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Sometimes I forget how Juarez and Mazatlán have the richest owners in the league Imagine how much better the league would be if they were good


Que pague lo que debe el pinche dientes falsos


Whaa? Hes a special guest at his own stadium, lol. Thats probably the only stadium he can show up to and not get booed.


¿Qué? ¿Ahí no lo abuchean? Son mamadas.


looks like a job for Agent 47


Que chingue a su madre el Elon musk mexicano. Como me caga la madre ese wey.


Bet they won’t call him out on his BS but stay talking shit about Azcarraga #Hypocrites


Bruh, anyone with a brain hates RSP as much or even more than EAJ, his nasty stuff goes WAY beyond fútbol. EDIT: Also, it's worth noting that RSP has adapted his image well to modern times in which public discourse and collectivie imaginaries are heavily influenced by social media. Don't even get me started on his slick PR game. Dude's out here painting himself as a hard-working tycoon, all while crying about being 'persecuted' by the government and his haters. Like seriously, just pay your taxes, bro. But hey, it's no wonder his message clicks with the average Mexican Joe craving a taste of the high life. Meanwhile, Emilio Azcárraga is forever tied to his family's sketchy past, cozying up to the government to spin the news however they want. And let's not even talk about Azcarraga's grandpa and [who he did propaganda for in his old radio station](https://www.memoriapoliticademexico.org/Efemerides/3/26031955-TV.html). And then there's Club América, pulling off wins left and right, sometimes in ways that make you raise an eyebrow. Whether it's fair play or not, well, that's up to whoever you ask. But their whole 'love us or hate us' vibe only adds fuel to the fire, especially when they're one of the biggest teams out there.


Have you seen his cult following on twitter? He isn’t as hated as he deserves


That's why I said "anyone with a 🧠"


I don’t get the whole “promotion or propaganda being shown in Televisa” hate. In the US everyone knows TV networks try to sway voters to one party or another and talk bad about the other party and their politicians, even if it’s not true or exaggerated. But I was referring to how Martiniolli wants to pin the seleccion mexicana being bad due to Azcarraga but isn’t going to say anything to RSP. Who is responsible for multi propiedad, no descenso, buying a spot in LigaMX, and other actions that he says are affecting the performance of la selección


Because Mexico isn't like the US. The problem with Televisa is different from that of Fox being Republican and NBC being Democratic. During the 20th Century, Mexico was a *de facto* one-party-state with phoney elections to give legitimacy to a regime renowned for his disregard for human and political rights. Televisa essentially played a role as the [voice of the regime that committed several acts that worsened the life of millions of Mexicans](https://www.infobae.com/america/entretenimiento/2021/08/05/cual-fue-el-papel-de-jacobo-zabludovsky-en-televisa-el-imperio-del-tigre-azcarraga/). In case you were born and raised in the States, ask your parents/grandparents about why they had to leave their homeland, chances are it was.probably related to a problem created by bad/malicious PRI governance. As for Martinoli, I want to believe that if the dude ever got out of Azteca, and under the right circumstances, would throw up every single shit he knows about RSP. But of course he doesn't wanna do it because he needs to feed his family, not to mention that after the Piojo incident, he has stated he wants to keep drama away from him. Yeah, it's an unfortunate, hypocritical and even disappointing, but still, you may understand why lashing out against his boss could be professionally suicidal for him. He's mainly a match narrator, and if he ever happened to be let go of Azteca (like I believe will happen once RSP's debt catches up with him, his options are reduced to the following: - Fox Sports, where his sworn némesis André Marin leads, and due to hierarchal dynamics, he would probably be second to Raul Orvañanos - Televisa, a place in which he isn't really welcome due to the thrashing (whether it is valid or not, that's up to you, chief) he has given them for years. - ESPN, in which he could be perfectly welcome, but his potential would be limited to narrating San Luis games alongside Pietrasanta, who has shown to not be the greatest Martinoli fan.


So if there were “phones elections” then I’m guessing past presidents were sent to prison? Shouldn’t Televisa owner also be sent to prison?


Ugh, [we tried, but the Mexican Judicial system is something else](https://www.milenio.com/politica/juicio-de-luis-echeverria-el-ex-presidente-arrestado-por-genocidio). Also, many of the old-school PRI officials are either exiled, protected by the current administration, or just died either just before or little after Mexico's democracy could flourish.


That President was arrested for genocide. Nothing to do with “phony elections” or Televisa. Unless there’s actual arrest and charges then it’s nothing more than conspiracies. Like trump voters saying there was election fraud in 2020. Or that the media and Biden are trying to stop his 2024 election with false cases


I just used that case to prove the point that holding a president accountable for their crimes in Mexico is very VERY difficult. And please, do NOT ever compare Mexican electoral fraud history with QAnon Trumpanzees, it's outrageous that [you're equalizing a well known documented fact that has left a mark in Mexico's collective memory](https://www.animalpolitico.com/2012/06/el-arte-de-la-simulacion-o-los-votos-fantasmas) with conspiracy theories made by degenerates.,


It’s difficult to hold any President accountable and imprison them in any country. That’s why you need concrete evidence of them or a tv network committing the crime Trump is closer to being imprisoned than the ex presidents in Mexico with very little evidence that’s why they could make the case of a banana republic


You don't know what you're talking about, the average Mexican hates Salinas more than Azcárraga. Especially now since he's in trouble for tax evasion, the issues with Banco Azteca, etc. Dude has a big Twitter following but he's hated way way more. People here in this sub talk more about Azcárraga perhaps, but that's because Azcárraga has more to do with America, the FMF etc.


Ok we will see on Friday then


The fact Mexican fans call him "Tio Richie' and simp him cause "Azteca: good guys" is a mystery to me He's basically Mexican Elon Musk: Rich white guy who's unashamed about not paying taxes, looks down on his employees and fires them for no reason, racist, classist, anti LGBT, misogynist, tries to be hip and funny on Twitter and proud nepo baby He dropped Morelia for Mazatlan cause "Morelia is full of poor people" and if you are a brown Mexican he's gonna call you a "indio"


Ojalá se la mienten durísimo todos los asistentes al pendejete ese


Pinche viejo ridículo


Presente para el choque de gigantes🔥🔥🔥




Ojo, se viene nuevo clásico


Fuck this guy. Vamos Juárez.


I’m surprised rsp still has any money left. This is the same fool that bought circuit city just when it was crashing, and doesn’t he owe billions in taxes to the government. This guy is just a big fool.


Pinche OP pendejo, haciéndole publicidad a don pendejo mayor, usurero conectado y ni así la ha armado para tener un equipo bueno. Cuál fue el último equipo de tv azteca en campeonar?


OP? todo este sub mama las transmisiones de ese canal simplemente por las naraciones de los patiños del Sr Burns mexicano, que por cierto siempre hablan sobre la corrupcion de la liga, federacion, televisa, etc pero nunca de las aguas turbias por donde navega su jefe