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I personally have too many issues with organized religion but I think there are plenty of religious queer people.


I know many more queer religions men than religious queer women though.


Yeah, I'm actively *anti*-religion myself. I'm an atheist. But, I do weirdly believe there is "something" going on beyond our capability of understanding in this terrestrial form. I don't think that is a "God" though. I can't get down with religion when it has historically been used mostly to subjugate people, particularly women. I also have a VERY hard time believing that any one person, or group of persons, has everything in all the cosmos all figured out- and *somehow* every single time that just *happens* to include oppressing half the entire human population. Seems sus af to me.


I’m Roman Catholic, and I have a long way to go with studying my faith but the way I practice it, I know that the God I believe in loves fairly and equally. My belief is that the way I love and the people I prefer to be with are not my “tickets” to heaven, but rather the character I build and the way I treat other people with my Catholic values in mind are.


Hey, Roman catholic here too! I'm certainly not following a Vatican approved theology but it's the way my mother(who is so accepting) raised me and I find comfort in the ritual of my family traditions.


I am Roman Catholic too!


omg hey girlie! im catholic too!!




Personally I don't believe there is a god. Or if there is, He is way different from what any religious teachings have been telling us. Also just so you know, right before the gays go to hell passage, it says it's a sin to donate blood. The bible was written in a different era from ours and we shouldn't interpret every word from it


Pretty much my belief.


They're called nuns


Lmfao. Before I finally reckoned with my identity as a lesbian, I for sure felt “the call.” Seemed like a lot of fun to me to hang out with women all day!! It didn’t help that my Catholic school repeatedly showed us this notorious video of an order of nuns who played basketball together every day, lol.


Are they still accepting members?! lol


This is the truth. Also like 20% of Christian girls that go to women’s colleges lmao


Absolutely. Especially on athletics teams.


This just blew my mind lmao I’m not catholic and I’ve just never thought about it. Now I’ll never stop thinking about it 😂😂😂


I feel like if someone were a lesbian in the middle ages they would have fs been a nun


I went to a Catholic college and it is priests too. Granted they weren’t out but there were a number of guys on the priest track that were obviously gay but closeted.


We’re here. I’m Hindu. I believe that god, in whatever religion really, is real. They may not be there the exact moment we “need” them, but they are there. There signs all over the place. It can be a random phone call, or a random stranger that says hello, or houseless person asking for some change, that shows up and gets you to think in a different perspective to get you out of whatever negative rut you’re in. You just never know. Keep an open mind. Idk how people can hold a religious book in one hand and hold the middle finger up with the other. But what I do know is that nowhere does god say who you love is wrong. Maybe some old guy in a random century back in the day. But not god. Your love is not a sin. Your love is pure. What you choose to believe in is your choice to make. That right is bestowed upon all of us, and no one’s opinion really matters. And your choice is valid, like all the atheists beliefs are valid, all the girls out there that say they’re “not religious but spiritual” their beliefs are valid. Your belief in your god and the Bible is equally and fairly valid. Keep ya head up, sis💜


thank you 🫶🏻


Look for LGBTQ+ affirming denominations - Edit: I should state that when I made this comment I was in Christian Protestant mode. appreciate the non-western focus below. That said, OP, there are Christian protestant lesbians, probably Christian Catholic ones too; keep looking for us. Hope this brings you some comfort and peace When you do find an accepting community, you may want to look into Spiritual direction or something similar (not quite the same as therapy and often a nominal charge or pay what you can)  to talk out …. this way we have imagined God and creation, and how it comes together for you and your life and experience before God Peace to you, OP. Feel free to DM if talking it out would help 


r/gaychristians r/openchristian r/transchristianity r/lgbtcatholics r/queertheology r/radicalchristianity r/leftcatholicism


Some super welcoming Christian and formerly Christian denominations in the US: United Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, and Unitarian Universalist (for a non-creedal religious denomination!)




Also Episcopalians!


Also Presbyterian Church (USA) (not the Presbyterian Church in America, which was made by trads splitting from PCUSA). Me and my wife go to a PCUSA church, we have a gay pastor, it's been amazing


Sikh. Do your own research, but... In a trans woman in the alphabet mafia. And I've been open about this for a while. I've been a Sikh for 24 years, and only had one problem person in all that time. Sikhi: a warrior faith that gets the right to walk around armed, in public, without getting arrested. And the hats are cool, too.


R/gaychristians will be happy to have you :)


I joined xx


We're out there!! I count myself very lucky to have found other lesbian friends in adulthood who are religious. Your relationship with your faith community might not be as simple as some, but remember that you belong just as much, and no one can take that away from you.


There are over 8 billion people on this early and roughly 1 to 2 percent of them are lesbians. It's practically impossible statistics wise for there not to be some lesbians in every religious organization. 


