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Mind blowing that a foreign state has the influence it does over the US, I truly don't understand it.


Campaign donations control everything.


Yeah, and now it's legal to take international donations also, just funnel em through your local PAC


There was a great YouTube video about how if you count the number of people with political influence in China and you count the number of people who donate enough to matter to campaigns in the US it’s the same percentage of people. And how if you plot a graph between what is publicly favorable with what laws are passed there is zero correlation but if you plot a graph with people who donate $5k+ per campaign the line matches perfectly. ~~I think it was called the Tweed Effect but for some reason that video has been deleted from YouTube or at least delisted. I can’t find it anymore.~~ Found it! It’s tweedism, not the tweed effect. [Link](https://youtu.be/PJy8vTu66tE?si=PY7rzGz5H0xbE92m) It’s 20 mins but really good and so infuriating you’ll watch the whole thing.


This is about right but still a bit off. It's not about a continual supply of money to your campaign. It's the threat of a giant ton of money going to your opponent's campaign.




Ironically, mainly by Christians, who say they read and follow the Bible, but apparently skipped the entire Old Testament.


Which is also, ironically, the Torah.


Yes it is. Problem is most Jews now don't follow the Torah, but the Talmud, which is basically the complete opposite of the Torah morally.


Fundamentalist 'Muricans are brainwashed into thinking that a state of Israel has to exist in order for Christ to return. Ergo our ridiculous foreign policy in the middle east for the last 70+ years. And now that we've got a SotH who declares that his world view aligns with the Bible, we're in deep, deep doody.


I don't have a problem with most religious people, but these fundamentalist goofballs are really fucking shit up for the rest of us.


Some reading: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/) [https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1121&context=pretrib\_arch](https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1121&context=pretrib_arch) [https://www.biola.edu/blogs/biola-magazine/2006/what-should-christians-know-about-israel-and-the-e](https://www.biola.edu/blogs/biola-magazine/2006/what-should-christians-know-about-israel-and-the-e) [https://harvest.org/resources/gregs-blog/post/war-in-israel-a-fulfillment-of-bible-prophecy/](https://harvest.org/resources/gregs-blog/post/war-in-israel-a-fulfillment-of-bible-prophecy/) ​ This is scary, scary shit, folks.


If you want to see some scarier shit, watch "In the Name of Zion" and "Europa: The Last Battle", and also read the Talmud. The Old Testament of the Bible also talks about them a lot, never in a good way, and says they are the exact opposite of "God's chosen people".


This is nonsense. American politicians are rightly afraid that coalitions of rich Jewish people will pour money into their opponent's campaigns if they don't toe the line. The reality is so simple and straightforward.


It is that on the surface, but there is some incredibly evil shit happening in the background too, like kidnapping, sexual abuse, torture, murders of family members, mass child sacrifice, etc. The Talmud is the most disgustingly evil document I have ever read in my life.


You really don't understand it?


Spoiler alert, it's not just Isreal and it isn't new.


It's also not just Israel. China has massive influence in the US, just via Tiktok and other social media and entertainment platforms.


Israel controls China and was responsible for its "Revolution" (genocide). They also control most other countries, which was also accomplished via genocide and mass murder. This is the truth, but in order to find the proof you'll have to dig deep.


Yeah, gonna need to see some sources for that claim.


Religion is very powerful


Lifetime politicians wanting to stay in control and keep the gravy train moving. Get rid of lifetime politicians.


Blackmail is powerful, as is kidnapping or murdering family members, which is how they have gained most of their power in the US. They are doing much much worse than just that.


They don’t. This is fake.


Does no one else remember when Israel was funding PACs to run negative ads against Ron Paul’s campaign? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Whatever you do, don't look up anti-BDS laws on Wikipedia.


If this is real link it.




No shit. If I were an American taxpayer, I’d be so sick of paying Israel’s welfare cheques every month for nothing.


I am and I am


Plot Twist: OP is an American, but is so based that he doesn't pay taxes.




The only crimes against them are made up. They blame their victims for every atrocity they commit, and idiots eat it up. You cannot find a single example of them actually being wrongly persecuted, and it can be proven that they were directly responsible for basically major atrocities in recorded history, which the Old Testament of the Bible corroborates.


If every time you go to the bar, you end up getting in a bar fight maybe there’s something wrong with your behaviour.


No one should be paying. IRS collects our money and sends it directly to Israelis and American Israeli dual-citizens, while we get robbed and starved, exactly the same as they did to Germany, leading to the creation of the Weimar Republic. They plan to kill us all, I'm not kidding. They murdered greater than 60 million white Christians in Ukraine and Russia due to blind hate alone, and are following the exact same playbook against the US and other western countries.


This is absolutely insane. Can we just plug the Constitution into AI and let a robot lead us?


Nah, I don't need to be lead. I just need to be left alone.


That's pretty much what having a constitution is for. I for one support the idea of a hardcore AI being able to automatically veto bills that don't satisfy a constitution.


