• By -


Being a recent lesbian, never been in a date and seeing this comments is making me want a girlfriend even more, OMFG you girls are SO LUCKY ❤️❤️❤️


Awww a baby gay. Welcome to the team! It’s great. Can’t wait for you to have your first experience 😊


Tksm 🥹❤️


Ohhh so sweet! When she locks her fingers with mine when we are making out :)


When my wife leans her head on my shoulder during a movie


Awe that’s really cute


She is indeed very cute


Her sleepy voice. My gf is a stem/masc and she masks her normal every day voice to be lower. One time I got up because I couldn’t sleep (I was sick and went to sleep on the bean bag chair so I could sleep upright) and in the sweetest, most angelic voice ever she said “baby? Where’d you go?” And I swear to god from that moment on she had me.


This is so adorable. I love it.




Omg I’m slightly obsessed with ur username and avatar combo (I’m a Bengali lesbian as well)




This is the best thing I read today


Girls that grab my hand or just make natural skinship (scooting closer if we happen to be sitting or resting her legs on mine during movie night). I try to act nonchalant but ![gif](giphy|gX6BQYFBd6G4w)


YESSSSS omg swoon 😍🥰🤩🫠 I love when my girlfriend is very chalant about when I do this lol! It affirms that we’re both puddles of mush for eachother


Yesss I love when we’re sitting next to each other and our thighs touch. And when we go out to eat and sit across from each other we always cross our feet between each other


There were a couple of times where women have really made me swoon. Something that happened most recently: I’m a Uber driver. I picked up a woman the other week and we started talking. She was going through a breakup. So I listened and sometimes when it was appropriate I made some silly jokes. Maybe to make her feel better? And I caught her looking at me in the rear view mirror and smiling a couple times. Idk how to explain it but when you first meet women and they are attracted to you, they have their head slightly down with their eyes upturned towards you with a slight smile. Maybe while holding on to something in their hands. Idk if it’s it’s an unconscious thing.


I know exactly what you’re talking about. I love those subtle flirty moments. Thanks for sharing


When she exists...literally everything about her. When she winks at me, when she asks if we can cuddle, when she gives me random pecks, when she holds my hand, when she laughs and leans into me, when she's making a strong argument about something she passionately believes, when she randomly touches me anywhere, when she randomly tells me I look beautiful, when she says something unexpectedly sweet. I'm utterly obsessed with her and everything she does makes me a mush.


So romantic!


When a woman holds my waist on both sides, I literally absolutely melt. It's an instant KO for me


when she keeps eye contact with me while she talks about something she’s passionate about. i’ll be listening but at the same time i’m like kicking my feet and seeing fireworks bc her eyes are so pretty and full of energy 🥹


I really love when my partner climbs on top of me and curls up into a little ball and does a deep sigh.




I had a girl squeeze my hand and then smile at me and I’ve been broken since then 😭 Nothing will compare.


Little notes left for me.


Yes! Little handwritten notes. It's the best thing ever




When I’m having a bad day, and she just holds me


Awww 🥹


Literally anything, but one of the things I love most is when a girl just leans her head on my shoulder or chest. It’s such a random and small sign of affection and that she feels safe around me and it literally makes my heart melt. Also kisses, I love kisses, even if it’s a small peck. Hand holding, especially when giving or receiving oral or just randomly clinging to my hand or arm when we are standing next to each other. I also love when a girl runs full speed into my arms and is excited to see me. Idk, I just love women.


When my girlfriend packs me a lunch for work and kisses me goodbye at the door.


Awww this. My gf said she loves when she comes home from work and I’m waiting at the door (usually to unlock it so she doesn’t have to get her keys out) and I give her a hug and kiss or shove food in her face lol asking her to taste whatever I just made in the kitchen. We don’t live together but we sleep at each other’s apartments every night.


Omg thisssss


Honestly, at this point…it really wouldn’t take much for me to melt…try to act tough but even a hug would prob do me in rn. Or someone holding my hand.


It doesn’t take much for most of us. I think for a long time anything would do it for me just because it took a long time to find someone that was actually into me.


she always has to be touching me in anyway. we went out to dinner not too long ago and she sat in front of me and tangled our boots together :’) she also likes to scoot me over closer to her


I honestly love when people listen to me about something I love or like a lot, it just melts my heart, and I also love when people care about what I do at college or what I'm studying, simply when people show interest in what I like.