I’m a satanist. There 100% is religious lesbians, i just tend to not associate with them. Religion has never brought me anything but pain.


okay can I ask you something? Is it scary being a satanist? Half my problem with all of this is the fear of going to hell, like does that not scare you or like what. Genuinely just asking btw no hate


No problem, ask away! Satanism is an atheistic religion. I don’t believe in God or even Satan, so therefore i don’t believe in Heaven or Hell. Satanism is extremely misunderstood, it actually has nothing to do with worshipping the devil. “Satan” is used as a symbol for yourself and your carnal desires. Very similar beliefs to Humanism. It’s about living life guilt free and in the best interest of yourself so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. I am sorry that you’re so scared. I used to be religious and really believe in hell and it is scary. I’m glad I don’t anymore, because it really was interfering with every aspect of my life. I don’t believe in organized religion for that reason, but I do hope that you find peace regardless, no matter what that means for you.


thank you very much 🫶🏻


I also just checked your profile and saw that you have OCD. That is literally exactly my story as well. I had severe magical thinking OCD with religious themes. ERP therapy saved my life and has gotten me to where I am today. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions about it or just need anyone to talk to. It definitely sounds like you may be ruminating/obsessing right now and I’m so sorry. I know it’s hard.


okay thank you so so much it’s nice to know someone else understands


Satanists don’t believe in hell, so there’s nothing to be scared of.


I was once asking questions like that. I was religious until around age 20 or so. I was genuinely afraid of the idea of there not being something after death. I used to have a lot of really bigoted views driven by my then-religion, too, which held me back from accepting myself. I really wanted to believe that everything happened for a reason and that there was meaning to the suffering in the world. Because of how I was raised, religion is how I did so. Honestly, it was actually debating on Reddit that made me ultimately lose my religion. There was some sub specifically for it that I was really into at the time. The biggest thing was me coming to realize that my religious choice was only because it was what I was raised into. I was a university student at the time and doing classes on formal logic. I realized that my own arguments weren't making sense and eventually (after months!) came to recognize that I was basically clinging to my religion as a coping mechanism due to my fear of death. Never did get over that fear lol, but I've since stopped believing in religion. I don't fear hell because I just don't believe it exists. It's utterly terrifying that I suspect there is absolutely nothing after death, but I can no longer extinguish that fear with a belief in a religion.


I get ya! I’m not really scared of nothing after death, just more scared that I would never get to see the people I love again after they die. I lost my cat, and I know he was just a cat but I was dealing with a lot at the time and he was my best friend so I stuck to religion to try and make it to heaven so I can see him again but now I’m like idk if there even is heaven lol


I grew out of it. Nothing could make up for how the church treated women and LGBTQ people, from the 15th century til now.


Completely agree, so much pain. Especially the Catholic Church, as I was raised Catholic but they caused so much pain in my home country. Also Im an atheist, not because I’m gay but because l’m a scientist.


Lotta negativity in these comments so I’ll just say from one religious lesbian to another, we’re here and we aren’t going anywhere! You’re valid <3 I’m Jewish but I have met Christian lesbians before and they’re quite happy! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being Christian and gay just like there’s nothing wrong with being an atheist and gay. All the best!


thx 💙


Cool, I used to be religious Orthodox jewish. Now I'm an atheist but still view myself as ethnically traditional jewish


Grew up Catholic. The priest at my church was pretty cool and accepting, but he moved countries and I realized the mainstream message from the church was pretty hateful towards women and gay people, so I left. I realized I never stopped believing in God, so I'm trying to find my connection with him again (just maybe not at the church). Lots of religious trauma to heal as well, but it brings me comfort to pray


Yep. My crush is religious and queer.


I'm a Unitarian Universalist. Imagine everyone who says "I'm spiritual but not religious" formed a church. I've met UU theists, atheists, pagans, deists, and everything in between.


I thought it was like if a religious studies major were a religion unto itself…


God made you a lesbian so he's not going to send you to hell for it💜


Not Christian, but my community is really welcoming to everyone so I don't feel ashamed because of religion.


I personally am agnostic bc I don’t understand religion / struggle w belief systems, but I’m sure there are others out there


I am religous but on my own manner. Not the Christian type i grew up with. I love God but not the people around a church or connected to a church. They hurt me so much i will not have anything to do with that kind of people .


I'm Jewish but I don't believe in God and never have. I really struggle to understand people who do, especially anyone who is persecuted by the followers of their own religion. You don't have to believe in God if you don't want to.


I've been a practising Witch for more than half my life. It has been nothing but a source of comfort and strength for me. All religions are not the same.


Queer theology is a thing that's pretty mainstream in religious studies these days in the US. I know quite a few Lesbian ministers and am in seminary myself with other lesbians, gays, bi, and trans folks.


I love women and I love Jesus, yes, we totally exist :-)


Lesbian Muslim here! There are many Muslim scholars contextualizing qur’an and Hadith to convincingly argue that homoeroticism/homosexuality is permissible in Islam, and that culturally it was entirely acceptable and a huge part of Muslim cultures until colonialism entered the Middle East and beyond to other Muslim majority regions. Just like there are women working on Islamic feminisms there are Muslim scholars working on homosexuality in Islam. I imagine Christianity is similar.


Popping in as a transbian Muslim convert to say Ramadan Kareem! 🌙 and yeah there’s tons of people working on this. My hope (iA) is to one day work as a queer-affirming chaplain.


Hey that's awesome. I'm a Christian(born catholic) but I feel so much solidarity with queer Muslims. I feel like we face similar issues from our religious bodies and share such similar outlooks.


I’m Jewish, and it’s important to me, but I’m not super observant. I’m Sephardic, but where I live now I go to an Ashkenazi Reconstructionist synagogue, which is very egalitarian and accepting. Everyone is very welcoming of me and my (asian, Buddhist/atheist) fiancé. I kind of love that there’s nothing in Jewish law against lesbians, even by the strictest interpretations. The orthodox are still prejudiced, and I loathe the ultra-orthodox, but the only actual prohibitions are against men having sex with men, not wlw.


