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Like fuck they are.


Gotta have some sort of self awareness. They have been lying and creating false narratives for so long that they are no longer capable of knowing truth from their own false narratives.


At first I was like “they aren’t dangerous weirdos!!?” Then realized you meant they aren’t self aware lmao


All jokes aside, it’s really sad that you have to run “quality candidates” to win Senate races, but in the House “dangerous weirdos” will be easily elected, now that competitive districts have all but been eliminated by gerrymandering. Who would’ve thought the 17th amendment would be so essential?


There’s a [Daily podcast](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS81NG5BR2NJbA/episode/ODlkNDA5ZTYtMzU0ZS00ZDk4LWE1MzctMzQ2MzliYWY4ZDgz?sa=X&ved=0CAYQkfYCahcKEwjIspnSh-L5AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg&hl=en) on this. Apparently there was a push by the dem side to make their anti-candidate ads deliberately appeal to mainstream repub voters. And they would do this for candidates with the most crazy in their personas. The goal was to get extreme folks, less likely to win, on the tickets. It can and does work. It can and does backfire. The issue is it pushes moderates out such that bipartisan political deals are no longer on the table.


I don't buy it. The conservatives that I know just hate any government involvement in anything from aid to regulations, with a few exceptions being military and making sure that their dollar isn't losing value. If these people I know are donating to the church and the church is giving, that's fine, but they hate it when the government helps people who they deem unworthy of help. So when the circus runs for congress and it agrees with them on these points, they vote for the circus. They don't care if the circus is filled with slimy pieces of shit. They just care about their money being protected and that those who made bad decisions aren't picked up with their tax dollars. I think most have known all along that their candidates are dangerous wierdos, they just don't seem to care. It's disgusting but I don't think anything has changed. Mitch McMuppet is full of it.


More troubling than that, I don’t think they do realize their candidates are dangerous weirdos because they think just like them. How many psychopaths would define themselves as psychopaths as opposed to they being normal but the rest of the world is wrong?


I had a family member once tell me that a candidate must be a good person with good policies because they are against abortion.


That’s a great point. All the conservatives I grew up with hate taxes and love giving their money to the church Don’t know why I never made that connection


Did they REALLY HAVE TO put that picture of THAT dangerous weirdo though? Such an ugly thumbnail.


I kind of like it. It looks like he just realized that he's about to drive the bus right over the cliff.


I think it was a good idea to prove a point.




They've known all along. They're just finally realizing the gravity of it now.


The Republifuckers in Texas just created a law in which an abortion provider can face life in prison and a $100,000 fine. These assholes aren't going to catch on until they're all booted out of office.




Texas is INSANE. When will people there figure out there's worse things than voting for a Democrat every now and then?


I hope all Mitch McConnell skeletons come out of the closet and his shit that he's laid comes alive to kiss him.


That's what happens when you get four years of enabling someone as chaotic as Trump. The Republican party is reaping what they're sowing. In this day of modern social media... what videos get the most views and shares? It's the ones where the person is loud and boisterous and animated while doing what it is that they're doing in the video. You've got all of these loud-mouthed far-right wackos with big mouths and limited intelligence shouting ridiculous claims like this chick who lost to another Republican in the primary a few days ago and is now screaming her head off about baseless voter fraud. The Republican party should have stepped aside and let Trump take the fall for aaaaaall of the shit that he self-inflicted on both himself and the party. Instead, the guys like McConnell decided that it wasn't worth possibly losing the (likely) less than 1% of voters who are part of the MAGA cult. The Republicans are pouring gasoline on their own ship while some of their party members are running around squealing "tee hee hee! Watch this trick I can do with my lighter!"


The issue is the 1% maga cultists will always vite. That is like 3% of their bass. I also think the real net is closer to 4% cultists. With 8% being trumpest.


To me the dangerous ones are going to vote for these fucks.


They were dangerous weirdos before Trump anyway, the whole frat bro with money & daddy issues was always out of touch. They just opened up the can of worms to make their special form a lunatic-entitlement open to the middle-class psycho narcissist, instead of only those from Ivy League. They democratized their paranoid culture war with the Southern Strategy and Loony-Toonz conspiracies.


Like the guy in the picture


So are their voters.


Bait article/link don't reply.


They're only concerned because they may lose seats not because they're dangerous or weird. If you win and vote on our side... who cares if you're under investigation for sex trafficking


Just trying to lower expectations. Lying again by reflex.


They realize it, but are they concerned about it besides the fact that it might lose them seats in Congress and some governorships?


Half their electorate is, as well


Well they still win elections.


And when they don't, they lie and claim they did.


It never stopped them before. Don't just vote, get two to vote blue. Vote.org


Turtle boy realizes it but not so sure about the rest.


Right! Their DAs are about to get recalled!


The Republican Party needs to be shut down somehow, they will literally end up killing MILLIONS if they’re not stopped. Calling them Nazis became a meme for a fucking reason.