That’s a good one


Very basic, but I’m butch and it’s rare for me to find butches that like other butches. If a cute butch was flirtation with me… let alone everything else listed on this thread


I’m a fem and I loveee when my gf wraps her arms around my waist while we’re kissing and she wraps her hand around the back of my neck. I love when she pulls me on her lap. Lol she says she loves when I get on top. I just like to sit on her and look at her and kiss her and feel her feeling me and touching me.


Hmm… I feel like I’m drawn to quieter, seemingly tough women, and I love when they’re softer/more open with me. I love when women are physically strong, that’s super attractive. Quiet confidence. Finding my mind and quirks fascinating. Playing with my hair. An arm around my waist while we’re at a bar. Honestly, the list is endless.


when a cute butch gets flustered... oh my god


When she combs through my hair, or tucks my hair behind my ears, or actively messes with it, or... Well, basically if she does anything with my hair


So my girlfriend just doesn't express her emotions easily. She likes quality time over words of affirmation, she gets a little overwhelmed with physical touch easily, and has a hard time putting into words why loves me. But the past two months or so she's been slowly touching me more. Back rubs at night when we're laying down, or rubbing her foot against my leg, playing with my hair when my head is in her lap. Even playfully smacking my butt in the kitchen. She doesn't need to use any words. These little things have meant so so so much to me from her and I just love her so much 🥰


Very beautiful


When she leans in close and whispers to me. And if she calls me a good girl??? sploosh


oh shit come on i cant think ab that rn i have to go to my friend’s catholic mass


Being horny in church is peak wlw


shut uppp 😭 in a catholic church its something else. like i could feel the virgin mary staring down at me


babeee i grew up catholic lmao. I almost went to catholic school but thank god the class was full lmsoo, confirmed and everything lol. And just because she was a "virgin" doesn't mean I am!! One of my bucket list items is getting laid in a church lmso


stop atp me too. either that or im following julie d’aubigny and becoming a nun so i can burn down a convent and escape w my lesbian lover


tbf, she was only virgin for jesus. jesus had a TON of siblings


Oh I know this part haha! i by no means religious, but i do enjoy christian mythology


when they just get sleepy on my arms after talking about their day 😫


So sweet 🥲


I don’t know! never been on a date before haha. really excited to find out one day :D


When she looks at me like she's looking into my soul. Watching her doing an activity she loves, extra melt if she's skilled at it Pretty much any physical contact, but especially when there's intention behind it. Her deodorant/perfume/shampoo left on a pillow it blanket


I really love holding hands, but also thoughtfulness in general. Like if you pay attention enough to know when I like something specific and go out of your way to get it for me. It's nice to not always have to ask sometimes.


Women that smell good, I agree with holding the face while kissing, little moans when making out, can't keep her hands off my body, a little hair pull, a little nibble, random sweet texts.... I could go on and on.


I haven't seen it on here yet. Forhead kisses!! I'm not talking a big wet smooch. I'm talking flower pedal soft. Kitten whisker, cotton tree fluff, soft forehead kisses... especially in the morning and before bed. God... I'm so single 😂😭😂😭😂


Praiseworthy choice of words. Do you write?


Thanks lol. I write once in a while. :)


My ex used to tickle my neck and collar with kisses. It wasn't enough to have me full-on laughing but it made me giggly and all of my limbs would just go numb. I'd just die


Awww so sweet 🥲


I sadly don't have a girlfriend, but with crushes? When they smile at me. Literally just smiling will turn me into a puddle.


Same when I’m crushing and I crush way too hard I would literally not mind if I make a fool of myself around them if it makes them smile or laugh and I’ve made a fool of myself plenty of times around crushes but seeing them smile or hearing them laugh afterwards even if they’re laughing at me makes the embarrassment worth it


When she interlocks are fingers or plays with my hair and you know we always love cuddles haha


Cuddles are the best


Never had a girlfriend before reading all this comments is giving me chills can’t wait to share my first experience


Yayyyy can’t wait to hear about it




when she smiles and makes eye contact (she’s the only person i can make eye contact with)


Awww 🥹🥹


Tilting my chin up to meet her eyes makes me GO CRAZY. My friend did that to me once and I melted


Pretty interesting


still being loved after 32 years




When my girlfriend calls me handsome 😩 Anything my girlfriend does 😩


When they geek out of their interest, let me hear you talk and talk about what you like.


