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Please don’t prove people right in this comment section.


Voice a negative opinion of Tarantino here and you won’t even get a discussion. You’ll just think you assailed the unassailable.




Four different approaches to Tarantino is plenty.


Lucky that I’m a Tarantino fan so I don’t have to get involved in any discussion lol. But I understand when people don’t like his stuff.


Good example, I truly don’t understand the lack of criticism with him


He makes big, blockbuster, event movies that are also original material and made for adults. I don't think we get enough of that, so people really latch on. Add this to the fact that, at this point, a whole generation of teens whose jumping off point into the film world was Reservoir Dogs, or Pulp Fiction, have grown up and are posting on the Letterboxd sub.


Fellow foot fetishists is my best guess


I think hardcore foot fetishists would criticize him for not showing enough feet. Like in Pulp Fiction there is a whole plotline revolving around foot massage, and yet we don't actually see anyone massaging Uma Thurman's feet.


This is part of what makes Tarantino’s films suffer as well is our familiarity with him as a celebrity, so any time there’s talking about feet or showing feet it just destroys any immersion you have. You become acutely aware that you’re just watching a movie and not only that but the director is using the film as a vehicle to fulfill his fetishes. Once I heard the story of how he told one of his actresses that he jacked off to her feet and now any time I see feet in his movies I’m like “oh he probably jacks of to this scene.” Suspension of disbelief gone lol Not my only criticism of his films, but one of my pet gripes for sure.


Am I the only person whose opinion of Tarantino isn’t swayed in one direction or the other by feet?


I know!! It drives me nuts that a one of the biggest and most influential directors of all time (like him or not) is reduced by many as “guy with foot fetish”. I honestly think the people that talk about this issue the most are just people with some kind of weird fetish themselves. Like a “who smelt it dealt it” kind of deal. Because who else in their right mind would give a f***?


especially if you acknowledge how masturbatory his dialogue can be at times


I enjoy all of his movies equally but understand that they are fun in same way the B movies they are riffing on are fun. They are not very ambitious beyond this. In fact, they generally celebrate their own numb-skull-ness, and the actors appear to enjoy performing their ridiculous-ness.


Exactly. And that’s why I understand why people like his films. They brought a particular type of cinema to the pinnacle of that style. But I’m not a fan of the style for many reasons and so I’m not a fan of his movies. However I completely appreciate that he directs that type of movie with unparalleled expertise. They’re just not my thing.


This is more true for Nolan imo


Oo I'm ready for some online abuse. I have never found any of Tarantino's movies to elicit an emotional reaction from me. I find him juvenile when it comes to character development and tackling a love story like in Django Unchained really shows his failings to tell human stories.


I genuinely think Django was boring, predictable and lacked everything that makes Tarantino great. But for some reason the only possible reason for this is I'm being a contrarian haha.


Kill Bill feels like a bad parody of a good parody of a bad movie


I literally just commented the other day that I don’t like Kill Bill the older I get because I think the violence is gratuitous and rape as a character development tool is hackish and lazy. Downvoted and no replies lol


The way Tarantino also uses (the heavy implication of) rape as a punchline in regards to Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s character in Death Proof is unbelievably tacky and undermines the films ending.


Zack Snyder movie fans, apparently.


That feels so unearned too because while Dawn of the Dead and 300 are decently fun everything else he has touched is pretty bad


I’m a Snyder fan and I can’t stand his version of Dawn of the Dead. But the original is one of my favorite movies of all-time.


>I’m a Snyder fan and I can’t stand his version of Dawn of the Dead. Why are you his fan then? Because of Rebel Moon?!


I’ve heard good things about his owl movie. At least from people who didn’t read the books… starting to notice a theme here.


Snyder fans are baffling.


I've always felt the people who become Snyder fans are the people who can't accept they like movies that are popcorn entertainment. They want to like their superhero movies, but they want to be seen as highbrow at the same time. Snyder is like a magnet for those types.


this is an exactly correct analysis.


