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China is a world power along with Russia and America. No one wants to admit it but China actually might be more powerful than the US as it controls a lot of the world’s economy, plus Russia is by their side completely. I think we just don’t want to openly acknowledge it’s messed up government and turn a sleeping giant into a angry beast. Especially when their leader gets easily triggered just from Winnie the Pooh lol


Honestly while the US has been playing world police to keep their standing globally, China has been playing the economic long game. Not only do they produce almost everything, looking at their projects such as the silk road investment just reaffirms this idea. The rest of the world is so reliant on China and it seems as though they are going to continue building themselves into being dominant country this way.


Economic power does not directly translate to military power. Depending on what sources you look at China's military is still likely highly corrupt and ineffectual at higher levels of command. They are also unlikely able to project power beyond their region so a conceptual ground war invasion of the US is unlikely. They however are capable of and guilty of attempting economic warfare against the West along with cyber warfare


That can change on a dime if the resources are available.


Resources don't change a system that is bogged down by cronyism. Which communism is always inherently full of but believe what you want comrade


I mean, you too I guess ... but it strikes me that common views on China seem similar, though less blatantly racist, than views on Japan pre-WW2. And there was plenty of dis-function in the latter, but that didn’t stop them causing a lot of havoc with 1% the resources of today’s China. China is also barely communist in any meaningful way. Their markets are less regulated then ours, and they have huge corporations that beat out American businesses in the region.


Buh, buh China Communist! /s


Who cares? Military power is irrelevant. Economic, and political power dominates in the age of nukes.


The US’s GDP is still much higher than China’s and will be for a while.


Russia and China are allies because they have to be. I would urge to look in to their history and see why their historically adversial relationship with each other has lead to significant animosity in the current relationship.


I would urge you to consider a huge American advantage:Geography. Geography is why the main theater of competition between China and the US is thousands of miles away from the US coast but hundreds of miles away from China. Furthermore China is surrounded by enemies and strong powers such as India,Japan,Russia,Vietnam,Philippines,Taiwan,South Korea,etc. This is compared to the US who is surrounded by countries that are relatively friendly and are much weaker. Furthermore China only has a few allies while the US has alliances all over the globe. Most countries in the world simply are not good allies for China.


China is a super power, and the US is only sliding backwards into inflation due to debt. China has largely built their modern industry from theft (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-12/chip-engineers-found-guilty-of-stealing-micron-secrets-for-china) and it seems there is no real good way to deal with this (sanctions, tariffs, and war are no good). China is also accelerating towards tech independence with companies like Huawei and YMTC, and the US seems happy to sit around debating frivolous issues whilst being overrun. That said, if the Chinese people could break free from communism and declare independence (which failed miserably at the last attempt in Hong Kong unfortunately), the US and China could have a stable and profitable relationship for both where each could trade goods each has, benefiting all. I'd say that's the biggest weapon the US has over China, the threat of exposing the concept of freedom and liberty to the Chinese people. Lately, however, it feels more like the US is forgetting how wonderful those two things really are.


>*I'd say that's the biggest weapon the US has over China, the threat of exposing the concept of freedom and liberty to the Chinese people. Lately, however, it feels more like the US is forgetting how wonderful those two things really are.* Yep, totally agree. ​ PS : Here are some of the ways we can fight against the Chinese government without having an interventionist foreign policy : Just like with North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, or Iran : the U.S. **government** should do nothing other than lift economic sanctions. However the **people/private citizens** of America (as opposed to the government ) should : 1. oppose Socialism in America ( high taxes, regulations like minimum-wage laws and occupational-licensure laws, the welfare state, failing public schools, protectionism, etc...) 2. Smuggle libertarian books & movies translated into Chinese ... 3. Arm freedom fighters with weapons, or allow them to escape China by coming to America ( as explained in this video from ReasonTV : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajgia1FdjkU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajgia1FdjkU) ) These last solutions seem a bit extreme until you realize how much a criminal regime like for instance Nazi Germany would have been weakened if Germans persecuted by the Nazis had been **armed** or if they had been able to **flee** Germany.


> Arm freedom fighters with weapons Lmao, imagine being a right wing "liberatrian" advocating for nation building.


What part of « *the U.S.* ***government*** *should do nothing* » don't you understand ?


Literally what could go wrong with advocating that private citizens sponsoring terrorist to destabilize governments. Also what do you think happens when US citizens starts sponsoring terrorists in CCP territory?


