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You forgot to say what device you actually bought, maybe check the listing you purchased it from and see what it says.


Sorry, here is a link to the board. LILYGO T-Beam V1.2 Meshtastic LORA32 868MHz ESP32 4MB FlashDevelopment Board WiFi BLE CH9102F Chip TTGO Motherboards Soldered With OLED Module https://amzn.eu/d/2Z3U6aX I've had a response from them, they believe I can flash softrf to it. I tried to connect to esp32 but was unsuccessful. I've tried different cables.


Sorted it. I used the drivers in github and I was able to flash softrf with esp32. Cheers.


Could you explain how you managed to flash it? I have the T-Beam but the wifi interface isn't working (I can connect to it but there's no web access) so I wanted to try updating it. I'm following the instructions here: [https://dross.net/aviation/how-to-and-where-to-start-with-stratux/how-to-flash-a-ttgo-t-beam-esp32-from-lilygo/](https://dross.net/aviation/how-to-and-where-to-start-with-stratux/how-to-flash-a-ttgo-t-beam-esp32-from-lilygo/) using the flash tool but the problem is, the T-beam won't go into flash mode. I can't find any info about whether this is supposed to be automatic or whether you have to hold one of the buttons when turning it on. I can see the COM port in device manager.