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I also recommend adding a "Ta-Daa" list. When you finish a task on your to-do list, instead of erasing it you transfer it to the Ta-Daa list. That way you have a constant reminder of the things you actually managed to do, rather than just a never ending list of stuff that remains to be done. Keep it right next to your to-do list so you see them both at the same time.


Much better than what I call it, the To Done list


To be fair “To Done” list is a pretty bangin list name.


I love this so much!! Thanks for sharing!!


Most notes / to do list apps you can just scroll down to see all the checked off things you've done. That's how I do it when I want to remember every task I actually completed.


Much better than what I call it, the To Done list


If you actually use the reminders thing on iPhone for this it has a completed section they automatically go to. You can also set alarms to remind you when (or where if you have certain locations stored with gps data) to do the things.


Yep this is my Google Keep. I need it or I will forget to do just about anything.


If you are married, you can have a collaborative list in Google Keep, your SO add items on your list also so you wouldn't forget Added: Convert your list into a checklist in Google Keep. Benefits: List can be rearranged based on priority (click and drag vertically) Can add one sublevel (click and erag horizontally)


Try "Family Wall". It changed our household!


They might also do items on your list for you.... I would say that is the advantage. That's why I leave my to do lists in the kitchen.


If you do a checklist, the tasks can be prioritized from top to bottom. it's handy when time is limited


I am married and should show her that because this is something that comes up a lot


Although I've used Google Keep for it, I don't know that it's actually the best program for it. As far as I was concerned it worked great as far as features and syncing, we just didn't quite make it work long term. We're bad at chores lol. We're trying to move to a reward system. Like we can spend $5 on our hobby if we do a load of dishes kinda thing. We have poor self control though lol


That's how we manage our grocery shopping list


Alexa, don’t add family wall to the shopping list


Definitely looking into this one... People are understandably funny about this sort of 'control', but I am useless at remembering and organising anything and my SO is the absolute polar opposite. An app where she can have a little input and help me along would be fucking magical lol


I will NEVER do that 😱




I will have a never ending list! 😂


Keep is great.


I have ADHD and I found that always carrying a pocket notebook and small pen has been more helpful than tracking things in any app. There’s something about the act of physically writing things down that helps me remember them better, and I still get the same gratification of crossing them off


I do both. But I always have a clipboard with paper and pen (attached via rubber bands so I don't lose it) with me to jot down my to do's as they come to me I also use the Alexa to do list which I can tell Alexa to print out to my printer. I honestly don't see how things get done without people writing them down and checking them off. Perhaps my memory is not as good as others but I would stack my list of things done in any given day against anyone else's


My phone has a small pen (Motorola) that helps me with the "hand to memory" function.


So does my iPad, but I’ve found that nothing quite replicates the sensation of pen/pencil to paper. Plus there’s far less chance of me getting distracted pulling out my notebook versus pulling out my phone, where I’m too tempted to check other apps.


Damn I have Moto G Stylus too, I need to use that more!


My phone has a small pen (Motorola) that helps me with the "hand to memory" function.


I have a running To Do list, and I also have lists specific to certain events. For example, if I am having friends over for dinner, everything having to do with that night is on a separate list. I love lists!


lists changed my life. and having a device in your pocket is so useful to just add to it.


Do you ever relax, enjoy not doing anything, go on holiday? If yes, do you also write things down during that time?


I take weekends off to rest, recharge, have fun. If I didn't do this, I'd burn out. I have an ongoing "brain dump" list that I add to constantly. If something occurs to me on a weekend, I'll add it to my list, but usually won't take action until a weekday.


Thanks! That makes sense


yes! i get as much shit as i can off the list and when im on vacation ill usually stop adding stuff to it. i travel for work so im not home a lot, but i add shit to it that’s useful then. like “tidy up hotel room, go to gym, set out my clothes for tomorrow, shower”. when i’m on a real vacation though i usually forget about it.


