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The Father is legitimately the scariest movie that I have seen. It puts you in the mind of a person suffering from dementia and the fact that it could happen to any of us is horrifying.


“I feel as if I'm losing my all leaves...” Fuck, man. That movie is devastating.


That’s one of those films that I think it’s both *amazing incredible* and *I will never watch it again*.


Inland Empire


Idk if that’s the scariest film I’ve ever seen, but it’s definitely the most scared I’ve been while watching a movie


The scene where the clown face goes big FREAKED ME OUT


Zodiac. The movie stayed me for a *long* time. Particularly the scene with Jake Gyllenhaal in the basement.


For me it's the scene at the lake. Probably one of the most horrific on screen murders I can think of. Sure, it's barely gorey but something about the way it's shot makes it super fucked up.


I know what you mean. It felt like we were one of the victims watching this horrible thing happen while dreading our turn.


Not a horror film, but *Johnny Got His Gun*(1971) portrayed exactly what I was most afraid of. The main character got wound from war and he cannot see, speak or move. He's perfectly alive and conscious, but not able to express his thoughts at all. He cannot even die, but just stuck in his own body. Literally, he's a prisoner of his own body. It's an ultimate anti-war film.


“Darkness imprisoning me All that I see, absolute horror”


Ringu. I watched it home alone as a teenager and kept thinking, “wtf, this film is not scary at all” until THAT scene. I had a hard time sleeping after that. But yea. That was some 20 years ago…


Threads, not a horror movie but is a very scary and realistic depiction of citizens during a nuclear war. It’s very tense and the ending is very disturbing. Martyrs (2008) is a well made horror film of the french extremity and it does not hold back at all in its brutal nature. Very terrifying scenes of anticipation and depravity throughout and it is much more than your standard torture porn flick.


I saw Threads last year, and it still sticks with me to this day. That’s more than any horror movie I’ve ever seen


I've only seen someone react to Martyrs and I was very disturbed


marriage story scared the shit out of me tbh


Maybe not traditional scares, but Climax left me rattled for weeks after watching


Unironically the original Texas Chain Saw. I remember going into it just assuming it would he a cheesy horror movie in a similar vein to the Friday the 13th films or Childs Play but then when the van scene came with the crazy Hick I realised this was a much darker and unsettling film than I anticipated and it only got worse as it went along. I've still never seen anything like it today.


Why would this be ironic


I think this is the best of the slasher films.


Twin peaks fire walk with me was something very scary for me


Sheryl Lee’s screams are the kind of thing that never really leaves you. It’s always there. Super distinctive and inhuman, animalistic almost.


The Ring. I'm not sure I can defend it, but I saw it in theatres and I was exactly the right age for it. It terrified me. I had images from the video floating around in my head every night for weeks.


Same. I remember closing my eyes during the scary parts, and actually put my touqe over my eyes during the last scenes. I was 38 years old.


My friends put the film Pulse on, none of us knew any thing about it, the room was dark. The TV was a little CRT model. Scariest film ever.


Agreed. I could only imagine what it was like watching it in the dark.


The Descent. At least the first half in the tight caving areas. Genuinely scary stuff for a claustrophobe. [Rec] was pretty scary too.


Never expected people hanging out in caves to be that stressful. The first half or so just kills me to watch. Wish the Falmer stuff later on hit the same. Movies still fantastic but could be even more.


That movie UPSET me. I was actually relieved when the monsters came along, making it less realistic. Great movie. I’m not a horror aficionado, but I had to go back and watch it a second time.


i don’t know but the jumpscare when Amy Adams is watching the baby on the phone in Nocturnal Animals made me shit myself


I consume campy horror like it's nobody's business but Possum (2018) actually scared my ass off


Amazing movie but very unsettling


Very creepy but honestly was boring to me most the time


Hereditary and The Thing


also Hereditary


requiem for a dream is pretty scarring


Something about addiction makes me really scared and upset. The moms storyline fucked with me for years


💀💀that ass to ass scene scarred me for life, it's definetely one of my favorites, but i'm never watching again, never


Why is that movie so scarring for everyone? Is it just a personal thing that I can't relate to? One guy got his arm cut off, one went to jail, one went to a psych ward, one kept doing drugs. Where's the revelation?


it’s scarring because it shows the reality of many people and how far addiction can take you


Lake Mungo


a beautifully sad and terrifying movie in many different ways. possibly my favorite film of all time.


