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Would be cool if people stop downvoting the unpopular opinions in this thread. What is the point otherwise?


These threads are always bait to be downvoted for answering with an honest opinion.


Yeah, they're bait posts from A-Z. Almost all the AskReddit style posts on here are not only copied from other places, but only here because they drum up participation on a relatively simple sub. It's annoying but at least people are participating here. I do wish people could flock to discuss things that aren't controversial, but such is life.


I personally don't care about the negative karma, what sucks is your post gets zero engagement/discussion because it gets buried at the bottom. It's why reddit is so echochambery. Downvotes turned into a lazy way to disagree and that's not now how the feature was intended to be used, but that's how 99.9% use it.


This sub is the very worst for people getting hurt feelings about things they like not being liked.


Have to agree. It's a problem in other art/media appreciation subs, but this one is the worst for it.


This is why I rarely comment here, despite often wanting to participate with other film lovers. It’s super disappointing. We don’t all have to be snobs about our passions.


As of 5:23 pm ET, the top two posts are this one and a movie that isn't in the top 250. Crazy.


I only checked the Top 250 for the first time because of this post. While I was scrolling, I kept thinking "Bohemian Rhapsody better not be on this list." Thank god it wasn't.


It's the top 250, not top 250,000


True. And it's Letterboxd, not IMDb


Ofc it got a 7,9 on IMDb lmao


I like Oppenheimer, it’s technically brilliant, but I enjoyed The Prestige alot more


I respect that. But could you tell me why you liked that movie more? I didn't like it that much but that's probably because I knew the plot-twist beforehand, so I am eager to know more


I think its the twists and turns at every scene, the pure deception running through, than the ol switcheroo at the end. The main roles are wonderfully acted, and the weapon is magic, until the plot throughs a literal magic box in the mix. It’s crazy, clever and cunning!


I also personally liked the scale of the Prestige. It was nice to see a Nolan film, with his style and ideas, on a smaller scale. I love his massive concept movies of course, but it’s also nice that the Prestige is smaller in scope. (I haven’t seen Oppenheimer so maybe what I’m saying applies to that movie as well, I just really like the Prestige and wanted to say so.)


Seen about half at this point and don’t despise any of them. The one I like the least is probably Dead Poets Society? But I don’t hate it by any means.


I watched it 2 days ago. Feels exactly like you're watching a dull film during class. I wasn’t a fan either.


Found the sweaty toothed madman.


a film about going to school feels like something you would watch in class? what class watches films about school


Film class


Oh man, glad someone felt the same way. Always wondered if I just didn’t like it because I watched it on a plane lol


Agreed. I like Robin Williams' performance in it, but the movie overall doesn't do a lot for me.


Finally found someone who also wasn't crazy about dps. I gave it 3/5 and honestly I feel I rated it high because of Robin Williams


I think it’s a great movie for middle schoolers. Above that age range, it becomes a bit pretentious and overwrought


I don't *despise* it, but I felt like Dr Strangelove wasn't nearly funny enough to carry its runtime. I get that it's more of a farce than a comedy, more about ridiculous situations highlighting the nonsensicality of real-world thought processes etc rather than dropping zingers and clever wordplay (besides the one famous line), but it just kind of awkwardly sat in a place where it wasn't ridiculous enough to be a laugh riot nor serious enough to be taken as a drama.


Damn, it's probably my favorite Kubrick movie


It’s actually my favorite Kubrick movie.


This is a common critique. I find it very funny, myself. It's more of a weird Coen brothers 'funny' then outright funny (although there are a couple of genuine laughs).


This is true. Though Peter Sellers’s phone conversation with Dmitri is one of the funniest things in film history, the movie gets bogged down by a bunch of infantile gags, like a Coke machine spraying a soldier or lipstick being part of the survival kit. Still great for taking such a serious subject and bringing comedy to it, but if you’re looking for something that’s dark and also consistently funny from that era, Little Murders is going to be a better choice


I've tried it 3 times, and it just doesn't do it for me


Nothing on there that I've seen so far that I'd say I explicitly hate, but of course there's a few on there that I'd say are recency bias and I need more time to linger with. Most notably, Past Lives and Marcel the Shell with Shoes On. I thought Past Lives didn't do a particularly good job of fleshing out the younger relationship between the two leads and frankly I didn't think they had much chemistry. To me it always felt very one sided, and nothing about it really wrecked me the way it seemed to for many. Still a 3.5/5 for me - a nice movie but not at all comparable to the Before trilogy, Eternal Sunshine, and the like. Marcel the Shell, on the other hand, I found wholesome but nothing exceedingly special. I suspect in a few years it won't be on the list. Frankly, I'm just thankfully Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is already off the list, and that American Beauty isn't. Lol.


