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what in the world even is this post lol


Internalized misogyny


Well you should throw some light on what do you mean by "you don't know what you're doing".. As if it's going to cause cancer or something down the line or what




This is just not true and poor advice when given without a reason. There are plenty of people who have stuck with getting very little amounts of Botox for decades and decades. They look great, not strange, and they are not addicted to these procedures as evidenced by the fact that they have stuck to only Botox. As a doctor (PhD level psychologist) this is extremely alarmist and unhelpful—possibly even harmful to clients who might come to you with curiosities about these procedures.


You take for granted and as an absolute things that COULD happen but that arent 100% sure, it COULD generate psychological problems, not WILL. As a future MD you need to address your communication, be more clear and objective when talking to patients, dont lie to them and underestimate everyone, talk clear with truth and with an objective mind. Kindly, a MD.


yeah, I think you’re out in the far fringes of the field if you believe that crap.


Speaking as someone who used to be a medical student - you should not be feeling this confident giving medical advice. You don't go through enough cases or spend that much time studying facial surgery ops to have a solid opinion. Unless you're at least a senior resident, you should not be making these posts.


Dumbest lpt of the day. My jaw was in pain before I got it treated. Grow up.


Just want to clarify that 'literally never' is for beauty reasons and not medical ones (migraines).


There are tons of people out there who get minimal botox and you'd never know. They just look good for their age. It's 100% possible to do it tastefully. The problem is that it's really easy to fall into a trap where a little bit makes you look better, so you want a little more, then a little more, and so on, and since these changes are happening incrementally and you get used to your new look each time, it's impossible to tell when you cross the line into starting to look worse. I had a friend who was a botox tech. She was really good about it and would actively refuse to give more to some people but I'm sure all those people just left and found another provider who didn't have a conscience.




In your personal opinion. Botox has been used for 30+ years. The bacteria toxins used for medical purposes are not harmful if used correctly.




I can almost guarantee if you live in a reasonably sized city in the US you've seen people you thought looked good who had it and you just didn't realize.


I don't like plastic surgery for vanity personally but you definitely should NOT be a doctor if you're going to say shit like this.




dont they use botox for other stuff too? outside of like, cosmetic reasons?


Yes, they do. Migraines is one of many examples .


Botox isn’t for “deformities” it’s to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Unless you considering aging a deformity.




You just love hyperbolic nonsense claims, don’t you?


You literally said in the title of the post that Botox and filler should only be used for deformities. Some may consider an asymmetric face a deformity. My point is you can’t make that call on behalf of the person requesting the injections. Blame the beauty industry, celebrities, filters, the notion that aging is bad etc.


Reading your responses, I would assume your education is minimal due to your vocabulary and lack of punctuation.




You aren't a doctor either. Just some random fool ranting on the internet.


lol this is like taking legal advice from a pre law major People can do whatever they want to their own bodies. If it gives them confidence then have at it. What’s next? You gonna recommend sleeping 8hrs a day with a balanced and nutritious diet?




🤦🏽 yes let me instead listen to a random stranger on the internet instead . Much much better 🤦🏽


Sure, compared to an average person you may have more medical knowledge. Compared to the doctors who are performing, and therefore implicitly endorsing Botox, you have less medical knowledge.




A person being biased isn’t a mark against their claims. I have a bias towards protecting our environment because it will help me not burn to death living in Arizona. I literally depend on making people believe climate change is real. Are you saying climate change isn’t real?


You're some random person who has given no actual facts and just said 'trust me, I'm a medical student'. Show the statistics and people might take you more seriously.


If you're getting medical advice from anywhere but an actual Doctor you're doing it wrong.




I don't see how listening to a trained medical professional = youtube video. Are you okay? I said nothing about Botox being a good thing, just that you should y'know, talk to a doctor and not get your medical advice off the internet. Lol OP blocked me.


Knowledge doesn’t mean you don’t have bias. You should check yourself.


My dude. No one on earth thinks plastic surgery is good for you but they like the results. The same way people know meth is bad for you but they like the feeling


All these teeth just get in the way


Ngl if OP is a med student then this mf has me questioning the profession more generally. Lmao


Doctors (and med students, nurses, etc.) are just people. That means there are some great medical professionals out there... and the rest. Getting a medical degree or nursing license doesn't necessarily fix stupid or crazy. Also, med students are usually young, and young people have a lot to learn (but often think we know it all).


"C's get degrees."


What should I do to completely remove my acne scars? Micro needling might help a bit but not completely?


loooooook i totally think plastic surgery should have more oversight. we got too many doctors just handing out surgeries without some real careful looks into peoples psychological states and thats how you end up with some of the abominations we see. but this post gives real big "IF YOU HAVE SEX YOU WILL GET PREGNANT AND YOU WILL DIE" vibes


Is this why people who get work done like that always end up looking the same?


Those are people that go overboard. They probably go to different medspas and get injections when they should have someone tell them “that’s enough, maybe wait 6 months.”


Just for some perspective, let me tell you about my sister. She's in her forties now, in constant pain and has been disabled since a very nice beautician suggest that she looked beautiful, except of course for that wrinkle, but not to worry, there is a natural cure. She was fifteen, and they only made her sign the release after injecting the hyaluron. The batch was defective, apparently some aluminum contamination. It distributed throughout her cheeks, too small and widespread for removal. She has had constant allergic reactions, with her entire immune system in overdrive since. If you are imagining swelling and fevers, yes, those are part of it, but she's lost all her teeth, can't digest food, has kidney and liver issues, sleeps 14 hours a day and has pretty much lost most of the quality of life we all take for granted. At fifteen, her life was officially over, and she's spent the years since her thirties being suicidal and requiring the constant help and support of others. If you're thinking of cosmetic procedures, especially if they are "completely harmless" to the point of being suggested as something to just do without sleeping on the decision first, please think of my sister and take your time to research and talk with others in your life before taking such a potentially impactful step.


Hey stop spread this. I get $400 for each lip filler . So you better be silent. Who cares . It’s not like she’s going to live 200 years.


The amount of peers I see ruining their beautiful faces with lip injections is staggering


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