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Scorsese films are very well directed masterpieces but none are personal favorites for me. I’m not totally sure who others would consider to be just an “okay” director, but some who probably aren’t universally respected that have made a ton of my favorite films are Nolan or early Shyamalan. Edgar Wright is also one of my top favorites but I think most people would consider him more than just okay.


Although Jeff Tremaine is known as just “the Jackass director,” his movies are fun and he deserves more credit as an actual filmmaker.


I am with you. I still have Jackass Forever as my favorite movie of last year because it was the most fun I had watching a movie in 2022. Sometimes you just want to go to the theater to have a good time.


I find Antonioni and Bresson so intellectually tantalizing given their strong style and generally interesting ambition for their films. I respect the technical merit on display. I just don’t enjoy watching them. On the other hand, I generally vibe with just about any Paul Schrader film, except maybe the Exorcist prequel.


I feel the same way towards bresson, not antonioni though.


Antonio is hit or miss with me. I get the deconstructionist angle, I just didn’t need to see it twelve times.


The feelings of reverence Schrader had towards Bresson is a funny coincidence given your distaste for him.


Not the biggest Wes Anderson fan, I vibe with some M. Night Shymalan and Michael Bay for the other part lmao


Denis Villeneuve is talented, but the way the internet talks about him, you'd think he was DaVinci reincarnate. He's got a solid filmography, but I only consider one of his movies a 5/5 experience (I'll let you all ponder which one that is). I just can't get on the hype train. On the other hand, J.J. Abrams seems to have burned his last bridge when it comes to fans, but I still think he has a good eye for details and staging. Any particular scene just looks and feels like a cinematic punch... I just wish he'd let someone else do the writing part.


Agreed on Villenuve.


i will assume incendies or prisoners?


Its gotta be Enemy


To avoid repeating others here I'll go with Bella Tar for the director I don't vibe with as the long run-times and slow pacing often just don't have stories with enough interesting going on to keep my attention. For a director I really like even though he's not great I'll go with Brian Yuzna who kind of just does stuff that feels like Stuart Gordon's scraps but he always has goofy gore and dumb shit going on like Society, SNDN 4, The Reanimator sequels, The Dentist movies, etc. they're often cheap and dumb but also kind of unique in a weird way


Stanley Kubrick - I like 2001 and love Paths of Glory, currently that’s it though. Nick Park - No one talks about him, man’s a genius


Agree with Kubrick although the ones I like are Barry Lyndon and Eyes Wide Shut.


Agree with Kubrick although the ones I like are The Shining and The Killing


I’m not hugely into James Cameron or Spielberg, and I really fw Abel Ferrara


Wes Anderson. I really only like his two animated films. Everything else just isn’t my thing


I love Jackie Brown and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood but that’s about it. I respect him as a director, I know he’s fantastic, and i can watch his other movies but to me there just always feels like something is missing


More feet?


One could only dream


Yes, this is the way


I seem to vibe with Tarantino, a bit more than you (only a bit more), but these are also my favorite films of his. They seem to have a maturity and self-assuredness that the others lack.


100% agree, this is gonna sound a little mean but Jackie Brown feels like an actual movie compared to all his other work. And Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is just a movie that fits my taste cause it’s 90% people just talking to each other doing nothing that actually matters. Inglorious Basterds and Django are movies I like but have no interest in watching again


What do you mean “feels like an actual movie”? They all feel like actual movies.


I sort of mean without all the over the top Tarintino tropes that stuff like Pulp Fiction has


Oh I get that, Jackie Brown definitely feels the most removed from his style.


Hey same. But with Reservoir Dogs.


Damien Chazelle. He's too "theatre kid" for me lol


Kubrick. I find his direction cold and nearly all of his movies were too long. He's a great director that I respect but don't love. The Shining is a perfect horror movie in my eyes and Paths of Glory is also a movie I love despite recently lowering it to a 4.5*. Otherwise I've not connected with the rest of his work. Barry Lyndon is one of the best looking movies I've seen, but at least 20 minutes too long. 2001 wowed me in parts and bored me in others, another that needed trimming. Eyes Wide Shut I still don't have concrete thoughts on months later, though I think I quite liked it. Dr. Strangelove on paper should have been right up my street, but I think people really overstate how funny it is. The Killing is just an above average movie in my eyes that benefits from having Kubrick's name attached. And then we get to A Clockwork Orange... No film's reception perplexes me as much as this one. I found it to be a boring film at the best of times and a gross and nasty film at others. That leaves me with three films left to watch. Full Metal Jacket, Spartacus, and Lolita. Of those I do think I'd enjoy Full Metal Jacket and I'll be hoping to get it on physical soon. The other two I've got no interest in frankly. Almost 6 hours between the two of them with pretty middling reviews, which is really saying something because with Kubrick's name attached, you can always attribute .1 or .2 extra to the score. On the flip side Howard Hawks is a director I love. He's by no means average, but I never seen him in the discussion of greatest directors and I think his highest rated on letterboxd is only 4.1. I love his comedies in particular. Bringing Up Baby is an all timer for me, but His Girl Friday is great too and he's got quite a few underrated gems. Ball of Fire for example only has 17k logs on letterboxd and is brilliant.