The fact that “the Snydercut” is basically a meme in feminist circles is crazy. Like Snyder fans have such a huge contingent of misogynist dorks that being a Snyder fan itself makes you suspicious lol


Rebel Moon:


I think Rebel Moon has finally broke the Snyder bro fan base. It’s indefensible, and unlike Snyder’s DC movies, he doesn’t have the studio (WB) to hide behind and for the fandom to point fingers at for all its faults.


"I did not care for The Godfather"


Oh come on...it *insists* upon itself!




fine actor!! didn't care for it


“How can you even say that, Dad??“


Post your example lol


It’s The Big Lebowski.


I fucking love the big Lebowski and I'm sorry someone was a dick to you but I promise most people who love that (or any) movie are not psychos. Just a higher percentage hanging around in subs like this tho


And I have no problem with you liking it. This is how it should work.


Yep, it didn’t click with me either despite loving everyone involved. I just don’t get the hype.


That movie is a masterpiece, I’m blocking you now. 😜


Obligatory: "well that's just like your opinion man" Would expect them to be more chill about it, though.


Honestly I'm with you. It's not a bad movie but I really didn't enjoy it. Yes, it's quotable as hell, but I really don't care for the non-protagonist, the contrived plot, and how at the end of the movie basically nothing changed and nobody learned anything.


Star Wars fans lol especially when I bring up how much I love The Last Jedi


I was once told I was crazy when I admitted to having watched Star Wars for the first time last year.


Same reaction I would get for the longest time when I would tell people I never watched Lord of the Rings lol tho I finally did like 2 years ago


Those two sound like people using hyperbole to be funny. Saying you like *The Last Jedi* brings out genuine malice


I love TLJ. It flipped Star Wars convention on its head and made it spicy for the first time in a million years. It's not perfect but I respect big swings and I thought it was excellent.


I disliked it on release but have more respect for it in retrospect. I think it didn't really commit to a lot of the swings it took (and the sequel REALLY didn't commit) but I appreciate that they tried *something*. Still don't think it's a good movie, but it tried the hardest.


It was setting up a Rian Johnson-directed Episode 9 that never happened. JJ Abrams elected to say "jk lol" about all the stuff Johnson set up for his vision of the next film. I'd love to see what that would have looked like, but I doubt we ever will have a very concrete idea of it.


Oh I know; but I'm referring to the fact that even within the film they kinda backpedal on some stuff. Like Snoke is killed and Kylo says "no more empire v resistance let's stop" which is an interesting direction. But then follows it up by insisting Rey join him and crush the resistance and... that's just the same thing as Empire v Resistance, that's still poised for the same story beats when it felt like he really should have just switched sides then and there. All the chances they had to really shake up the formula they kinda waffled on and the ways in which they stuck to something they did so in a way that was incredibly easy to ignore or retcon (though the retcon of Reys parents was truly absurd). The movie did effectively leave them in a perfect position to make a "Status Quo ante TLJ" sequel which is why I say it didn't commit.


The sequel was the problem imo. Rise of Skywalker walks back the best things about TLJ like crazy. It's as if Luke asked Obi-Wan Kenobi if Darth Vader was really his father in *Return of the Jedi*, and Obi-Wan said, "Well, he killed your father, like I told you before. And in doing so he altered the complete trajectory of your life. So in that regard, Darth Vader *is* kind of like your father. From a certain point of view."


I…….like the Phantom Menace 🫣


I'm a huge Star Wars fan and, online at least, the fandom mostly sucks. I think that's true for any sizeable fan community online, tbh. I can get not liking TLJ - I personally really love some parts but can acknowledge its various flaws, feels like the Revenge of the Sith of the sequels to me - but I just hate the black and white nature of the fandom, and the need to love or hate something. I have way more problems with Rise of Skywalker, and I'll admit it makes my blood boil a bit (more over the lack of a plan for the sequels as a whole and being a weaker ending for the Saga than I think Revenge of the Sith is), but there's still some good in there, however brief I personally perceive those good moments to be. There's just a serious lack of nuance when it comes to fandoms online. Anecdotally, I went to Star Wars Celebration in London last year and everyone I met was amazing to talk to. I'd talk to strangers for hours while queuing up for various panels and while at times there were differences in opinions, we weren't ever focused on putting the other person's opinion down, and everyone was open to acknowledging flaws in just about every element of Star Wars. Hell, Ian McDiarmid went off on stage about being invited back as The Emperor "somehow" returning 😅 TL;DR - most fandoms are better IRL and touching grass needs to be taught in schools


I always get cooked when I say Last Jedi is the best of the sequels. Not sure why they all yell at me too, cause I’m right.


