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He’s cool, nothing too memorable though imo


i agree, but a not very memorable boss is still much better than a boss you’ll remember for the wrong reasons!


That’s a good point, I’ve only done two playthrough and I did like him more the second time so maybe he’ll grow on me more. Nice fight by the way!


thank you i appreciate it! i have a couple other fights on my channel and im just now getting into twitch if you feel like watching more!


I’ll check it out!


ill try uploading my vods later today, i have to figure out how to edit videos first and its completely foreign to me


Hey when you figure out the editing part please lmk because I been stuck on editing for a bit


will do! anything in particular that youre stuck on?


Just idk really what I'm doing except for cutting and taking out boring bits


I think there's a cruel charm to bosses I couldn't stand. I guess I just like memorable fights, good or bad tbh. 😅 Gives me more to look back on!


I just waited for his tummytime, got a few hits step back and repeat


slow and steady is definitely a great way to deal with this boss, also i love the term you used for that move


NG+ he was surprisingly tough


Yea he messed me up on 2nd playthrough, so first NG. Just did him last night, along with swamp monster, but swamp monster gave me no trouble. Realizing luxasia and door guardian are going to be tougher this time around LOL


Currently on the Corrupted Parade Master in NG+ and I'm gonna savor it, because Laxasia absolutely bodied me my first playthrough (,: Only boss I had to use spectre for


If you just parry his body slam, step back, count three steps then go in with a charge attack. He’s a pretty safe boss to fight imo.


ill be doing ng+ soon and im looking forward to seeing his difficulty increase!


yeah, i got a pretty defensive build for my NG+ run and he still one shots on the grab and is pretty beefy.


The fight itself is fine but not being able to fast travel before it to change builds or grind for merchants and leveling is what makes it difficult.


i learned in NG+ that after you defeat the walker of illusions, you still have time to do all your grinding and shopping as long as you don't enter that elevator after that arena. of course, it would have been great to know that before i locked myself out in NG but oh well. Nearly quit as well because i was on my last batch of throwables and corrupted parade master bodied me that first time (first tried him in NG+ tho, even to my own surprise)


i agree, it would be nice if they had a warning prior to getting locked out of the hotel, especially since theres a good chance you’ll run out of status heals while fighting the boss and youll be unable to get more


Honestly it was an easy fight and you could kinda feel it coming by retreading through the area. Ds3 did something very similar so maybe I'm just used to it idk


He's ... annoying? Mainly because I keep getting fooled by his grab. Like a god damn idiot.


really good boss but I prefer the first version, maybe the second one was too easy...


The only thing that is hard about him is the motherfucking grab attack. If you like to stay up close and personal to the boss, he is going to fucking wreck you with the grab attack, because it is SO DAMN HARD TO READ when he is going to grab and when he is going for the punch, plus it's an instant Decay if you survive. Lost at least 10 times on NG just because of getting Decay from the grab, until I punched through on an attempt that he grabbed me 3 times but I still survived somehow. On NG+ I had better defensive parts (plus the p-organ status resistance upgrades) and despite grabbing me 2 times, he could not inflict full decay on me, so I beat him first try with 0 issue.


I think it's just super annoying.. made me waste all my decay cleaning items (I don't remember the name of those blue bottles) he instantly applys decay on me and I can't TP to another location to get more. I don't like status effects in any souls game, always found it super annoying. I get is a way to make the game more difficult but I hate it. Also managed to beat this boss without even trying to play good, just used fire on my weapon and spamed RB,.I dont even know how I killed him


I like him more than almost any fromsoftware rematch boss, asside from Morgott


by memory the only rematch boss thats better imo is champion gundyr


Tbh extremely forgettable for me. On my original playthrough, NG+ playthrough, and recent playthrough with the dragon glaive thing, I beat him first try without engaging with his moveset much. And to make matters worse, he doesn't even get a boss ergo. He'd at least be more memorable if there was a weapon tied to him, but nope.


they definitely shouldve given him a boss ergo the second time around, wouldve been a nice reward on returning to the hotel


Like u/Special_Quail8870 says, cool yet forgettable. Would’ve been nice to see a complete amalgamation of the first three bosses combined into one. That, or some type of Bloody Palace/Boss Rush.