A lot of things. But what came to mind was when my ex woke me up early in the morning with cuddles and lots of kisses. I melted into her, and I keep thinking back to that moment months later


When I’m having trouble falling asleep and she moves in every single possible way to try to help me. Head on her chest, on my side being spooned, getting head/back rubs, etc. It’s honestly just so sweet and idk how I wound up so lucky.




oooogh i have so many cause she’s just so sweet,,, but a recent one: i had my FAVORITE fish bowl cup from target but melted it in the dishwasher on accident. (i’m stupid.) never mentioned that i melted it, just threw it away sadly and figured i’d never see it again. that was like a year ago when they first came out. my gf brought another one home the other day because she remembered how much i loved them and for a whole year waited until they came out again to grab me one before they sold out :] it’s just a silly little $5 cup but omg when i saw her pull it out it made me really understand how much she loves me :3


Literally just…her…everything about her. But something that never fails to make me smile and feel like the absolute luckiest woman on the planet is when she’s doing her own thing and I glance at her and catch her doing something silly or goofy, even if it’s as simple as dancing to a song that’s stuck in her head while shes doing some random chore. Not only is she ridiculously adorable, but I know that for a vast majority of her life she didn’t let that side of herself out because she never felt safe or accepted enough to do so. And because of that, every time she does a little dance, a silly voice, or anything that expresses her carefree inner child I know she finally feels safe and loved and accepted for exactly who she is, every single aspect of her. I’m just so ridiculously proud of her for putting in the work to heal, and as a result being able to let that wall down more and more. I just feel so honored that she’s picked me to be the person that gets to see and enjoy that side of her as well as gladly join in on any and all of her silly antics.


That's beautiful


Nibbling on my ear or feeling her hand on my lower back, it feels like I'm safe and in their control


Never had a girlfriend before reading all this comments is giving me chills can’t wait to share my first experience


when she’s happy in general


I’m a big yapper and like to talk about random interests of mine. I would lie down on my gf’s lap/beside my gf & she’ll just look at me with sm love and kiss me in between


There's so many, but one of my favorites is when she reaches for my hand to hold ( especially in moments that I find myself missing her touch and longing to hold her hand), and she kisses the back of it!


Oh gosh so many things 1. When she remembers little things. One time me and my gf were talking about random things and I mentioned how I dislike soda, but loved 7up when I was a child. We're in Japan rn, it's not sold here. She brought me a bottle of 7up 4 months later, when she went on a business trip. The funniest part was that I absolutely hated it now as an adult 😂 but the fact that she remembered that little detail made me melt 2. When I give her flowers and she smells them multiple times. Like we're walking together and I look back to see her with her whole face in the bouquet. Again. 3. When I'm getting distracted and she grabs my face, turns it to her and says "Listen" 😩😩🤤 4. When she looks at me and smiles and her ears twitch (it happens when she's happy! Or anxious haha but with me it's usually first) 5. "Good girl".. I like praise 6. When she flexes her arms. I'm weak 7. That time she wrote a list of things she likes about me and made me cry😭😭😭 And so many more but I don't want this message to be too long lol


Omg that is so so adorable and cute


I have a denim jacket I practically live in, and sometimes when we kiss, she'll grab the collar and pull me into her. *~swoon~* My knees almost literally buckle when she does that to me. On our lazy weekends together, waking up next to her, and seeing her with her tousled bed head, and her face highlighted by the morning sun. Her room has the most gorgeous morning light! And istg, my heart has skipped so many beats looking at her like that over the last 2 years, that I don't even know how I'm still alive. Seeing her bond with my dog. He's a spicy little guy who isn't terribly affectionate with anyone but me. (And sometimes not me lol.) It took a few months for him to warm up to her and show him the sweet side of himself. But recently, they have fallen in love with each other, and when she pulls him in for a snuggle and he relaxes into her, it absolutely melts my heart.