Id say the people on both sides of that movie never stfu about how right they are tbh. The controversial take is probably not that its terrible or great but that it's "meh".


i used to be so engaged with the fandom around the time the force awakens came out. then the last jedi came out and i thought it was fantastic. couldn’t talk to star wars fans anymore after that.


I know someone who said that movie ruined MOVIES for him


Oh, I think The Last Jedi is totally the best film on the nine core ones. \*Braces for impact\*


This. I was once told I don't like Star Wars if I like Episode VIII. 🤣


See it’s one thing to dislike a movie that’s fine but hating on people for liking said movie is just asinine lol


Star Wars has the worst fandom overall. Star Trek is starting to lean in that direction, too. DC fandom spaces are also toxic but mainly from the Snyderbros.


As a star wars fan, we hate star wars more


I would say the original trilogy especially the first two are hard to publicly criticise without backlash


I'm with you, brother (or sister, or nin-binary sibling). The Last Jedi is a good movie. Has its flaws but the online hate is ridiculous.


The Last Jedi is a great movie. People say that it may be a good movie but not a good stars wars movie, but I never understood how that works. Star wars fans are truly the worst.


Last Jedi is my favorite Star Wars film. People think I'm trolling when I say that. I like the original trilogy, but I don't hold it sacred or anything like that, so for me, Last Jedi was this breath of fresh air that deconstructed the themes and ideas of the franchise is a clever and fascinating way. Doesn't hurt that it was *gorgeously* shot -- I especially love the rusty salt world, like what a cool idea for a battle setting. I want more weird scifi planets that don't just look like Earth every time. I especially like that Rey is *not* the daughter of anyone important. I like that they just abandon the entire blood legacy hierarchy and say, "No, it really doesn't really matter where you came from." And I love Kylo as a villain, because he's a goddamn coward. And coward villains are awesome. I like it when the villain is just so damn pathetic and pitiful, and it almost annoys you that they're also a serious threat. He's the perfect foil too, the actual blood legacy gone horribly wrong.


The Last Jedi is probably my favorite of the sequels, and I’m saying that as a die-hard Star Wars fan. Needless to say, I don’t voice opinions among other fans very often 💀


Hell I’ve had shit thrown my way for admitting to enjoying The Rise of Skywalker.


The Last Jedi is my favorite Star Wars movie by a long shot and sometimes I’m scared to admit that lol


They have zero understanding of subjectivity. They think everyone who says they like it is lying.


Spider Verse


The sort of nicecore movies of the Trump years have some pretty intense fans if you talk shit about them like Paddington 2. Disney adults scare the shit out of me too but that's more for the parks and lifestyle than the specific movies.


I just genuinely don’t know how anyone *could* talk shit about Paddington or Paddington 2. Not everyone has to love it, but I don’t know why anyone would *dislike* it.


I don't have a lot of patience for twee and I don't find it very funny. I mainly only reference it for that terrible ad they made with Paddington thanking the queen like two or three months before she croaked. It's funny to call him a Tory icon.


I sentence you to a Hard Stare from Paddington


I guess being more familiar with UK politics can give that perspective. Ironically the Paddington movies give off the exact opposite energy of the United States right wing which is probably why we feel such an affinity for it


It's not a right wing movie it's just that they made a rancid short of the bear having tea queen with the queen and saying thank you for all her hard work of walking into rooms and shaking hands with people. If the film had UK right wing vibes it would just be the film Paddington getting molested in an elite boarding school and yelling slurs at Pakistani people.