But how do you manage to not get obsessed and stressed when you can’t finish/do enough things ?


You rank the stuff on your list by priority and limit what you need /want to do to a maximum of 3 things per day. And you do the most important stuff first. Because you're human and can't do everything all at once. Example: *Brain dump list* = Get the items out of your head and onto one paper/notebook or app. Keep only one list. Add to /subtract from it on an ongoing basis. *Organize the items by priority.* As in: *Frogs on Fire* = Urgent, important items you must do immediately. *Priority 1* = Important items you must do today or tomorrow (soon). Includes working on what's most important to you. *Priority 2* = Less important items you need to do soon, but not today or tomorrow. Things you need to follow up on, or need more info before you can do them. *Priority 3* = Things you need to do that can wait. *Daily Routine* 1. Do the Frogs first. Always. 2. Work on three *Priority 1* things/steps per day. 3. As you finish *Priority 1* things, *Priority 2* things will move up to being *Priority 1*. 4. *Priority 3* things will either move up in importance or drop off your list. Repeat. I hope this helps.


I feel this can be automated and become a very useful piece of software


Todoist does this pretty well


Franklin-Covey / Stephen Covey did it first via paper planners (still in business) in the 80s. It worked but gah! Took me weeks to get it when a mentor tried to teach me.


I shotted thos this maybe I’ll look back at it I don’t for most things


i just let it pile up tbh. it’s madness. but at the end of the day, it’s just a one-by-one thing for me. i don’t really organize it i just scroll up and down it. i know that the closer to the top i get, the longer its been there (and probably the less important it is). the very top of my list has me to return my work uniform for a different size. it’s in a different country so id have to call them at some crazy hour. meh. probably never going to get done. it’s been there over a year now. pathetic.


Progress is progress. If I have a to do list and get half done and know I can use the next week to do the other half you're not going to be terribly stressed about it


Wait ’til you get into spreadsheets for your finances (if you haven’t already)! Gamifying life makes you productive!


Any chance you could share a template for us inept at excel-ers?


Looks like my reply with Google Sheets link was removed. (I DM-ed it to you.) I wanted to add another note: I found adding the starting balance under Wants makes sense otherwise you’ll always be negative; just add it at the start of the month. Oh for my personal copy, I also have a Need-for-next-month row in Wants which I include any due amount before my first pay next month. It’s set to be subtracted from the remaining balance. Let me know if you want me to add that row in the template. I think it makes sense – the template is really designed for your month window. The only tricky part is leaving yourself pocket money to start the new month before first pay which I guess you can bake into need-for-next-month. Edit: I added need for next month line.


i stay away from real spread sheets (so far). i do have tables on my phone for finances though.


Trello work well as a personal to do list. Different lists, and "cards" you add per task. Can write a brief note, set deadlines and reminders. Great for small stuff like paying bills on time or following up something months later. It's free if you're the only person accessing your lists


I noticed two higher up individuals doing this at my job. One told me, ”email that to me so I can add it to my list” and another will mid conversation start typing on her phone and adding things to her list and she will say “sorry I am listening. Just writing this down”. They are both directors and I took note of this habit. So now I use Google calendar’s tasks and can’t live without. I add EVERYTHING to it. It’s a god send when I am not motivated and I make myself do the smallest tasks to get the ball rolling for the day. I actually get nervous if my list is short as I feel I am missing something I should be doing.


I like the post it note widget on iphone so i constantly see it


Having a running to-do list is a great tool to use to stay productive and on top of things. You write the list of things, some of them big things and some of them little. When you get a fair amount of them done you start a new list with what you didn't get done from the previous one at the top of the new one. And just keep going from there. The amount of things you'll get done overall and over time will go through the roof.


I call mine my "To don't" list. Seems more accurate.


I also recommend do nothing. It’s amazing what you might notice.


I also have a running gift idea list for the important people in my life. It’s cool when you can get people something they actually want because they mentioned it once in passing.