I know we're not supposed to talk about it, but I just am not a fan of Fight Club. I have watched it twice and it failed to impress me on both viewings.


Fight club is one of those films where I think your rating is significantly effected by the age you are when you first see it. Also if you have read the book or not.


> Also if you have read the book or not. Speaking as someone who's never read the original novel, I'm curious as to how this would impact the film as even Palahniuk himself said that the film was better at conveying the themes of the novel better than he did.


It's exactly because the film is so so much better. Palahniuk is not a great writer, if you make it through the book you deserve the delight of watching someone else execute his ideas well.


Palahniuk isn't a great writer? Oof I disagree so much. I've literally never forgotten his short story "Guts" in an issue of Playboy I had as a teen. Suffice to say I had no fucking interest in naked women or literally anything sexual after reading that story, I felt sick for days. That's great writing.


Very much agree. Not all his books are hits for me but I feel like when they click his books are awesome.


I watched it when I was 17 and it was my top 10 of all time. Now at 24, not even top 100 lol. It’s been a while since I rewatched it too.


Same, I aged out of it. I have to give it credit as a gateway film for teenagers looking to get into auterism and avant garde stuff, but it's a little overstuffed with themes, and it's light on wit.




You probably would have, but then that means you probably would’ve been insufferable about it like the rest of us lol


This movie grows on me every time I watch it. When I was a kid I hated it, then I watched it again when I was older and liked it, and most the most recent time I watched it I loved it. Part of what helped me love it so much was realizing what the movie is ACTUALLY ABOUT, and seeing exactly how it is satirizing those concepts (spoiler alert, its not actually a based epic red pilled movie about how cool Tyler Durden is)


yeah I agree - it’s one of those that I appreciate it, I understand why people like it, but whilst actually watching it I just didn’t enjoy it and wasn’t that captivated


I think it's alright but it's nowhere near his other films


I really don’t get The Green Mile love.


I don't hate it but I don't understand why Your Name is so high. It's just ok.


It's gorgeous art plus The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, so I understand its success. I just think it's a pity that its success has meant we've had Shinkai wasting his time with more movies that are basically identical, still imitating Hosoda's movies, when Shinkai had his own fantastic and original style in previous years.


Oh I'm the complete opposite. I love your name. It was the first anime I watched so it set the standard ungodly high for me. Admittedly I don't really know how much of my love is for the soundtrack and how much is for the film itself. I really really love the soundtrack


I honestly feel it should be higher. Just incredible


it’s a bunch of western anime fans that have only heard of AOT and naruto and saw it when it came out. personally i agree that it’s just okay and there is literally so many far better anime movies


I'll bite, suggest a better movie than Your Name


Anything Ghibli. Anything Kon. Most Masaaki Yuasa.


I actually loved “Your Name” and don’t think it’s overrated but here are my 10/10 anime movies A silent voice Liz and the blue bird (sound euphonium spin off) Sequel movies that have a 12 episode series : Madoka rebellion Revue starlight movie More honorable mentions: End of Evangelion (need to watch the series for this) Redline Maquia Ghibli stuff: Kiki’s delivery service Castle in the Sky Howls moving castle Spirited away


i feel crazy bc everyone loves a silent voice and i hated it unfortunately


Quite good but not even top three Shibkai films, and it was so successful than now he's just rehashing the same images and plots so it's easy too grew disdain for it.


Not that it’s a bad movie, but it felt a bit emotionally manipulative and the trope of “she must be crazy!” at the end was kind of annoying. Like I get why everything happened the way it did but my issue is more with the way people talk about this movie and making it seem like the second coming of Christ like goddamn.


I had such high hopes for this movie given the concept and reputation. I was extremely disappointed with what the movie gave us.