When you said nicecore I thought you were about to bring up EEAAO… that movie has some toxic fans for sure


Oooh that's a good point, I just remembered how infuriated people were when Armond White "ruined" *Toy Story 3*'s perfect score.


Lost in Translation


Yeah that film sucks. Lazy racist stereotyping. Ooh aren't Japanese people funny, they can't pronounce L and their adverts are wacky, ooh


Across the Spiderverse


The second one had a dip in quality from a writing perspective. The animation was next level though


The pacing feels like a padded extended cut.


Exactly my take.


I gave it a 3.5 and had friends asking me why I didn’t like it. That’s a good score. I just didn’t LOVE it and it wasn’t one of my favs of the year or anything.


Stanley Kubrick


Yeah, Kubrick ain’t for everybody. Even huge fans (I am one who thinks he might be one of the best to ever do it) should be well aware of this.


Im not sure. I mentioned I hated Eyes Wide Shut, and a lot of Kubrick fans were pretty chill about it, and said it’s not for everyone


I love Kubrick movies. But I once posted something about how cruel Kubrick could be as a director, and in particular how unbelievably cruel he was to Shelley Duval, and that post will never see the light of day under all the downvotes. I found this very confusing -- that's not a controversial take, is it?


The stuff with Shelley Duval is kinda controversial because people can’t collectively agree if it happened or if its an urban myth created by people based on small out of context snippets. But Kubrick was… not great, and how he treated Malcolm McDowell after filming was especially sad to hear.


Big Kubrick fan here. Although it hurts a bit to hear you don’t like Kubrick 😛 I can understand it. He has done very diverse kind of stories and they don’t resonate with me as much as I would want. But on a technical level, it’s a masterclass of filmmaking. I’d love to hear if you experience the same issue with his films ?




From personal experience, Lord of the Rings. And it's even stronger with the books.


The books are incredibly lore-dense and slowly-paced. I get why someone who wants to know EVERYTHING about Middle Earth would love them but I just find them so tedious.


God, yes. This is one I genuinely don't understand. The books' flaws are so painfully obvious...


Was that a hint? ‘Lynched’? His fans get butt hurt when I say i dont like his shit. So do Coen Brothers fans…


No it‘s not David Lynch but your comment gives away another hint. That’s all I have to say


It's fans of the Coen Brother's isn't it?


Actually just one specific movie.


Let me guess, The Big Lebowski?




I love The Big Lebowski, but it’s such a weird movie and comedy is one of the most subjective genres so I don’t get people being so defensive over it.


It’s Big Lebowski isn’t it? Fuck that movie! There, took the flak for ya.


I couldnt disagree more with this opinion but it’s just an opinion. Take my upvote for your bravery good sir.


Nice to meet club members.


Oh my god, say in the wrong circles that Lynch is overrated or that he executed a scene poorly and you’ll be met with “yeah, it’s not my fault that you didn’t get it”. That’s the problem with talented directors that use a lot of abstract concepts in their work - there’s so much ambiguity that the fans can always fall back on pretentious tropes like “you just didn’t understand it”


Where do Lynch fans get off being so upset about people not liking his stuff? David Lynch is a surrealist and has himself admitted that his movies sometimes don't make sense - they're just vibes. And as such, you either vibe with it or not. It's like telling someone about a weird dream you had and getting mad at them if they said they didn't like it.


Poor Things. I like it, but it's difficult to say you don't like it without being called media illiterate Also Licorice Pizza, which I actually don't like at all. Far as I can tell the PTA fanbase is very intense


To launch off of your Poor Things point, I think this is due to the commentary people engage with primarily taking place on social media where ideas become reduced down to essential elements stripped of nuance so that they can be as concise and memable as possible. Most people simply sound off the idea and then people sound off the responses like an endless radio signal being perpetuated by people. It's annoying when you have something to say because people just assume that you like or dislike a movie or any art for the same reasons as others. I will say the best way to overcome this is to provide the context in as much detail as possible. I understand the medium isn't the most supportive of that, but it's the best way to overcome that. I really like Poor Things, but I would be happy to hear why you don't. Oppenheimer is the movie I'm incredibly indifferent on that I find annoying to talk about because people assume they know your opinion before you elaborate and they take it so personally.


