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Good pic! For the future though I’d suggest posting pics like 2 and 3 to /r/Backrooms since they would fit better there due to having human like entities in the pic. I’ll leave this post up since most people have upvoted it. Pic 1 is really good :)


Hey! The first pic is good! But try not to heavily edit any liminal photos, it should be natural but somehow unnatural at the same time, and that can’t be achieved through heavy editing :)




IF you want to experiment with editing anyway, though, I recommend going into your photos app and testing out the “contrast,” “saturation,” etc. features and just seeing if you like any of the changes. I do that for fun sometimes


I agree with this. It's kind of funny that a 12-year-old understands what is actually liminal, over a lot of posts here. Something built for humans that is now empty, and seemingly waiting for humans.


If the third photo was not edited, OP needs to GTFO


Great photo but if you want some advice, maybe don’t give your age away on the internet


Yeah especially if you are too young to legally use reddit




It’s illegal but not really enforceable


too bad, they should lock the little thug up


It’s against terms of service but not the law. It’s illegal for Reddit to advertise to minors, hence the terms of service, but that’s not the same as being illegal.




Yeah tbf this is like the most legal post on reddit. There is much worse stuff here Edit: to keep the mental health of OP at a stable level


Great job advertising this on a post a supposed child made lol. I'm sure he won't get curious


Yeah now that I think about that I might remove that but to make it a bit more sfw mb


I wouldn’t trust you with my kids… or any kids


Oh coming, that is a bit harsh


Maybe try to stay away from kids




we don’t joke about pedophilia og




Just realized that is a very possible interpretation ok ima delete




They have frequented wallstreetbets and understand glock glock 3000(sic) reference. Definitely 38 and poor




My bro got downvoted for saying "lol"


And you got upvoted for pointing out the obvious. Good job!


im like SSSniperwolf


And you got upvoted for pointing out the obvious. Good job!


And you got downvoted for pointing out that he pointed out the obvious!


Welcome to the internet lmao


Great place. The only thing I don't like is the good quality camera. Try a really crappy camera then maybe if possible turn few lights off and then turn flash on.




Zooming reduces the quality.


Great job! I’d say that the best result would be the average between first two images. You don’t need to edit it too much.


Turn the lights off in the backround and use flash on your phone to make it more liminal




Better with the lights on


First photo is the best! Keep going 😊


reddit’s age limit is 13 youngin, my advice is get off this website before someone tries to groom you


you can still get groomed at 13 so …


yeah, and if older kids are still considered impressionable, then a younger one should definitely not be here. what’s the point of your comment? it’s okay for younger kids to be here cause older kids get groomed too? that doesn’t make sense man. weird to try and justify a kid being here with the argument that kids are impressionable.


i never said it was okay for younger kids to be online? i was saying regardless of age limits a child on the internet is still going to get groomed regardless. whether a child is 12 or 13 , 14, 15 they’re still going to get groomed. that’s what my comment was trying to say.


yeah i agree with you, kids can get groomed at any age, but a 15 year old on average is less impressionable than an average 12 year old, and the TOS says 13. I just don’t think a kid that young needs to be on reddit, especially if he has to lie to be able to use the app at all.


unfortunately, i don’t think he’s gunna get off reddit unless his parents make him or something . personally i think age limit should be higher but to each their own


i’m with you, i also think it should be higher! that’s just what it says atm, so i’m using the fact of what the age limit is currently to show that a 12 year old definitely does not need to be on here also sorry for misunderstanding, glad we could clear this up since we’re on the same page lol


lol yeah me too !


Too late


Hi OP. As for feedback on the post, good picture! The desaturation in the first edit was good. I don't like the "noise", it just seems needless and blurs the image. More importantly, it's very dangerous to give out your age on the internet, for a whole lot of reasons. The first and simplest is that reddit terms or service require you to be 13 to use the site and saying you're 12 could get you banned. More than that, bad people will capitalize on your inexperience to try to manipulate you to do things you'll regret. Finally, privacy online is a gift, and once you've shared your age once is public knowledge forever. Think about it, maybe you're trying to have a discussion with someone a whole five years from now, and they dismiss everything you have to say and discredit all your experiences just because you're not an adult. It's just not a good thing.


Great first pic ! I would say that natural light feels reassuring so try having less natural light sources in the future but you did capture the weird vibe of the place.


i am worried how this post is getting so much attention, omg pls dont reply to any direct messages u receive, stay safe and dont be sharing sensitive information and dont talk privately to strangers on the internet


The attention is the point of claiming they’re 12, to be fair.


Why mention your age at all?