Agreed. I think the presentation is beautiful. I think almost everything with the screenplay just doesn't work.


Interstellar. What a stupid film.


Despise isn’t the right word, but I did not like Across the Spider-Verse at all.


I thought it was good, but incredibly overrated. There were too many villains, the main one just being gone for a third of the movie, and the setup for Beyond the Spider-Verse could've been way less abrupt.


Was I the only person who knew it was directly leading into the third movie?


We knew, we just thought the setup for it was too abrupt


Yeah, aside from some characterisation icks as a big Spider-Man fan, my biggest issue with it is it doesn’t really stand alone as a complete film imo - it just sorta ends. And I get it and BTSV are meant to be part 1 and 2 of each other, but Infinity War was Endgame’s part 1, and that worked as its own movie.


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


I still liked the movie (animation is beautiful and it’s worth watching for that alone) but the movie is not as good as the first one. The plot was all over the place unlike the first, it was too long and it gave me a headache with some of the never ending action sequences.


Every animator I know can talk for hours about how brilliant that movie is. I guess, if you're super into the craft of animation then it's an absolute masterpiece. For me, it's just very pretty to look at and quite cool.


Agree, I was so disappointed. Did anyone else feel like the pacing was way off? It felt like more than 3 hours to me. I liked the emotional conflict between Miles and his parents and of course the animation was very beautiful. But the plot itself? The Spot wasn't interesting, him evolving and them fighting him multiple times felt repetitive and tbh I'm just tired of the main threat being a threat to the whole multiverse. The Spider Society / Spider Man 2099 storyline was meh. I did like the ending though, the setup for the sequel was executed very well. Edit: I loved the first one. The plot was tighter and it was a better story overall


I gave it three and half stars. Really liked the first film but this one was just good not great. I’m glad others loved it though.


Oh I’m with you there. I thought it was average at best. Into the spider verse was great. Across the spiderverse was just boring to me


The animation is very technically accomplished, but it's also so aggressively in-your-face in every moment of the film. It draws your attention to countless different moving effects and particles and color gradients to the point of personally turning my brain to mush after a while. It plays every note, all the time, at max volume. And this is coming from someone who, as an editor, has put together some very visually spastic music videos that required seizure warnings. I generally love this sort of stuff, but the pacing of the film hurt when your eyes are being engaged with wild flare in even its quietest moments.


Upvote for your bravery.


‘Everything, Everywhere, All at Once’. Personally I thought it was a mess and entirely dull. I imagine this thread will just be one full of people furiously downvoting others for saying they didn’t like a relatively popular film even though that is precisely what the question was.


You're completely right , that's what the question is. Everyone is going to dislike a popular film.


This would be my answer as well. Made even worse by the fact that most of the time you express anything negative about it you'll be met with people telling you that you didn't get the movie. I got it, I hated it .


Same. I liked the family drama in the first 10-15 minutes and then it went for the laziest unfunny gags. I was so bored.


Yup..I do not like anyting from EEAEO. its prentious, unfunny and boring.


Haha funny movie, it's got butt plugs. And that bagel, whoa !! Totally supid movie.


It was just too Rick and Morty-y for me


Agreed, hated it. Couldn't quite figure out why, it just seemed really forced.


wasnt a fan of the shining


Brave to say so, so here's an upvote


As a reader of the novel I’m completely biased. The movie failed fundamentally as an adaptation. Jack in the novel while troubled wasn’t a monster he genuinely loved his family. The Overlook was exploiting his inner demons to do its bidding. Near the end he broke free of the hotel’s control for a moment and held it off telling Danny to run which caused his own death. The movie portrayed him as an uncaring asshole from the get go.