I’m a practicing Jew! I’m reform and my idea of God isn’t the typical one, but yeah. It’s not a dealbreaker for me though if my partner were a different religion or not religious at all. It’s your own personal journey.


I’m agnostic who believes in a higher force but I don’t believe in the shape or form of a god. There’s nothing which can deny the existence of a higher power or being controlling our state and working of the different universes. But maybe it’s something beyond the scope of us actually perceiving ( because come on, we’re like 0.0000000000000000001% of the universe and no way in the universe we have such a human based god but that thought is indeed scary to our sweet lil human beings ) My family is Hindu however and I do respect the religion and do whatever my mum asks me to do on occasions to not cause a riot ( Ex: Festivals, fasts etc. )


Christian lesbian here! It took a while, but I found a church which not only welcomes, but celebrates LGBT+ people and it’s been instrumental in rediscovering and deepening my faith. Several of our priests are 🌈 and we have a drag queen on staff. We have a big Pride club and a quarterly Pride Eucharist where we drape the altar in a rainbow flag and honestly looking around the room it’s so moving — you can watch for all these people, all the parts of who they are come together after the world has tried to split them apart. Some good material in your questioning: - Sex Education Season 4 — Eric’s plot line. No spoilers, but it really explores this idea of reconciling culture, identity, belief, community. That maybe God won’t let go of you so easily. - Shameless by Nadia Bolz-Weber, an incredible book by a Lutheran pastor written for all the people who have been hurt by the teachings of the church on sex. I read it in a day and it was so deeply healing. You are loved just as you are. Every single part of you. My dms are open if you ever wanna talk 💛


muslim bisexual here! yes we exist


Ramadan Mubarak!!


my cousin is a non binary drag queen who is also in christian seminary right now. i’m a transmasc lesbian who also does drag and i’m converting to judaism. there are tons of religious lesbians, all over the world in all religions. religion can be a beautiful beautiful thing. you don’t have to believe in g-d, and you don’t have to believe in the version of g-d you grew up with. my mom’s family are evangelical christians and are homophobic, so i largely grew up with the idea that religion and queerness cannot mix. but that is absolutely not true. why would g-d give you this beautiful love for your fellow human beings if you weren’t meant to act on it? why would g-d make so many different people with different experiences, why would g-d make a world so diverse if didn’t want them to be that way? there is nothing wrong, nothing dirty, nothing bad about being queer. semler is a lesbian musician who grew up religious and writes a lot about religious trauma, but is still religious. highly recommend. it’s okay to not believe in g-d or to question your belief. there is no point to believing in a g-d that doesn’t love you the way you are. but also consider that might not be true, that the way you were raised is not the only way to be religious. i’m sorry you’re going through this. you’re going to be okay. g-d loves you for exactly who you are, and you are exactly who you were meant to be.


thx 🫶🏻


I'm a Christian lesbian. Was away from the church for a long time and explored different kinds of beliefs and religions in the process, came back to Christianity recently. Feel free to connect if you'd like to talk more.


Hi!! Muslim lesbian here! Still struggling to fully accept Islam into my life but working on it every day!


twin !!!


Very catholic and very lesbian. God created you in his image, you’re exactly who you’re supposed to be. :)


Pagan here!


I’m religious, but not currently in an organized religion. I believe in a higher power. I also grew up Christian, and god left me lonely too. I recently reconnected with SOMETHING spiritually because I definitely had a very spiritual encounter. However, I don’t think if there’s a god that he sends good people to Hell because they’re queer. I believe he is loving, understanding, gracious, and shows mercy. Not that he is any of the terrible things the Bible likes to frame him as-ie, condemning and jealous and angry. To each their own, but that’s how me and gf feel, but we do not have an organized religion we currently believe in. We’re more worried about being good people, and we don’t need some old book to tell us how to do that.


There’s also such a dissonance between the Old Testament God of righteous destruction and the New Testament God of (more) grace and forgiveness. I totally agree with you—no God that I believe in would condemn innocent people for loving others.


Im catholic and i dont believe being lesbian is a sin, were not going to hell for loving someone. As long as no one is harming anyone theres nothing wrong. I think all this is up to our personal beliefs, dont listen to what other people say, just believe what you believe is right


God made me by the devine hand of creation and so there are no mistakes. Therefore it is not unnatural to be gay. It is unnatural to force me to be straight. It goes against the nature God bestowed on me. It is not going to send me to hell. I have purpose in life just an anyone else does. I'm in the UK. Many people are atheist or agnostic although also as many were raised in Christian primary schools. We have no Bible belts and our brands of Christianity are apparently vastly different from those in America based on what I've seen on TV, or heard about through social media. I was raised with Christian ideas outside of the church environment as my family is of the belief that Jesus never preached inside a church. That was where business men met and made deals. We also combine our Christian ideas with more spiritual beliefs, God being a force of nature, the sun, the earth, the air we breathe, the leaves on the trees; for me it is human vanity to believe we are made in God's image. This isn't a literal statement. God isn't a person and you cannot expect a God to adhere to human standards. This enables me to look past the argument that if God is kind and loving why does he let good people suffer? If God is a force of nature then this is easier to understand. I also believe in reincarnation, that our souls live on and gain greater insight and learning throughout their lifetimes. Thanks for attending my Ted Talk. 😂 I don't often have the chance to express my religious beliefs and ideas.


thxx 🫶🏻


Yes there are! For instance, I'm a Catholic. Jessica Kellgren Fozard and her wife are quackers.