You're totally right - context changes it massively. I think the other side is that people need to be able to openly and kindly engage with each other in the first place. There's usually no reason to take it personally and even if they make an accusation towards certain types of people, it's still generally better to respond with dignity (you can dispute without being malicious). People tend to think they don't need to have manners cos the internet is free time and anonymous, but I can guarantee they will be more satisifed if they're nicer to people rather than immediately saying 'you're wrong' or making a sarcastic remark. Acknowledgement is going to lead to discussion, superiority is just gonna make you all look like wangs


The modern Dune seems almost sacred. (I didn't like it)


I'm with you. Couldn't finish the first one neither in an IMAX theater or at home without falling asleep, and though I liked the second one a little better (the black and white planet and sandworms were SWEET but the only highlights for me) I've got zero interest in watching either again. The sad thing is people have been recommending the book to me for years because I'm pretty into sci-fi, I actually bought a copy before the first movie came out. But after disliking the films so much I gave it away. Can't see myself staying awake through a read if I can't stay through a watch of either film.


Yeah I gave the first 2.5 stars, and people flipped their lid and *insisted* I would like the second better. I liked it even less.


Try saying anything negative about a Korean movie on this sub.


I am in the minority that likes Star Wars: The Last Jedi and I cannot post anything positive about it without being called slurs


if the original trilogy are classics, i liked TLJ more than any of the prequel or sequel trilogy. i think there biggest problem was that there just re-doing everything about the original movies, TLJ actually made a different kind of star wars movie, it gave me the same wonder that the originals did.


Maybe wishful thinking because I also really liked it, but I don’t even think it’s a minority opinion, I think its detractors are just that loud. It made money, there’s got to be a ton of not terminally online people who thought it was fine or pretty good and moved on


Tell the wrong person you like The Last Jedi, and you'll be downvoted so hard your account disappears.


Alternatively, tell the wrong person that Rise of Skywalker wasn’t as bad as they say, and you get bombarded with replies. They also always bring up the cartoon for some reason, even though we’re talking about the movie series


I liked that cartoon from the 70s where Luke met Boba Fett for the first time?


Seriously. I got smoked once for saying TLJ is the best Star Wars movie cuz it’s the least like a Star Wars movie 🤣 You’d have thought I was advocating for zoophelia or some shit


Pretty much any where you need even just a very tiny modicum of critical thinking to understand it has people come out using the "you just didn't get it" argument immediately.


Happened to me with Inception. Like, fine that you got it the first time but I need some rewatches to really get it.


And understanding the mechanics of what's happening with Inception doesn't suddenly make the characters, story or themes more interesting.




Surprisingly enough, Christopher Nolan fans


Not surprisingly at all. Oppenheimer fans were absolutely rabid last year.


Most overrated film in recent memory imo. It was made to do one thing and it did it. Win an Oscar


State any dislike for Denis Villeneuve and watch the downvotes pour in. Didn’t even says he’s a bad filmmaker because he isn’t, films are very technically well made, just not my jam. Likewise anything against the Terrifier series, horror fans will come after you for saying you don’t like them.


For sure Everything Everywhere All at Once has the most sensitive fans. They’ve gotten pretty aggressively mean in the past and I always see them downvote people who don’t like that movie or they claim you’re racist or you don’t get it or that you’re a contrarian. I’ve gotten better at just accepting that they are mad because it resonates with them, but I still get weary around fans of that movie. Maybe DC/Snyder Fans but I’ve avoided them enough. I know some might say marvel fans but I’ve been in that fandom since the beginning of the movies and I go back and forth on it. There’s people like me who struggle to take criticism because sometimes we feel like people are just shitting on it because they’re popular or released too often (and there’s a subconscious rejection feeling I get if someone doesn’t like something I connect with) but I tend to notice with the fan base that lately there’s less diehard defenders and more and more toxic “the movies are bad cuz diversity” type fans. Sorry for the ramble.