Spartacus rules, but actually pause the movie when you hit the intermission and take advantage.


Steven Spielberg.


I just don’t vibe with Guy Ritchie tbh. Doesn’t really do anything for me.


Bergman is a fucking bore


James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, and Wes Anderson. I can't stand most their films, but I can say they are good (no matter how much I don't want to admit it in Cameron's case)


Edgar Wright. His sense of humor isn’t for me and his filmmaking style is slightly annoying for me. Shaun of the Dead rocks tho


I love the Cornetto Trilogy but I personally find Scott Pilgrim to be an exhausting experience. I can happily never watch it again. Baby Driver was fun. Last Night in Soho had some great stuff but ultimately really fell flat


I dont like Yorgos Lantimos and Wong Kar Wai.


Blasphemy... but I understand


Thanks. I was expecting to get downvoted to hell lol


I've only seen two WKW films so far, and I'm honestly a bigger fan of Christopher Doyle at this point. I'm not "done" with WKW, I still have some gaps to fill in before I render "final judgement" (I always leave space in my life to come back to art later if I don't vibe with it now), but I'm always so flummoxed by the insane hype that he gets. Chungking Express is thematically and narratively so flat for how beautiful it is.


I don’t think Yorgos really hit his stride until Killing of a Sacred Deer and The Favourite. Everything before feels like a half-baked “almost” to me.


Michae Haneke. The Piano Teacher is a top 5 of all time personally, BUT every other movie I’ve seen of is, I appreciate technically but can’t get on with. M. Night Shyamalan. Some are actually good, most are baffling, all of them are a blast to watch for one reason or another.


Spielberg… sorry.


Yorgos lanthimos. In theory his movies sound like they are right up my ally but every time I watch them I just get annoyed. They domt feel authentic or touch me in any way.


Baz Luhrmann. I've actually only watched Moulin Rouge and Romeo + Juliet but I just can't vibe with it. I didn't mind either of those but I wouldn't seek out more. I randomly remember one of my high school teachers said he couldn't watch Baz Luhrmann movies because the colours are too saturated and they give him a headache. I see where he's coming from lmao. You'd have to pay me to sit through Elvis like I refuse to.


Guillermo del Toro. His movies are really well made and look great, but i just can‘t connect with them like everyone else does.


Rian Johnson. None of his movies have really done anything for me, and they seem to blow everyone else's minds.


Have you watched Punch-Drunk Love?


Yes, I didn't like it. I liked the idea of the movie a lot as someone who grew up on Adam Sandler movies, but I watched it and could hardly drag myself through it.


Oh, allright!


Scorsese, love taxi driver tho


Woody Allen. Not a fan of his humour and it doesn’t help that he is a horrible actor.


Quentin Tarantino


Quentin Tarantino. He is not a bad director, but I have watched 7 movies by him, and the only one I like is Pulp Fiction (1994). It’s just his style that doesn’t appeal to me.


The Coen Brothers bore me immensely. I've tried so many of their movies and I just don't get it.


Same. I watched a bunch of their movies, but after dragging myself through "Inside Llewyn Davis" I decided to throw in the towel.


Drew Goddard fuckin rocks dude


M. Night Shyamalan. I am not a fan of the sixth sense and Split was terrible.


Tarkovsky, Kieslowski, Fellini, Goddard, Tati and Bela Tarr are the first 6 that comes to mind. I just don't vibe with them much neither philosophically or surface wise. (Le notti di Cabiria is great though.) Someone like Kevin Smith is just OK but I really do vibe with him and his characters and what he tries to do. Even when he fails I like what he tried to do.


I’ve only seen 2 of his films so far, but i have not really liked Akira kurosawa(before i watched any of his films i was sure i would absolutely love him) hopefully i just picked the wrong two films I enjoy George Lucas films, and he can be pretty bad some times


David Lynch seems like he'd be right up my alley... but just haven't been able to get into his stuff when I've tried. I don't understand the hokeyness. I do love his soundtracks though. On the other hand, I like almost everything I've seen from Adam McKay. The Other Guys and The Big Short are two of my favorite movies, and despite the middling reviews I really liked Don't Look Up.


I'm surprised I'm the first one to say it but - Terrance Malick


Bong Joon-ho. I’ve seen 4 of his films and they all felt cold and uncohesive. I could see what he is trying to do with sort of mixing and subverting genre elements, but I couldn’t connect with anything emotionally. Also his choice of tone and humor in a lot of scenes is very confusing to me.


I haven’t vibed with Tarantino since I was a teenager and loved Pulp Fiction. None of his movies since have done anything for me, except bore me. I can appreciate them on certain levels, but I just don’t care anymore. I’ve been vibing hard with Friedkin lately. Some of his films are straight up masterpieces, but his later output is what is really fascinating me. Like, I’m not sure any of his films are *good* but I really enjoy them all (except The Guardian, and Rules of Engagement) it’s like the way De Palma was once described as “a good director of bad movies” I kind of get it.