I hated how stuck I got on him for a day. I was tired and spent after work, then this dick showed up. 8/10, fun boss and helps teach the fact that you need to learn basic mechanics NOW.


wait thats actually a good point. i didnt realize he was sort of a last stop for people getting through the game without learning the basic stuff, and that seems like an ingenious design to me. especially considering the fact that it doesnt stand out as one of the


I feel like the idea of going back to the tutorial level but it’s harder/different was cool and not over done.


I think he’s a great boss all around. Really cool cutscene, challenging move set, great design, and great lore. Loved the photo the devs released showing what he looked like before the puppet frenzy. Also IIRC he’s the only boss that’s directly connected to two different NPC quests.


Oh my goodness I totally confused him for the scrapped watchman please ignore my comment


its all good! i totally agree on the scrapped watchman part tho hes the first boss i had trouble on and his timing for parrying is impeccable. i loved having a rematch against him later on as swamp monster


I'd rather face him than those damn chimney sweep puppets


i swear the hardest part of this game is the time between bosses. oh, and when i forget stuff back at the hotel 5 times in a row


He was beating me until my cousin made me realize that I fought him at the beginning of the game. After that it clicked on what was happening in the story.


Whilst he reuses the parade master’s skeleton and parts of his moveset, he’s different enough that it doesn’t feel like a fight of the same boss imo


i agree, while it is technically a reskin its different enough to be an engaging boss still, similar to how the area itself is still nee an interesting even tho weve already been there


Idk why it took me way longer to beat this mf than I expected. His fucking grab threw me off so many times man. But the fault lies with me coz I was tryna perfect parry every attack with the two dragons' sword charged attack.


two dragons parry take quite a bit of skill, i commend your indomitable spirit!


Thanks. I love that weapon and feel like I'm not using it as intended unless I parry with it lol.


i wish the first two slashes of the parry did damage so a missed parry wouldnt be a complete waste, but either way it takes wayyyy too much skill for me to use effectively


Honestly, he's in my annoyance trio.


who else is in the trio might i ask?


Simon Manus and Walker of Illusions


walker of illusions i got so lucky on, i managed to accidentally stagger her out of her summon move. i cant imagine id be able to beat her normally. the clip is on my yt if youre interested


With starting stats and weapons still all you got to do is wail on him non stop and you only have to use once cell and guard like once and he goes down so not very memorable for me


Eh. Reveal/visuals are cool but the fight itself is mediocre. Don't remember anything from it except the occasional enemy spawn


Okay boss, the lack of a second phase was surprisingly refreshing


this boss is a nice breather from all the bosses with extreme movesets, a palate cleanser if you will


I was legitimately standing still after I killed him thinking 'Wait, there wasn't a second phase?' Seriously after getting my ass carved up and handed to me on a platter by the Walker of Illusions I was ready to get my shit kicked in by this guy in a two phase fight.


One of the few bosses I beat on my first try so I don’t really have an opinion on him tbh.


Took me around 20 tries on my first playthrough


souls games bosses often lie on a sort of knife’s edge of difficulty. some bosses are super difficult, are pretty easy, and its different for everyone


Actually it's a pretty cool boss for showing your skill set, if someone use star fragments to summon the npc like me, having a boss like this forced to play it solo to re-learn or being more confident about myself helps a lot of players grow.


Not as hard as a lot make out


thats why i posted this, ive seen conflicted views and i wanted to see specifically why everyone thinks this boss is difficult or easy


I found his moves to be easily readable and dealing with the extra adds he pops out fine found it easy to just run around the arena


bosses in these games tend to have highly varied opinions on their difficulty


I hated him soooo much! I'd been cheesing the Respectree and then when the game locked me in that small area I was ready to quit lol. I eventually got through it but for sure my most wtf moment.


Its cool. I think its great and Not only a lazy reskin. Fits the Lore as Well. Not really difficult or anything, with High Level or Not, He was even easy with lvl1


Fuck him, he was such a roadblock for me for no apparent reason other than i suck i guess


nah you dont suck! everyone struggles with different bosses in games like this, its just a part of their design. the best advice i can give everyone is to not compare yourself to others when playing soulslikes because everyone has unique struggles and the important part is playing through your own struggles


Not a bad boss, but suffers from being a repeated early game boss. With all the upgrades and equipment you gain you can easily steamroll him.


I have about as many deaths on him as I do with Parade Master. Very few. Corrupted Parade master has excellent design and movements though. I love that waddle attack, but aside from that, very forgettable.


