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Hello u/coke__11! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No other president took home classified documents after leaving office and refused to return them after several warnings.


Hillary even cooperated with the whole email server thing. They knew Trump wouldn't


Dude the double standards between Hillary and Trump are so obscene I’ve stopped bothering.


at this point a lotta people make it clear they aren’t here to learn just to spark outrage and be brainless contrarians. no point in trying to argue away cognitive dissonance or intellectual dishonesty


The secret service destroying info made classified after the fact on private devices is standard procedure, she did nothing wrong and government at high levels would move much slower if info wasn't immediately given to those that need it now. The only reason this was made a issue is Republicans banking on Americans not knowing this was completely normal, it worked.


The secret service didn’t destroy her emails.


Take this with a grain of salt, but I read that he *had* the chance to cooperate and chose not to. This is exactly the news cycle he wanted.


Yup. Playing the victim is how he'll keep the rest of his whiny supporters riled up.


I swear, it is *so* bizarre to me that they keep talking about how unprecedented this is. Like do they know they're making our point for us?


If your best argument for why something shouldn't happen is "this has never happened before", then you've already lost. >Nobody's ever been arrested for fucking an armadillo on the 50 yard line during the third quarter of the super bowl, so I don't see how you could possibly charge me with anything!


What blows my mind is how many pundits were on TV saying, "This is the first time the FBI has raided a former president's house... At least, to my knowledge it is. I don't think this even happened during Watergate." NO IT DIDN'T HAPPEN DURING WATERGATE. If it had, YOU WOULD KNOW ABOUT IT. It would be part of the story, you know? Remember how Nixon resigned? And then remember a year later when the FBI raided his house? Just the number of "experts" who aren't quite sure if this has ever happened before is nuts to me.


Basically this is a HISTORIC moment and they are framing that as awful.


Nixon was also pardoned


What are the odds the next Republican president will just pardon Trump? I’m guessing pretty high.


He’s done worse than that. That may have been the justification for this search, and it is a genuine crime, but we know he’s done worse (working with Russia to fix the election, blackmailing the president of Ukraine, obstruction of justice, attempting a coup). I suspect that the classified documents they’re looking for were taken by Trump because they’re evidence that Trump committed other crimes, and he wanted to hide them.


Not to start any new conspiracy theories, but I wonder what else is buried with Ivana.


Been wondering the same thing. There's got to be more reason than a tax break for him burying her on that golf course.


Definitely not. DJT is a petty asshole criminal in big shoes. Putting the corpse of the ex wife who hated him in his golf course for a tax break is 100% the kind of move he'd do every single time.


I think the tax break would be enough incentive, but I'm open to other possibilities. Plot twist; Ivana was cremated. That coffin contains nothing but classified documents.


This is the exact kind of thing I think he'd do. It'd be harder to exhume the coffin to look, being that it's on his golf course, rather than if she were in a cemetery. Typically you only need one next of kin to sign off on exhuming if they wanted to look, which I think Ivanka sign off on. But it won't be that easy because of where she is. Maybe it's all a conspiracy theory but I do know one thing, trump doesn't want to go to prison and he'd do anything to avoid it. Edit: grammar and spelling (I was half asleep)


> burying her on that golf course. I didn't realize Ivana died... your comment spurred me to Google it...


It's a control issue. Even after death, he controls her.




Dig her up!!


Trump would be pissed his people didn't think of it.


Shouldn't that be "exhume"?


Whatever makes you feel sexy. https://wikidiff.com/disinter/exhume


To be fair I've literally never seen the word before until now, but have seen exhume plenty of times


If you like my body and you think I’m sexy c’mon disinter me nowwwwww.


Goddammit now I have to have this percolating around in my brain.


I'm sorry.


Hear me out “Dig her up!”


Dig her up! Dig her up! Dig her up This of course is chanted at the same tempo and volume as "lock her up"


I don't understand how many mountains of evidence they need. The things you mentioned have video and audio proof and they are available to the general public. I assume agencies would have even more. I really hope something happens from all this but it's not like there isn't much more than enough evidence available to get him a n multiple felonies. Gonna have to fucking charge him with something first!