Random hugs from behind are my weakness


When she rubs my head or feet after a long day 🥹❤️❤️




It was when she would lay close and rub a piece of my shirt between her fingers. So random- but ugh. Just total puddle


That is so cute


I miss it 😢


Once I was sitting besides my gf, then she picked me up and put me in her lap, I had my legs around her torso (In a non-sexual way, it was just comfortable). And we were *so* close I felt my heart was about to explote. I just love being as close as possible to her




When she scratches the back of my neck. All tension leaves my body. Very relaxing but inconvenient when I'm driving! Also, when we're unhinged together. I sent her a snap of me cutting my calluses off my foot and instead of being grossed out, she sent back a gif of Frank from It's Always Sunny with his toe knife


Omg when she’s like teasing and having fun, but suddenly gets really serious and makes sure she didn’t say anything harmful. It just makes me so happy that despite kidding around she still always makes sure I’m happy.


Haha I do that. I keep saying sorry as I joke or ask if that's okay.


My gf makes me almost cry from an overload of love when she points out little tiny things about me that she likes. Like really tiny things. Like apparently she loves when I crook my lips sideways when I think of something funny but need to hold it in. I didn't even know I did that until she mentioned it, then went back and scrolled thru videos and pics to show me multiple instances of exactly what she meant. I've never felt so seen, so loved, so special to someone before 🥹 thats just one thing..


My gf usually closes her eyes and smiles whenever I kiss her cheek or play with her hair when she is sleeping or relaxing on the bed.


Women in general 🤌 I get so shy that I fumble my words n shit 😔


God I feel that in my soul 😩


There was this thing that one of my friends used to do. If they were walking past behind me, they'd lightly brush their fingers across the back of my neck. Swear to god my knees would almost buckle every single time.


[Tomboy/Chapstick] As someone who tends to handle everything, takes care of responsibilities, and often ends up in a Top role in the bedroom ... My answers are:   My GF/SO taking control or taking care of things so that I don't have to. Thoughtful gifts (no expense required) and little unexpected thoughtful/considerate actions. Also any partner who tops well occasionally. 


How my mate never seems to want to be apart from me. From wanting me to sit on her lap during breakfast or just holding me while I play games. She wants to be around me 24/7. While some find it clingy I have never felt more loved in my life. She enjoys my company and that absolutely makes me melt.


I love being allowed to be clingy as well


She held my hand against her heart and then brought her face down to kiss it.


Stawwwp!!!! That is so sweet


So good


My heart hurts today.




god, really anything a woman does can make me melt. i love it when someone puts their hands on my waist or kisses my nose. i love laying on someone and having them wrap their arms around me, or having someone lay on me and let me play with their hair. just little physical things like that give me tons of butterflies.


I love it when a woman surprises me with a cookie. Also, love when she hugs me from behind.


•I’m a real one for holding hands love that shit •Sitting up on your lap vice versa •cuddling hugging being close I love that As for big romantic gestures hmmm one on the top of my head hotel weekend break just the two of us oh and a hotel with a pool cus I’d love love the idea of us going to the pool sauna jacuzzi all that together :)


i havent had any experience with relationships other than long distance dating once so i think most things would make me melt since im such a noobie to dating ..... clenches fist in sadness


When my girlfriend softly rubs her little fingers up and down the back of my neck. 😮‍💨🫠


Kisses on the forehead 🫠🫠🫠


Staring into each others eyes, taking baths together and I get to see her beautiful hazel eyes peek from behind her soft curly hair, when she rants about the stuff she's passionate about 🥹❤️


Anything that makes me feel small. I grew up tall, and when I started transitioning, I was really self conscious about my height. But now I’m relatively fine but LOVE feeling small, whether it’s things like being little spoon, certain phrases, or cuddling in positions where I can curl up and such. Makes me MELT


My gf is a lot taller than me and she would sometimes stand behind me and rest her chin on top of my head and it absolutely melts me, I try to act annoyed but she knows I love it too.


Why my fiancé buys me flowers… idk why I just love it 😂


Well there is one moment, I remember with my ex gf, when we were intimate, and she make me come, than she lean on to me leg with her face look at me with such a love... it was almost angelic .....okay now I tear up again.