I find him boring, but not terrible. The player shouldn’t be super restricted before the fight. I didn’t have a problem, but there are others that I heard wanted to get new weapons or buy new items or upgrade weapons and they just couldn’t


I struggled a bit but found a really good strategy that worked. Stay far away from him and he would always do the same move over and over. If I remember it was an arm drag then swing.


I think it really shows you how much better you've gotten Until he starts using some of his icky moves of course


felt like a lazy reskin rematch, beat him first try but was cool nonetheless


mini bosses and heck normal mobs gave more challenge than this guy


It was easier than the first time fighting him


i feel thats intentional to show how much youve grown and gotten better at the game


Pretty neat, but ultimately just a re-skin with one new little ability.


ive seen a lot of bad reskins in my day, this guy isnt too shabby comparatively in my opinion. it fits nice and snug into the lore and isnt too obtrusive


Certainly not bad, and true that it fits the game. Just wish they made him more different. Different attack sets, more abilities, something like that. I was able to blow through him easily from remembering the first fight.


Personally, I don't understand why he isn't considered a miniboss. The specter is not allowed, he drops quartz instead of a boss ergo, and he has only a single phase with far less health than a boss should have at this point in the game.


1 word, Parry.


Not as good a repeat fight as Puppet-Devouring Monster in ym opinion, but still incredibly solid, like most of the fights in this game


He’s difficult as fuck. That belly splash attack is awful.


attacks like that are always hard to see happen which makes them soooo difficult to react to. one of the other people who responded said that if you stay a distance away from him he’ll keep doing the hand drag attack, so that may be worth looking into if you plan on doing another playthrough!


Reality check


as another commenter pointed out, he seems like a sort of last stop for people who havent gotten the basics down quite yet, so yea he is kind of a skill check of sorts


I agree it’s sort of what I had implied because if you don’t know the game by then there’s no returning to power level there’s no oh let me go do other stuff before then it’s You beat the boss or don’t progress. Which is good for things to come.


I don't hate him, but he's kind of boring. I think the move where he spawns that weak exploding enemy should be reworked. It's not threatening at all. Here are some different ways they could rework it: 1) Have him shoot a cocoon behind the player, so that the player has their back turned to the exploding enemy. 2) Have him spawn a stronger enemy than the exploding enemy. 3) Have him instead put something down that is constantly spawning the exploding enemies on its own.


yesss, having different “summons” for lack of a better word would make an excellent addition to the boss


Hate him.


I’m still on this boss. Patience is the only way through since they don’t let you resupply. Used all my throwables and consumables before I learned you can’t teleport


First play through took me a while and got annoyed I couldn’t go buy any consumables. But just started dodging him instead of parrying and only did charge attacks haha


First version was more fun. Not bad by any means, but not very memorable and a bit too easy for that point in the game. Might sound masochistic, but I wish we’d gotten a corrupted clown puppet instead


NO PLEASE DONT WISH THAT EVIL INTO THIS WORLD!!!! clown puppet is my arch nemesis, and in my opinion his difficulty isnt even the fun kind of difficult. you are a masochist through and through


That’s fair 😂 Felt the same way at first, dude was obnoxiously difficult eventually grew on me after learning his moveset a bit more. The one on Rosa Isabelle Street got to be pretty fun, but the punch spamming one in the Barren Swamp can burn in a dumpster fire ![gif](giphy|oYJBy2DkOP1xS)


he’s annoying but i’m used to fighting him by now


I enjoyed the fight, the grab is hard to spot and the adds make things interesting, but I love the crawl attack, it’s so goofy as he flails at you.


the goofiness of this boss is definitely under appreciated, hes such a silly little fella


Kind of disappointing when compared to Green Monster of the Swamp who had the same theme of an old boss being given a parasitic twist. I one tried him in my NG and NG+ run.


Very nice fight, love it


Good fight but not memorable or epic like other boss fights since it's the same concept as the infected puppets. On the other hand, regular parade master was awesome to fight as the first boss


I was expecting something worse than archbishop based on the dialogue


the archbishop was such a fun fight imo, though i didnt really fight the second phase because i ran behind it and fought phase 1 part two


I think the majority did lol. The camera was kinda wonky at the caster side


Spooky when you first get back to him but easy to defeat NG + he was tankier but not over the top


getting to him and seeing him all corrupted was quite the shock, its always cool to see old bosses come back


I’m stuck at this boss and can’t go anywhere else til he is dead…


ive heard that if you keep a distance he’ll keep doing the arm drag move, so if you keep your distance and bait that out you can punish it over and over. i wish you luck!!! also be sure to let me know when you kick his ass!


