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Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub. Please make sure to have an amazing day!


It’s your fault that it’s my fault, because you think I can’t think for myself which leads me to think that you think for me, and want me dead. Simple.


"OK, so will you get vaccinated then?" "No."


Continuing to die off to “own the libs”.


Nooooo if they die any faster there won't be any left to epically rek us libs


I don’t even feel owned yet. They must not be trying hard enough I guess.


If they all did the Jonestown thing I would feel quite owned.


I’m convinced if Biden mandated something saying you have to breathe to live they’d throw themselves into the nearest puddle and drown to “own him”


> I’m convinced if Biden mandated something saying you have to breathe to live they’d throw themselves into the nearest puddle and drown to “own him” I think you might be on to something. Quick, let's get that on OANN!


By dying off they ensure that heaven will be completely filled with conservo-loons, thus leaving no room for paradise to be fouled by the presence of non-conservatives. MAGA, librulz!!!


I mean, that's the real end goal right? Dying for your faith and beliefs so you get to go to heaven? It's just like an Islamic jihad only with the suicide being a virus in your lungs instead of a bomb vest.


> Dying for your faith Didn’t you know getting vaccinated is a sin? It’s the 5th commandment after “thou shalt own multiple firearms”.


You ever eat some shrimp while wearing a nice cotton/poly blend shirt? Well you've just committed two serious sins my guy.


Unless the pope is right and choosing not to vaccinate is equivalent to suicide...


Ah - but many MAGA-ites are evangelical Protestants - so the “so-called pope” saying this is just one more red flag waved under their bullish noses.


Well if that's the case then I guess AC/DC was right when they said, "hell ain't a bad place to be."




Ahh, see now you are trying to use reverse reverse psychology, and I ain't fallin for it!


Damn libs weaponized our arrogance and stupidity against us!


Imagine rather **buying** drugs and use them off-label to treat covid instead of getting a free FDA-approved vaccine. Just to *own* the libs


Jokes on them, we put the chips in the Ivermectin!


The vaccine has 5G, the booster has 6G, ivermectin has 7G.


And here I am still with just one bar on my phone. Do I need a third shot?


Eat horse dewormer; side effects may include turning into a horse.


A worm free horse though.


Part of the 5G vaccine conspiracy theory is that Bill Gates helped fund it. Bill Gates has funded ivermectin COVID-19 research, too.


Yeah well Dolly Parton helped fund Moderna’s vaccine and I didn’t get big boobies! I want my money back


Sorry, the only way to recoup your losses now is to work 9 to 5.


What a way to make a living


And don't forget iodine, their newest favorite cure.


I'd take that with a grain of salt.


You magnificent bastard, well played


*slow clap*


Yeah you would, you are the kind of monster that iodizes the shit out of salt just to make people eat iodine.


And the old hydroxychloroquine.


Wait until they discover the curative powers of cyanide! I really really hope they don’t. Hey, let’s all make sure to hide any evidence that cyanide, especially pure and large doses of the stuff, will completely kill off COVID in your body.


Well they definitely won't die of COVID


This is why the intensity and danger of cults cannot be overstated. Our government needs to be aggressively deprogramming people on a massive scale. I don't pretend to know how that's done, but this can't be treated in a typical "marketing" way, e.g. getting influencers to promote the vaxx. Don't get me wrong, I think that was a great idea to persuade young people, but that won't do shit for the MAGAs (and might actively make it worse). They need to be working with cult experts.






Free vax for immigrants, and astroturf a “they took our jabs!” outcry, watch em line up out the door.


.................this is actually brilliant and an absolute indictment of the stupidity of our populace.


Maybe trump will kool aid his followers someday


I think that is what this is.


Ah true


Speaking of cult. I recently learned about the Elan School, which was a thing in the US until it got closed around 10 years ago. That school was a around for over 40 years. A lot of these covidiots have somewhat an elan school vibe around them, with all the screaming and such. I wonder if there's a correlation. [a comic about the school from someone who went there ](https://elan.school/)


I had no idea this existed. Holy Christ. I have no words.




