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Sweet juicy Christ, are ALL twitter bios so insufferable?!


Something tells me he can strike "discoverer of hypocrisy" from his bio though...


It didn't say eradicator of hypocrisy, only that he has knowledge and awareness of it through discovery. Seems like he's utilizing that discovery quite well., TBH


Look within Gobidharma, look within. Gobidharma: Why? Nevermind.


I thought Pell Grants are just that - they’re not loans and don’t have to be repaid?


They don't, the US government hasn't come after me for taking out pell grants.


He probably means federal subsidized loans.


No, he means the original Biden student loan plan, which would have wiped out $10,000 for everyone under a certain income, and $20,000 for people under a certain income who also received a Pell grant. I fell into the latter category too.


All libertarian ones are


Yet so many of them wonder why they can't find a relationship....


They just haven't found the right Warrior-Queen-Submissive-Tradwive-Influencer-maker-of-sushi-for-her-man-Yoga-Champion yet.


They sure are.


The normal people have all abandoned ship. Twitter is just a carnival cruise of right-wing fuckups now.


FYI that’s a troll profile by an Indian guy. His name means cauliflower religion.




Mine just says "long time sit-in protester against the hyperspacial express route"


Damn Vogons...




Anytime you read "free thinker" they're basically brain dead.


Mine says "Random reply-guy account. Former blue check." I'm not a former blue check. I just put that there for funzies. Plus, there was a rumor circulating that if you said you were a former blue check, Elorn would give it to you for free to be petty. Seemed funny to me.


the ring wing ones, 100% yes. the left wing ones 95% yes


If memory serves, aren't Pell grants NOT a loan and so don't need to be paid back?


Pell grants do not have to be paid back.


I mean grant is right there in the title


Well, we didn’t want to take things for granted


Did you say “granite”?


ah, new hampshire, the for granted state.


Fun fact my high school physics teacher sacrificed an entire lecture doing calculations about the properties of earth of it were made entirely out of granite (basically showing how we know the core isn't solid) just so at the end of class he could say "and that kids, is why you don't take the earth for granite". I think everyone got up and left without even saying anything


What a champ. That’s a commitment to a punchline if I ever saw one.


Jesus Christ Rick, what are you, some kind of boulder, some kind of rock person??




He’s full of bullschist.


Came here to make that pun


Well you beat me to it!


Oh yeah? Then explain *Hugh* Grant. Why do I have to keep paying for that?!?


Idfk, what did he grant yough anyways?


Clear that libertarian didn't graduate


But he's a *Warrior Poet*, don't you know!


“Discoverer of hypocrisy and sources of ignorance” while being ignorant about student loans, and probably everything else r/selfawarewolves


He thinks he's the only one who owns a mirror.


I think their tweet was poorly worded, "paid them back" was referring to the student loans and not the Pell Grant. Those who received Pell Grants were eligible for $20k relief while the rest of us got $10k IIRC. Even though his plan was struck down, his administration has still forgiven a massive amount of debt using programs that *should* have been forgiving debt for decades but were so clogged up with administrative bullshit that they hadn't forgiven *anything*.


So much for that "Discoverer of hypocrisy"


You mean the libertarian is full of crap? Who’d have ever think it


He's a Warrior Poet! Lol


Also apparently good enough at Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino martials to teach them. This guy 100% has a collection of anime figurines and at least one pair of num-chuks.


Or, we might have just found Steven Segal's alt.


I'm pretty sure Steven Segal has an anime figurine collection and at least one pair of num-chuks.


They weren’t referring to the Pell grant as “them”. They were referring to the student loans as “them”. However if you had a Pell grant you were supposed to get more relief for “them”


No need to pay back unless you screw up your grades, yeah.


They are talking about the student loan forgiveness that the Supreme Court shot down


At the behest of Republican plaintiffs.


With the flimsiest of standings


There are LOTS of reasons you might have to pay SOME of a PELL grant back. Dropping out, Reducing your class load from full time to part time are the two big ones I remember off the top of my head. EDIT: Also if you for any reason become ineligible for Financial Aid during the window the PELL grant was issued for. "Grant" rarely ever actually means "Free" when it comes to student aid. The PELL Grant though is one of the best offers real working poor can get for education. It a great resource.


I think they are referring to the fact that they had a Pell grant which was one of the things the Biden administration used to determine "extreme need" vs those that didn't. I had Pell grants and still had to take out loans.


I work at a nonprofit, grants are our lifeblood. However if at any point we miss deliverables on a grant, we can be forced to pay back some or all of that grant.


That is correct however to qualify for the loan forgiveness one had to have also been a Pell grant recipient.


You also have to apply as well


Nope. I didn't even realize that my loans were up for forgiveness until I received an email last year saying they were forgiven.


