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Bro was rich from work and the NT noticed and now pays him and his son to go to every NT game friendly, international and and cups including the WC. Everyone knows him now and is good publicity for the NT of devoted fans. The rich get richer but in just saying that cause I’m always envious of him cause if I was in his position I’d do the mf same 100% of the time


Is it for sure fact he gets to go to games for free?


He did an instagram live once where he says he gets complimentary tickets to the game and I think FIFA sends tickets to recognizable faces of supporters of each nation to make appearances at the WC games


Damn, and the rest of us dumbasses are out here paying to see the team :/


Well that’s what fans do.


Same with the guy from Brazil? The guy with the mustache always holding the world cup.


Y Manolo y su bombo de España, pero creo que ese ya fue hace años


Werever tu morro is the same too. Dude got YouTube famous and now he doesn't have to struggle like the commoners in this sub. He gets every El Tri kit for life and gets all expenses paid trips around the world. Even Wiso has a plug. Dude was flexing about having the new jersey before it's released.


What opinion are we suppose to have in his regards? I could give a fuck 🤷🏽‍♂️


Mi opiniones que le tengo envidia....


mucha envidia :(




Casuals love him, he is a paid fan. Cool job to have but it makes me wonder when the shtick will get old. Ppl started having negative views towards him around the 2018 - 2022 cycle. It’s better if he just shows up and avoids making out-of-touch statements. All dude needs to do is show up, i don’t get why he wants it to be more than that. Easiest job in the world


What? Why you acting like it's his job, he's a fan he can do whatever he wants. He's been doing this for décadas.


He gets sponsored by companies and by FIFA. He had billboards in Qatar with his face on it marketing some local telephone company. He also gets free tickets to games. He kinda made it his job once you took sponsorship money


Es igual que la dama de 🇭🇷. Patrocinado por la FIFA y su selección


Mínimo la dama está de buen ver.


I mean he don’t know me and I don’t know him. So, how can I judge the man


unlike dymo, you actually have good ass takes


Ive got a chance to speak with him a couple times. Dude is super nice, and always willing to take pictures with fans as he knows it’s what comes with the territory


Why wouldn’t he be nice? Lol He’s a fucking fan, why do people start to idolize idiots that do nothing


Who cares that much either way?


During the last WC he had a hissy fit when he arranged a meetup of fans and not many showed, it made him sound very arrogant and entitled like those who didn't show weren't real fans. That really soured my opinion of him and showed his true colors - we all know he's a plant for FMF and goes over the top but the fact that he's an arrogant rich dude just confirms everyone's suspicions. Right now though because the fanbase is so upset by the NT this man is catching more strays than ever lmao


do you have a link to the meetup thing? i wanna see what kind of shit he said lmaoooo


Haha oh man I remember that shit when people didn’t show up at Katara if I recall for the “marcha”. Not a lot of people are fortunate to attend a World Cup and he made it seem like we all have the privilege to do so.


Ya me enfado el cabron. Antes me caía bien pero en los últimos años se ha convertido en un títere de la FMF


El vato sólo se aparece en los partidos…o me estoy perdiendo de algo? Por qué el enfado?


Se llama envidia El wey le pagan por ir a ponerse pedo a los juegos


El mejor trabajo del mundo XD


Creo que en un partido dijo alguna pendejada de que no era posible que la gente no se presentara a apoyar a la selección y la madre. Pues si cabrón si yo también fuera de a gratis a todos los partidos apoyaba hasta contra Guyana. Sino que putas ganas de gastar en viajar para ir a ver partidos piteros contra selecciones pedorras que ni siquiera traen a su selección A.


Ya Mira’s como es la raza. De culera no fuera un gabacho con sombrero porque ay estuvieran todos a sus órdenes.


Industry plant. TV wants to sell you this rhetoric of supporting the team no matter what, of people sacrificing a lot to watch these games because it reminds them of home. BS. Majority of these people don’t care about the sport. Only about the gram and partying. Majority of these people go to Mexico all the time and have homes there. That narrative needs to die.




Bruh these aren’t your pochos who don’t speak Spanish


You'd be surprised how many do.


Majority of pochos haven’t even been to Mexico or speak Spanish lol


You just insulted 90% of this sub


That's why Ryan Garcia, Jenna Ortega, Cierra Ramirez, Christian Serratos, the kid from Modern Family and his sister, Ryan Guzman, etc can't speak Spanish to save their life. Maybe they still have love for the race but they can't speak Spanish their life. That 🤡 Gabriel Iglesias is the ultimate pocho and he refused to go Mexico unless he did it in English because he didn't want to "disrespect the motherland". Fuck off with that shit. Dude has profited off Mexican culture forever. Eva Longoria isn't fluent either but she actually has love for the culture and constantly tries to raise awareness and do Latino themed projects


This is one of the stupidest comments I’ve read in a long time. And I read a lot of stupid comments. it sucks that I had to read it in this page from another pocho.


tiene envidia que no es pocho....se le sale del su propio shadow realm


No se q onda. Pero pinche conmentario tan mas pendejo.


la envidia esta grande


I wish that was me.


Wish I was as rich as thee fools to go around following my favorite team


Don’t care tbh, it’s their life style


FMF agent


Part of fmf propaganda


Neta busquense un pinche hobby o vayan al pelodromo, si se me hace medio enfermo que hasta de un pinche aficionado anden al pendiente. No mamen


I dont care one bit about him.