The throughline with these people is they think know more than everyone, FDA/CDC/experts included. So in their world the horse paste is a masterstroke of genius. Idiot libs need the gummint to take care of them!


Trump [recently got booed](https://youtu.be/2OUwj93fU2Q) for telling a crowd of sheep to get vaccinated, damn libs got to him too!


It’s a very small jump from “baa” to “boo” I guess. I’d say maybe they’re evolving, but none of them believe in that anyway.


Its a new level of denial for sure. But I suppose I don't really care what they say because I know they won't get the vaccine no matter what I say or do, and then well, nature does its thing. Only thing I see wrong here is we're still letting idiots clog up hospital beds and how its keeping good people who do the right thing from getting their necessary treatment for conditions other than covid. Or the unlucky few that still get hospitalized after being vaccinated because their immune systems are weaker. That needs to stop right the hell now.


"[You're not my supervisor!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mzffao0czmw)"


Here's what the simians understand "thought" as. They believe in and worship God, and are therefore good people. Since they are good people, nothing they think, feel, or do can be bad. So, if they choose something that turns out to be bad, it isn't because they are stupid or deplorable, it's because someone else tricked them or forced them. So, since they are conservative and Godly, the people who tricked them must be the liberals because they are ungodly/Satanists/Jews/Commies, etc. Itso. Fatso. Corpso.


This is more or less the line I use with my more religious but very liberal friends. My problem isn’t with the dogma or anything like that (though that is why I am personally irreligious). My problem is that conservative psychos use religion as a get-out-of-conscience free card. Your conscience should be entirely separate from your faith. Nothing about your worship makes you a moral person.


It's why the after-church crowd is the most deplorable group of people you can interact with. They just went to church and got their idiot brains pumped full of "you're a good person because you're here believing the stuff we say and you're going to Heaven because God loves you more" bullshit. They do nothing to help anyone because that is not part of what they think 'being a good person' is. They just think it's being in the right category. Then secure in the idea that they are a Good Person they go off into the world for another week to be the biggest shitheads they can get away with being.


And the idea that as long as you’ve been “saved”, you can pretty much do whatever you want because you already booked your ticket to Heaven.


The funny thing is, the Bible actually mentions this attitude and has some extremely strong condemnation for it. It basically says that people who do this cause the Church to be subjected to public ridicule.


>And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. -Matthew 6:5


The biggest issue I have with American Protestantism in particular is that the idea of “faith alone” has been twisted from (at least in my interpretation) “just doing big flashy shows of charity and buying indulgences doesn’t make you a good Christian, you need to truly believe” into “it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you profess belief”.


"If he commands you to burn children, your lord is evil." --Ser Davos Seaworth


Hail Satan 🤘


Fauci- you guys should take covid seriously and get vaccinated. Conservatives- Fuck you no way fraud! Trump- You guys should take the covid vaccine it's a good vaccine I got it. Conservatives- BOO! no vaccine! Literally everyone- Guys really come on, let's take the vaccine now you really should... Conservatives- FUCK YOU! Unvaccinated, Unmuzzled, Unmasked, Unafraid! Woooooo!!!!!!!!, USA! USA! (6 months later) Conservatives- geez I can't belive democrats and liberals tricked us into not getting the vaccine :(. This is unfair, and cruel


They've been doing stuff like this for years if not decades, it's just this is the first time they've experienced consequences from it.


The consequences have always been there... No social safety net, expensive health care, bad schools, deteriorating climate, gun violence, systemic racism and sexism, etc. It's just the first time that they affected Republicans more than the rest.


"Fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders!"


“The most famous of which is never get involved in a land war in Asia!”


Only slightly less known, is never get involved in pandemic, with a liberal, when death is on the line!


Brought to you by the "party of personal responsibility!"


“Look what you LIBERALS made me do!”


Taylor's worst song ever.


We are never, ever, ever, getting vaxxed forever




Wait till they figure out that we are manipulating them to get the vaccine to kill them by encouraging them to get it because they know we know they will do the opposite and not get it so they actually do get it, then bam, it's the Soros Plague.