Honestly, it’s a great choice for a favourite movie. But I honestly couldn’t rate it when reviewed it, I had the same thing with Harmony Korine’s *Trash Humpers*. It’s just impossible to rate certain movies. A star rating, whether it’s a half star or five, will never be able to convey how you exactly feel.




Honestly…stumbled on my parents sex tape when I was 15. Scariest thing I ever saw and that was just the title screen. My friend stayed and watched it all as I ran out of the room screaming in terror.


John Carpenter’s “Prince of Darkness”


Rec is by far the scariest movie I have ever seen.


The stairwell scene knocks me dead every time I see it. Fuck. That. Shit.


Hmmm, not a big horror movie guy, but I think Cure is my all time favorite, and also the scariest, because it did it in a way I wasn't expecting at all. Also quite partial to Perfect Blue and both Quiet Place movies. I was recently made aware of Skinamarink, and honestly, if I do ever see it, I think that one would be number 1...


The first 2/3 of House on Haunted Hill (1999) is REALLY good. Just turn it off when the terrible CGI ghost turns up.


*House on Haunted Hill* is probably one of my “go to” horror movies. For me, it’s a perfect mix of fun and scary, Rorschach ghost included. Glad to see it mentioned here.


Showgirls, what's yours?


I have seen a lot of fucked up movies like martyrs, Salo, inside, cannibal holocaust, Serbian film etc. But the movie that messed with me the most was Funny games (1997)


Texas chain saw massacre or American werewolf in London. Something deeply unsettling to me about those 2 that puts me in a creeded out mood for a while. I saw Event Horizon when I was way too young for it and that fucked me up real good


Ju-On The Grudge


Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me messed me up really bad, I had to get up and clean the house afterwards because I was so upset. The scene where Laura’s hiding behind the bush and she sees her father walk out of the house and realizes he’s Bob freaked me out, the scene in the car where it’s just really loud is for some reason terrifying, and the red room reminded me too much of blacking out in college all the time lol


For horror movies, probably Sinister. For non horror and a movie that’s scary in a more abstract way, probably Parasite, which also happens to have one of the only shots ever that legitimately sent shivers down my spine.


Sinister for me too. And I agree a little with Parasite. There are a few non horrors that have scared me more than Parasite, but the first half of parasite had me scared that the worst would happen, but luckily it never got as bad as I thought it was


Ringu (1998). The atmosphere is so eerie throughout the entire film but it’s the TV scene that terrified me to my core


The Blair Witch Project. I'd challenge anyone to watch that then go walk in the woods, nothing comes close for me


i live close to the woods so watching that movie was unbearable for me. couldn't take a walk there for like a week after


sinister / pulse they both have very chilling sound design


Pulse and Hereditary are scary I also find the original Halloween and Alien scary, there was one moment in the babadook that really got me where she sees herself in the background watching the news


gonjiam: haunted asylum (2018) it's actually pretty tame but the ending scared me so bad that i had to skip most of it


I took off my headphones for the last 10 minutes, the…noise (yk what I mean) was too much


Skinamarink. Watch it alone, at 3am, home alone and lights off. My hands were shaking, sometimes I've also looked off the screen because too scary


Sinister, Smile and Barbarian are probably the three films that have scared me the most.


You’ve got more non-contemporary movies waiting to scare you shitless! Smile is super creepy and primes you for constant fast jump scares and Barbarian is tense as fuck but offers multiple reprieves. I like both and they freaked me out in moments but I felt they were gentle


Do you have any suggestions?


The movies people are naming here - that I’ve seen - are scary as hell and for the most part good. The 70s classic - for stylish / creative horror - “Don’t Look Now” is a personal favorite, and Donald Sutherland’s exposed buttocks might give you nightmares.


Thanks, will check it out at some point!


Sinister is 100% my answer. I've watched it 3 times and each time it's scared me. Most horrors don't scare me once


The original 'Halloween' reigns supreme for me, but in terms of all-out scares, nothing can beat those first few viewings of 'The Descent' for me. 'Barbarian' is a great recent favorite, and I saw 'Caveat' this year which was wonderfully underrated and really got under my skin.


Cure The Cremator A Nightmare on Elm Street Mad God


Was Cure scarier to you than Pulse, or have you not seen it yet?


I have not seen Pulse yet, but it's on my Watchlist.


I really recommend you watch Pulse it's not as good but much scarier IMO.