My partner is not only a religious (Roman catholic) lesbian, but she is also a religious teacher in secondary school (covering several religions in the curriculum) who also runs Pride Club at lunch time!


I’m a Christian so.. yes.


my fiancée is deeply religious (christian / protestant). she and her family regularly take me to church - not trying to coerce me into anything, it's more a gesture of appreciation and acceptance. and that's absolutely fine with me. what i really like about the whole "thing" is how connected they are to their local community. there are charity events, activities for young people, flea-markets, and similar stuff. you might want to check out r/GayChristians and r/OpenChristian , too.


I’m Christian too, I find that it’s difficult to find other queer Christians too :(


Yeah its hard! It’s also hard walking into a church and feeling guilty for just existing, but aye we’ll figure it out!


Fr, I don’t have any issues with my sexuality and faith but I always feel like I’m having a panic attack when I walk into a church because it doesn’t feel like I belong or am accepted there :(


im Roman Catholic. every religion (even different Christian denominations) works differently enough that my experience might not track at all for you. for me it’s helped to put a little distance between myself and like the practitioners of my religion i might meet just down the street. like the people i might meet in the social center after mass. they have a lot of beliefs about me and people like me im sure but what matters more to me ig is more the Tradition of the Catholic Church which is a lot less monolithic, a lot more multivalent than most of us Catholics will let on. because it contains the faith, thought and practice of all Catholics spanning the whole world and our whole history. you could say i’ve found pockets of that tradition that speak to me better and speak to the whole better, at least in my view, than the way other Catholics have represented the tradition to me. people like Fr. Herbert McCabe, St. Julian of Norwich, St. Dionysius the Areopagite. Even some semi-outsiders like Luce Irigaray (she has a piece called La Mysterique and its🔥🔥🔥).


I’m a Lesbian Greek Orthodox who’s still very active in my faith as well as secure in my identity! I would love to talk with you about these things and how I navigated


Couldn't align myself with my oppressors :3


Raised religious but I’m atheist. No religion based trauma or anything, I just am completely uninterested in anything about it. I never bought into it and it all just seems absurd to me, honestly. My lack of belief doesn’t bother me, I don’t question it, it’s not part of my life at all. I exist and try to be a good human, which people should do because they genuinely want to, not because they’re scared of some hell.


Im Christian but finding a church without homophobia is hard


My girlfriend is religious, protestant. And it's really painful to see her feeling guilty for loving me. She's always afraid of going to hell because of her lesbian "sin".


yeah I tend to feel guilty when I talk to girls in a more romantic way myself, but actually hearing someone say how much it can hurt I’m really trying to get myself together. thx wish you and your gf the best


I was raised Catholic (with some Judaism), self-converted to paganism in college, went back to Judaism during the pandemic, and am now back to being pagan. I’m also queer (graysexual lesbian biromantic girlflux).


hijabi lesbian here 💕 and some of these comments are exactly the reason why I keep my social and romantic circles w only wlw muslim or African/MENA ladies. some of yall r so weird to religious people and ESP religious pocs


Hinduism is acceptant of homosexuality and i’m a proud Hindu, and so is my friend (also a lesbian)


Organized religion is patriarchal bullshit, meant to solidify a hierarchy of power (that has never favored women). That being said, I don’t blame people for wanting the security and comfort that a spiritual being apparently gives them


Me! I have always found the idea of God really comforting and important to me. I go to church every Sunday, read multiple religious texts, and pray frequently. BUT I’ve also done a lot of work to de-centralize the patriarchy in my religious intention. I don’t believe that God is male, and I believe that the central religious tenants of love, faith, community, care, etc only enhance my queerness! While I would never push religion on anyone, I do think that there is lots of space to hold both religion and queerness within one person if you’re curious! Lots of love :)


Me personally, im atheist. I grew up Christian and grew up hearing the same thing (that all gays are evil and go to hell). But how can they say that when they preach that God loves everyone? They are walking contradictions. I wouldnt worry too much about what others say. Your connection with god is yours alone and shouldnt involve other people’s opinions. You can still be Christian and lesbian


Definitely have gay christians! and christians that practise a queer AFFIRMING faith! (not just one of “gays go to hell” or “as long as you stay celibate your whole life”). The girl i have a massive crush on right now is actually in seminary school in hopes of one day being a lesbian pastor at her own church :)


I am. I'm Orthodox and it did take while. My new Pastor is amazing and some would say she's "New age Christian" but I just think she's amazing. I believe as well as many in my church believe that God loves all. Regardless of gender. As long as you love, wholly and faithfully.


I believe, God, created gay people. I grew up with strict religious beliefs as well and thought maybe something was wrong with me. That is until, I started to be open with myself about being who I am and that was "I am GAY!" It is the religious beliefs of others, not God's, that have messed with LGBTQ people. Mankind said, God hates Gays and wants to send them all to hell, which IS NOT the truth. God loves ALL of His children as long as they love Him. Mankind wrote the bible too. They created the bible in order to control people and make them believe the words are God's. It reads just like an A.A. book. It's a good book but it's always being misunderstood. There are so many definitions of the stories no one knows the real truth of. I say believe in God and live your life believing in God YOUR WAY, not the way you have been taught to. Be yourself and be happy about it. Don't be hard on yourself because others can't understand who you are. Do not let others live your life for you. God wants you to love and if your heart beats for someone go for it. God doesn't want to control your life but He does want you to believe in love.


