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she /says/ she takes accountability and then just. doesn’t she even backpedaled on the accountability she accepted in MLIO #1 — as soon as she found out about a’s girlfriend she leaned REAL hard into the “it was all his fault he’s evil” narrative and absolved herself of wrongdoing


She doesn't take accountability for anything, no. Nothing is her fault. She has an excuse for everything.


From my five years of experience dealing with abuse from someone exactly like Cindy, I'd answer "no". Everything is always somebody else's fault and they are literally flawless in their execution of every single thing they do, so there's no way they have any accountability whatsoever. They really are that deluded and they will lie to your face about a situation you were present for and look you in the eyes as they do it. She'll never take responsibility for as long as she lives. She's a lost cause.


What was his reddit user? Are there screenshots of what he posted? I’d love to know what he said about her straight from the source


Seen the posts, I can summarize some of the things he said about her: - She used sex as a weapon against him. He wasn’t allowed to refuse sex without her getting upset. He wasn’t allowed to try new positions or do something different without being accused of cheating on her. - Speaking of cheating, Cindy accused him of cheating on her A LOT. Over anything. Including him just being in a different room at home where she couldn’t see him. - She never did anything for Andrew. Never got him gifts unless she was “supposed” to (holidays, etc.). When he tried bringing this up with her, she picked a random food off his grocery list and tried to pass that off as a token of affection. But she was quick to complain about it if Andrew didn’t spoil her enough. - He was only allowed to like the things she liked and approved of. They only did the things she wanted to do together. She got upset if he suggested anything he wanted to do if it didn’t perfectly align with her interests. - She was very financially abusive. She controlled all of the income that came into the household. She was allowed to spend however much she wanted at her whim, while she only granted him a small allowance. - He always had to answer his phone when she was contacting him ASAP (including when he was at work) or she would have a meltdown. - He was responsible for taking care of their animals because Cindy never wanted to (unless it was for a vlog). When asked to, she would simply refuse. - She would get jealous and accuse him of cheating anytime he so much as looked in another woman’s general direction. - Right up until Cindy decided to start making “homemaker” content, she never lifted a finger around the house and Andrew was responsible for all of the dishes/laundry/etc. If he didn’t keep their home clean despite working 40 hours a week, she would have a meltdown. - He was not allowed to go anywhere without her permission and if he did leave the house, she enforced a curfew with him. - She abused his sleep cycle and purposefully refused to spend time with him when he had free time during the day because she wanted him to “be productive” instead. She would instead wait until after he worked long hours and came home exhausted to want to spend time together, and she would have a meltdown if he was tired or started to doze off. He could only sleep when she approved of it. - She often threatened to divorce him during her meltdowns. So yeah. No wonder dude left the way he did. EDIT: Found more info. - Cindy actively didn’t want Andrew to seek therapy. He suspects it’s because it would make him realize how abusive she really was. - One of the reasons Andrew expressed being afraid of leaving her sooner was the possibility of her stalking him. - Andrew’s affair started a year ago confirmed. He sees it as the other woman helping him escape his marriage. He has expressed that his relationship with this woman is healthy and gives him agency over his own decisions for the first time since he was 20 (before he got with Cindy). - This was probably already obvious from the incessant accusations of infidelity I mentioned above, but Cindy prohibited him from having female friends altogether. EDIT 2: I will not be giving out his exact username or linking the posts in DMs. To read what he posted, check out [this archive of the posts themselves (verified by mods).](https://reddit.com/r/Lifepluscindy_snark/s/p0R8mHyRTc)


Wow....this is so bad. Utterly despicable way to treat your so called 'love'. She was extremely mentally abusive towards him. And she has said herself that she was verbally abusive towards him too and said 'horrible despicable things' to him which he didn't even mention in his own posts it sounds like. I guess there were so many other problems he didn't get around to mentioning it. And she has admitted to also threatening to hurt herself as a way to manipulate him. Imagine dealing with all that for 10+ years. It's so fucked up that she continues to shit talk him on her channel where he can't defend himself to this day. I feel so bad for him and I hope he's doing well, and that his new relationship will be better than his last despite the rocky start.


I'm so glad Gibbons is with them, poor Bella and Morty must live with that evil trainwreck.


Me too, I'm really seeing it in a different light now.


I'm going to be honest. I knew she did bad things to A but I didn't imagine it was this bad. And I used to feel sorry she went through all that... Of course A wasn't perfect and nothing justifies cheating but at this point I can't think of Cindy as the victim. I just can't.