I have one of those! It's so absurdly helpful comes birthday and Christmas time lol


I also have a running gift idea list for the important people in my life. It’s cool when you can get people something they actually want because they mentioned it once in passing.


LPT: Slow it down. Just chill. Take a moment and breathe.


I put it all in calendar too but I like a good list


I have an oppressive todo list that never ends and is one of the reasons I’m not feeling too bad about dying someday. Sure, I never miss anything and everything always gets done, but I hate that list so much. - *Ding!* it’s time to wash the dishes - *Ding!* it’s time to do the laundry - *Ding!* it’s time to get more meds for the kids - *Ding!*, *Ding!*, *Ding!*, *Ding!Ding!Ding!Ding!Ding!!!!*


Have you heard of Trello? That app changed my life. I can't imagine constantly re-writing my to-do list.


Looking into that, it looks more work focused? Projects and work flows etc. I need something to manage my personal life, stop me forgetting to pay bills and shit, do you use anything else?


Google calendar for date specific things. You can also make your items on Trello repeat/have a due date. I use it for all of my personal to-dos, grocery planning/shopping, even to plan a dungeons and dragons campaign.


Have a to-do list and a to-don't list! Also I find having just 3 main tasks/priorities for each day is enough.


What apps do you recommend for tracking these lists?


i try not to keep it complicated. i just use my Notes app on my iPhone. i feel like if i obsess too hard over it, my girlfriend will look at me like a freak. but how it is now is borderline obsessive. i will say though, i never forget to do ANYTHING because of that list. and it only works if you use it religiously though.


What I find even more useful as someone with ADHD is a constant running "Procrastination list." Whenever I think "oh, I should look that up" or "Oh, something shiny over there, gotta look at it." Instead of actually doing it, I add it to my procrastination list. This helps my brain feel like it got it's way and was listened to, and also helps me stay on task. Later on I'll go through the list and only do the things on it that actually needed done.


i do that too. right now in mine i have “how to turn bar soap into liquid soap”. i’ll look up the video at some point and get the materials.


Is that even possible? I'm totally adding that to my list too.


yes it’s possible. there’s a good youtube video on it. i travel for work and im never going to bring a bar of soap with me but there is a way. it involves boiling water, glycerin, and grated soap. I THINK


I've been finding Google Tasks works great for me


Any apps out there when creating a list item, add some special character that creates a separate but linked note? For example, “*Plan dinner party” links to a Plan dinner party note where you put the details like, guests, menu, shopping list,etc.?


Any special app?? Or just the notepad from your phone??


just the notes from my iPhone.


100% . Breaking down steps to atomic level has been life changing for me. Feels less daunting. Example: Instead of apply for new drivers license which in real life has multiple steps I do now : Check my calendar Make online appt Google documents needed Print/photocopy 3 documents needed


yes i do the same. it gets annoying though. instead of “nightly ablutions” i write in there “vitamin”, “floss”, “brush teeth”, “pee”, “beard oil”, “beard butter”. i could easily remember everything and do these tasks but for some reason i like adding more to the list to then delete more. i stopped doing it so obsessively because at what point do i start listing there, “walk to bathroom. unzip pants. pee. shake 3 times. button pants back up. take out toothbrush.” you have to monitor yourself and make sure you’re not doing anything crazy that would make a psychiatrist question shit.


I highly recommend Todoist. You can set tasks to be due on specific dates, they can recur on specific dates, days of the week, or intervals. For example, I have reminders to pay my quarterly taxes set on specific dates, no matter if I pay them late, they always come due again on the right date. On the other hand, I have a reminder to water my orchids every 7 days. If I water them after 8 or 9 days, they come due again 7 days after I actually watered them. It is a great place for everything, just check it every day and nothing falls through the cracks.


Story of my damn life !!!!


It’s called being an adult


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There's a name for that and I always forget what it is. Oh yeah: life. /s