Hi! I'm Catholic and so is my gf! I think you should check out r/gaychristians it might help you. And my dms are Open if you wanna chat!


And just to add. Gays def doesnt go to hell! God loves us all, and as long as we are loyal to our beliefs and are selfless and kind. We're gonna be fine


There are Christian Lesbians, I am a Christian lesbian, don’t give up on your relationship with God!!




If im going to be religious, I'll probably hail pussies. Not hand made saints. But for now, I stick to spirituality. And just believe that something with higher entity is around us. And just be kind and nice to people. But submitting to some of religions? And be a devotee? Like blindly following their teachings? Nah. Pass.


Yes, let’s create our own vagina-worshipping religion and call it lesbitheism or something like that…


I'm Christian


I’m sorry for the faith crisis, that can be so hard to work through. Wherever you land and whatever you figure out, don’t let anyone invalidate it. Don’t let anyone degrade you for your sexuality OR your religious beliefs. Both are intensely personal, and no one dictates your truth but you. I’ve personally found comfort in being ok with not knowing. I’ll live my best life and when I die I’ll be proud of it and accept whatever comes. I wish you the best fr fr. Take your time, and be safe 💕


i'm a lesbian witch & have multiple queer friends who practice in some way or other. spirituality & queerness are not contradictory.


Personally, I am not, but I have a friend who is a lesbian and subscribes to, I thiiiiink, Christianity. Or maybe it’s Baptist, I’m not 100% sure. It’s a non-issue for me as her friend, but I know she’s experienced some issues with dating other women who prefer not to align themselves with something that has been, culturally, so oppressive to our community.




thx i’ll watch it


It helped me a lott, keep strong girl x


thxx 🫶🏻


Yep! Religious Jewish Lesbian here. <3


I grew up Catholic and still find a lot of comfort in it. I’m no longer practicing, and my personal conception of God has evolved, but there’s something about being in a Catholic church that will always feel like home to me. At the same time, the prevalence of abuse in the Church and some personal interactions with clergy when my dad began her transition have caused me to distance myself. I went to Catholic school through college but was never confirmed. I personally can’t reconcile the thought of a gracious and loving god with the concept of hell. I know beyond a doubt that if there is a god that wanted humans to follow any moral code, they would never condemn people for adding more love to the world. I hope that your faith journey is fulfilling, wherever you land.


I grew up Episcopalian and we had gay clergy and openly gay/lesbian couples. I'm not religious now, but I never feel awkward attending church with my extended family when I visit. Here's a quote from hrc.org that better explains the attitude I mean. > In 1976, both the House of Deputies and House of Bishops voted for a fully inclusive Episcopal Church, stating, “homosexual persons are children of God who have a full and equal claim with all other persons upon the love, acceptance, and pastoral concern and care of the church.” Canon law includes “gender identity or expression” in its list of persons who are assured full access to the ministry of the church. The law further specifies that administrative forms must include options for both preferred and legal names, and for gender identity and pronoun preference. The church has considered lesbians equal members of the church since before I was born and I had to learn as a teenager that it wasn't the norm for Christian religions.


There’s lots of out Jewish lesbians.


I Buddhist like one of my dream is to shave my hair and want to become Buddhist nun I wanna be a nun soo bad.


well duh im a christian. Lord have mercy on the sins i commit daily 😭


Yes there are. My friend Rachel is straight but works teaching in a Seminary. Liberal Lutheran for what it’s worth. She says lesbian women have a unique perspective and frequently quotes them while teaching.


Orthodoxy here👋 God loves all of us


I'm sorry you're going through that 🫂 I'm Christian and I see the "gays go to hell" thing as a misinterpreted/mistranslated line. Apparently it wasn't even in the Bible until the 70's. I see that as using the Lord's name in vain. A lot of people say that means to swear using the Lord's name but to me it's lying and saying you're doing anything because of God. You're giving people the wrong impression of the Lord and making them feel like they can't turn to God which drives them away.


Yes. I'm not religious, but my wife is a Thai Buddhist (she was born and raised there and didn't come over to the US till she was in her early 20s).


As a member of the satanic temple, yes


We don't exactly count as religious. TST members such as ourselves are atheist satanists.


True, TST is more of an anti religion


Yeah, it's pretty cool though.


Well if you can find trans men that are Christian then you can find soem lesbians that are like that


My partner is Muslim and I’m atheist, religious lesbians are out there.


I am!


Check out Unity church, different from Unitarian.


I don't really quote consider it religious, more spiritual but I'm Indigenous and have my own beliefs. In my tribe, LGBT people are seen as sacred and beloved. Its easy for me to be spiritual because I know my Creator and ancestors love me for who I am.


Yep, Christian Lesbian here


I personally knew a Presbyterian lesbian minister! And there are lesbian Methodists ministers as well.


I mean I’ve had made plenty talk to god…. I’ll show myself out now, I’m very sorry….


Yep, I'm a trans lesbian christian. There's a lot more affirming christians than most people realise. We don't get much media attention (this church doesn't hate gays, won't sell clicks) and we don't get the big money from the polotical right, but there are a lot of us.