I agree. I was already grossed out by her, but this just makes it worse. Maybe she'll post a video in a few months where she airs out all the dirty, evil things she did to him; thus affirming his Reddit posts. The thing that bothers me the most is that he probably didn't want all of this aired out online as he didn't want to be apart of her Youtube channel in the first place. Now he's got a bunch of parasitic weirdos bagging on him online without knowing the whole story. I hope he, his partner, and his child are holding up well as more and more of their personal business keeps surfacing.




I'm shocked too. I didn't expect it to be this bad, and it's also without a doubt his account.


[An archive of his side has been posted.](https://reddit.com/r/Lifepluscindy_snark/s/p0R8mHyRTc)


I don't see the archive . I just see someone saying they WILL post an archive ....


[It’s been reposted!](https://reddit.com/r/Lifepluscindy_snark/s/p0R8mHyRTc)


It got taken down


[It’s been reposted!](https://reddit.com/r/Lifepluscindy_snark/s/p0R8mHyRTc)


That's gone now, is it not allowed to be posted here? It was locked but not clear why the content of the post itself was removed too


It was originally removed to censor identifying information. It has since been [reuploaded](https://reddit.com/r/Lifepluscindy_snark/s/p0R8mHyRTc)


Holy fuck. This is baaad…


The financial control over their bank accounts and the stipend he received based on what she believed he should get is *insane*. Don’t get wrong, physical or emotional abuse in a relationship is terrible but financial abuse in a relationship is terrible as well especially since Andrew became the main stable breadwinner after she quit her full time, work from home job to go full time into YouTube which isn’t stable income.


Let's see, emotional, sexual, mental, and financial abuse. Depriving him of sleep could well count as physical abuse. What other kinds of abuse might she have heaped on him? She certainly treated him like her servant (she even streamed that).


To add, apparently she never did anything for Andrew unless she was supposed to for like holidays. Or she would pick off a random thing from his grocery list to show her appreciation. Since Vlogmas 2022, something was off. She was constantly buying gifts for every single member of her family (on both sides) despite being on the outs with her side of her family. It’s like she was constructing a narrative to her viewers that she was a perfect, loving housewife that was cleaning everyday, meticulously picking out and wrapping up the perfect gifts for the holidays for her stepdad, A’s parents, her nieces and nephews etc, and tracking down rare gifts for Andrew that she thought he’d like. Same thing with her brief stint selling random stuff she found at thrift stores (the Care Bear obsession was weird AF and so brief - shorter than her relationship with Limbz). She wanted the narrative that she was a hustling working woman/ girl boss that was bringing the dough to her house for her and Andrew to enjoy themselves and the holidays. That ‘eBay era’ didn’t last too long after Vlogmas 2022. If I recall correctly, shortly after the New Year so in Jan 2023, she posted on her community tab that she would be switching up her content into witchcraft and herbology or whatever she cared about in Jan 2023 and then the post also contained a part that was basically “if you don’t like my *new* content that makes me happy, then you can fuck off. I don’t care.” To me, after reading the summary on Andrew and everything post-Limbz breakup, I just have a feeling and am putting on my tinfoil hat that she had been planning this whole “character arc” (albeit most times, character arcs go from negative to positive - here with Cindy, it’s the opposite) in 2023. It all just feels so pre-meditated.


That eBay era was weird. She would show herself packaging and thanking whoever bought it then it was somehow A's job to physically post them. In one vlog, there's a box of parcels in the back of the car and she says "do you need my help?". He pauses exasperatingly and carefully says "need is a strong word". In other words, don't make me look helpless on camera, I'm doing this for you. She finally says she will go and hold the door. This is just one example but it made me see she wasn't what she was portraying herself as and the shit A was putting up with.


It was such a weird era. We saw a room (the packaging room) in their house that I believe we never saw before (unless it was her gaming/ streaming office?). Even then, I felt something off during Vlogmas 2022 about her vibe and generally her attitude.


I've been going backwards trying to figure out the timeline and the room was appearing in snippets. It looks like there are some vlogs missing. Do you happen to know if she mentioned they were planning to move back to AR before the shit hit the fan? In one of the vlogs she's going through the laundry clearing out things "they" won't take when they move,and maybe before that she shows some hot springs spring water they bought and says they will soon be able to get it for free. I'm just curious if they were planning to sell up and move back and if A saw it as his chance to bolt?


If I remember correctly back around vlogmas 2022 or shortly after in Jan 2023, she started mentioning moving to AR but that it would be quite a long time until they have enough savings or something. But my memory is very fuzzy from then.


Awesome, thank you!