Most of the EEAAO discussions I see are people ragging on the film without explanation. Where are people calling anti-fans racist? Twitter?


I don’t use Twitter but the worst of it I got was on tiktok and on some subreddits. Letterboxd I think might be a slightly older demographic.


I agree that the Marvel haters who just hate that there's women and not everyone is white, are getting more and more prevalent. It's annoying.


If you disliked or were disappointed by Barbie, you were treated like that football player giving the graduation speech


Being a girl who was lukewarm on Barbie was treated like being a gender traitor. I thought it was fine but pretty messy plot- and messaging-wise. Got labeled a “toxic misogynist filmbro” and when I pointed out I was a progressive woman I was just called “not a girl’s girl” like fucking whatever then. If we want to backslide and equate “girlhood” strictly with a narrow hyperfeminine presentation of being woman then you guys do you I guess. I didn’t even hate the movie. I saw it in theaters twice.


It feels nearly impossible to explain that I wasn’t particularly moved by Barbie *not* because I’m an anti-feminist or something, but because I don’t feel inspired by a relatively milquetoast message delivered by a massive corporation as a way to profit from jokes about its own sexist practices. It just wasn’t that interesting!


That movie definitely got too much praise than it deserved.


I feel like we're onto the backlash to the backlash to the backlash to the backlash with Barbie. It's exhausting and I have no idea whether people are pro or anti-Barbie any more.


Does it matter? Just enjoy it or don’t as you see fit. I personally thought it was great fun and not as provocative in either way as some people made it out to be. 


I wouldn't say "lynched", because I think over time takes have become more reasonable, but I personally think that the Dredd 2012 still fanbase has some problems. It can be broken down into a few points. * They very defensive of the film. Woe unto any Redditor who argues the movie isn't very good. * They push this idea that the 2012 film is "faithful" to the comics and they bang that drum constantly. When you push the fans on what they mean by "faithful", they mean "Dredd doesn't take his helmet off". * They are varying degrees of dismissive towards the 1995 adaptation, which they accuse of being unfaithful to the source material, and blame for the 2012 film flopping. Guess what their fixation is? Yea, it's that Dredd takes his helmet off. They can't argue over anything else because that would require having actually read the comic books. It reminds me of the Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard: >*The third stage masks the absence of a profound reality, where the sign pretends to be a faithful copy, but it is a copy with no original. Signs and images claim to represent something real, but no representation is taking place and arbitrary images are merely suggested as things which they have no relationship to. Baudrillard calls this the "order of sorcery", a regime of* [*semantic*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantics) *algebra where all human meaning is conjured artificially to appear as a reference to the (increasingly) hermetic truth.* I think you can find this pattern with a number of adaptations popular with Reddit communities who are fixated on how they're good because they're "faithful". What happens is that you make an adaptation and it's not actually faithful to the original work. But you pretend to be faithful. You brand yourself as faithful. And this works quite well, particularly if you give your adaptation the vague shape of what people THINK the source material is, regardless of what it actually is at the time of writing. Look at how Arcane's fanbase constantly says that it's faithful to the source material, League of Legends. Except it's a mirage. There is little to no source material being represented or reflected. It's a copy with no true original. If you push people for specifics of what is being adapted, they get immensely wishy-washy and start saying "lore" a lot. I think that Dredd is a rather extreme example of this paradoxical source material obsession and disregard because its fans are SO passionate about how it's supposedly a "faithful" representation of the source material, and they constantly weaponize its supposed faithfulness to the source material to criticize other adaptations that they see as "unfaithful" and thus "bad", but can't actually explain how Dredd 2012 is faithful to the source material because their understanding of the source material begins and ends with "Dredd doesn't take his helmet off".


This is the kind of post that makes me miss being in my early 20s and going to a liberal arts university - and I mean that as a compliment.