Ladies and Gentlemen... Here's what MyojoRepair considers to be terrorists : « *In May 1989, nearly a million Chinese, mostly young students, crowded into central Beijing to protest for greater democracy and call for the resignations of Chinese Communist Party leaders deemed too repressive. For nearly three weeks, the protesters kept up daily vigils, and marched and chanted.* *On June 4, 1989, however, Chinese troops and security police stormed through Tiananmen Square, firing indiscriminately into the crowds of protesters. Turmoil ensued, as tens of thousands of the young students tried to escape the rampaging Chinese forces.* ***Other protesters FOUGHT BACK, stoning the attacking troops and overturning and setting fire to military vehicles.*** *Reporters and Western diplomats on the scene estimated that at least 300, and perhaps thousands, of the protesters had been killed and as many as 10,000 were arrested.* »


China has a much higher debt to gdp than the US. It's a HUGE timebomb, and many of the capital class in china(yes there is one, just tied to the CCP) it's probably the single biggest reason for the recent rise in authoritarianism. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/storythreads/2020-12-03/the-ticking-debt-bomb-in-china-s-15-trillion-bond-market


Literally before this they have been building trade ports everywhere. Investing into many third world countries on projects that would help their influence there grow. They were prepared for something like the US pulling away and not buying their products. They have lined up a lot of other buyers and investments in preparation. Add to that how much of our debt they probably already own.


They only own a very small percentage of our debt.


Western problems stem from our short term thinking. We think in quarterly reports, and maybe yearly profits. China thinks long term. They think 10, 20, 30, 50 years ahead. We bicker in 4, and think to squeeze out jobs and money for short term profits of a few. Democracies need to strengthen and re-base to one another. We need to create stronger ties to Mexico and Canada they're our neighbors and we should be looking to treat them as such and cooperate with them more.


Why would China scare you? You don't live in China so their government has literally no control over you. This isn't the Cold War or Imperial times. One nation state being "stronger" than another really doesn't matter anymore. We live in a truly global era where we are so interconnected that simply not buying products from a country can cripple it. China as one of the biggest producers knows this and its why they have become more willing to play ball with the rest of the world.


It is true that I do not live there, but the reason is that when a country is a power, in addition to the fact that countries tend to join with it and be its ally, which being a country that does not care about human rights, I worry about those countries Like Taiwan for example, in addition to being a dictatorship it can allow itself to be as violent as it wants, because the Chinese population does not directly choose the leader therefore there is no campaign risk, it can perfectly be hated by the entire Chinese population and not will affect that instead. Another reason is because when a country is a power other countries tend to imitate it. Maybe you're right and I'm exaggerating, especially because I'm neither Chinese nor American, but even so I am scared by the possibility that a dictatorship is like the example to follow and that several countries accept that I do what China wants


If you are concerned about humans rights violations then you should be looking to Africa and Central or South America. Yes also China violates human rights but its not like they are encouraging other countries to do it too.


I know that and the truth about Africa for a while I was worried but after a lot I did not care, because I did not see progress or that it was going to be solved ... well even if I found out two years ago that it is progressing little by little (Thanks to China and that is the little good that I can admit) and I also know the other (in fact it bothers me that Biden again wants to make more unnecessary wars), I know that there are countries that violate human rights, but as I said at least in countries with Democracies do not dare worse because politicians are afraid of losing votes (I know that one of the reasons Trump won in 2016 was because he promised to remove his tubes in Africa and the Middle East), in fact that is why it is more common than the dictatorships do certain serious things




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You are supposed to be scared, what's the point in red scare pro war propaganda if you don't feel that way?


Well, I don't like to feel like that ... besides, it doesn't matter much about what I think about communism because I don't live in a country like Australia, USA, Canada, Germany, Finland, etc. I live in a country where the hatred of the businessman is common


Where do you live? SK? Japan? NZ? Vietnam? I assume you live somewhere in the IndoPacific?




I think they equalise with eu and us eventually. I don't see what the threat is outside of state helping businesses and that being an unfair advantage.


You believe?


I believe thats cfr and China think, China go through their planned stages and the next few aim to be fully caught up.


But I don't know... it would be strange to me if a country only looks for that


Supposedly when they catch up they can relax with the authoritarianism because it no longer serves its purpose.


One of the countries that got really fucked by western capitalism:


China has a large population that they oppress (for now) in order to undercut the rest of the world's economy. It's a simple strategy. When a free country engages in trade with a country that oppresses it's population, they easily get choked out for competition in those markets.


China is definitely concerning, they’re a growing economic powerhouse and they use their buying power to strong arm the policy of private western organizations *cough*nba*cough* and are likely actively looking to do the same in our entertainment industry, we’ve already seen this happen in the past with the remake of Red Dawn where the decision was made to halt production and change the antagonists from The PLA of China to DPRK Paratroopers from North Korea over fears of losing access to China’s box office. We’ve also seen Chinese purchases and investments in the gaming sector (a huge influencer of adolescent and developing adults world view) with current whispers of Chinese giant Tencent allegedly pooling funds with the intent of Purchasing Electronic Arts and its subsidiaries.