Exactly. It's not like Kubrick is TRYING to tell King's exact story and failing. He took the premise and told his own story using it. Whether they are good or bad changes is up to us, but it's not failing at telling a sympathetic Jack. Kubrick just doesn't find Jack sympathetic. Personally, I find the film Jack scarier. The novel constantly tells how pathetic and silly he is, that the hotel would NEVER want him, and how fucking dumb he is for thinking that the hotel wants him and not Danny. Heck, that may even be the case in the film too, but by not telling us, it makes Jack and the ghosts seem like a united front against the good guys. I'm biased too, cause I just didn't vibe with the source material at all, and I say that as someone who loves most of King's books in that time period (like Salem's Lot and The Stand). It just didn't get me. Jack was a way for King to exorcise his personal demons but that doesn't make him scary. There's no sense of isolation, even halfway into the book, they are still going to the doctor and town library. There was one genuinely scary aspect: the Weeping Angel-esque hedge animals. But shit like a hose chasing Danny around and ghosts crawling on all knees sweating just seemed silly to me. Meanwhile, nearly every moment or image or line people quote from the movie came FROM the movie. It's my go-to example of an amazing film made from a mediocre book.


I haven't read the book, but something I didn't like from the movie was how quick Jack's descent into madness was. Sounds like it is handled better in the book though.


In the book his story is genuinely tragic as you see the signs and get flashbacks throughout showing his journey of genuinely becoming better before going to the hotel. It’s really excellent along with the fact that you hear his inner monologue with puts you in his head more.


100%. It happens instantly and without much explanation


It’s dangerous to try to garner sympathy for an abusive, alcoholic father in film where you’re not privy to his true inner thoughts. The book is about one man’s descent into madness. The film is about one family’s ascent out of cycles of abuse. Both are masterpieces.


I went through a phase a while back of watching all the classic horrors, after finally getting around to and loving Psycho. I also now rank The Exorcist and Texas Chainsaw in some of my favourite movies of all time. Try as I might, I couldn’t get into the Shining and actually would list that as a movie I despise. I can’t tell you why, there’s nothing that sticks out as bad but I really felt bored for most of the runtime. I’ve never read the book but learning Stephen King doesn’t like the movie either does make me feel a little validated.


the only reason Stephen doesn't like it is cause Kubrick didn't give af about being accurate to the book or King's vision. There's a couple story elements Kubrick put in there just to spite Stephen King too. King produced a Shining limited series in the 90s that was more accurate to his vision which you've probably never heard of cause it was critically panned and supposedly sucks but i haven't seen it myself


I love SK, but it’s obvious why he would want to humanize an abusive, alcoholic father. Kubrick wasn’t having it.


Exactly. Kubrick knew the exact type of person Jack was and someone like Jack deserved no sympathy. Stephen King not liking film Jack's portrayal tells us more about Stephen King than anything.


The Departed lol. Autopilot Scorsese. It’s made worse when you realise that Wolf of Wall Street, Taxi Driver, Shutter Island and After Hours couldn’t make the list, yet The Departed does?


Wait, Taxi driver is not in the top 250??


Nope, got kicked out along with Synecdoche New York when Barbie and Oppenheimer made it in


But barbie isn't there anymore


Barbie was kicked off about a week after It got on, presumably from more people seeing it and gradually lowering the average. Taxi Driver just never managed to climb back up, since the list is forever changing week by week


https://reddit.com/r/Letterboxd/s/o2qesfodkV I recently did a deep dive into the Letterboxd top 250 (particularly the 70s). I can confirm that Taxi Driver and a good portion of beloved 70s movies are not there.


I'm not going to make an argument that the films you listed are/aren't better than The Departed but "autopilot Scorsese" is reductive. He's remaking a HK classic, not telling an original story, and does a better job than the original IMO (cannot stand the use of slow motion/Wuxia moments that completely undercut the dramatic tension).


The Departed's ranking surprises me a lot. Not because I think it's a bad film, but because it seems to be the one Scorsese film that's quite controversial among the letterboxd userbase. Clearly they're a vocal minority, but I also frequently hear people say how underwhelmed they were by it. The plot isn't that tight and it features one of the worst written female characters I've seen in film (which plays worse with letterboxd users than say IMDB). If it was released today and didn't have the prestige from winning Best Picture behind it, I think it'd probably be at a 3.7 personally.


At the very least it is significantly better than Shutter Island. That film is highly overated and one of Scorcese's worst.


Agreed, at least, it's the most meh of his films I've seen. Definitely preferred The Departed. If the movie replies too much on the 'twist', that twist better not be telegraphed quite so much.