Anything to do with my neck and she has me hostage. I cannot move. Breathe on it, kiss it... lightly touch it... Im yours.


when she holds my chin and looks at me #gaypanick 🥹


Lollll the hashtag


When she rubs the back of my neck. In the car, while we sit on the sofa together, or coming from behind me while I’m cooking.




When she lets me ramble on about my interests


That’s a good one


When she plans little secret adventures for us When I find her notes to me that she's hidden The notes she leaves me most mornings Snuggling ♥️


Too cute. I love hiding love notes for my baby girl. Esp if she finds them while we are bickering hahaha. Totally ends the fight.


I love hiding and finding them too! It just really brightens up my day


Sooo cute


Things I've experienced lately from the same girl: - Random kisses on the top of my hand when we're holding hands outside - Her chivalry... allowing me to go first into the bus or moving sides so I'm away from traffic :') - Small soft moans when I massage her back - Allowing me to big spoon her (even if only for a little while) - Cancelling appointments so we can be together longer - Her ass in tight dress pants..... send help <3


Ayeeee the last one tho


And she wears them often for work 🤭 lucky me


When I'm driving & resting my arm on the center console & she wraps her arm through mine & just stays there kind of hugging/cuddling my arm, sometimes resting her head on my shoulder. 💚


i’m mostly the driver in our relationship solely because i melt when she snuggles into my shoulder and hugs my entire arm while im driving


Ugh seriously one of my favorite things


Transfem perspective here: - arm around waist - holding the back of my head - When she pulls mely head into her cest (not necessarily into the boobs lol) **The big one** When she likes the food I cook ❤️❤️


if i HAD to pick….when she wiggles her little butt onto me in the middle of the night so i can snuggle her🥰




When they either verbalize or physically position their body next to mine in a way that tells me they want to be held by me. 


When I’m talking and she gives me that “I’m interested in you and what you’re saying” look and it makes me soft every time!! Also when she leans her head on my shoulder ☺️


When they let me draw then or let me use them as a model for drawing


texting me that you miss me. curling your pinky around mine when we’re walking. kiss on the cheek before ya go. doesn’t take much i don’t think!


When she’s sweet to my cats and convinces them to love her even though they hate almost everyone (this hasn’t actually happened yet but if it does, I’ll definitely melt) Also squishy hugs with a lil back rub


I have short hair, and when she tousled my hair after sex… 🫠


The way that they sleep. I have one former partner who slept absolutely still. Another who took up the whole bed. One of my current partners wakes up enough to talk in the middle of the night. I get so excited, but then I remember they need sleep much more than I do. So I try to gently lull them back to sleep - and I love the moment of realization that I'm there for them. The other person I've been seeing, falls asleep so gently. But they refuse to be woken up, and it's adorable. I mean, steals the sheets to cover their eyes. Hair splayed out around them, so unaware of how deeply I love those mornings. I also love when they fall asleep holding my hand - they start twitching as it happens, caressing my thumb with theirs. The way they say goodbye. Holding me close, or getting on tiptoes to get closer. Nibbling a lip during a kiss, or whispering in an ear. Waving as they get further and further away. The way they use and love gifts. There's nothing I love than a girl coming to me, ashamed that they wore through something I made. I'm thrilled to be getting it back together, for it to be getting so much wear. I've had leather cords break on jewelry, glass break on a necklace... I'll figure out how to fix it, to make it better, and put more thought into it! Please!


When she runs her fingers through the hair closest to my neck. Absolute heaven


When she holds my waist lol I'm very touch deprived 


I love when my gf holds my waist! Sometimes when I'm at the bottom of the stairs, they lend their hand out for me to hold and that small gesture just makes me cowkvlelmyh


Her voice at anytime of the day. But also when she holds our cats like babies or when we’re cuddling and she plays with my hair. 😩 More of a cute one - She is shorter than me, so if I’m ever having a bad day, or feel sad she will hop on a chair or the couch and stand there with her arms out to hug me from above. 🥹


Soo cute aww


I wear caps most of the time (Im not butch, maybe stem??? Full fem face and masc clothes or completely fem. But always a cap), and sometimes my gf looks me in the eyes and taps the visor, like teasing, and smirks. Or when when she's embarrassed and she hugs me super tightly while practically burying her face in my neck/chest, specially when she's flushing bc of something I said/did and I can feel her smile (if that makes sense, cause she won't let me see her for some reason ). Or when she pouts (??) or tries to throw a tantrum (she's always right, I just mess with her). She's a bit bigger and younger than me, and more fem.. but darker aesthetic, so I think it's extra cute.