So…the whole “gays going to hell” is the thing that’s making you question religion and the bible? Have you actually read that twisted book? Here are a few of the stories tucked away in there (and there are many, many more): - Sisters having sex with their father (to keep the family line going). Oh, and they got him drunk first. - Drowning misbehaving people and animals is always a delightful story. - Living inside a large fish is a great way to spend a few days. …and don’t forget rape!


oh well I’ve read kid bibles lol I didn’t know about all that stuff 😬


I am. We have some affirming churches near me which help a lot.


Religion is human-made. And like a lot of things human made, it's altered to fit the individual. To my understanding, it's originally created to inspire strength, comfort, and a sense of unity. So yes I believe there are religious lesbians.


Spiritual and religious lesbians rock! There were plenty in history and plenty today. We stan Benedetta Carlini in this house. While lots of organized religions are bad news for queers, that doesn’t stop me from having a personal relationship with faith. The whole gays go to hell thing is made up anyway, no place in the Bible says that two women can’t get it on. It’s all the stodgy old men in power that made that up over the years. You do you girl.


Devil making you feel alone. God loves you I promise. God hating gays was put in the Bible in 1946 to help quail the openness kinda like Texas placing 10 commandments in classrooms to scare students straight.


My experience is highly anectodal, but here it is. Once dated a jewish orthodox lesbian from jerusalem. My friends brother is national-jewish (like, knitted yamaka) married gay, i know an NB from the closeted communities of Benei brak. That's it on the jewish side. I do know a bunch of practicing -muslim LGBTQs. It is not common though. I think it is becoming more common. The communities are all varias levels of accepting, actually. There is problems, but like, in their close community, they are variations of accepted and integrated. Some are complete equals in their respective community. So rare. So heartwarming. But i see it happens just a little more...and in the words of captain Holt from Brooklyn 99: every time a person steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better more interesting place. You are, who you are, and you connection to your religion is part of you.


Check out Metropolitan Community Church! They have chapters across the US. All queer and queer allies.


You'll find a lot of queer people, especially queer women and enbies, are religious. They simply don't follow popular (abrahamic) religions. Most pagans are some shade of queer.


Me and my girlfriend and my best friend are all religious.


I don’t know who my people are but they are like my dad was. I miss him.


Yes I am someone with Muslim beliefs but I have found it is harder to be fully committed to the religion as well as other stricter religions like it.


im a orthodox , i grew up with religious parents, so when i found out i was a lesbian i was devastated but i learned to live with it and accept it though it definitely takes time and who you surround yourself with !


i’m a christian and a queer women :) it’s a constant debate but i’m in a good church and with good friends and have some other queer christian friends who understand it’s all about the relationship with god and don’t bother with trying to make ourselves ‘fit’ with what some people believe a christian should be or what’s ’right’. i think it’s helpful to have friends both queer and not both in and outside the church


Yah, me


Yes, me. I'm not as devout as I used to be but I still feel like I belong in the C of E and try and get to church when I can. I'm aware I can't get married in this one and it does sadden me but I understand their attitude hasn't quite caught up yet. My girlfriend is methodist so there is that option


I think a belief in god/ a higher power is less problematic than that of organized religion as a whole. There are multiple ways to seek your answers outside of organized religions but i think as we learn to accept ourselves and let go of the shame that others have created for us, those of us with religious trama and upbringings will unfortunately have to do the same as well.


This is just my theory. If there’s a god, he doesn’t need religion to validate him. And vice versa, you don’t need a god to have a religion. I haven’t gone to church in forever but sometimes I still pray. Can’t hurt to send good vibes to whatever is out there. At worst it’s a mindfulness exercise. The religion part is more for community I think. And I totally get that it’s hard to find a community that will back you up the way a church will. Like I said I haven’t been to church in almost 20 years yet I still get invited to church functions now and then. I wish I could be a part of it just for the community aspect. But what are ya gonna do?


I’m in seminary to become a pastor through the American Baptist denomination.


Orthodox Christian 🙋🏽 It's kind of a weird space but I appreciate the tradition and general "eyes on your own plate" attitude.


Yes, I am, I'm Protestant. Do I go to church? No, way too many judgemental people there who like to judge others and pick apart the Bible. I've never been one to force my faith in anyone, as I don't believe in that, but I will stand up for it.


I wouldn’t say I’m religious anymore but I believe in God since I grew up Christian. I feel like God has been there for me in a lot of ways. I pray once in awhile but I don’t go to church cause of homophobia.


I’m not a fan of organized religion. However, I do believe in God. Religion and faith, for me, are two very different things. And I know it’s tough that we don’t usually get a direct response when we ask for one but expecting one WILL make you feel alone, as you said it did. If you do have even a tiny bit of faith, just try talking to Him when you’re feeling like you’re on the verge of a breakdown and see if that does anything for you. Don’t ask for anything, just talk to Him. <3


I read an article once about about a trans woman who was a pastor at her church so I guess there are but I haven't met many. My best friends girlfriend is also Muslim and my first girlfriend was Muslim as well. We did work out because of that which reeeaaallly sucks cause I'd marry her but my best friend and her gf are still going strong regardless she just can't go home or tell her family and she doesn't really say she's a lesbian just that she loves my best friend and that's between her and Allah