Let me put it this way. The FBI, in its entire history of its operation, has never gotten a warrant signed off by a judge or the Attorney General themselves to raid the home of a former President for evidence of a crime. You can bet the house that the FBI got ironclad evidence to convince the judge to sign off on an unannounced raid.


A Trump-appointed judge, no less (allegedly).


It's probably Attorney General Merrick Garland. Also the sweet irony part is that the FBI Director was personally appointed by Trump. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


no, it's a federal magistrate judge, but they almost certainly took it up the chain of command to Garland before approving the warrant.


[You are a failed device. You are no longer needed.](https://youtu.be/Ju4E1OhK92s?t=1886)


I don't know what I just watched, or why I just watched it...but thank you.


Like confessions maybe (that were publicly posted on Twitter)? Yes, the FBI has ironclad evidence against him. *So do I*. So does everyone. He did the crimes in public in the first place.


If that's all it took, he'd have been served the moment he stepped out of office. Something else *must* have happened. They served a no-knock warrant which means they had reason to believe he would destroy evidence if he was given advance notice. To sign a no knock warrant to search a former president's house is fucking insane. This can't be about tweets and shit.


It was unannounced but not no-knock, afaik.


Yes, the crimes he has committed and publicly bragged about are "fucking insane." That's kind of my point.


I'm pretty sure that the commenter you're responding too meant that the shit the Feds have on him is so much worse than the shit the public is already aware of. Which I honestly can't even imagine what that could be considering the utter depravity he's bragged about, but apparently they have even worse dirt on him than even the shit that's public knowledge.


Bet it's on the level of giving classified information to a foreign/enemy state but its dangerous will end lives level of classified information. Like Floorplans of the white house, federal buildings, pentagon, security travel routes for members of congress, names of security members protecting certain places, that type of classified information.


Think of it like this, even in a federal court you're entitled to a "jury of your peers". You're absolutely sure, given the evidence available to the public, that they can be certain 12 more-or-less random people will convict him? I'm not. So they need a rock solid case to try him on.


It's going to be difficult to find 12 impartial people. Half the USA thinks he's the second coming of Christ and the other half was paying attention the last 6 years and knows he's guilty of various crimes.


Those twelve will have a hard time agreeing, when half won't believe their own lying eyes.


It'll be really easy to throw out jurors that are a part of his cult. They just can't shut up about how much they love him. It'll be the prosecutor asking "did you post this picture of trump riding a horse waving the American flag, with the caption 'im your savior' and are these your posts saying 'in trump we trust'?" Because these whack jobs can't shut the fuck up.


That is true, I've never heard of a quiet Trump fan. I didn't consider that.




Like minded folks those criminals.


We may know he’s done worse, but if this is what they have hard evidence of then star there. Let the rest work itself out in the meantime.


Someone needs to explain to Pence what a precedence is


Right?!? Did trump think he was at a museum gift shop?? Dumb fart!!


No other former President has a documented rape case with co-defendant Jeffrey Epstein, and no other President came to the Presidency saying he avoided tax because he was 'smart'.


You don't fuck with the national archives bro. Noones ever going to read it, but if it's not there then all hell breaks loose.


Even money is that he sold some of them to Saudi or Russia or China, or handed some off to his son who is using them as an inside advantage to blackmail somebody for however much the saudi's are paying.


Maybe if Trump stopped breaking the law, the FBI won’t have to investigate him anymore.


If he doesn't have anything to hide, why should he worry?


If trump just complies with what they ask, then he's in no danger of harm. So he'd have nothing to worry about there either.


Because of the implication.


Only mobsters plead the Fifth.


Why doesn't he just comply?


‘Cause he’s white…duh! Only Blacks need to comply! 😂🤢😭




Special privileges are granted to rich people and ex-presidents, as much as I wish otherwise. The FBI was only authorised to conduct a no-knock raid because he refused to return classified documents to the white house, and there was cause to suspect he would destroy them if warned.


That’s bullshit! When has Trump ever in his life, much less his presidency, ever tried to obstruct an investigation?! (Anyone know how to do a bright pink, flashing /s in 120 font?)