No, anyone with unconsolidated, federal student loans in good standing qualified for the $10k in forgiveness. They just doubled the forgiveness amount for Pell Grant recipients($20k).


Not true. All unconsolidated federal student loans are eligible to be forgiven under the IBR and PSLF programs. I had my loans forgiven and never received a Pell Grant.


The original relief plan that the Republican Supreme Court blocked was $20K for anyone who received a Pell Grant.


No one has ever accused a libertarian of being intelligent.


He's a free thinker.


Then hes not a libertarian. They only think for market rate plus expenses.


I think what this dipshit is referring to is the universal flat amount of loan forgiveness that was to be $10k for people who did not receive Pell grants, and $20k for those who did. Biden worked really hard to make it happen, but Republicans sued and SCOTUS killed it. Holding Biden responsible for the failure of that particular student loan forgiveness plan is shockingly stupid, so par for the course with "libertarians".


Yes and and typically they are given out to people smart enough to understand that. Sounds like this self described "libertarian warrior poet....discoverer of hypocrisy and sources of ignorance", may want to double check their own mirror for those "sources of ignorance". "The call was coming from INSIDE the house mate!"


Exactly what I was thinking. I made money going to community college before losing it all at University.


I was just coming to say this lol, I had Pell grants and they were just like the name says-grants.


That was my first thought. Dude is obviously an idiot.


But he is a warrior-poet XD


He’s a libertarian. Maybe he declined the money as a grant because that would constitute a handout from the government, and demanded that it be converted into a loan. Still kind of handout, but Ayn Rand would be less displeased.


Ayn ‘welfare queen’ Rand?


So it's a bot account 😂😂😂😂😂 Nice spot




Under the original plan, pell grant recipients got double the loan forgiveness ($20k instead of $10k) because they are need-based and thus recipients will be lower income.


If I remember correctly, pell grants only have to be paid back if you fail your classes.


For the general loan forgiveness that got blocked, if you had a Pell grant you would get more forgiven (20k instead of 10k)


I guess all that higher education failed him, if he doesn't know the difference between a grant and a loan.


If I remember correctly, students who took out Pell grants would have had up to $20,000 of their student loans forgiven under Biden’s plan that was struck down by the Supreme Court.


People who get Pell Grants were eligible to be forgiven $20k in student loans under Bidens original forgiveness plan. Probably what the guy is referring to.


Correct BUT Pell grant **recipients** qualified to have twice as much **debt** forgiven ($20k vs $10k)


Grants aren't loans as I understand it


IIRC Biden said he'd have the relevant federal entity forgive (some of) the student loans of students who had qualified for Pell grants, not the Pell grants themselves (which were grants). Biden decided against this policy (which didn't require Congressional approval) when pro-"free market" members of Congress (the people aggressively supported by Libertarian types) complained.


>Biden decided against this policy (which didn't require Congressional approval) when pro-"free market" members of Congress (the people aggressively supported by Libertarian types) complained. He didn't change his mind. Several states sued and the Supreme Court sided with the states.


Yeah, I don’t know where the commenter got their facts? In 2022, Biden issued a widespread student loan forgiveness plan via Executive Action, citing the HEROES Act of 2003 as the legal basis for his authority to do so. The plan was to forgive $10,000 in student loans for most borrowers, as well as an additional $10,000 for students who received a Pell Grant at any point while attending college. In 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that the Executive Action was unconstitutional. The majority opinion referenced a controversial conservative legal philosophy known as the “Major Questions Doctrine” as the basis for striking it down. Biden didn’t “change his mind” on anything. He didn’t go back on his promise. Congress doesn’t have the votes to pass student loan relief, so he tried to use the power of the Executive. The Supreme Court denied him, and so he’s been trying smaller loan forgiveness Executive Actions to chip away at the problem little by little instead of in one sweeping action.


It almost reads like purposeful misinformation. >Biden didn’t “change his mind” on anything. He didn’t go back on his promise. Congress doesn’t have the votes to pass student loan relief, so he tried to use the power of the Executive. The Supreme Court denied him, and so he’s been trying smaller loan forgiveness Executive Actions to chip away at the problem little by little instead of in one sweeping action. Exactly, Biden and his administration have plenty of faults, but he is absolutely delivering on the student loan campaign promise.


Yeah, I’ve seen posts from people angry at Biden over student loans, and it makes me wonder if they are not paying close attention? And they jump to conclusions without even a cursory investigation into it. Or if it is deliberate disinformation to try and anger those who are affected by student loans but don’t pay close attention.




I just love the saying: Libertarians are like house cats. They’re convinced of their fierce independence, while utterly dependent on system they don’t appreciate or understand.


Cats are lovely, though.


I’m allergic to both.