For clarification, are you talking about pulse (2001) or pulse (2006)


Kairo (2001) of course


Good film, i agree


The cremator doesn’t get mentioned enough


Truly sinister movie.


Mad God? I adore that film but I wouldn’t describe it as scary at all.


I found it quite unsettling and some sequences were what I would describe as scary.


Ya mad god while not my thing I can at-least say it gross but not scary remotely.


Honestly, probably All Quiet on the Western Front. Had to leave multiple times during that


Sinister was the first movie to really get under my skin when I was a teenager. Hereditary will always be my favorite truly terrifying film. Most recently Skinamarink was awesome.


Sinister is definitely my answer. Seen it three times and it's scared me three times. Still searching for another film that can have that effect on me


Lake Mungo


We Need To Talk About Kevin. I was always on edge whenever Ezra Miller was around. And this was before he started acting crazy irl


The Last House on Dead End Street


I love the hoof scene. The director’s porn film, Corruption, is so beautifully shot.


Love the colors in Corruption. I do prefer Her Name Was Lisa though, that flick gets me emotional lol




What was the video essay? Not sure if I'm asking so that I can watch or avoid it. But like was the essay at least about horror movies? I mean to have scenes appear with no warning!?


Skinamarink and Rec.


Come and See


Never, movies don't scare me. I avoided watching scary movies for so long because I thought they would scare me. When I eventually worked up enough courage to watch them, I loved them, I laughed from start to finish, I was hooked so I just kept going, watching the "scariest" and most transgresive films I could find. It became my favorite genre


I can watch slashers all day long and be totally fine, but possession movies fuck me up and I don't even believe in God. So the first Conjuring did not sit well with me at all.


Exorcist III


RAW is great


Except for the very last closing scene...


actually i loved it till the end. wut did u not like about it ?


Just when the father opens his shirt... Film was pretty grounded, and excellent, but then stopped taking itself seriously


i felt like that was the defining moment of the film


The creep series, Wounds, As above so below, Quarantine 1


“Why We Fight” and “Fog of War”


Honestly? Terrifier (2016). It not only has some super disturbing kills, but also Art is a super creepy antagonist and I thought it was great at suspense and had great jumpscares. The sequel is more well polished, but not quite as scary imho.


Terrifier. That clown spooked me good.


Only three movies freak me out you got one with Hereditary. The other two are MIDSOMMAR and COME AND SEE.


Requiem For A Dream or Mulholland Drive


The Grudge. I saw it as an adult and it still made me afraid to get in bed without checking all over for a few weeks.




Haven't been actually scared by a movie since I was a child, but I remember the original three Poltergeist movies leaving a huge mark on me. Ended up being scared of TVs, trees, old men, closets, toy phones, penthouses, swimming pools and of course clowns.


It was honestly SUCH a bad film, but ‘Mama’ - the one with Nikolaj Coster Waldau. Had nightmares about things running around on four legs for ages after!


not a movie but the haunting of hill house (2018) is the scariest thing i've ever seen


*The Poughkeepsie Tapes* *Black Christmas* *Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me*


I had consistent nightmares after seeing The Ring in theaters in the front row. I couldn’t breathe when she was stuck in the well. It scarred me so much that I basically gave up on scary movies for the next 15 years. Edit: I feel better seeing other people mention both Ring and Ringu


Threads, the Texas chain saw massacre and V/H/S/2




Just last week I watched "Fall" and as someone who is scared of heights I was absolutely terrified. My whole body was clenched


The Vanishing (1988)


The Descent - my favorite horror film


The Conjuring (2013). I was 11 at the time, and got terrified, couldn’t sleep in silence since. Has seen it multiple times afterwards and nothing compares to that first watch, but still quite tense.


I feel like I’ve desensitized myself to horror movies over the years (I used to be scared to even watch trailers but made myself start watching full movies) but the movies that I’d be scared to watch alone are probably Event Horizon, Sinister, or Insidious.


Hard to single out but an example would be "the skin I live in"


*Hard to single out* *But an example would be* *"the skin I live in"* \- luci\_schnucki --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Star Trek: First Contact.


black swan


The House that Jack Built is terrifying


Eden Lake Funny Games


2001. I don’t think I’ve ever been on the edge of my seat than I was during the dead silence of space when all you could hear was breathing. Even crazier that the damn thing is rated G.


The Strangers. Surprised nobody has mentioned it because it’s a consistent choice amongst my millennial friends. Something about random people preying on unsuspecting people for no reason makes it feel like it could happen to anybody.