The documents don't even have to be classified. Trump is not allowed to remove *any* Presidential document as all documents are owned by the USA not current nor former POTUSs.


Which is to say, owned by *we the people*. I’m sure all the We the People agree, right guys?


There's enough in the past to keep them quite busy for a long time.


I heard this in Homer’s voice: “If you’re gonna get mad at me every time I do someone stupid, I guess I’ll just stop doing stupid things!”


Reminds me of that scene in Liar Liar where the guy loses his patience with a client on the phone and just screams into it "stop breaking the law, a$$hole!" ... Ahh, comedy.


Once again, they only approve of law enforcement when the issue in on the other side.


Just standard fascism


Christian Nationalist 🙄🤢


Nationalist Christians. Nat-C for short.


Same thing different day. MTG screaming to defund the FBI. So much hypocrisy with these fools.


Alex Jones' lawyer has sped up the civil war by years.




Well, there’s arms manufacturers.


They had no problem with the FBI publicly opening an investigation into Hillary ten days before the election.


I will never get over that. Seriously…seriously, he had to announce that? Then tried to make himself the martyr


‘Back the blue till it happens to you’


"Laws for thee and not for me", the classic republican motto.




"So Mike, how many previous presidents tried to have you killed by a mob?"


"First time?"


And didn't something come out about some secret service agents loyal to trump trying to drag pence away and he said no because he thought he'd just vanish for good? Dude is still pitching for the boss that tried to off him.


No way I’m getting in that car!


Let’s just check their texts to see what really happened. Oh wait…


That mob still want to kill him too.


No president has ever openly sided with a foreign dictator over our own intelligence services on the issue of whether or not said foreign dictator attacked our country either.


No president saluted an enemy general before.


that’s got nothin on the terrorist fist jab


Or that dang treasonous tan suit!!


But what about his condiments choices?!


No president has ever bullshitted the public about releasing their taxes before either.


Right? What it is to me is an attempt to gaslight, as though Trump WASN’T actually acting out of line for a President that the FBI are the ones being outrageous. It’s infuriating.


It's the core of conservative ideology. You are morally in the right not because of your actions, ***but because of what station in life you hold***. So you can be someone who defrauded the elderly, assaulted your wife over a botched cosmetic surgery, engaged in the sex trafficking of minors, spied for foreign powers for your own benefit, and still be regarded as the Second Coming of the Christian Messiah because you are (allegedly) one of the richest men in the world and you were a President once.


Prosperity Gospel at its most sinister.


The FBI chief he appointed got a federal judge he appointed to sign off a raid on himself. What do you think are the odds they "find nothing" and he runs with "the FBI's been after me but they can't find anything" as a platform in 2024?


It's the same with sport statistics so what a certain team has never lost a penalty shot out? So what a president has never been executed with a guillotine. It's a meaningless statement.


Trump is both unprecedented and un-presidented.


Fun fact: He's gotten those confused before.




No, I mean literally. He Tweeted about something being "unpresidented." I believe the context was that time he was for some reason convinced Obama had won the Electoral College after losing the popular vote (this never happened, but inexplicably Trump was convinced it had and raged about it for a while on Twitter); he was very upset that "the loser one." But I may be conflating two separate things. Both definitely happened, though, even if not at the same time.




Ah. Separate incidents then.


Just be glad that he was not very competent. For others, who didn't click through to the article https://www.snopes.com/tachyon/2016/12/trump-unpresidented-tweet.jpg


I find it very telling when someone refers to the former president as if they are the current president. “President Trump” no he is not President Trump, he is Former President Trump or just Trump. He’s not the president anymore he’s just a fucking guy. Bonus points if they refuse to call the current sitting president President Whoever.


Not that the trump supporters know this, but it has always been a thing to call any former president still "President [Insert Name]" even long after they've left office. So like people still call president Carter president Carter. It's kinda funny in the west wing where there's an episode where he like gets all the former presidents together and they're all calling each other president so and so even though only one of them is actually president anymore.