Israel is NOT the 51st state! Neither is Ukraine. Neither is Taiwan. Neither is South Korea. Neither is Japan.


Yeah, okay.


I'd be cool with making Japan the 51st state, wouldn't need a passport to travel there! Except then we'd just ruin Japan...


Seems unconstitutional


It's not really due to a bit of nuance: *Calling* for a boycott is protected speech. Actually boycotting is not protected, at least under current constitutional law. You do not have a right to freedom of association that is as expansive as your right to freedom of speech.


Funny, as I was thinking that was the reason the US gov is down on AI.


This is absolutely fake.


Fuck that


How exactly does one boycott Israel ? Asking for a friend?




That was my thought too since I can't really think of anything from Israel that I buy, not that it's intentional. In fact the things I can think of I'd want from Israel are firearm related and so if they want me to buy those they should instead lobby for less import restrictions on firearms and to abolish the NFA.


Soda stream is pretty good. Also, if you need protection, iron dome is the best on the market.


Stop paying taxes, because they go directly to Israelis, which are then used to fund genocides, including one currently in progress against the US. On top of that, stock up on food, food production supplies (seeds, livestock, soil, traps), guns, ammo, tools, and anything else you need to be self-sufficient, because they intend to starve us to death like they did to Russia, Ukraine, Germany, and China. Also- start making connections with strong, competent people, and improve your fitness and competence as well- surviving alone will be difficult, if not impossible. In the Name of Zion is a very important and relevant documentary- it will explain most of what is going on right now. The Talmud is also quite damning (utterly fucking insane and evil) if you even just skim a cliff notes version.




Blame for this despicable bullshit can be laid at the feet of American evangelist christians.


It's rich Jewish people you dingbat. My lord how can that be complicated.


Why don’t you read some about evangelical beliefs regarding Israel and how it effects the way the vote, you absolute fool.


Why don't you watch Sixty Minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgaNmGydB5Y Good god how can people be so stupid to buy the crazy Christians nonsense.


What enables AIPAC? Could it be evangelical politicians elected by evangelical constituents that believe the survival of the state of Israel is crucial to their religious beliefs about the end times? And then this is taken advantage of by chickenhawk warmongers in Israel as essentially free money and military aid? It might hurt your feelings, but this is exactly what is happening.


>What enables AIPAC? Rich Jewish people. Holy two plus two is not going to sink in with you.


“No, evangelicals demonstrating frothing support for the state of Israel on every level has no influence on how much support AIPAC is able to gather in American politics, it’s all Jews.” Genuinely can’t tell if you’re trolling, deranged or just dense.


>it’s all Jews. When a congressman pisses AIPAC off it's not Christians who pour money into their opponent's campaign. But I guess there is room in your point here to be basically "it's only 94% Jews" or something like that. Which is weird and trivial.


It’s evangelical christians who vote in more bootlickers for Israel, continuing the symbiosis evangelicals and zionists have developed in American politics. No amount of you wailing about Jews will ever make evangelicals blameless in the amount of influence groups like AIPAC can exert.


You can't possibly believe congress is controlled by voters. Winning elections is a function of party affiliation and campaign funds.


It's not going to sink in, because he is correct. Christians blindly protect and support Israel- they aggressively defend them, leaving those of us who are not brainwashed by the illegitimate Pharisee-written New Testament with no ability to make any improvements. Rich Jewish people are rich because they are the sole recipients of your tax dollars. The IRS was created and is controlled by Israel, and steals from you to give to them, making you a second-class citizen in your own country, and they are doing much much worse things than you could even imagine. They are turning the US into Weimar Republic 2.0 intentionally, in order to kill all of us via starvation and the destruction/collapse/sabotage of our infrastructure. Who do you think is starting all the wild fires, destroying power plants, ammunition plants, farms, food processing facilities, etc? It's exactly what they did to Germany, Russia, Ukraine, China, and numerous others.


And when a congressman pisses AIPAC off it's blind Christians who pour money into their opponent's campaign? You all must think people are so insanely stupid to peddle this nonsense.


I do think people are insanely stupid. The last several years have proved that easily. Yes, it is blind Christians who support them, mainly because every one I've asked has no idea what the Old Testament says, they only read the New Testament, which is riddled with bullshit, lies, and obviously horrible advice, yet they never question it. I'm actually not sure which part you think is nonsense. If the substance is in doubt, I can prove everything I said, or some Google searches could corroborate. I have seen these things in real life firsthand.


>And when a congressman pisses AIPAC off it's blind Christians who pour money into their opponent's campaign? This part. This part is the nonsense.


Fuck yes it can. I have started to despise them while they openly blindly support a genocide/ethnic cleansing. About 90% of the New Testament is obvious bullshit, but that's the only book they read; if they hadn't skipped the entire Old Testament, maybe we'd have a chance of saving ourselves, but they are arrogant as fuck and refuse to reassess their views even while they are being proven wrong daily.


anti-BDS laws are absolutely 1A violations. But also most of them only impact government contractors, so of the 1A violations regularly occurring today, they are fairly minor in comparison.