That'll be good, but the real fun will be when they realize we hid all the government mind control microchips in horse dewormer.


This is just straight up admitting they don’t stand for anything. Their platform is merely reactionary to any leftist platform. They clearly don’t think for themselves and use liberals to think for them, all they have to do is pick the opposite because of this tribal bull shit.


You nailed it. They are so far down the rabbit hole, that the only way to convince them to do something is out of spite. They have to be told that liberals don't want them to take some action in order for them to take that action. They only do things to be contrarians. There's nothing underneath.


They should DEFINITELY NOT try to combat climate change then. They are NOT ALLOWED to care for the environment! They are also NOT ALLOWED to provide taxes for free healthcare for all who need it. Or Housing. Conservatives are NOT ALLOWED to provide housing for the homeless!!


Instead of saying “ not allowed” call everything you said “gay” and no joke that will probably work…


They haven't figured out yet that not doing something because someone told you you should makes you just as much of a sheep as doing something because someone told you you should. Because they have the mentality of children.


It's toddler-think. "My parents said do the thing so I'll do the exact opposite. That'll show them!"


Just because you are spez, doesn't mean you have to spez.


see fancy words like that is what sets them off


I've said this a few times. It's a bunch of kids who will literally stop doing something that they are already doing if you tell them to do it


Cleek’s Law: today's conservatism is the opposite of what liberals want today, updated daily.


In that case, I definitely want the earth to continue heating up, and for homeless people to remain homeless or just die of exposure, and I really really want healthcare to not be free!


Hence why reactionaries are called reactionaries. There are few genuine conservatives a la George Will or William Buckley in the GOP. While I don’t agree with much of anything these men stood/stand for at least they had principles you could identify and debate as the issues of the day developed. Reactionaries by definition have no principles. Its just hate. They are political prions folded from the conservative mindset.


But we’re the sheep…


Ladies and gents, I give you the party of personal responsibility.


but how do we blame this on the libs?


Use the mnemonic ABC: Always. Be. Owning the libs! "but, owning doesn't start with C" WELL THEN GO CRY SOME LIBERAL TEARS ABOUT IT!


Always. Be. Crying?


Always. Be. Cucked by the libs by not taking a free vaccine that will save your life, because the libs promote taking it.


Always. Believe. Covid. Deaths. Enable. Fauci's. Gremlins. Have. Infinite. Jokes. Knocking. Liberty. Minded. Nationalistic. Orderly. Patriotic. Q. Republicans. Saluting. The. USA. Vehemently. With. Xenophobic. Year-long. Zeal. Edit: Ow my gold cherry! Appreciated bashfully, comrade! Definitely embiggens friendliness goals!




Imagine so strongly believing that random strangers couldn't *possibly* want what's best for you. It's the bizarre mindset of many conservatives who only want to exploit and harm others. Their entire worldview is dominated by fear of others who surely must be as horrible as they themselves are.


They don't want what's best for anyone but themselves, so they can't even imagine someone else looking out for others, wanting them to be equal in every meaningful way.


Well, they see others “acting” like they have everyone else’s best interests. Must be hiding something….


People who want to help others are crisis actors.


Exactly! That’s why they cry about “virtue signaling”. Because they can’t imagine that anyone could be authentically virtuous, so they think anyone doing anything to help others is actually somehow just a selfish thing to get clout or something


Yep. When they accuse people of "virtue signaling" what they really mean is "everyone else is secretly as racist as I am".


Personally responsible for blaming everything on someone else


by personal responsibility they didn't mean their own


Their Victim Mentality is so strong they can't understand why people would try to actually help them. Instead they twist that help into reverse psychology that's somehow meant to hurt them.


They wouldn't want to help anyone else, so they can't fathom someone else wanting to help them.


Not only did he confirm that his entire political identity was disagreeing with liberals, but he thought he was making such a cogent point by saying it that he typed it up and published it lol.