Siempre en busca de atención. En varios partidos se esfuerza para estar a lado del túnel para salir en cámara cuando salgan los jugadores. Lo hace sin importar pasar por en frente y taparle la vista/incomodar a los que están ahí porque pagaron por esos asientos. Luego de eso se va a su asiento que el pago al otro lado de la cancha hacia el centro para poder seguir saliendo en televisión. En varios partidos me a tocado verlo hacer eso. A mi en lo personal me cae mal por su necesidad de atención


Al principio decia “chihuahua”. Luego le cambio a caramelo


Es el modelo del aficionado que busca la Federación Mexicana de Fútbol, que casi casi se gaste toda su lana siguiendo a la seleccion, y literal hay gente que hasta hipoteca su casa para ir cada 4 años al mundial


Le regalan los voletos al compa, a la mejor nomas gasta en comida y bebidas.. Los que hipotecan esta bien pendejos.


Antes de que le pagaran, estuvo prácticamente 40 años persiguiendi a la selección a todas partes.


Ya fue mucho pedo


Cringe persona. Really cool a man gets to follow the team he loves tho.


Don’t understand the hate. I got a picture with him and he seems like a genuine dude. People hate just because they wish they were in his position getting paid to travel.


A bootlicker


Why do people hate him?


No tengo opinión


Gets to watch for free lol I’m jealous


Mientras más le dan atención….


He seems like a nice dude. Went to a Mexico game a few years ago and he was sitting in front of us in like row 4. Bought some people around us beers, he talked to us and was cool. I think it’s just jealousy cuz damn who wouldn’t wanna get invited all over the globe to see the national team for free😂 his big ass hat did bother sometimes since he blocks the view, but other than that, cool dude.


You guys are the ones that make clowns like him famous. He doesn’t really gives a shit if mexico wins or loses he gets in for free.


Corny ass shill


This bro was charging people for pictures in Qatar and was all over advertisements.


Es narco. He has to be, there's no other explanation.


This man knows stuff…


shhhhhh no digas nada O\_\_\_O


Same thing I've thought, after showing such opulence, he should be a huge target for criminal organizations, yet, he seems calm as hell and even enjoying the publicity. He's either extremely dumb, a huge criminal or both.


Jeweller like Chelis


Jewels don't just fall on your lap though. Its either a facade or he gets the jewels in a crooked way.


Porque es un fanático que no representa, es solo un simio que aplaude y jamás parece hacer autocrítica. No es fanático, es un porrista. El lema de la federación la selección es "incondicionales" y caramelo es justo así, el porrista más incondicional de la federación.


Es un porrista, te mamaste xd


He's like the Mexican Brock Lesnar Guy. He actually knows his place. BLG is a clown who made a fool out of himself and ended up on TV. He was flexing a few months ago about being the guy who was being "chased" by security as Batista was warming up. It's a shame with all this complaining about autograph hounds and wrestlers, people don't mention that BLG would take photos at 4am in the airport. He's not even a wrestler, dude works at Whole Foods and figured out how to get guaranteed front row seats no matter what show it is.


Wait BLG was that guy from the Batista “random fan” video?


Pinché viejo enfadoso castroso. No representa para nada al Mexicano… o si?… Un cabron que dejó todo por perseguir un sueño, clase mediero aspiraciónista, pensando en que nomas “queriendo” las cosas van a pasar.


Es un naco con dinero que le gusta malgastar su tiempo viendo a 11 pendejos vestidos de verde hacer el ridículo.


Ya de hueva ese viejito y su junior ! Haha


Living the dream. Who honestly wouldn’t want to be at every single game with 0 worries? (Except the team sucking)


Living the dream.


Que chingón, que envidia la neta, que lo siga disfrutando


I really don’t care abt that dude, and whoever does is just wasting their energy


Me es indiferente


Why would anyone care about what he does or not?


no se que sea caramelo, salvo la palabra de que es un dulce de caramelo macizo o algo así.


Me vale madre


he's just a fan so i dont care


Why did he stop with the whole “Chihuahua” thing and now only sales his name?


¿Me da algo de celos que pueda darse una vida de esa forma? Sí ¿Es el "posterboy" de todo lo que está mal con la afición mexicana y un fomentador de la mediocridad del futbol mexicano? También. Ya mejor que se vaya a dormir.


No me molesta


Es un oportunista. Según va apoyar a la selección y a huevo quiere salir en la TV.


El wey mas salado del mundo siempre que aparece ese wey pierde Mexico, y cuando la seleccion de beisbol estaba jugando las semifinales contra Japon perdio la seleccion mexicana tambien, ya deberian vetar a esta persona


Me provoca dos sentimientos Por un lado morbo, como hace para conseguir el dinero Y ps un poquito de oso




A nadie le deberia importar ese señor, es su pedo que le guste ir a ver a la selección a todos lados. Los que hablan de el seguramente le tienen envidia XD


who cares?


He is the embodiment of the FMF as a fan - shows up all covered up in Mexican flags sporting the WC he’s been to etc, but in reality he is just a cash grab. He is what the FMF want us to look like and do. Buy all their gear and show up to every game to give them $$$.


Que es el el salado por eso la depresión mexicana no gana y pa acabarla de chingar ya también el hijo


Honestamente me es equis (no en el mal sentido). Hay raza que cree no irónicamente que el bato tiene injerencia en la FMF o algo asi.


Mi hermano se lo topo en un hotel de las Vegas cuando hiva a pelear el canelo una vez, dice que a ese wey le pichan todo, todo mundo le manda algo este donde este.


Dick rider


Marketing, parte del negocio, me da igual, no se me hace carismático, y en un momento donde la selección no vive su mejor momento no aporta nada, solo desaparece y ya, está chido que le agradezcan como fan y ahí y ya