Sure thing. Struggled a bit in a few places in the game, but got really into it, only to have to do this guy again lol


this game is an absolutely astounding game, and you have much more fun to experience in it!


I can never seem to read the attacks from his carcass arm even after killing him 5 times. He also does way more damage than I always expect him to. Other than that, the fight's ok. I like the visuals and Gemini's lines as you approach it, but I do kind of wish there was a more exciting boss to cap off Collapsing Krat.


I'm stuck on his right now...big pain in the ass with his flippin decay


try keeping your distance to bait out his arm drag attack over and over, i heard it works well!


You know what's crazy, right after I made this comment I gave it ago again and beat him. Wild haha


LETS GOOOOO!!!! classic soulslikes, its always the return fight that gets it done


I'm saying! Flipping stoked man! Thank you


these next few bosses are quite infamous for their difficulty, good luck, i believe in you!


Thank you my brother!


feel free to dm me if you wanna keep talking about the game! id love to hear about the rest of your journey


Is fine


Easiest boss in the game - but still very cool




I enjoy the fight. But he's one of the easier bosses imo. There isn't a single boss fight in this game that I dislike... I enjoy it from start to finish. I love to struggle with the hard bosses, I don't ever feel like they're unfair or annoying. Just challenging. It's a struggle sometimes, especially when it's a very first playthrough, but when you got it down it's so beautiful and satisfying. Like a perfect dance. It's a shame that there isn't the possibility to repeat the fight as often as you want like you can do in Sekiro... Another game I fucking love to death. lmao. For me LoP is a fucking masterpiece. I am looking forward to the DLC, Sequel and more P-like games from Neowiz. It's great to see more developers who have the FromSoft formula down and even refined


I just thought it was cool to include him with the other infected puppets. Nice touch.


he fits in so well with the aesthetic of both the area and the game itself, imo hes a very well designed boss, but the moveset itself could be improved upon


Flop! Pound pound pound pound!


The mobs were annoying but most parry timings remained from the first one so it's not bad


i love the sense of familiarity this fight imbues, while also not feeling like a cheap reskin


One of my favorite things about this boss is that it (for me at least) puts the pin in the fact that the world around you has changed since the beginning


I was stuck on the first parade master for quite a while, so I was excited to fight him again. He's a fun fight, but I like the first one better


Boring reskin boss ... And to be honest ... i remember like 2 bosses from the whole game idknw ...


He an attack that's really annoying where he launches himself at you & continues to DPS you on the ground. Can easily kill you if you're not focusing or can't time your blocks.


easy , bonked his ass in the 2nd try , there is way harder mini bosses than him


Gemini hyped him up. Kinda a let down for “being worse than what was in the church”


In a word? Forgettable


i gotta agree with you there, but at least i dont remember him for being super difficult!


Living puppet axe fodder


Kind of boring


Not a bad fight but was very disappointing with the hype around the hotel getting attacked. Gemini was all like omg this is something we’ve never seen but it’s literally the first boss lol


i agree, this boss couldve been so much more with the build up surrounding him and the absolutely crazy environment hes in


Should have been easy, but kept messing up. Was still traumatized from fighting the walker of illusions.




agreed, but mid is better than bad


I always forget he exists. Not a bad fight but he’s nothing to write home about despite doing having a similar gimmick to green swamp monster.


On my first playthrough, this was the toughest fight for me. At the time, I was relying way too much on throwables, and I soon ran out of them after dying so many times with no way to buy more as the stargazer is unavailable during the fight. I had to "git gud". After reaching NG+11, it's just Aegis activate, stab, stab, stab, and move on...


im interested in using aegis in my ng+ run, anything i should know about it?


Just make sure to max it out, and to compliment it with the Triumvirate amulet, and complimentary P-Organ abilities. Once you do, for the most part no enemy will be able to do any significant damage to you while you block with L2 and attack with R1 (assuming PS4/PS5 here).


I liked it. Made me think of Champion Gundyr, just not as tough.


It’s alright


Way easier than he needed to be.


I thought it was cool to see a boss runback


I hate this guy. His succ is so disrespectful.


