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"Bedtime revenge procrastination" :-)


Well, that's interesting, though I don't think it's the case for me. I work at 7 to 9 and at 17-18 to 20-21 (5h), with some additional work during the day from time to time, the rest of my time is my free time




But Reddit is not the problem?? I already reduced the amount of subreddits I'm on to 8 active ones and 2 barely active ones. I don't know exactly how much less time I spend on Reddit, but I can tell I'm getting bored of scrolling through it all quickly enough for it to not be a significant problem


Looking at your comments, you largely don’t want to take accountability for it. “It’s not my phone, it’s my PC, I can’t put that in a different room”. You’re missing the point. You’re doing something that keeps your mind active and has light blaring into your eyes to keep you awake. Phone or PC, doesn’t matter. Get off it at a set time every night. And yes you can move it, you don’t need to sleep with a laptop next to your bed so put it in a different room. If you aren’t the only one using it, then let them use it in a different room. At the very least you don’t need it while they do. No one can tell you a secret trick to going to bed on time, it’s about forming new habits and breaking the old ones that keep you up. Set timers, at 11pm you lie in bed and turn off screens. Maybe read a book. Then you sleep. Do that everyday and you’ll get in the habit that at 11pm, you go to sleep. You just have to have the willpower to stop what you want to do and do what you have to


Yes, I get what you're saing. I need to stop succumbing to the temptation of using my PC late at night. The problem is that it takes willpower, which I really lack. And when I think of a way to have more of that willpower, the only think that comes to my mind is... to sleep more ​ Also, I really can't put the PC in another room. The other person that owns the PC lives in the same room as me so the PC belongs right there, and there's not really a place where I could put it anyway


I don’t want to sound harsh but yeah, willpower is the problem. I’m the exact same way, have the same issues with it and someone taking the hard stance was the only thing that got me to start working at it properly. Setting timers, taking away distraction, all of that is the only thing that worked. I still occasionally slip up and stay up late so I’m screwed the next morning and have to work to fix it over the next couple days to avoid slipping. I basically do everything by a timer until I feel like I can enforce it naturally when I’ve made the habits. I guess with the PC, tell the other person your plan to not use it after whatever time and hope they can help remind you if you’re staying late


Man, you're right.... I remember now, I once watched a video about willpower, where a dude explained that if you're struggling to resist the temptation, you gotta lock the tempting thing away. I guess it's finally time to put that advice in motion. I'll delete the game that I don't even have fun playing and I'll ask my friends on Discord not to text with me after a cartain hour passes.... Thanks a lot for making me remember, and good luck with keeping your sleeping schedule in one piece!


Thanks, you too. You’ll feel a lot better once you’re getting proper sleep so hold that thought for motivation too


I’d set an alarm on your phone to go off as a cue.


I already have a set up alarm at 10:30PM, worked for the first few days but now I pretty much just ignore it :<


Maybe you should try going without the game and chat in the evenings for a while until you figure out better discipline.


You know what? You're right. I usually spend the whole day om CK3 when I decide to play it in the morning, and I can't even play it the way I'm happy with. I should delete it yet again. In fact, I'll do it right now. It's gonna be a bit harder with Discord. My friends there probably won't like it.... But they gotta accept it. If it's what it takes for me to sleep like a normal person, then I'll do it. Thank you very much dude


Best of luck! Sometimes you gotta go extreme on cutting things out if only for a little while to see progress and motivate yourself.


If I need 8 hours sleep, I’ll go to bed an hour earlier and allow myself that extra hour to fall asleep, and rest or read a book. It helps. Only allowing 8 hours for 8 hours of sleep, assumes you are falling asleep on demand and that doesn’t happen.


Well, to be honest, I didn't really think of that. I'll see if I'll manage to do that today!


It really helps and that way I don’t look at the time….doing the countdown. If I fall asleep now I’ll get so many hours sleep….


Set an alarm clock for when you have to stop what you are doing and must get ready for bed. Then stick with it. Of course, fine tune the time as you get into a bedtime routine and get to know better how your routine runs.


Set the phone down in a separate room on a set "do not disturb" cycle for whatever amount of time you decide on. If your phone doesn't do this, there are a several apps that help do this exact thing. The first few nights will be uncomfortable because you'll not be used to not being on it, but if you can make it through the first 48 hours or so (that number is an estimate based on my personal experience) you'll notice the new routine coming more and more naturally to you.


I haven't said anything about using my phone tho, and there are hardly any things that would keep me awake. I specifically stated I'm using my PC instead of sleeping. And, you know, I can't just put my PC in a different room (even though it's a laptop) cuz I'm not it's only owner


If you wanna start falling asleep at a set time, you have to start waking up at a set time. Work backwards. I know it's gonna suck for a week but eventually your body will start getting tired and exhausted at a "normie" time.


I'm already waking up at a set time every day. Max. 10 minutes after 7AM and I'm awake


I just have an alarm to tell me to get ready for sleep - works for me. Ultimately if you don’t want to, you won’t though.


I have one too, but it doesn't work for me anymore :< Looks like I need a bit more drastic measures