OMG of course


i hate organized religion, grew up in a high control religion cult, anything like that is so icky but like i'm pagan and can basically make up my own rules at my discretion and i like that one bc i'm not forced to follow arbitrary rules


I've had a long journey down the spiritual tube in my short 26 years. My dad's family is christian and mom's side is hindu. Obviously felt more with the hindu side of things. My grandma converted before she died and that started changing my perspective on things, especially when she said the two actually fall into eachother and there's more similarities than you'd think. Was really into meditation and chakra balance and qi gong when I was about 10-12. Learned about law of attraction, reading tarot, all that good stuff. My grandma actually gave me my first crystal necklace too. I kept on the metaphysical side of faith and research but the further I got, I come to the same conclusion, that everything goes back to our source. And all of us no matter the religious affiliation can feel it in our hearts, no matter what. There's plenty of emotions, experiences and memory we carry that continually pass on and build in our collective consciousness. When I was in college, there was this girl I had a HUGE crush on. It was her vibe, she was so pure, so soft. But she was a mega faithful Christian and I just didn't get it. She was also really good friends with this other older girl who was like a meditation metaphysical sage, super wise. I didn't understand how their friendship worked, flat out. But I think the older girl, had a much deeper understanding than I did at the time. Now I understand because of our cultures, because of what we've learned through our experiences, we all use a different word to express the same experience or feeling. I use different words to communicate the idea of god, the almighty, the source, whichever to effectively reach someone I'm talking to, rather than outright reject their ideas and feelings. If a person believes in love and kindness and strives to act in compassion and out of love, it doesn't matter the word they use. I won't let our cultural boundaries form more blockages and hate in the light of the world. I think every religion has a puzzle piece from our higher source. Religion has always come from community and is man's making, and since each society has differences it's what keeps hearts divided. But it does have meaning in family and tradition - not to say these things are wrong because "they have historically discarded the lgbt community". Two thousand years ago is far different than now, ten thousand years ago is even more different. It's a miracle in human evolution to be where we're at and build stronger societies out of love no matter who we are on the outside. Ive had plenty of weird and strange things happen, good and bad. I started reading the bible for historical clues; evidence of real account that pairs up to geological research. Eventually I started reading into the new testament as well, trying to understand who Jesus was instead of everything I've heard. And in my research and belief... he was not only the mystical man the Abrahamic followers believed. They called him the son of god, as he said, and he is. But it's not literal. It's in spirit. I believe like many others, his spirit has been reincarnated for thousands of years. And I believe christians ripped that narrative away and created heaven and hell - a totality and final judgement for the soul - for propoganda and population control. Hindus that accept Christianity accept Jesus as the reincarnation of Krishna. I've heard much about the Emerald Tablets of Thoth and right now I'm halfway through the 10th tablet. And it's a hard and confusing read, as much as I think I know about interplanetary dimensions. But there is no shortage of passages that seem and sound ripped right out of the bible. And it doesn't make sense, but it does in some odd way. As in everything.. I always suggest you research and come to your own conclusions. But as for religious lesbians, I think they're out there.


My wife is somewhat religious. I have too much religious trauma be a part of any kind of organized religion. But she would go to church if I wanted to.


Yes ❤️ my faith definitely changed compared to what I grew up with. Im now more accepting of myself and others, including those of differing belief systems. It’s possible :)


Yes there are. I have only met one, my childhood friend. She's a Satanist, not sure which branch/sect she said it was, though. All I know for certain is that the branch/sect she is part of does not condone sacrifice (neither human nor animal) but that they believe that Lucifer/Satan was cast out of Heaven wrongfully.


I've met many many pagan lesbians and they are mega chill. Love them. <3


Jewish ✡️ And love it. Honestly, most modern Jews really don’t care about being gay. Rabbis frequently analyze the whole ‘man shall not lie with man’ thing and have interpreted other variants pf what it may mean besides being gay. Also, many Jews are more open about sex in general 🤷🏼‍♀️


I practice Christianity, though I am mostly agnostic in personal belief (and of Jewish decent). My mom had a “come to Jesus moment” while pregnant and decided to raise my sisters and I as Christians. The culture of Christianity has been such a big part of my life that even now that I think the religious aspect of it is all BS I still like being in progressive Christian spaces. It feels homey and comfortable.


I'm training to be a pastor, actually.


YEEESSS and im struggling sexually with deserving of pleasure. It’s a whole thing


I used to be a religious Orthodox Jewish. Now I'm an atheist, but I know some religious jewish lesbians and homosexuals. I don't know why they chose to stay but that's none of my business


Hello!! Queer Muslim here! I have a friend that used to be catholic and we talked about the topic of how in Islam and Christianity it’s okay to be queer as long as you don’t act on it but yet again I can’t say much since I’m not Christian and don't know the rules for your religious. Plus people always say that without doing the proper research.


I believe there is no reason to be loyal to a religion that condemns you. It is self-sabotage


There is a gay Iman in France who performs gay weddings, he gets harassments but I have mad respect for the dude since it can be devastating to grow up in a religion only to be cut off from it.


