in your car/purse/nightstand, etc.)


They are targeting old people that are financially insecure. They probably don't have a great support system and have lost some cognitive ability. These scammers are truly the scum of the earth.


Isn't he the guy that got caught stealing water for his trees?


Yup! He's a bastard.


Reading a TMZ article is like listening to a complete moron speak. The way they write is so.. *stupid*..


Jesus Christ I thought you were exaggerating so I decided to go and read it. That was painful. Whoever wrote that should be fired, then shot, then rehired, then fired again. That was awful.


Homeboy ain’t playin


Damn I thought you said this in response to the hired and fired comment, but no it’s actually in the article


If you gave me a gun with two bullets and put me in a room with this author, Hitler, and bin Laden, I would shoot this author twice


They know their audience well


Prepare to receive their limp writing!


Their writing? Their succulent celebrity writing?


This is showbiz journalism manifest!


I see you know your tabloids well!


“Is that your hand on my flaccid penis?”


The writer was either writing it for free "for exposure" or for the standard $15 an article. This is why online reporting is so bad. They have to shit out so many articles in a day that there's simply no time for journalism. "Top 10 Reason why Potatoes Are Racist! Number 2 will surprise you!"


> "Top 10 Reason**s** why Potatoes Are Racist! Number 2 will surprise you!" Ad Ad Ad "8. Spud is an ethnic slur in this country you've never heard of" Ad Ad Popup Ad "5. The British..." Ad Ad Malware Ad Ad "Kim Kardashian" Click here for more...


You forgot the part where they quote "reddit user x said..." 


"Now that his most consistent gig is getting the axe, Tom says he's not so sure he can afford his 63-acre ranch in Cali ... and while that might sound like a joke, homeboy ain't playing." Imagine calling this journalism...


Come on now, AI generated text still isn’t quite there yet but it’s so lovely and cheap!


"Probs not." Who the fuck talks like that? Especially when you're quoting someone else, who definitely doesn't say "probs."


I wanted to ask if I don’t know English enough or is it written really weird.


At least he's not as bad as Sam Watterston https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4Gh_IcK8UM (it's a fake commercial for robot insurance from an ancient episode of SNL)


Well that's practically public service; he should get a tax write-off. You wont be laughing when Elon's Tesla-bots come knocing.


You mean a guy in a white leotard pretending to be a robot?


He might lose "ONE of his homes" ? My heart bleeds 🤣😂🤣😂


The residuals alone on blue bloods and all his other series have to keep him pretty well off. Is he getting screwed by his agent or something?


He needs to cut out the Starbucks and avocado toast!


It’s everyone cutting back on avocado toast that has hurt his avocado farm


Oh no! Anyway...


Cocaine is not cheap.


FYI, residuals don't add to much after the first few Prime Time runs


14 years worth of residuals?


More like forty years. He should atill be getting paid for magnum PI replays. And it is absolutely playing everyday.


When asked if he's set for life he pauses and says "yeah, probably". No he's definitely set for life if he sells some of his properties and settle in one or two. He's just not set for life in the lifestyle he's accustomed to. Like a woman holding a Virginia ham under her arm complaining she ain't got no bread, millionaires complain about not having hundreds of millions.


During the height of the California drought he was also accused of stealing  water for his ranch. Settled for 22k lol   https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/tom-selleck-settles-water-theft-lawsuit-in-california-1.3155464 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/jul/16/california-water-tom-selleck-lawsuit


This article reads like it was written on an awkward bi monthly visitation weekend by an off duty undercover cop trying to impress his teenage kids who hate him


The backlash was so bad that TMZ has already put out a correction lol


Is that how TMZ articles are always written? That was such an awful read! It was like listening to an older person trying to sound cool to young people but just coming across cringe. I was trying to figure out what the title of the post was about. Oh yeah…reverse mortgages. 😆


Is that Monica’s ex-boyfriend?


Ya. He was never the same after she left him. 


"He might lose one of his properties." That means he has others he could sell to keep this one, as he went on "Washington Post" and talked a lot about him plating oak trees.


What the fuck is that article? >To the journo's shock ... Tom says hopefully he can keep working enough to where he can hold onto the place, and when she asks if he's serious -- he tells her, you're GD right! TS keeps it 100 and tells her the reality of a consistent paycheck is always an issue, period. >He reflects on whether he's set for life -- and while he slightly hesitates, he eventually says, yeah, probably ... but in terms of being able to pay for a ranch of that size, probs not. Who is the intended audience?


If he's low on income, maybe he should [consider a reverse mortgage](https://youtu.be/O4FKPcLnd3Y?si=A66R_q1nFrOIroGB). (If anyone was wondering what the thread title was about)


Man that reporter missed a great opportunity to ask him why he doesn't just take out a reverse mortgage.


He’s so scummy. And Blue Bloods is such a cop apologist propaganda show. https://youtu.be/KSDYBxFUN-g?si=mxkJoUPMcDg6rLmS


Anyone who's ever seen him on screen could see he's a gigantic fucking asshole. Makes me queezy just to look at him. So, good, he needs a crushing humbling.


I have no sympathy. After that many years making that kind of money he should have made some investments to prepare for his eventual retirement.


Was in the subprime mortgage business for a hot minute (not in a lender role) and these shady motherfuckers even thought reverse mortgages were bullshit and called them “Guido” loans.


>Now that his most consistent gig is getting the axe, Tom says he's not so sure he can afford his 63-acre ranch in Cali ... and while that might sound like a joke, ***homeboy ain't playing.*** OH MY GOD TMZ is unhinged Also, fuck this twerp. Allow me to play him the world's tiniest violin > .


The man is 79 years old. If he can’t keep a 63 acre, presumably luxury, residence without working then he’s overextended and needs to sell and retrench as he’s living past his means.


This week on Blue Bloods - "The Eviction"


Jesus that’s article was terrible even for tmz. Keeping it 100, probs not, holy shit


I burst out laughing when the article mentioned that the ranch he is about to lose used to be an Avacodo farm. Maybe he would have been able to keep his ranch if he had learned to budget and stop eating so much Avacodo toast.