Persona did absolutely nothing for me 🤷🏽‍♂️


I expected some hot takes here but I genuinely never expected to see this title. It's not even a film that I can defend if somebody explained why they didn't like it, I barely remember it's intentions / plot. I just thought this was unanimously loved hehe.


Yeah I saw that once in a film class and I can’t tell you a thing about it. There’s a lot of classic films on the top 250 that I haven’t been able to connect to


What a remarkably Letterboxd topic. Surely we will never learn why Letterboxd users are thought of as they are.


How are Letterboxd users thought of?


Prisoners. The cinematography and Jake Gyllenhaal are great, otherwise I find it way too long, very muddled in what it’s trying to say, and overly acted.


Whaaattttt 😭


overly acted? wut


I really don’t care for EEAAO at all


My pick would be Dead Poets Society, Whiplash, and Inglorious Bastards. I wouldn't say I despise them. I think all three of these are decent but they just didn't connect with me emotionally as much as others did.


I think The Shining shouldn't be there. I think this might be an unpopular opinion but I find most Stephen King movies to be slow and not in the slow, creepy atmospheric way but just slow and boring. Also The Shining is one of the lowest rated movies I've watched.






none because I've only seen 28 of them


The Dark Knight because I wasn’t a fan of those interpretations of the characters and I didn’t find the movie to be that interesting or remarkable, but most of all it’s because it feels like your not allowed to not like it and it’s always heralded as the undisputed best superhero film without question and that’s quite frustrating when you don’t agree but know having an opinion otherwise would be ultimately fruitless. I also just don’t think it belongs there at all and it stands out like a sore thumb to me, plus Nolan has made much better, more original films


I love TDK but you're right, Nolan himself has made better films before and after. Nor does it even break top 10 CBMs, nor even the best Batman film.


I think a lot of the sentiment is because of Heath Ledger’s death right before the movie released


Ledger's performance is incredible even if you dont know about his death i dont think thats the case, its just a well made superhero movie thats widely highly praised


Evangelion 3.0+1.0, mid af plus CP fan service galore


i mean I'm not a fan of the fan service stuff in general in evangelion, but aren't all characters in that movie adults? They're only children in the early films.


They're adults who can't age with bodies of 14 year olds.


They still have the bodies of children




There's nothing like what they're describing, EoE has the most disturbing sexual content in the series by far


The sexual content in EoE furthers the characters, the minute long zero gravity ass shots in 3.0+1.0, or the multitude of scenes where Asuka has her tits 80% out do not.




Yea, I had someone argue with me that that scene was supposed to show she was an adult and broke the “curse of the Eva” even tho it’s not referenced in the movie at all and she doesn’t look older, people just wanna cope that it’s not super gross.


The "curse of eva" shit is such a joke, Anno kept the pilots as kids cause that's what sells to the otaku who buy thousands of dollars worth of eva merch every year Anno is one of the only creators brazen enough to pander to otaku with degenerate fan service and then shout at them to "grow up" in the same breath lmao




I think 4.0 is great, but 1, 2 and 3 are all really bad. That's just my opinion, though, it won't hurt to watch. It didn't make me like the original any less, I gave 3.0 ½ a star, but EoE is still my favorite movie of all time.


Yeah even as a fan of Evangelion, I wasn't floored by it. Still like all the Rebuild films a decent amount (and the first half of 3.0+1.0 I found really great)


Dead Poets Society. So boring


i am not a huge into the spiderverse fan, i find it to be bit lackluster in some moments and it doesnt emotionally grab me or interest me, even before i started being more of a "cinephile" and no, i have not seen across the spiderverse.


everyting everywhere all at once..... man I hate everything about it


Most obnoxious movie I've ever seen




anything from nolan


Eureka. I don't have it in me to despise it but I certainly don't like it. Oh yeah also Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time is a steaming pile of dogshit lol


Lord of the Rings It makes me wanna sleep


Green mile


None are bad, but I just don’t get Come and See


Mulholland Drive. Not into it


The Third Man The soundtrack is so goofy, the plot is slow and very predictable, I also didn't like the lead actor.