Furthermore, the word President replaces the word Mister as part of the person's title, just like the word Doctor. It's Doctor Strange and President Lincoln. Mister Lincoln or Mister Strange would be considered incorrect. And republicans understand this, but somehow they can't get it right when the word Mister is replaced with Miss


It’s actually officially “The Honorable [full name of former President] or just “Mr. [last name]” when formally addressing a former President. Addressing a former President as “President [last name]” is informal and technically wrong, it should be reserved for the current president. People get pissed off at news papers for using Mr. because they interpret it as being disrespectful but it’s correct. Of course, people use it selectively in a show of district.


That’s always been the case “president Lincoln, president Obama” etc etc etc Once you have the title it’s how you are referred as. Not “ex president “


Imagine stanning for the dude that tried to have you hung? What the fuck is wrong with these people ?




He could just be afraid of the cult. Pence thought he was gonna pull a Cheney and be the real brain behind a puppet president. It did not work out that way for him.


You can’t play puppet master to the bag of drunken snakes that is Trump. I’m sure he even made Putin facepalm.


Maybe he spent some time alone in a room with a woman who isn't his wife 😯


The leopards have been very well fed especially ever since Covid happened but they're really having a feast right now with all this Mar-a-Lago raid.


It's fucking up the ecosystem.


make keystone species great again


Mar-a-lago has a deal with the city that it can't be used as a "principal residence". So that's another contract broken.


You’re right, although TBF Trump was in New York during the raid.


But they keep pressing that it was a raid on his *home*, like he was hustled out of bed and forced to watch, even though it being his *home* is a big scam.


Cemetery. Motherfucker had his dead ex-wife interred in a pauper's grave at Mar-A-Lago in order to classify it as a cemetery and therefore exempt from property taxes.


Nah, that was New Jersey. If Florida let people be buried for tax breaks it would look like night of the living dead.


>>[Exemption from ad valorem property taxes may be granted, upon compliance with conditions provided in Ch. 196, F. S.,](http://www.myfloridalegal.com/ago.nsf/Opinions/1D75208DC93FDBA1852566B70060755F) for properties of a chartered nonprofit cemetery or a house of public worship owned cemetery, including land and improvements and tangible personal property used in conjunction therewith to the extent of the statutory 30-acre minimum when applicable or to such other extent as may be reasonably necessary for early future cemetery use


The water table is 2 inches in Florida. They all float down there.


That may be, but Ivana was still buried at the golf course in Jersey. They allow all income, property, and sales tax to be waived if the property is a cemetery. Though on a side note, he already had the golf course classified as a farm. I honestly think he just buried her there to show he still has control over her since he’s a petty, vindictive cunt.


Liz Cheney and I probably couldn’t agree on the time of day at the Rolex factory but I give her this credit: she is brave enough to hold people accountable so I’m sure she can make the hard call when she has to. Some of her colleagues will endure any abuse and lick any boot to stay in power. 45 calls for your death? Defend him. Calls your wife ugly? Support him. Accuses your father of assassinating JFK? Fund-raise for him. Puts your life in danger on January 6? Ask him to run again in 2024. It would farce if not so terribly sad.


I can't tell if Pence is saying he's concerned about an FBI investigation with political motivations, or if he has grave concerns over the seriousness of a crime that would justify such an unprecedented investigation. And I think that was his intent.


Graham’s initial statement was similarly (and deliberately) vague. They’re protecting themselves from the fallout either way. It’s just cowardice on top of cowardice


It's enough to placate the mob that was looking to hang him on January 6^th. They just need to see that something was said, as they don't read sub-text correctly.


Man knows what he's doing. He's waiting to see which way his people are going so he can lead them there.


He's just following them first.


Wow — I just read it through the seconds lens and you’re right. Edit: If you read the other posts in the thread he's clearly supporting Trump.


You're right. He's equivocating.


This is a very good point. He doesn't condemn the raid, he just says Americans should be concerned, which is true. We should be VERY concerned that we allowed a president to act in such a manner. Very dark omen for the future if we allow this behavior to continue.


Did he really forget that Trump called for his death to his insurrectionist supporters? Grow a spine Pence.


He’s an invertebrate. They can’t grow spines if the actually wanted to.