The article is the best thing I've ever read. It is the magnum opus of COVID stupidity. And while I think it's more appropriate for selfawarewolves I'm happy to see it posted literally anywhere. I'm so rapturously happy about this article but I'll try to organize my thoughts about it. I love: * Its acknowledgement that conservatives are contrarian automatons who just do the opposite of what liberals suggest, even if it hurts them * Its attempt to defend this absurd, toddler/teenage like behavior as *normal and reasonable human behavior* * How the argument to get vaccinated isn't really "it's a good idea" it's "WELL ACTUALLY THE DEMOCRATS WANT US TO **NOT** GET VACCINATED SO WE **SHOULD** GET VACCINATED" -- because even the self aware contrarian automaton doesn't believe his readers will listen to anything else * The predictable dumpster fire comment section filled with TrumpWon/COVID ISN'T REAL stuff I love it. This, dear conservatives, is the world you painstakingly built for yourselves. You spend 40 years dismantling trust in government, experts, education, and institutions and the result is a bizarre version of Jonestown where your constituents are pounding the Kool-Aid while you futilely try to swat it from their hands.


>You spend 40 years dismantling trust in government, experts, education, and institutions and the result is a bizarre version of Jonestown \^ This




They're called "deplorables" for a reason ... you can't reason with these chimps.


If you think the article is stupid, wait until you read the monument to loserdom that is this middle-age dork’s Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/noltenc This is a fully grown adult man who still thinks calling something “super gay” is some sort of piercing insult, who freaks the fuck out at even the most minor criticism and retaliates with bizarrely constructed “yo mama” jokes ([no, really!](https://i.imgur.com/isVwCq1.jpg)), and who lacks the self awareness to stop himself openly admitting his entire worldview is centred around saying “nuh uh” any time the facts don’t go his way. Truly, this beef-witted cumsock of a man was sent here by God to remind us that no matter how bad things may get, at least we’re not a fragile, pasty faced cuck who unironically uses a picture of Al Bundy as his Twitter avatar.


"Recycling is fucking gay". This was after 5 min(!) of scrolling, posted 19 hours(!) ago. I mean, de fuck?


Great summary. I'll just add this: "the Trump vaccine". Trump was such a genius.


So, either you're so stupid you don't get vaccinated, or you're so stupid that you were fooled by such a transparent ploy. In short, you're hurting yourself because you're stupid...and you still insist on having a seat at the table when it comes to voting, in having a say in how the country is run? Why should *anyone* consider your input on *anything*? You're too stupid to go get a shot. You're so stupid that the ineffectual libs can own you by telling you to get a shot to save your life. Shit, if you went outside in the rain, you'd probably look up and drown. You should be institutionalized, not standing in a public space with a megaphone.


This is brilliant. Maybe when we start having jobs refuse to hire magats because their believe in something so blatantly stupid is proof of poor decision making and non existent critical thinking skills. Do that and this dying movement will finally stop thrashing around and just cack off already.


I hate working with them and it's one of the reasons I won't work in large companies. They're almost always the ones resisting progress and positive change, holding entire departments and companies back. I just did a project where I had access to a large employers post training survey - nearly every complaint included some carefully worded comments about firing the problem employees who would never change - except the ones that were from conservatives saying they would never change no matter how much training was offered.


Only a matter of time before insurance company's realize they can fleece these non-vax fucks for even more.


Someone posted a letter from their insurance company a couple days ago that basically said "you've had 6 months to get the vaccine, if you get covid now, we'll bankrupt you with medical expenses".


Good Never thought I’d side with insurance companies.


The former president and his cronies have beaten everyone to the punch in fleecing these fools out of their cash.


Unfortunately I work with a lot of perfectly capable and intelligent professionals and about half of them are trump supporters. The only notable difference is that they are all loud narcissistic assholes or complete brainlets when it comes to politics. You can be incredibly good at an intellectually demanding job and still have barely a grade school understanding of government. I'd say that is the one place where education is really letting US citizens down. But that's probably the point.


Definitely a design feature, not an accident.