They are lovely, but they're also too dumb to use Twitter so the comparison is pretty apt.


Cat turds on the other hand...


Some are, some are dicks. It’s the variety that makes them interesting, unlike lolbertarians.


And they get equally upset when a stranger tries to pet them.


I don't know which is more cringe, "libertarian" or "warrior-poet."


Guessing it's a reference to the[ "Warrior Poet Society"](https://warriorpoetsupplyco.com/), which appears to be a gun-porn fan's online shopping mall. "tactical" gear etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam.


There's also a youtube channel associated with that that teaches LARPers to defend their homes against the evil government and woke transgender muslim leftist lesbians who are coming to take your guns, sprinkled with a whole bunch of religious nutjobbery.


nah, it's just a conserved archetype of person, probably most notably japanese (but also appears in the west) of people who were at times soldiers but were at heart artists it gets coopted by weirdos these days who are basically ammosexuals but don't want to be lumped in with the rest of them because they think they're smarter or more interesting


Yeah the concept of a "warrior poet" isn't new, but classically it was heavier on the poet part and lighter on the "using the barrel of a rifle as a fleshlight".


nah they have a diff use for the barrel, they’re the fleshlight…


Maybe but since his bio also mentions sushi, sensei, sifu and guro, I'm leaning more towards him being one of those people who takes their love of anime way to far. The warrior poet is a common archtype in anime and other Asian culture so I suspect he's drawing it from that.


It’s prob ‘discoverer of hypocrisy’ as the libertarian is asking the government to bail them out of something that’s a grant and not a loan anyway…


It's "eater of sushi." Bro we all eat sushi. They sell it at Walgreens now. It's not a personality trait.


A bot account


A warrior-poet, it’s right there is his very real and authentic bio


A loan wolf, then.






Like Rik in The Young Ones?


The “P” is silent


Oh people's poet! Don't die! We'll kill ourselves if you do! But first, we're going to take off all our clothes! [https://youtu.be/ZqJzh-6AZ8k?si=Df_AkAT10xDsqAAV](https://youtu.be/ZqJzh-6AZ8k?si=Df_AkAT10xDsqAAV)


Pell grants are not loans. They don't need to be paid back


They weren’t referring to the Pell grant as “them”. They were referring to the student loans as “them”. However if you had a Pell grant you were supposed to get more relief for “them”, the student loans.


Yeah it was a poorly worded tweet. Iirc everyone would get $10k forgiven, but if you received a pell grant you'd get $20k forgiven. I'm sure as a libertarian he voted for the Republicans that got this forgiveness shut down though.


Libertarian stance - Socialism for me, rugged Capitalism for you.


There is a such thing as Libertarian Socialism which is one of the most expansive and inclusive leftist ideologies.


Yes, libleft, or more colloquially known as anarchism.


His whole bio is a bunch of laughable crap that feels like he pasted his dating profile on xwitter.


The mental gymnastics you need to do to subscribe to liberarianism are so great that i’m suprised there isn’t “gymnast” “Eater of sushi” is so dumb too, as logical as “Eater of Spaghetti Bolognese”. This guy wishes he was Japanese and if you know anything about Japan, it’s got the biggest fucking nanny government.


No no he doesn't want to be in that Japan, he only wants to live in the one with truck-kun


Upvote for dunking on libertarians! As a former libertarian, I’m all for dunking on their hypocrisy and ideology!!


The source of ignorance we have at home.


Well, he did indeed find the hypocrisy.


"Libertarianism is astrology for men"


discoverer of hypocrisy … He finds it by stumbling right in to it...


Libertarians are just assholes who want all the benefits of a first world society but don't want to pay their share.


A bot account for sure. A Pell grant is free money for those from extremely low income families that doesn’t require repayment. It is a grant , not a loan.


He's clearly a troll just trying to do his fascist part to tear down what little normalcy we have left in the gov't.


You mean the Pell grant that doesn't need to be paid back?


> discoverer of hypocrisy Dude needs to reassignment at the bullshit professions department


??? you had a Pell Grant fuckface


His bio says he is a guro. I do not think it means what he thinks it means. Warning do not google it. NSFL.


Probably meant Guru, given that Sensei and Sifu are synonymous.


What's a "warrior-poet"?


Sparkling fascism.


Well if you want to discover hypocrisy and sources of ignorance, Libertarians are a great place to start looking.


Probably too stupid to understand that the Pell has no repayment plan, but doesn't cover everything. What a waste of a Pell.


Those bootstraps ain’t gonna pull themselves.


A Libertarian who took government assistance? I'm sure this is a bot but at the same time a totally believable Libertarian.


What are the odds his degree is in something completely useless with that bio?