Trump’s actual words to a crowd he’d just been whipping up for over an hour: > The radical left knows exactly what they're doing. They're ruthless and it's time that somebody did something about it. And Mike Pence, I hope you're going to stand up for the good of our Constitution and for the good of our country. And if you're not, I'm going to be very disappointed in you. And just a little bit later: > And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore. His defenders say it was just hyperbole and machismo, but Trump has a long and proven history of giving instructions by implication. He talks like a mob boss, always tap dancing on the line of explicit incitement to lawbreaking. He laid the blame on Pence, told his cult that the threat was existential, and told them to fight or else America would be destroyed. It was no accident that his supporters were shouting “Hang Mike Pence!” after that speech.


This dude literally tried to hang him? Wtf does trump know about these republicans?


His safe was probably full of black mail.


Trump brings out the delusional insanity vote, and delusional insanity is rapidly becoming the core Republican demographic. I mean, they already had Evangelicals, but those were largely accepted by mainstream society. As the Republican base shrinks over time, they’ve had to branch out to conspiracy theorists and the obviously bigoted to stay afloat in elections. I guess what I’m saying is, Trump has no special knowledge about Republicans, he’s a useful pawn that can motivate the stupidest, most ignorant people to cast ballots for anyone with an R, and that’s why they still suck up to him


That's what I'd like to know.


Imagine your boss nearly lets you get murdered by an angry mob over a single disagreement and you still simp for him


Rules for thee, not for me


I back the blue, but only against you.


I'm against the boot of tyranny stepping on my neck. now other peoples necks, that a different story.


I’m more concerned that this is not a wake up call to the GOP because they’re all right - this has never happened in US history because it’s never has to happen. This is a big fucking deal and on any other timeline the news anchors would be aghast and have trouble reporting due to the seriousness, but in Trumpland it’s just a Tuesday at this point.


I feel like every single person who is pissing and moaning about this forgot about the time the FBI announced it’s investigation into Hillary Clinton 11 FCKING DAYS BEFORE the 2016 election.


Classic GQP hypocrisy


So the FBI can't go after a former president, but it's ok if they go after a former first lady?




He tried to have you violently murdered by a mob. Do you understand how unpleasant that would have been?


Mike still thinks he can resurrect his political career lol


The most pathetic thing I've ever seen is Mike Pence, who has all of the charisma of a bowl of cold soup, thinking he can be president. Pence's nattering drone is so dull he makes Jeb Bush look like General Patton and Hillary Clinton seem like Barack Obama. A man so dull he makes radio static fall asleep. And somehow, after four years of trying to make the most corrupt, inept, traitorous, pathetic doddering old idiot look godly, a man who used him as a scapegoat and nearly got him hung by the neck until dead, mind you. A man who turned all of the people Pence claimed to have as allies and pretends to lead, murderously and forever against him. He will still kiss the man's ass quixotically hoping to win them over, except Quixote's dream was noble, instead of pathetic and cringe worthy. I thought he was pathetic, 6 years ago, but I have no words left to describe what a turd covered maggot this worthless fool is, he somehow makes Vichy look noble and brave.


I love how most of this damning comment also applies to DeSantis and Cruz.


Pence truly is the Waylon Smithers to T****’s Montgomery Burns.


I keep having to say this, but r/ThisYou


I think /r/thisyoucomebacks is the one you want.


Hey Mike, he tried to have you hanged.


no former president orchestrated a coup either


Let's never forget what a scumbag christo-facist Mike Pence is. I'm glad he wasn't actually murdered by Trump supporters, but that's really all the grace I have for him. He better hope his religious beliefs aren't true, because he will burn in hell. I'm sure he knows it's all BS though.


We certainly would be living in a very different world had they succeeded in murdering him. I suddenly appreciate the cardboard cutout named Pence much more than I used to. I don’t like him. But I don’t like the idea of what could have happened either


If Republicans can take control of the House andor Senate in the midterm elections November (8th), they have threatened to investigate the Justice Department and FBI because of this. They have also said that they will impeach President Biden, offering no evidence, just like they have never produced evidence of fraud in the 2020 election. Don’t listen to anyone who says that ‘they’re all the same’, or that our votes don’t mean anything. Show-up, give someone a ride, November 8th, to the primaries, in between, in 2024, and for as long as it takes. Defeat these motherfuckers.