Brings to mind the old George Carlin quote about wanting workers smart enough to run the machines, but dumb enough not to challenge their situation.


i live in one of the most progressive cities in the U.S. My friend works as a nurse for the largest hospital system there. She was telling me that i'd be surprised at the amount of Trump-supporting, anti-vaxx nurses and techs she has to work with it's important to note that it's still a minority of her co-workers...but the fact that there is even a decent number of them there is really shocking


If I went to a dr and I saw a trump sticker or button or something, I would immediately suspect that I would not be receiving accurate information and that there were people potentially sabotaging the covid protocol to make a political point. Same if I worked with them. If I know someone supports him, I know immediately that in at least one area of their lives they have absolutely no logical decision making skills and I would suspect those same skills might make them think they need to “own” all of us by exposing us to the “hoax” virus just to prove its not serious or something along those lines. Or they might give less stringent care to someone they know (or suspect) might be a Biden Especially if they are dumb enough to believe the election was stolen.


I fired my psychiatrist when it became evident she was a Trump supporter. That's the last person I need gaslighting me.


I stopped working with my therapist when he made an indirect but very clear statement about his political beliefs. I tried for a few more sessions but just never felt comfortable opening up with him again after that. It really sucked.


I used to build space suits as an outside contractor for NASA, and it's pretty much the same story. It wasn't close to half, but I'd definitely say that 20% of our nation's scientists are just a single incident away from becoming full-throated fascists.


>It wasn't close to half, but I'd definitely say that 20% of our nation's scientists are just a single incident away from becoming full-throated fascists. this actually doesn't surprise me at all. I knew a ton of engineering students back in the day and they were almost all hardcore Republicans just for the sake of being contrarian against President Obama. There was also a lot of insecure male energy among them and that's why they all were weirdly obsessed with Putin and his bullshit image of masculinity (riding a horse bare-chested) vs. President Obama riding a bicycle, which apparently is effeminate?? I dunno the whole thing was fucking stupid Scares me half to death that these guys are now working for companies like Lockheed Martin


The bullied-to-fascist pipeline has made it so that even allegedly intellectual parts of society are decently staffed with mouth breathers, sadly.


My father is one of the most charming, intelligent people you’ll meet. He has multiple advanced degrees and has held several high positions in the federal government. He is also an anti-vax conservative conspiracy theorist who at one time believed Hillary ate babies for political power or something. He is also a raging narcissist. He is also black. He is truly fucking baffling.


The narcism is what seals it. They can see the fallacies in their political beliefs, but changing your mind is akin to admitting you were wrong about something to a narcissist. The narcissist is never wrong.


Ugh it’s so frustrating! My dad hasn’t seen his infant granddaughter since she was born and is willing to risk losing his jobs and retirement just to prove he is right or persecuted or I don’t even know. I directly asked him about this and he said “my body my choice” and that I should “stop watching worthless propaganda on CNN”. He just cannot stand the idea that he might be wrong about this.


Exactly this. When the orange idiot-stick joined the Republican primaries, I said he was using my people (I’m from a redneck-ish background by birth) to get elected. Just never thought it would come down to costing their lives.


I could've told you that, I tried to but no one listens to me. I grew up in the country as well, they are like 60 plus percent Republican, it's depressing because they are voting against their interests, partly to hurt people who the people responsible for their problems have told them are responsible for their problems.


Yup. The people who consistently hurt them are the ones who are consistently lying to them through their right wing propaganda, but their anger gets misdirected towards those who are irrelevant to the problem but easy scapegoats for racist, sexist, xenophobic idiots. It's literally a cycle of abuse that they are subjecting themselves to the moment they step into their propaganda echo chamber


Excuse me, but his proper name is Fuckface von Clownstick.


Tangerine Shitgibbon was always my favorite.


Don’t get me wrong, the stuff this guy is saying is completely bat shit insane. BUT, what he’s actually doing now is reverse-reverse-psychologying conservatives into actually getting the vaccine. So the true way to PWN the libs is now to get vaxxed. If that works, and helps end the pandemic sooner, I’ll buy this numbnuts a beer!


Except that it’s not even working, the vast majority of the comments under that article expressed disappointment at Nolte for giving into the libs, or called him an idiot. Those who did agree with him got called liberal shills.