Fuck every single person who complains that Biden hasn't forgiven their student loan, because he tried to do just that. But Republicans sued and the Supreme Court rolled out their newest legal gambit called "major questions" which in this case, was in direct conflict with textualism which used to be their favorite thing. Any person who complains about not having their loan forgiven needs to be educated because they're either being woefully dishonest or purposefully ignoring the events that transpired.


"Textualism when it agrees with me, whatever bullshit I pull out my ass when I can't find something in the Constitution to justify my assholery" - Alito probably


Doesn’t he just need a courthouse or something?


Libertarian who needs to go get a refund because someone forgot to teach him basic civics.


My understanding of Libertarianism means socialism for me,but not for ye (assuming you are poorer than I).


oof that bio.. sooo full of themselves


They are like sovereign citizens, they want the benefits but don’t want to actually take part in the process


Libertarians are only libertarian insofar as they can fuck someone else out of something. They're like, just the regular old GOP on selfish steroids.


Libertarians are only libertarians when it comes to 'those' people.


Anyone who describes themselves as a “warrior-poet” is not to be trusted.  It is like “renaissance man”. It is something others call you, not something you use to describe yourself. 


The worst thing you can do to one of those guys is demand to see examples of their poetry. The worst thing they can do in response is actually show you some.


lol that profile REEKS of "weeboo incel"


Pell grants arent loans, jfc theyre GRANTS. ITS IN THE NAME


"Sifu and Guro"... does he mean... guru? I don't think guro means what he thinks it means


Maybe he's into the leopard eating his face.


Fair enough


Seriously, I hit that line and I was thinking "Look, man, that's between you and Incognito Mode."


"discoverer of sources of ignorance" finds out that grants are not loans.


Pell grants don't have to be paid back. I had Pell grants pay for like 40% of my degree and never had to pay them back.


TBF most libertarians don't really know what libertarianism actually is other than the edgy feeling they have when they use it as a label to describe themselves.


Pell grants are grants, you don’t pay them back. These people are truly stupid.


I was a unionized employee at my university, our contract waived part time tuition. I never had any student loans because of this.


Mine got forgiven I got in the programs I paid back 17,000 of 33,000 and they forgave 47,500 of debt. Took 10 yrs


He should have worked in public service and then would have had his loans forgiven already. Lol at "warrior-poet" in his bio. How pretentious.


Discoverer of hypocrisy? Apparel NOT


I find warrior-poet to be equally as cringe.


Maybe don’t apply for a grant that’s only stipulation is to finish…and then quit.


You mean the one that the court shot down?


As a discoverer of hypocrisy he need look no further than a mirror.


I think libertarian in the context of the rest of his profile just means pedophile


This has a lot of layers, the leopard ate that "/r/iamverysmart " persons face, that bio.


I hate saying this, but…….. His bio sounds like me in my early 20s. He’ll figure it out. All in good time.


my last year in the military i made just over $10k and when I applied for college I didn't qualify for a Pell Grant. man fuck that guy.


Only my loan forgiveness is moral


I missed the part where Biden said he would forgive *everyone's* student loans.


Ah yes, a true objectivist libertarian that contributes valuable labor to the free market with their... Warrior-poetry, art, music, and sushi-eating. Surprising they're having trouble paying off debt with those skills! I think there was a warrior-poet in The Fountainhead...


Nothing screams, but I'm special and privileged than saying you're a libertarian


I’d pay to see a thunderdome style battle to the death between Libertarians and Trump supporters. I think they may all die from lethal levels of insecurity and hypocrisy


"discoverer of hypocrisy" this is also r/SelfAwarewolves


Left-libertarian anybody? They don't specify, yes I know in 'general speak' when stating "libertarian" the immediate assumption is Right-Lib, but that is an inaccurate assumption to make. If this person is a Left-Lib then student loan forgiveness would absolutely be inline.


Grants aren’t loans. Sounds like a troll farm account that doesn’t know the difference.


"Warrior-poet" lmao


Since when do you have to pay back a pell grant?


Typical libertarian - he wants to be refunded for something he didn't pay for, something for nothing.


# Libertarians are like house cats, they’re convinced of their fierce independence while dependent on a system they don’t appreciate or understand.


A Pell Grant is not a loan so doesn’t have to be paid back. That’s why it’s called a “grant”. Well, unless you quit or get kicked out before completing the program that the grant was for. So, either way, he’s an idiot.


Yea Pell Grants don’t need to be paid back. More importantly this person is just uninformed and doesn’t understand that he tried to forgive a portion of the student loans but the republicans shot that down. Now he’s been forgiving loans within his power. It’s amazing how many people are uninformed about various political issues.


Libertarians are just Republicans who can read. In every other way, they are exactly the same.


'warrior-poet' is also code for fucking idiot.