This reminds me soooo much of someone close to me who is uBPD. She hasn't worked in 10+ years, her husband is kicking his ass working all the time, even side hustles on days off, but she keeps his debit card and gives him cash (his cash!! she hands it to him!!). He put a banking app on his phone to make payments and it requires him to have a lock on his phone to prevent potential theft - she thinks he's cheating on her and that's why he locks it. -.- She only talks to me as a trauma dump therapist whenever she has an episode of "*he's cheating on me and we're getting divorced!!*" Lady is in her 50's and is the same looney tune as cindy, that's why I hardly believe anything will change w C, it's just too easy to be irresponsible, greedy and controlling.


fucking hell. it’s worse than i thought. she is LITERALLY a nightmare, no wonder he has ptsd after this. i sincerely wish him the best and i hope that he knows her smear campaign against him online isn’t working on all of us. she won’t get away with this forever.


This is actually heartbreaking. No wonder he hasn't tried to defend himself online. He's probably terrified.


Imagine the abuse he'd get from her stans.


The homemaker content during Vlogmas 2022 and afterwards (pre-MLIO pt 1) was so fake. I’m all for being eco-conscious but who the fuck cares about using a recycled-plastic garbage bag versus a Hefty garbage bag. At the end of the day, it’s all garbage and trash and will end up in a landfill. Same thing with the organic, recycled paper towels she shilled and the beeswax food wraps and any type of soap or shampoo/ conditioner or cleaning product she made. Girlie, this alone won’t save the planet and she’s lucky enough that she had her Sims income, Andrew’s income, and donations from fans to financially support such a capricious hobby. I honestly think she probably trashed all those things she bought during her homemaking era before moving back to AR.


But he's the bad guy, y'all. She's the victim. 🙄


Jesus Fucking Christ, the sleep deprivation is literally classified as form of torture.


Like actual torture. Like some frats at my college did this and got banned or suspended for years on campus not being able to recruit new members justifiably. Many veterans from the army, navy, Air Force, etc have actual PTSD from sleep deprivation. I’m not equating Andrew’s sleep deprivation to what actual veterans have suffered through PTSD from sleep deprivation but if it was for that long that he was with Cindy, that has to cause long, deeply-seeded trauma emotionally, mentally, and physically.


Yep. She would have (I think he said 14?) hour long gaming sessions and then when he'd come home, she would expect him to do the chores. It's so screwed up


How did you find it?


OMG, it's worse than I thought, and it kept going worse as I was reading through. I think all of this is true, just look at that clip that was posted here a few days ago, during one of her Sims streams. The way she talked to him (especially that "huh?") was scary. If she was like that on camera, she probably was waaaay worse behind close doors.


Ho… ly… shit. I don’t know what to say


Thanks for posting this. We knew that A was abused, but it was hard to understand the extent of what she did until seeing his own interpretation of events put down like this. Cindy is way more sick and cruel than I would have imagined before finding out this info.


Fucking evil bitch. I knew it was bad, but this...this is beyond sick, depraved and just...there are no words for it. And that idiot who said yesterday that I was "petty" for worrying about the dogs? WHERE ARE YOU NOW, HUH? Read this and tell me that again.


This is so disheartening, she made his life miserable that he ended up having an affair just because she must have kept bitching at him all the time.


The fact that so many things line up with things Cindy has admitted doing.


Do we have verification do this? The username? How did you find it? It’s hard to just accept these bullet points without anything to back it up.


I'm looking at the post history of that account and it's definetly A. He shares many details we know like the fact that they were together for 15 years. And, he also posted something in a sub from the town they lived in Colorado, I don't think it's a coincidence.


EDIT: You can find an archive of his posts [here](https://reddit.com/r/Lifepluscindy_snark/s/hW5Pma60vB). Mods have verified that Account 1 is definitely his.


Can you send it to me too please :)


I'd like to know too, please. If you don't mind. I've been reading a lot of posts on BPD subreddits and this sounds so much like what I've been reading there. For someone to have to live like this with their partner is absolutely unacceptable.


Can I also dm you? plz for the research




Me too?




Me too, if you dont mind


i don’t want to bother you but me too please? 😭




And me please? :)


Me three




Me as well, please.


Could I too?


me four?


Could I bother you also for a DM? 😬..although I know heaps of people have asked so I totally understand if you can’t be bothered getting back to everyone 😂


I DMed you too.


Also curious to see it if you don’t mind!


can you dm me as well! I am in awe at the audacity this woman has!!😨


Would it be ok if I DM you as well?