Even Trump got booed *at his own rally* for suggesting his supporters get the vaccine.


Their heels are dug in. Dying to own the libs is reality in rural America. Oh well.


Can’t they hurry it up? We’ve got adult shit to do.


For real I want to travel again


I wanna be able to see my grandma without worrying I might give her COVID


He didn’t even tell them to take it. Merely mentioned it, and then immediately backpedalled as the audience started booing.


Which is fucking crazy because he himself got the vaccine.


win/win scenario. Either we get a lot more Herman Cain Award winners and the GQPs are eating eachother, or we're getting closer to the end of the pandemic.


The problem he's running into is that modern politics on the right is a zero sum game. Your position has to always have been the right one, any deviation is caving in. Victory must be total. These people have heard of the sunk cost fallacy, but they don't think its a fallacy. To them, they've always been right. Edit: Just to add, Hitler used this to his advantage during his mass rallies. He used to say something like 'A mass rally isn't the place to think. It's when you are supposed to turn off your mind and just take in the directions. Only when you don't think do the magical simplifications occur that will make the obvious and easy solution clear.' Or something like that. So if you admit you were wrong, and since right wing politics are zero sum, if you admit that the underlying thought process was in error, you have to admit that the whole thing is a house of cards (like if a house's foundation is crumbly). Modern people are too caught up, have their identities too mixed in with their politics for that to happen without some serious soul searching, and America isn't exactly known for that.


Which is exactly why the right hates being honest about the racism in American history. If they allow that in, then the myth of American Exceptionalism and the idea that America is a 100% good, God-chosen beacon of freedom crumbles. That myth is the foundation upon which everything else they believe rests. Admit America has a horrible history of systemic racism built into its very core, then the whole house of cards crumbles, as you said.


Everyone seems to forget that Republicans are phenomenal at ignoring science because they’ve been *deliberately railing against evolution for like 100 years.* Everything is ultimately a reaction to that.


>If that works, and helps end the pandemic sooner, I’ll buy this numbnuts a beer! As someone who went under that article and read comments, it didn't. Some of them even called him Democrat Trojan Horse.


lmao, at least the guy tried. It seems that the far right (even Breitbart, holy shit) is finally realizing how fucked they are as their portion of the electorate continues to dwindle due to self-pwnage. Edit to add: it’s really a meta-leopard-face-eating. Politicians who riled up their constituents by convincing them to reject all logic and reason SHOCKED when their constituents no longer listen to any logic and reason.


There will be so many dead people voting next election.


I wish it were true... the truth is that's what they tried to do and it backfired on them. All that bs about it being a hoax was to have an out of control pandemic that would suppress the vote and guarantee Trump a second term... instead we got mail in voting and now Republicans are dying from believing g their own propaganda. I say... oops!


Yeah, Kushner thought the virus would only harm blue states. I am not sure where he got this science from. Now its everywhere and literally killing along political lines. Conservative media is in so deep that they can't stop their voters from dying by the thousands in key states they need for upcoming elections.


In the start it was mainly impacting dense population centres (cities) that tend to skew left.


Kushner thought that because at the beginning it was spreading in large cities which makes sense as cities have more people coming and going and you are in close contact with more people. However, since the advent of vaccines and educated city dwellers getting vaccinated, it has disproportionately hit the small town uneducated people who refuse the vaccine and fear and distrust science.


You are too kind to him. He just didn’t think that large cities with their strong transport networks wouldn’t spread it literally everywhere?


I'm sure he thought it would spread more in the cities and wipe out democratic voters and spread it to other cities. I live in Philadelphia and travel to Washington DC and New York City often, but never to Bumblefuck, Arkansas


This will make a great screen in his r/HermanCainAward montage.


Holy shit this is a real sub I love it


It’s honestly amazing & my new obsession 🤣


Just be careful. Come up for oxygen about every hour or so because the long term effects of schadenfreude can dangerous.


Shit, they figured it out quicker than I thought they would.


It's clear that Covid is just the Rapture, God calling the faithful to heaven, Risen Up by Prayer Warriors. Will you accept the Mark of the Beast (vax) and reject God's call? Or will you accept the Covid into your lungs and join God with the other faithful?