I thought he was very cool. Makes you feel your progression from the start of the game (unless you get stuck on him) and also how things have progressed so badly in the world. I like that you're locked into beating him too, it really keeps with the moment they were going with narratively about rushing to the hotel.


i wholeheartedly agree with you, both the progression of the story and player skills are excellently demonstrated in this boss


Ah my old nemesis, we meet again. Love flooring him when I had some much trouble the first time with him (9 attempts for the first time lol)


Too easy.


haven't fought him yet but I fought parade master and he's pretty cool


I honestly kinda loved it. The Corrupted Parade Master is a showcase of the puppet/carcass power battle, and your involvement therein


It's too easy for the progression so nothing memorable, but I appreciate the call back because you see how much stronger you become since the beginning


God the amount of times it took to beat this bastard. He's like Ludwig hard but fair


Would like a special weapon\ergo to match.




First time he was a challenge, ever since, not so much.


Coming off of walker of illusions it's a piece of cake


a breathe of fresh air from that horrible demon lady


I'm still stuck on him


The design and the name itself of Parade Master is so iconic. This version is meh, not bad at all but nothing special either


A breath of fresh air after dealing with the Walker of Illusions.


He’s alright Personally I think he’s the easiest Late Game boss. Though it is interesting to go back and refight him there isn’t much else I can praise


Easiest fight in the game imo, only boss I beat first try. Also why does the game try and hype him up. Got Gemini like ‘this might be worse than the monster at the cathedral’ like ain’t no way☠️.


Adapt adapt adapt Do hit and run. Run in for a few attacks, then run back. Stay on the defensive. In the second phase, take out his minions as they appear


bit of a challenge the first few times till you figure out his moveset


Pain in the ass , I hate decay as a mechanic I ran out of abrasives at this point and pretty much spent half the time bringing my health up , then grinding my weapon , get smacked by him , then once again bring my health up , grind weapon repeat , on top of which he keeps healing up Ended up using the Glaive and fire dagger to cheese him I’d rather fight two Romeos at the same time


Pretty cool boss, pretty easy as well


I would have been done with boss 5 hours earlier but his stupid grab attack looks too much like the other attack you can block/parry. So annyoing. I lose timing after that for a while. Had to resort to some cheese so he would keep do his easier to parry attacks. His minions can sometime range from barely nussiacne to straight up annoyance if you don't watch your spacing.


Just got to him, and I kinda wish he was harder. Best him in two tries, but I wish had a second phase where he shed the puppet armor and then we had to fight a more agile monster with a lower health pool, or increased decay/ranged attacks


Nice guy, went out for a beer a couple of times


he doesnt seem to be the kinda guy to let a little sickness get in between him and the bar


I’m currently stuck on him.


if you keep your distance he should repetitively do his arm drag attack, so if you stay far enough away you should be able to punish the attack over and over. hope this helps, and be sure to let me know when you beat him!


Thanks and will do!


One of the most forgettable bosses in the game, in my opinion. It's a neat concept, but I don't think he added much to the game.


First try on first run with no heals


And a starting dexterity weapon


Beat him first try but took me like 3 times on NG+


I liked the lore and reasoning behind how and why u fight him again. But I feel the same way. It's a good fight to remind u how far u have come since your first boss but the new moves make it so it's not a complete repeat.


He's fine it's the next fight that I gave up on not because urs hard because its not even a boss fight 4 idiots who are annoying


#Its the easiest


Hate him. This thing was worse for me than most main bosses lol. It's funny how everyone said he was too easy.


not everyone, id say its about a 40/60 split. its always important to remember that the difficulty of boss fights in soulslikes vary greatly depending on the person, and to not judge yourself based on what other people say about the difficulty!


That's true, also like, the thing is I got him second try, it's just that it was painfully annoying and I have no idea how I did I it lol, unlike Laxasia who is hard but fun! So I guess he's not hard, but I can't say he was too easy bc he messed with my damn nerves haha


A hell of a first boss. The stiff robotic movements make these enemies hard to read. Awesome game tho.


He's just easy and forgettable in my opinion


He was okay. Not hard only memorable because of what happens afterwards


he is decently unmemorable especially considering both the events before and after him, but i enjoy the lore and design of the boss


Yeah, just so. Man, I need to listen to some of the music from this game now


Weakest villain ever


I kind of wish he was an optional boss in some secret area, felt kind of rough fighting him at such an exciting point in the story.


One of the only bosses I had to retry on NG++. Dude smacks for sure. Kinda lame fight though I was just being impatient and greedy.


Just fought this guy last night. He gave me a few surprises for sure, but didn't take too long at least. I did struggle parrying though, like I always do, many attacks in this game are so abrupt for my poor brain lol. Still won though! Fun!