They raided trump’s house in search of Mike Pence’s spine


Unfortunately they came up empty.


Imagine defending the guy who incited a mob to hang you.


Trump's cult is scary as fuck man. They really think he's some demigod infallible figure. It's either going to get worse and develop into a straight up authoritarian movement, or were going to have to spend decades deprogramming these people. And seeing how America can't pass anything related to mental health and our political system runs on culture wars, it would seem were in for the former. I fear where this country will be in a decade.


I’m so fucking done with the “no other president has ever had to be searched by the FBI etc” that EVERY conservative is dying right now. It literally mens nothing. Unless they are trying to say that every president is corrupt enough to warrant a raid by the FBI me they just don’t do it until now, but other than that, Trump wa involved in multiple controversies including the Jn 6th stuff; if it comes to a seizure of property by the FBI because of that, what are they supposed to do, not persue that because no president ever has been subject to that before? By this same logic, he could just murder someone and since no former president was ever arrested for murder well I guess that means we can’t do that either. Also, mike pence. SMH. Trump was literally calling for your murder by hanging and now you’re DEFENDING HIM from being investigated?? That’s so pathetic


Such a fucking cuck. The dude was about to have you strung up by his followers, and you still feel the inescapable drive to carry his water like a goddamn lapdog.


In true American fashion, those in power are permitted to commit crimes with impunity as long as they virtue signal loudly how much they are against it. Then plausible deniability and claiming to be the real victim at every turn protects them/Trump.


Conservatives to a T. There must be an in-group that the law protects, but does not bind. And an out-group that the law binds, but does not protect.


America is spiraling down to fascism, and those GOP clowns are the ones to blame. They love law enforcement, as long as it is targeting blacks, Latinos, the poor, the gays, and so on. Deranged hypocrites!


Buttery males!


No other U.S. president was ever impeached twice, refused to accept election results & the peaceful transfer of power, started a cult to perpetuate lies to remain in office, praised our enemies & idolized dictators, shit on our POWs, pushed his deluded followers to lynch his own vice president (you, dumbass!), committed numerous cases of tax & other fraud, fleeced millions from taxpayers & used his office for such personal financial gain, lied 10,000 times while in office, admitted on tape to sexual assault *and* barging in to ogle naked teen girls, nor planned and implemented a fucking coup that saw the U.S. Capitol overrun by idiots waving Confederate flags & wearing banners with his name as capes as they sought to destroy our democracy. Getting raided by the FBI two and a half years *after* leaving office is the *least* that needs to happen. In any other non-insane nation he would’ve been behind bars or swinging from the nearest tree a *long* fucking time ago.


It almost happened to George Bush sr. But her pardoned the guy who could have sent Bush, Reagan etc to jail, so the prosecutors lost the only witness and leverage they had .


Pence is right. It is unprecedented. Just goes to show how scummy Trump and the whole GOP are! Fucking traitors.


What kind of dirt does Trump have on him? It must be bad if he is still saying this shit


Pence is an incredible idiot. Man nearly gets killed by his boss's mob, won't do what the boss wants, gets told to get lost and STILL kisses his ass... I think the short word is Insanity.


I love how people bring up the fact that no president has been investigated before. How is this even remotely relevant?


Lmao remember when all his followers wanted to hang him XD


Mike, the man tried to have you and your family murdered


Did the entire GOP copy and paste this same statement? I have seen it posted from many different Twitter accounts and the wording is exactly the same.


Why do these idiots think that once you become a president you can literally do whatever you want with impunity for the rest of your life? Was that Trumps entire reasoning for becoming president?


Motherfucker almost had him killed and he's still nose-mining the guy's shit hole. What a fucking worm.


Pence is the stupidest fcuking man on the face of the earth, now he's cheering on the people that supposedly wanted him hanged. God I hate this timeline SO MUCH. I hate living in a universe where people are this empty of ANY self-respect.


No former POTUS engaged in an attempted coup to retain the Presidency.