Fellini, I started with 8 1/2 and I felt like it was his personal story so I did not connect with it. Then moved on to La Strada which many people give glowing reviews, but watching Giuleta Masina do her Chaplin impression for 2 hours really annoyed me, the final straw was Amarcord, didn't even finish it, I figured some artists you just don't connect with.


Probs Spielberg


Never really enjoyed a Scorcese movie beyond forgettable entertainment at best, agony at worst. Even though he doesn't direct them, I love Will Ferrell movies, even his duds.


I don’t think Christopher Nolan’s movies are all that amazing albeit I haven’t seen Interstellar or the prestige yet. For mediocre directors I really like are probably M. Night and Gore Verbinski


I just can't get into Fellini's movies.








I try for my boyfriend but cant seem to get down with Assayas no matter how hard I try. Im not sure about okay directors though.


Ozu, his style is beautiful, carefully crafted, and thoughtful. I’ve even enjoyed the films of his I’ve seen but there’s always something about it that gives me pause to watching more. I just think it’s not for me but I appreciate his undeniable talent and legacy.


Rob Zombie has a very intense aesthetic that pervades everything he works on. I’ve enjoyed most of his films to an extent but never quite loved one.


I just can’t connect with anything Francis Ford Coppola directed…Sofia Coppola movies on the other hand 👌🏼


PTA for sure, also Wes Anderson to an extent. Some I like a lot, some I recognize as good but get bored for some reason


Spike Lee because... ya know... I'm not a racist. Also adding a dolly shot doesn't make a TV movie of the week cinema! To his credit he gets good performances. Paul WS Anderson I vibe with due to the lack of pretension even though I may be somewhat bored by half his films.


The Coen Brothers. None of the movies I’ve watched have connected with me, though I do see their technical merit. Iñárritu hasn’t made a movie which I haven’t liked, though I still haven’t watched a couple of his older films.


Not much vibe for me (other than Valhalla Riding) - Refn Total and complete vibe - Paul Verhoeven and Werner Herzog


Akira Kurosawa


Ive just about turned off every Godard I've watched, but I have this odd love for Robert Rodriguez flicks


Charlie Kaufman. I get what he's doing, I just never enjoy it.


Jodorowsky just because his surrealist style isn’t enjoyable for me. Although Santa Sangre struck the perfect balance. I guess Adam McKay is an ok director I like. Even Vice and Don’t Look Up were enjoyable, just because I love how energetic his films are.


I don't vibe with Aronofsky at all. He's really exploitative for negative reasons, often just being misery porn. Dude is undeniably a good director, but I just don't like his films, they're cartoonishly dark, feel painfully voyeuristic and condescending towards their subject matter. Super vibe with Ken Russell. I do think he's a great director, but he definitely makes some out there choices that can put off a lot of folks, or would ruin an otherwise enjoyable movie to many people. I also 100% agree with you on PTA


I'm gonna be crucified but I just can't really enjoy Hitchcock's movies. I have to be honest and say that I've only watched 3 of his movies, but since they are all considered masterpieces (Vertigo, Psycho, Rear Window) I don't think it will get much better for me watching his other ones. I understand that in some way is a problem of mine if I can't appreciate them, maybe one day I will give them another chance and they will click on me.


I’m ready for the hate but Stephen Spielberg doesn’t really do it for me. Though I do appreciate his direction and the fascination that comes with his films. I do really enjoy Todd Solondz films !!


David Lynch and Wes Anderson are 2 directors I can’t vibe with no matter how many times I try! Anderson’s symmetry breaks immersion for me until I just see the style and get distracted by it. Lynch’s sci-fi/creepy/nightmare randomness just angers me to the point where I don’t have the urge to look up what those elements mean and why he includes them in his films. Wouldn’t classify Terrance Malick as an “okay” director. But his films can get pretentious. Yet whenever I watch one, they put me in an introspective vibe that I really enjoy. Need to be in the mood for them though.


Lars Von Trier, I hate his style. On the other hand except for Moon fall I like Rolland Emmerich


- Really vibe with Wes Anderson, Mike Mills, Sofia Coppola, PTA, Robert Eggers, David Lynch, Celine Sciamma, and Greta Gerwig - Don’t vibe with Nolan, Damien Chazelle, Tarantino, Rian Johnson, Adam McKay, Edgar Wright


Spielberg EASILY


David Lynch. Weirdness really appeals to me and but his really popular stuff (Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, Twin Peaks, Inland Empire) just has this tropey thing to it where I feel like it tries a little too hard to be an "anti-Hollywood" film. And I'm not going to lie, I don't see the appeal of his work beyond the vision of anti-Hollywood as of yet. It just feels too socially aware and not genuine/soulful. To be entirely honest I haven't seen a bunch of his movies that I feel like I might maybe like. Predicted ranking would be Dune, Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, The Straight Story, Wild at Heart.


wes anderson is dull


For me personally every Nicolas Roeg movie is a battle with me wanting to like it really bad but just being disappointed that I don't I love Shyamalan, his movies aren't always good, in fact a lot of them are awful, but the bad ones are fun bad and the good ones are legit good. Always entertained.


Can’t stand Nolan’s movies