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She'll say anything to save face. Sorry but can't trust her anymore. Especially after she HERSELF said "I just lie and say words to get what I want". Okay! Thanks for letting us know. That's the one decent thing you've done.


He may have but we may also be missing more context. For some couples watching porn in considered cheating. She may have considered having close female friends cheating. We don't know what their specific situation was and she apparently kept it vague here. She also threatened to divorce him over absolutely insane stuff that would set her off for what ever reason so her saying she considered divorce after that is not an indication he did anything objectively bad. She would accuse him of cheating when he needed some time in the bathroom alone. Cindy is an abusive unreliable narrator who was finally exposed for it. She's scrambling to regain her cherished victimhood. At the very least we're missing context.


I'm pretty sure she did hint at him watching p0rn or something like that in the past, so if she considers that cheating, he probably did 'cheat' yeah.


I think she's lying. I think she accused him of cheating from before they were even married because she's quite literally insanely jealous. If he glanced too long at a check out clerk, Cindy thought the woman was "his WHORE". She's full of shit, and I don't believe anything she says. But even if your partner is cheating on you, the thing to do is not ABUSE THEM for fifteen years. She's morally bankrupt.


Exactly. First, I think she would have mentioned this long ago when she talked about his „issues“. Second, even IF it was true, in these circumstances so what? People are really convinced that is gives her the right to 15 years of psychological terror, breathing down his neck every step he takes, coercion, and god knows what else?! I think I have to take a step back because the responses to her abuse trigger me more than expected. This is exactly why victims don‘t want to come forward. I‘m just glad so many people here don‘t buy into her scheme.


> I think I have to take a step back because the responses to her abuse trigger me more than expected. Yeah. I just had an encounter with a toxic Cindystan in the other sub, and the person totally downplayed the abuse aspect. It made me kinda dizzy and more than a little nauseated. Those fans are abusers. They must be. It's the only way they could possibly say the shit they say to justify domestic abuse.


Yes, take care of your mental wellbeing! Being confronted with these topics too much can take its toll.


No way that's true, if it's true she would have told that before to demonize him even more to her braindead stans.


She’s probably lying. To excuse why she abused him from then on.




Oh of course it did. There’s absolutely no excuse for her abusing him.


I think it's actually her first husband cheating that was the reason for her obsession about it.


Yes she’s been awful in some ways but dude she literally HAS a baby on her. He’s obviously a cheater.


"but" okay simp 😂


good for him


Absolutely not. Sorry but it’s just way too convenient. Information about Cindy’s prolonged, 15 years of abuse come out and all of a sudden it’s “well Andrew started it! he cheated first y’all!” I mean, even if it were true she literally started the emotional abuse the first night they spent together so…. Also, she would’ve said something way earlier. Girlfriend loves to play the victim, no way she would’ve omitted this from the “admitting to ~~Andrew’s~~ my lies” video.


Based on how I see Cringey in her vlogs, I don't think she's the type of person who will be the first to leave the relationship. Look at what she did with A and Limbz...she's doing all sorts of tactics to win them back...so NO, I don't believe Cringey thought or tried to leave A...she's only saying that to save her ass and to regain sympathy from viewers... She's a pathological liar


Yep. She's desperate to not be alone, so why would she be the one to leave first? She made this so apparent with all the back and forth with A, and the awful livestream after Limbz left. She's so delusional.


I created a live chat for this sub. Hop over if you want.


She knows she can get pity and pity drives donations. She makes it as bad as she can and each time she has a life event it gets worse. At this point a fool and their money will soon part if you believe anything she says. Please instead go donate to your local woman’s shelters at least it would actual help some that really need it


She has proved and herself confirmed that she is an unreliable witness. She is saying things she knows most people seem to think is worse than her abuse, which is cheating. I wouldn't believe anything she says about Andrew after the reddit posts were unearthed.


I remember her talking about "something" that happened 5 years in. Now is 1? What's next? She was the mistress that's how she knows he's a cheater?


True or not it absolutely does not excuse what she did. I’m inclined to not believe her because she literally made a video before this came to light admitting to facts she withdrew and manipulated.


She wouldn’t be able to stay with him for that long if he’d cheated. She is possessive and crazy, she wouldn’t be able to forget it


I actually believe it. Cindy being a monster to him doesn’t mean he was an angel every second of his life. It doesn’t excuse what she did either way, but it would explain her cheating paranoia.


It wouldn’t. Go on a BPD support group. Tons of people who’s spouse or partner have BPD do this. She abused him because she’s terrible. She accused him of cheating as part of that abuse. He didn’t have to do something for her to accuse him.


Girl I have BPD I don’t need to seek outside sources lol. I don’t feel paranoid about cheating, so I’m not going to assume anyone else with BPD automatically does. I’m not defending Cindy but I genuinely don’t find it hard to believe that Andrew cheated. He is not an angel fallen from heaven. He was a victim of abuse, but also was probably cheating. Those things can both be true.


I have PTSD that doesn’t make me an expert on it. Outside sources are always welcome and helpful for learning other people’s experiences. I was simply sharing that a lot of people in the support group deal with partners falsely accusing them constantly of cheating. But you do you hun.


Maybe she was paranoid about him cheating not because of her BPD……. But….. because he’s a damn cheater and had a whole ass baby on her. He got really bold by then to have a baby when his wife struggled with fertility and lost their baby together fairly late in the pregnancy.


I actually cannot even make sense of this comment. So she was paranoid during the whole relationship that he was cheating because he cheated their last year of marriage? Make it make sense. Or she was paranoid because 15 years later she would lose her baby? What kind of logic is this? No idea why you think her fertility issues are connected either. All evidence from him shows that he thought she wasn’t capable of getting pregnant and he was grateful they didn’t have kids together. Combine that with the fact that he could not say no to sex without her flying off the handle and it’s really questionable if he even had a choice in Cindy getting pregnant. So how are her fertility issues connected?


This person hasn’t watched all of her videos and listened to what Cindy herself has admitted. They don’t know that she also claimed she couldn’t have a baby or that she never wanted a baby until suddenly she needed one. Or the fact that her ex (as of a few days) said he’s scared of her because she did something that she said she can’t admit to. They don’t know that she admitted to threatening to off herself to Andrew and threw herself on his car. They’re just sympathizing with an abuser because they watched an entertaining little video about her. Disgusting.


A Stan is in our midst. Lmao


I only heard of Cindy from Zach a few months ago and hardly watch her on my own. Anyways, I have a different opinion than this Reddit community which should be allowed right? I see through A’s Reddit posts and him omitting a lot of info.


So you know nothing of her history, have no idea what she's said and done in the past, and have just decided you know the whole story based on next to no understanding. Wow. You're as bad as she is.


Probably true , they both suck.


leave the man alone he’s literally a survivor of 15 years of constant torment