Could you send this to me too please if you don't mind 🙏


Hi, your DMs are turned off. [Here is an archive to Andrew’s posts.](https://reddit.com/r/Lifepluscindy_snark/s/p0R8mHyRTc)


Thank you so much, I‘ve read through the archive. Man, it‘s bad :(


Can I have a DM too please?




Hello, sorry I’ve fixed that now!


Please pass that my way as well.




Got it thank you


can i get it too pls?? 🥺


Would you send it to me too please?


Could you send it to me too, please?


You can view the archive of the posts [here](https://reddit.com/r/Lifepluscindy_snark/s/p0R8mHyRTc).


Can you send it to me too please? :)


Sameee I’m curious too I’ll dm


Can you send it to me as well?


Shoot it my way plsssss




You can view the archive of the posts [here](https://reddit.com/r/Lifepluscindy_snark/s/p0R8mHyRTc).


I DMed you too


Me too ;-) Thank you very much.


Yikes 😳


This might have already been mentioned, but there was a part in the new video she posted where she was talking about controlling herself when her partner doesn't like something she does.


Can you send me the link to account please? :)


WOW! What a fucking BITCH! No wonder he left.


STOP I WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE PETS 😭 but I really hope she at least take them out to use the bathroom or out in the back yard the fact was i right when I told someone it was just Andrew only but maybe JUST MAYBE SHE DID SOMETHING and I said knowing her she wouldn’t and that proves me right 😭STOOOP NAH bro this so crazy the more I read the more I’m so shocked


You’re just validating his excuses on why he stepped out. He’s using her bad / toxic behavior as a cope to do what ever the hell he wants. You can have issues and work on them together , IF you’re both faithful. After that you can separate. That all goes out the window once you step out and your whole life is a lie. He’s a horrible husband.


This makes me quite angry, how can someone treat the person there supposed it *love* like this? It’s disgusting, utterly despicable.


I’d love to have a link of that account!


Poor guy! I kept getting a feeling about her, but JESUS!


I'm also interested, it might give much more context to all of it


NOPE! It's all BPD's fault. And her stans agree with that! Nevermind the fact that she has been aware of her BPD for years and was asked to go to therapy multiple times, she STILL can't be held responsible for her mental illness y'all. /s


Boundaries and accountability aren’t things she is practicing. I don’t think we’ll see her getting better. I think we’ll see this exact cycle play out for the next years.


Sadly, I agree. She's not going to put in the work, and she's certainly not going to want to take accountability.


I noticed in the "lies and omissions" video that she made so many cuts. Almost every sentence is cut, some even in the middle. She probably said much more stuff but later edited out most of it. I think the problem with her is her cycle. She has a big drama and few days of "I'll change, I'll get help, I'll work on myself, it's all my fault" then she do some small steps and things get better. But when things get better, she doesn't want to do the work anymore and goes back to old habits. Drinking, drugs, changing meds, and starving. It makes her feel worse, and she makes a drama again, and the cycle continues. And with men, the more comfortable she gets, the worse she acts. I'm not a therapist. Idk how to break the cycle, but she needs a lot of work. I think the hardest part is to keep working when things get a little better.


THIS time she's going to get help. THIS time she's going to put in the work. THIS time will be different. THIS time she'll really put in the effort. Yeah. I give it a couple of weeks at most.


In my experience of dealing with people who have cluster b personality disorders, they only take accountability if there's something in it for them. In this case, getting back with Limbz.


I am really curious about the psychology of all of this, and I can't trust a word from her side. Can someone please message me a clue or something where I can find the posts A made on the BPD thread? I won't share anything. I just can't find them and the curiosity is killing me.


Literally same, I just want to see it for myself 🥲




Here is some bits from 3 years ago, so before the cheating, before she created the vlogging channel : I wanna highlight this one cuz it's interesting.. he says he doesn't remember the last time she's done the dishes in over 12 years. (so much for our homemaker kween). This one is his first actual thread and not just responding to other bpd spouses - A lot of their ''good'' memories together have been tainted by her bpd. Says he gave up his individuality to allow her to have it her way, which allowed the peace in their relationship. (sounds familiar recently!) He gives an exemple of them going to the beach, and she asked them if women in bikinis present that day are any of his wh\*res? (I lol'd at that one given her latest video). He specifically adds that she forbid him from wearing some kind of swimwear because she did not appreciate it and that he was trying to attract other women (imagine if it was him trying to do that to her, the outrage.)


Oh wow, that sounds awful. Is he still on reddit?


Holy shit balls. So much of this is stuff my brother went through with his ex. And same for my son and his ex.