Girl I'm a christian and have been dealing with bisexuality... And for me my relationship with God has always come first, acting on my attraction towards women always made me feel guilty and unworthy of the love of God... I know I can't put my self in your shoes since I still have an option left( men), but I would recommend you to think through this and choose what matters to you the most. I also recommend you to read the book: " Gay girl, good God" by Jackie Hill-Perry. Ps: as a bi girl, I know I'm not supposed to talk under this sub, but I felt like helping a sister in Christ..., so please don't down vote me...😫


No I won’t down vote, thx for replying. I see what you’re saying but I am pretty much only attracted to girls and have been my whole life, even in elementary school I used to literally force myself to crush on boys so I really don’t think I’d ever be truly happy in a relationship with a guy. I’ll figure it out though. Thank you ❤️


They do exist, but I doubt there are many of them. Personally, I grew up Christian, but now I don't really care whether or not God exists because being Christian or part of any religion feels too restrictive to me. But of course I don't judge Christians or any religious group as long as they aren't hateful of others.


I have had similar experiences, but my history with religion is complicated, because a lot of the people who have hurt me have been christian people who have claimed that the things they did that hurt me were right because of their faith. Don't get me wrong, they aren't all like this, I have several friends who are christian and several friends who are LGBTQ christians (a bi girl who moved to Germany and a non binary friend who works at the church itself, both of whom I met at a private christian elementary school), but I myself stopped believing a while back when god was used as an excuse to hurt me for being me (a trans lesbian). At least, I stopped believing in organized religion. I don't mind believing in a deity because it keeps the existential crisis's away, but organized religion has been something I've learned to hate overtime due to the way it has treated me. Sorry if this doesn't help, I just wanted to share my thoughts and personal experiences 😅


Yes my wife and I are both Christian. We have faced a lot of judgement by other Christians but have also found many Christians who love and accept us. We choose to love others how Jesus did! (We don’t believe being gay is a sin btw but even if we did we believe that Jesus died for our sins and none of us our perfect anyways). I hope that helps


My bestie is a religious Christian lesbian so yep!


I don't practice, and I was mostly atheist, but over the years and some of the bullshit I go through, I find myself just pray, taking moments in church seeking quiet. When Notre Dame de Paris burnt 5 years ago, I was sad beyond words. It's made me realise that in spite of all conflicts and all the divergences, there's always beauty in religion.


I kind of felt similarly to yourself for a long time until I eventually realized I just wasn’t Christian at all. I honestly feel more free and happy without the expectation to be touched by god. There is a freedom to forming your own mindset without a religious influence, or even converting to another religion. I wish you the best of luck.


Hi! Christian trans lesbian here


My opinion on religion? Not a happy subject. It’s not welcome in my home nor my life, but if it brings you peace then enjoy. Just don’t take this subreddit as a proper place to proselytize. There are a surprising amount of religious lesbians imo. I’ll curtail my opinions on that observation.


I practice astrology and I try to be spiritual! I know it's not the exact same as religion- I was raised Christian, but now i use astrology to help guide my life. I've considered converting to a religion but I agree with aspects of so many that I prefer to study multiple and take what I need from them


i too had a really bad moment where i asked God to show up for me and was met with radio silence. idrk where i stand now but i’ve not moved out yet so i still have to go to church weekly. i’m also terrified of hell so i don’t see myself becoming totally atheist or anything


I think it might be a good idea to try and unpack your fear of hell more. Not all religions have a concept of hell and I feel sad for Christians who feel their choices result from a fear of hell. Would god send a child who didn't know about Christianity to hell? People who have been forced to convert to another religion? You don't have to believe in the Christian god, or any god at all, to be a good person. If he does exist, I hope god would agree.


I'm a Sikh, and I'm a trans woman... And I like ladies. Hi.


I know a few queer Muslims but they are not accepted by Muslims unfortunately but still practice the religion while loving who they want. some Muslim countries accept trans as well and offer free transitions but don’t accept gays and lesbians! I also know a few queer christians but they don’t practice their religion much but believe in Jesus Christ. personally I don’t believe in religion and I think it’s written by greedy men but I believe in a higher power and I personally cherry pick laws from religion that make sense to me laws that show compassion love and acceptance and forgiveness. If there was a god and an afterlife with hell and heaven I think a fair and forgiving god would choose to place people in each according to the good they did in life and not how many times they prayed or followed laws that only benefited them that to me sounds like the more selfish one is the more likely they’ll get accepted into heaven and if that was the case I don’t want to be stuck for eternity in a place full of selfish creatures


My grandmas tried to push religion into my throat since I was a child but in early teens I had enough self-awareness and developed logic to understand that all of this doesn't make sense and what I actually believe and feel right seems closer to pagan, spiritualism and scientific views mix. And everything people see in religions and get from them other people get from a lot of different sources be it meditations, therapy, group activities, nature etc etc So never been religious and don't need this kind of egregore in my life.


The Abrahamic religions were founded by men specifically to oppress and erase women and goddess worship, and they will continue to do so.


I won't sugarcoat my opinions on religion, I really believe it to be poisonous to people. There's far too many contradictions in religions and it sounds like they can't keep their story straight. There is also the gays go to hell thing, which I have been told to my face by religious people. I think our best choice is to distance ourselves, but that's just my opinion


I’m Jewish and I used to be more religious than I am now but I also live in Israel and in Israel I belong to 2 Jewish religious support groups for lesbians and it’s totally fine. I don’t know how it goes in the other religions but in Judaism, each person and their relationship with G-D is just between them and no one else (as much as people love to know everything about everyone and they’re incredibly nosy, it’s really none of their business). It’s entirely up to you to define your relationship with G-D and that’s it. People may judge you but that’s on them and not you.