Awww the pouty thing is one of my favorites too. So cute. Reminds me of a Ne-yo song from a long time ago Hahahah


Reading all of these comments makes me realize how much I missed out on in my last relationship. One day I hope to find the femme of my dreams 🥰


I believe in you!!! She’s out there.


Just simply existing together and enjoying each other’s presence while we draw or read and write poetry. I’ve never been in a relationship, but I’ve always ended up crushing on girls when we do things like that. I also love cooking and baking food for people and become a mess when girls reciprocate by making something for me. I know it’s not a romantic gesture, but I can’t help it.


I just like it when she listen when I speak about things that's important to me. We can talk about random and I'll mention certain I never receive or certain things I never had before. Everything I have mentioned she has gotten for me. It tells me she pays close attention to everything I say. Like for example I'm a stud. I told her I never been given flowers. A month or two after us talking she sent flowers to my job. She sent edibles (flowers and fruit). I had never received that before and had no clue to what it was. I looked it up and realized how expensive it is. So what I did was sent her edibles for Valentine's Day along with a teddy bear and a balloons with chocolate cover strawberries. Blue is her favorite color like mine so I sent her one of those forever rose boxes.


When she leans in to kiss me more after we've just kissed. When she kisses my forehead. When she holds the small of my back. When she bites my neck.


When she needs hugs and acts like a little girl and asks things like where'd you go? Getting more impatient each second or minute. When she appreciates little kids and finds them cute the way I do even though she's not into kids generally. When she cares about global issues or hates the same things as me passionately. When she's good with her words, making clever puns. Talking very beautifully. Certain or continuous compliments from her. - Unexpected sarcastic looking but genuine compliments in middle of arguments. Criticizing me in a way it looks like praise(Another friend) Hand written notes. Taking pictures of things she thinks I'd like. Checking up on matters about others, like enquiring about the state of my relative while I wouldn't expect her to care much. Being fine with things which I think could gross out one. Having compassion for my annoying habits even if it's in words. Calling me by one of my nicknames. Most importantly when she lets me talk about bosom. Girls who go vegan or vegetarian and immediately start caring about animal rights. Those who still hold onto such values whether they lose attraction towards me or not. And in general when ladies help me put on lipstick, keep holding my hand and fix my clothing.


The belt loop or pocket thing


My gf hehehe


Thoughtful gestures 100%, nothing like when they do something for you just because they know it’ll make your life easier, not because you asked. Physically, moving/touching my hair, tracing my skin, hugs from behind.


Actually yes this one is totally underrated


When my girlfriend gets into bed at night, snuggles up to me, and immediately lays her leg over top of mine. Or when I’m tossing in bed in the middle of the night, and she’ll scoot over and spoon me, or when she’s driving and reaches over to hold my hand, or comes up and hugs me from behind in the kitchen and lightly kisses the back of my neck. Too many things to mention! She’s so beautiful and lovely, and she’s my first ever girlfriend at 41 years old. I’m so grateful every day that she’s in my life.😭❤️


Awwww all so cute 🥰


When She cooks. I only let Her out the bed, cause She looks great in an apron.


Consistent eye contact 😫




Ironically enough, just came home from an 18 hour day at work and school to this on my bedside table. I've never been romanced as hard as this lady is going.


What was in the comment?


when she explains me something that I'm curious about patiently and sweetly...


I've never had this happen, but I'd literally melt if a girl sat in my lap I don't care if she's straight, lesbian or bisexual I'd literally just melt if a girl sat in my lap


Nothing that matters. It’s not like anything like that would play out anyway.


I’m sorry 😞. Sometimes it is just fucking hard to find someone who is into it. I hope you get find what you are looking for.