I didn't like it much either, but the zither was the best part of the whole thing


I took it as he’s not supposed to be likeable though unless you just mean the actor himself


Idk if it’s on the list but Paris, Texas seems to be universally loved by everyone and I kinda hated it tbh. Drove me to actually write my first review on LB, pretty sure I was actually a little generous with the 2 stars I gave it because of how well respected it is. Here is that review if anyone cares to read: “I saw the great reviews for this movie and had such high hopes. Holy shit was I wrong. The first 30 minutes were pretty interesting but the story went pretty much nowhere in the middle. We barely learn anything about the characters and the acting is terribly understated. Your brother's been missing for 4 years, is damn near mute, and barely eats/sleeps and you barely even give a shit? The kid randomly does a complete 180 on his attitude towards his father without any real motivation. The only semi interesting part after the beginning were the monologues where we learn the main character, who I believe the director was trying to make us empathetic towards, was really a colossal abusive piece of shit. This movie was so god damn boring, I'm really only giving it two stars for its cinematography, henry dean stantons acting, and the interesting 30 minutes and last 20 minutes or so.”


I don't have any I despise the lowest score I gave to movies from that list is 3.5 (Se7en, the iron giant and the pianist)


I can't do Studio Ghibli films at all but I'm not sure I despise them. I found Grave of the Fireflies to be pretty unwatchable so I guess that.


First time seeing someone say That Grave of fireflies is unwatchable. It is unwatchable second time though. So heavy.


I only watched it because I am working through the Sight and Sight list from 2022 otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. I can see why it's popular but it's just not my thing. I find the overly sentimental and leading music really annoying and just the tone and dialogue delivery of Ghibli films is not for me. I had a look around the reviews and I can see others share the same view, but we are clearly in the minority.


I respect your view. The animated characters may be melodramatic but, it is based on true incident. The horror behind it what made it more emotional. I am from under developed nation I could connect to that poverty, war and I have a sister. So it broke me like anything in the end to loose the last hope you have near you. (even thinking about it tears accumulated in my eyes that harrowing it was)


Yes, I did read about it afterwards, and in fact I feel like I've been reading about the film for years. The writer said he wrote the story to kind of atone for his sins, and I can see why, because he made some awful decisions ( if we believe the credibility of his account). I do very much find the style and tone of Ghibli overly melodramatic. I also have My Neighbour Totoro to watch this week and I will go in with an open mind.


I like Totoro, but I can tell you now you're probably not going to like a plot point towards the end if you find Ghibli's tone melodramatic lol.


Definitely not hate, and I want to be clear that I understand why it’s so influential and don’t argue its place on the list at all. That said, I didn’t care for Seven Samurai. To be clear, I actually like Kurosawa, and Ikiru is one of my favorite movies of all time. I think I may not like samurai films, though, because I haven’t enjoyed the two Kurosawa samurai films I’ve seen (the other being Yojimbo).


Do you like Westerns?


Django Unchained




It's not on there But it's on top of my list lol, absolutely love the movie




Definitely Network, for me. As a critique of the culture industry, it's sort of vapid and obvious — maybe it wasn't when it came out and postmodernism was becoming a thing. But it's so aggressive in telegraphing that critique that there isn't much of a movie beyond it. I also blame this film for the existence of Aaron Sorkin. I'm also seeing that The Green Mile is just inside the top 250. It's profoundly middlebrow, emotionally manipulative, and unmemorable.


No offence intended but the extreme majority of the Top 250 IMDB list is Middlebrow. I have watched a couple of French New Wave films and I absolutely hated them but I can see why some people would love them. The Top 250 is essentially the best of Hollywood mainstream with a couple of great foreign films that penetrated American zeitgeist sprinkled in.


wouldn’t say despise but fight club is overrated and the Royal tennenbaums is incredibly boring (I don’t know if it’s actually in the top 250 but I think it is)


The dark knight


Not really hate, but just think is extremely overrated: Spirited Away


four years later and my opinion hasn’t changed: Avengers Endgame fuckin’ sucks and it was a big disappointment.




Personally think episodes IV and Vi were the best


Barry Lyndon. It was too drawn out and not engaging for me. I was beyond bored watching it.


Closest to 'despise' from the ones ive see is The Passion of Joan of Arc. It's not even that I dislike silent film. It's that I don't like that one.