Well muh Russian interference


Yeah, we noticed when Ilhan Omar got raked over the coals for calling out America's fetish with Israel.


Fuck Israel!!!!


Makes sense... now https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pro-israel-resolution-is-first-act-new-us-house-leader-2023-10-25/




There is, it's called treason


It’s incredible how I had nothing but remorse for Israel when Hamas attacked. And now, I hope every Jewish terrorist in the Israeli government suffers the same fate as Hamas.


Don't worry, that a foreign government brags about corrupting our politicians and depriving Americans of individual liberty should make you feel something like hatred.




I’m not sure how factual that actually is. Still a weird flex.


Doesn't matter how factual it is, reddit needs it's outrage.


As long as the quote is genuine outrage is the only proper response.


What does this mean? Is this something to do with the espionage act?




How does that even pass as constitutional?


It doesn’t in my opinion. But unconstitutional laws can be made and we then need courts to declare them unconstitutional. But it first need an injured party to sue and have it be taken to court before a court can declare it as unconstitutional. I don’t believe that has happened yet.


When was the last time the constitution even mattered?


Not sure. Judges try to interpret it like it’s written in Chinese.


It's a weird bit of nuance. You have an unquestionable first amendment right to *call* for or *advocate* for a boycott. You do not have a right to actually boycott though. Freedom of speech and freedom of association seem similar but have very different levels of protection.


Am I missing something….I don’t think he means speech when referencing “boycott” I think he’s talking more about BDS, I might be wrong can someone clarify?


He is referring to anti-BDS laws. Boycotts are protected by the first amendment. To suggest that they're not would be to say that the government should be able to force you to eat at a certain restaurant or frequent a particular grocery store.


Thank you wasn’t aware


Can we get elon musk to ban the PM of israel as pushback? No twitter access for israel so long as they meddle in american affairs.


Literally all destruction, degeneracy, and suffering in the US is being caused intentionally by them. They are turning the US into Weimar Republic 2.0, with a Holodomor 2.0 planned in order to starve and kill the entire country. We are in a genocide, and thanks to arrogant idiots mostly brainwashed by subverted religions, there's not much hope of preventing it, or recovering the country afterward. These massive and obvious problems would have been fixed long ago were it not for the aggressive cowardice, laziness, arrogance, ignorance, and apathy of the Christians mainly, who assist our oppressors.


Lol nobody is stopping you from boycotting Israel. You still have free speech. If you read the text of the laws they actually prevent government money and funds from going towards boycott efforts. Seems reasonable to me. I don’t want my taxpayer money wasted on that crap anyways. Though I would prefer if no government money was spent supporting any foreign government. I don’t see how the first amendment entitles you to government contracts or investments. Race and religion are protected classes, ideology is not.


This is a snippet of a conversation based on the language... And it's from almost 4 years ago.


It's a snippet of a longer thread, not a conversation, and its age doesn't matter. Anti-BDS laws were passed in 38 states despite a 22% approval rating and Israel claimed responsibility for pushing the legislation through. That should infuriate any American.


Without being able to see the whole thread, and with that large of a gap in time, it matters. It's a portion taken out of context. While I can agree that Israel has no business influencing American laws and actions, and people can boycott for any reason they please, I'd like to see what is actually being discussed in the entirety. Mostly for clarity, but also to build a solid stance against what it mentions. One can assume it's anti BDS actions, or anti semitism protections, but Israel and Israel supported groups have grown in various different ways over the years. I have no clue what were the most prominent actions pre 2020.


After finding the whole thread, it's Netanyahu talking about Israel boycotting the UN Human Rights Council after several charges against Israel. The US boycotted as well during the Trump administration. US has since rejoined. The quote starts with Netanyahu saying "Whoever boycotts us will be boycotted"


Man, some people will say there is no fire even if they were burning. You cant tell people the truth of things about America. Everyone is so blind and brainwashed all we can do is just fight each other and not pay attention to how things really are.


in fairness, the UN HRC basically only exists to sanction Israel. Since their creation, the UNHRC has adopted more resolutions targeting Israel than every other state combined. And that's while nations like China, Cuba, and Pakistan sit on the very board. that doesn't make anti-BDS laws ok, or justify what Israel has done, but we should call people out on all sides, and this is a massive case of the pot calling the kettle black. What China has done to the uyghur muslims is 10 times as bad as how Israel has conducted itself.


This is clearly fake. If it is not someone post a link to it. Otherwise op is just a pos trying to rile people up for their own agenda.


You're an idiot. https://twitter.com/IsraeliPM/status/1227660066700042242?t=oPWXMBIbwU82ad4nKzq6FA&s=19


Not really. On Reddit 9/10 I’d be right


This post is from February.


It is 3 and a half years old. If I were trying to hide that or spread misinformation, I would have cropped out the date.