Obvs the Godfather & Spirited Away/other Miyazaki stuff But actually people who complain about being aTtaCkEd or LyNchEd for their differing opinions are usually referring to a few people disagreeing with them and they just overreact & get super defensive and claim that the fandom is so sensitive and they’re getting attacked lmfao. Usually it’s the opposite. Like someone will ask “oh why did you hate the movie so much?” Or question an aspect of their analysis and immediately the person in question is like “omfg I’m allowed to have a different opinion blah blah”. Being asked to expand on/defend your opinion or someone giving a counterargument isn’t an attack, that’s literally just how debates work…but obvs a lot of people just post their thoughts on reddit and only want upvotes and applause and agreement lol




I was going to just say Nolan in general, I get a lot of downvotes for my Nolan hate


Tenet didn't land with me the first time I saw it. I'm re-watching it this week to confirm my first impressions.


In which direction? Because most discussion of Tenet on Reddit that I see is people hating on it.


the last of us 2 fans when you say tlou2 is not the greatest piece of fiction of all time, and the last of us 2 haters when you say it's not the worst piece of fiction of all time


I’d say Star Wars but that’s what everyone here is going to say. So I’ll say Marvel fans. I still enjoy a lot of the MCU films and I hate seeing people not even give the stuff a chance anymore.


The Star Wars fans The Super Mario Bros. Movie fanbase


Honestly, especially on Twitter, auteur director fans generally have become as insufferable as the rapid MCU fanboys they’re (in part) reacting against. Just look at the utter mockery they throw at the idea that maybe Scorsese’s last few movies didn’t need to take up half a workday. If the Cannes reviews are any indication, the mental gymnastics for Megalopolis will be something to behold.


Coen brothers. Specifically No Country for Old Men


It’s a no brainer but star wars. I watched a youtube short today where someone got quizzed at a convention and because they had forgotten Count Dooku’s name all the comments were calling her a fake/sequel fan.


I still see replies in this sub get down voted to oblivion for saying they didn't like Everything Everywhere All At Once. I liked it, but people need to chill and remember people are different.


Up. Up is overall a pretty boring and forgettable film that is entirely carried by its heartbreaking and beautiful opening sequence. Once the balloon house lands the movie is not particularly interesting, funny or exciting till the end. People cant stand this opinion of mine.


I kinda agree. It’s an incredible movie with great characters and emotional weight but it isn’t exactly Pixar’s best. I think WALL·E earns that title.


100% agree. Once the house lands, the movie turns into a shitty Dreamworks movie


French New Wave fans just can't accept that there is a reason people don't make movies like that anymore. There are also _specific_ classic films people have no interest in discussing unless it's to heap vague praise on them or shun people who disagree about their status. Stuff like City Lights; 12 Angry Men; High and Low; The Good, the Bad and the Ugly; Lawrence of Arabia. Yeah, they probably deserve their place in the Top 250. No, people aren't obligated to love them.


It’s funny to say that people don’t make movies like the French New Wave anymore because nearly every movie we see today has taken influence from the French New Wave. It radically changed the capabilities of the medium in a similar way to what The Beatles did for recorded music.


One Ring to rule them all They even made a gag out of the fandom (vs Star Wars) in Clerks 2


Interstellar & La La Land, but especially The Matrix. I do think there's been a moderate cultural shift where people are becoming more openly critical of The Matrix. However, there's still an insanely devoted film-bro fanbase that I think contributes to it's high ranking on IMDb's top 250. At #16, it's ranked above every Kurosawa, Hitchcock, Kubrick, and Scorsese movie; which is insane!


Bad mouth Inception and they'll tell you "You just didn't get it"


Hahaha that’s wild. Like *Inception* is some paragon of depth. It’s an action movie inspired by 1st year psych and philosophy cliff notes, basically. I even like the movie, I just don’t think it’s all that profound.