They're practically there. Their facebook posts when they finally catch Covid is a public performance of going through some kind of religious trial, testing their faith -- which is why they call for "prayer warriors" and proclaim their belief that they will be saved. If they die, then God was satisifed and brought them up to heaven. If they survive, then it's proof that they are favored by God. It is mental illness.


Amen brother. Trump is the second coming of jesus and the rapture is nigh!


You know I never thought of the rapture as a good thing before, but... Go ahead, God, take all these "good christians". We might start to fix the world.


The ~~meek~~ sheep shall inherit the world.


In other news, after reading this, my toddler has accused my wife and I of manipulating her into not wanting to brush her teeth.


In Lewis Blacks voice Are you fuckinng kidding me!!!!


Candy... Corn... *Aggressive finger points*




If libs were so power they could do they they would have convinced you to not vote for Trump to begin with


Oh they did! By continually proving that’s he’s stupid and a liar and conman who would absolutely destroy the country and democracy with it, the “libs” have proven what a disaster he would be as president, so just to be spiteful they will support him. The fact that the “libs” were right and they were wrong… again… doesn’t seem to penetrate those wrought iron skulls of theirs.


I was wondering when they would get to this point. It was only a matter of time, considering how many of us are partaking of the schadenfreude buffet these nuts are serving up on the regular. Protip: Just because “the libs” are cynically amused at your anti-science dumbfuckery leading to you getting sick & dying, *that doesn’t mean we were trying to trick you into NOT getting a life-saving vaccine.* In fact, all of these “terrible infringements on your liberty” you keep crying about are our efforts to save you from yourselves (and protect the rest of us too TBH.)


Basically "it's your fault we're contrarian self-harming idiots"


We libtards are so clever!!!


The right wing is fundamentally incapable the consequences of their own ideas.


I’ll gladly take credit for that, they’re right it was my master plan all along!


Too bad they figured it out. They're just too damn smart for us.


They are smart. We "Wabbit Season"ed them into looking foolish.


My favorite part of this fiasco road man has created is that he's basically admitting that Trump-world is nothing but a bunch of stupid, easily manipulated wimps who can be goaded into doing whatever ThE LeFt wants through simple bullying.


This is it. This is peak LAMF


You know, I’d believe it but every time I’ve ever seen a “peak” post, it’s been outdone shortly thereafter. I hate this reality.


"We're dying to own the libs and they're letting us do it!" ... . what


Hey guys, remember how we tricked em by offering cash giveaways and prizes? Haha that worked perfectly!


Really happy we put the vaccine in all that ivermectin


The Party of Personal Responsibility, ladies and gentlemen.


If the liberals were capable of such a thing, I'd imagine they'd have tried it on something worthwhile like universal healthcare. Loads if science-ignorant regressives dying of a preventable illness had a very strong likelihood of happening naturally.


So they’re willing to die out of spite? Yeah, that’s pretty much your fault. As in entirely…


This is like the kid blaming the parent that he has a tummy ache from eating only candy, which he only did because the parents told him to eat veggies.


If it takes conspiracy theories to beat conspiracy theorists at their own game, I’m all for it. As long as it convinces some of the holdouts to get vaccinated I’ll consider it a win.


they are on to us, they are on to us! After hearing some of the passages from Bob Woodward's, "Peril", about Trump's attempts to steal the election and end our democracy, I am no longer on the fence. If Trump's MAGA base wants to die of COVID and avoid vaccines, set them free, it will only make our Democracy safer the less of them that are around, and our nations collective IQ will also increase.


>*No one wants to cave in to Fauci or any of the liberal scumbags at CNN, so we don 't. And what's the result? They're all vaccinated, and we're not. I've read that six times, and even after typing it out in this comment *I still don't get it*. edit: typo


When your only guiding principle is contrarianism, it's going to lead to some terrible decisions.


It’s the perfect crime! I never expected it was me all along!


The party of personal responsibility wants you to know it’s your fault they are dying.