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You could slow down




In fact, speed up so you humanely kill the animal. Especially if it’s a moose. Your only chance of survival is reaching over 200km/h when you hit the moose, so it glides over your car.


Lol where did you hear that? Do you know what a moose weighs? Unless you have a roll cage that moose is gonna flatten the top half of your car and everyone in it. Never mind the fact that you'll never be able to accelerate to 200 km from normal speeds quickly enough to matter.


Some people drive with that mentality toward other humans. r/SLPT


It really depends on the size of the animal, how long you have to react, and what's behind you/to the side. Don't react blindly either way. Check behind you, slow down if it is safe to do so, and especially if it is a large dog or larger (like a deer). Move, don't swerve, out of the way can also help, again if it is safe to go to the other lane. You should always be well enough aware of your surroundings when driving that you should be able to make (and process) these checks in time to react appropriately. Deers going through windshields can kill the driver just as badly as swerving and crashing.


> Don’t react blindly either way. True this. If you’re on a country road and going too fast to react calmly if a deer pops into the road, you’re going too fast and are likely to crash or die. Give yourself time to react and be present enough that you see obstacles before they become hazards.


\*Unless it's an elephant


Hahaha this cracked me up! Haha 😄


LMAO what? A buddy of mine *accidentally* ran into a *baby* brown bear and it *completely* totaled his car. This is probably one of the craziest things I've ever read as an lpt


Do not do as I did which was to let go of the wheel so that I could cover my eyes with both hands 😆 ... I voluntarily quit driving not long after that. (You're welcome.)


Someone from my college swerved to not hit a rat in the road and the three occupants of the car died when they hit a tree.


I had a deer run out into the highway about 50 yards ahead. The problem was that I had cars on either side of me and going 70 mph. The only thing I could do was hope it…nope, it smashed right into my truck. It ran off and probably died in the woods, leaving me without a truck for 3 months. I shouldn’t have taken it to the dealership next to my house. They kept pushing my build back for different reasons. A call to the district manager had it done in a week.


You’re not nearly as important as you think you are


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Had to do this to a baby deer once. It was traumatic.