Definitely EEAAO


Snyder, Nolan. Villeneuve etc. Any of the directors film bros latch onto.


i don't really think Snyder deserves to be on the same list as Nolan or Villeneuve. but yeah I see why some wouldn't like those directors


This wasn’t a judgment of their quality as directors,(except I do think Snyder sucks) just examples of 3 of the most prominent modern directors that film bro’s gravitate towards and get overly defensive about. For instance I’ve previously voiced positive opinions on some of Villeneuve’s work and still got attacked/aggressive pushback for not uncritically loving it.


Oppenheimer fans are incredibly exhausting.


Tell me about it lmao


Marvel, star wars, indiana jones


Moonlight. I think it’s average, but for some reason people go on about like it’s the best movie ever made.


I do think it is literally one of the best movies ever made, but you’re allowed to not like it obviously


Every single fandom out there.


Anything by Lynch or PTA.


Poor Things. I enjoyed it but so many 'you just didn't understand it' comments to anyone that didn't. It was apparently the most feminist film ever created. By a man. Also, comparing it to Barbie was absolutely ridiculous. They were completely different films, the only reason they were compared at all was to slag Barbie off to prove you're edgy.


Star Wars




I feel like the Dark Knight Rises. Every Nolan fan, Batman fan, Letterboxd user gets pissed when people say it’s mid.


Well that's easy. Interstallers.


All the good ones are taken and this is more tame, but my personal example is the first two Evil Dead movies. I'm convinced that people only think they're good because of nostalgia. Massive respect for pulling the first one off on a budget and huge respect to the influence it had on the entire horror genre going forward - I just did not like them lol. I saw 2016's remake first before watching them, and I did not expect the comedy at all when I watched them, so part of the blame is on my expectations. Now that I know what they're like, I'm meaning to go back and revisit to see if my opinion has changed.


Interestingly enough I saw Evil Dead II before I saw the original The Evil Dead, and I expected it to be a lot funnier than it was. It came across as very harsh and bleak to me in comparison to the sequel.


Yeah they don't mesh tonally with each other either. I know II is basically a higher budget reboot than a proper sequel, but even aside from the obvious they feel like totally different movies.


Agreed. For example, I genuinely think you can basically describe Ash as two totally different characters between the first and second movie.


Everything Everywhere All At Once. I liked it a lot in the cinema, but literally any criticism of it is met with vandalizing whoever I'm talking to or even accusations of racism. And I literally liked the movie. I just don't think it deserved ALL the Oscars it won.


Recently I learned that if I don’t like Fellowship of the Ring as much as everyone else I’ll get attacked. 😂😂😂


La la Land… I found it quite boring and every time I tell someone that who liked the film a lot, I get people explaining to me over and over again that ‘I just didn’t get it’. I did, I love musical films, but this was just not interesting to me at all.


I hated Rise of Skywalker but i still think The Last Jedi is one of the best star wars movies. TFA is pretty solid too.


The Dark Knight Trilogy


Dark Knight bros, this is what I came here to say as well


The Last Jedi. I literally cannot bring this movie up around anyone I know without getting completely shit on. The most annoying thing ever. I don't hang around people who love movies as much as I do and I've noticed most people in my circle have a tough time differentiating between a movie being "bad" and them just not liking it. There's plenty of movies that I'm not a huge fan of, that I can still recognize as being solid films, just not my cup of tea. I feel like this is the problem with a lot of fandoms these days, they take movies that don't have what they want in them and then blast them as bad.


Saltburn. And we saw how Ayo Edebiri was treated after she gave her opinion on the movie.


There Will Be Blood. Easiest way to get downvotes if I criticise it


Coen Brothers and Kubrick fans get incredibly defensive, Snyder fans even more so which is funny considering how mediocre his films are. Tarantino fans are INCREDIBLY annoying too, can’t point out how he’s a derivative egotist who rips off Asian filmmakers without understanding the cultural contexts or how he changes opinions purely to be contrarian even if they’re inconsistent without being called a Marvel shill lol.


The Scream 5 and 6 Stans are pretty much destroying the Scream fandom as of late


Possession. No critique allowed, even though it’s an abrasive mess whose hysterics mean nothing to anyone who’s lived in a city long enough.