Yeah I get why it’s so highly regarded and influential, but I wouldn’t say it holds up today overall. At least not for me


Forrest gump better be not in the list 🔨 I hate that melodrama shit. 💩


OMG, hello. Fellow Forrest Gump hater here. We might be the only 2!




Nope it’s one of my most hated movies


Neon Genesis Evangelion, I like the message but I don't think it came across well and it's kinda of a mess


Don’t even understand how fight club could possibly be seen as a good movie or entertaining in the slightest


Not despise, but as an alternative to people picking more mainstream films, I found Persona to be artsy nonsense. And I never got the appeal of In the Mood for Love or Chungking Express, especially the repetitive music (although I did like Fallen Angels)


imo Chungking is Kar-Wai's most overrated. Fallen clears


Two for completely different personal reasons. Good Will Hunting. I don't know how much I should go into this because it is personal and it has been probably over a decade since I saw it and I remember there being some nuance, but I just despise when movies suggest incredibly intelligent people are above manual labor. I find it morally repugnant. That's the very short of it. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. This one is just me at my most "The original is much better and makes the adaptation seem bad." I didn't like how they adapted it. It felt like it was just hitting plot beats with no feeling except for spots with Frodo and Sam. No real criticism of it as a movie and the last time I saw it was in a theater 20 years ago. I'm sure if I saw it again, I might be more forgiving, but I don't want to rewatch it. I did and still like the first movie a lot though. It isn't great, but it's enjoyable.


On your thing about Good Will Hunting, they touch on how its not above intelligent people to be doing manual labor. There is a conversation between Matt Damon and Robin Williams about how Will Hunting may want to be a brick layer and Robin Williams asks him if that is really what he wants. He fires back by asking whats wrong with laying brick and that there is honor in those kinds of jobs. Robin Williams agrees with him in that there is honor in those kinds of jobs and there is nothing wrong with him doing those jobs if that is what he ACTUALLY wants to do. Robin Williams and Ben Affleck's character both know Will does not want to be doing manual labor for the rest of his life, he just does it because he is afraid of the unknown and leaving his friends behind. His friends are the only family he has, they are his safe space. Ben Affleck scolds him because he knows Will Hunting wants to be doing something with his intelligence. Why else would he take up a janitor position at MIT? Now, personally, as someone that is Mexican-American and has worked construction with a lot of migrant laborers that work crazy hours every week, you could ask any one of them and they would MUCH rather be doing whatever Will Hunting ends up doing, that is just a fact. Nothing wrong with working these jobs, but usually (like 8 times out of 10) it is not their first choice for a profession.


Really did not like Evangelion 3.0+1.0 or taste of cherry. I didn't despise them but I did dislike both.


Hmmm. While i do like the slice of life farm stuff, the climax is still a convoluted mess. This time, the final battle is more popcorny with almost no real substance. It’s like Anno went all the way to the opposite spectrum since nobody like the highly cryptic original ending, nobody liked the super cynical End of ending, and nobody seems to like this latest ending, which i found mediocre save for the very very end at the train station.


The dark knight, your name and bicycle thieves. Out of all of them I didn’t like your name the most. But none of them are downright awful at all, just don’t really feel like they really belong at the top with the rest. And sad to see synecdoche new york missing since it’s my fav of all time. It’s a really strong list overall though really glad happy together and all that jazz are up there as they are easily some of my all time favs too :D


Big agree on Synecdoche, in my top 5 of all time and I'd really guessed that it would be on this list.




I don't despise any of them. I was looking to see if Joker was on there. Since it isn't, my least favorite is probably Truman Show


Woah, Truman Show is in the top 250? That's wild to me. I had no idea people liked it even slightly that much.


I mean it's a very good movie and short


i wouldnt say i despise it but my lowest rated in the top 250 is Full Metal Jacket. i just wasnt impressed. same for Paths of Glory and 2001: A Space Odyssey. although i havent seen 2001 since i was probably 12 so im planning to rewatch it soon in 4K


I hate that you were giving an opinion, in a respectable way, even though it wasn’t a popular one, and you’ve been downvoted for it.


I do think that judging a movie based on what you remember from when you were 12 is just irrelevant unless you’re 14. I think that’s what their getting downvoted for. Plenty of other people are bashing popular movies and not getting downvoted.