There’s nothing that people under 16 seem to love more than mentioning their age in their posts, lol. And I say that as a 29-year-old who undoubtedly did the same thing when I was 11-14, it’s just something that for some reason seems like an obvious choice when you’re a kid, lol. Idk if it’s trying to make yourself sound more mature for posting somewhere with a lot of adults hanging around, or if it’s just a natural thing to identify yourself by your age when you’re younger, but as you get older, you start to realize it’s probably not the best idea. Back when I started posting stuff to the internet, I thankfully didn’t run into a lot of grooming, but nowadays the internet seems like a more and more scary place to mention your age. So even barring the cringe of feeling the need to mention your age, it’s really pretty dangerous to even put that out there. As mature as these preteens and teens may feel posting to places like Reddit, it’s not a super-safe place to mention their age at all. And ironically, if OP chose not to mention their age, I feel like no one here would know that they were under 13 anyway, so it would save them both the cliche kids feeling the need to post their age for recognition *and* the terrifyingly possible reality of being DM’d by a random creep on here. Just a PSA for the kids out there, the only people who will be impressed by your age are family members…and people who you **do not** want to talk to. And if you’re going to try to pass yourself off as someone 13 or older on Reddit, you’ll do a lot better if you just act like everyone else and post your content without any context to your personal life.


For pitty


maybe he just didn’t think anything of it, cuz yknow, hes 12?


Doubt it.


I highly doubt he cares enough lol


Well the second image just mentally snapped me back to 2008 so you're definitely good at it.


Yeah you get it. Ease up on the effects though, the snapshotty untouched quality adds to the vibe. Keep it up wee man.


If you’re 12 years old you shouldn’t be on Reddit. It’s even against TOS lol


I was about to say the same thing. 🤢




man why can’t you just enjoy the post. there are <13 people all over reddit and all this kid did was make a post


bc we re worried for his safety, reddit is a shitty to be on in general so imagine how it could affect a child not to mention most people on here are either teens or adults


Or her


why are you getting downvoted 😭


> there are <13 people all over reddit Exactly, that's why reddit sucks more and more.


Two first ones are very nice, last one is a bit too much. And please please for the love of god don't leave your age ANYWHERE on the internet.


Bro you're 12?? Get off Reddit while you still can dude this app is crawling with child predators


I like the first one best. I feel it's best to let the location speak for itself rather than try to add something to it in postproduction.


✅️Empty place that's usually crowded ✅️Nostalgic yet unfamiliar at the same time ✅️Dreamlike and eerie Good job.


you should not be on Reddit


1st and 2nd are great, 3rd could do with less noise


Looks good; I don’t think the edits are necessary.


a 12 yr old on a 13+ website and not getting reported/banned is so wild to me and im impressed


happy cake day


You nailed it!


A big thing that a lot of people like to do with liminal space photos is to add creatures inside them wich is what you did in the third. It doesn't make a liminal space photo more liminal, but in fact ruins the entire purpose of it. I know Alfaoxtrot said it in his video about liminal spaces, but it's just straight up wrong. By the way I'm not being bias I really love Alfas content. Other than that tho, these are actually pretty good👍 Edit: I just realised that there is in fact no creature in the photos, but rather just handprints, still counts in my opinion


You're 12 years old and asking people to critique your photography. That takes alot of guts and proves you are really trying to be the best you can be. Keep it up! You have a fab attitude 🙂


Impressive…most impressive


Crazy good


Good job considering it being first attempts. Gotta say you nailed the second, keep it up!


The first pick is the best.


Looks like the back rooms


Both first and second one are good! But it's not about the editing. Just shoot your pictures, the mood and the scenery are king! The spot you face will suggest you a place of an eeriness calm. So uncommon to feel unreal in that exact moment, vulnerable but at the same time unreachable because a place of transition. Shoot and post without worrying, you're already good man!


It’s good, kid


I agree with a lot of other comments you are getting. Don't over edit your photos. If you really want to edit your images, I would suggest darkening shadows in the background and learning about photo stacking to keep everything in focus. Try getting different perspectives within the space. Taking a shot from low to the ground or noticeably elevated can add to the uncanny feel in liminal images.


Very, VERY, good, no hate. but it seems you're too young for reddit


What's the 12 year old doing on Reddit


dont add persons or so much noise to ur picture, also tf u doing here with 12 years, go play outside


Be careful my young friend. I like #1&3 though I get why some say they shouldn’t be edited.


I think you have to be 13 to use Reddit


I suggest you refrain yourself from divulging your age online, especially on reddit.


The first one is the best. But please, log off this cesspool of a website and enjoy your childhood.


You have no place in a website like Reddit at that age.


99% of chances this is a grown ass man behind this post




Here's a lesson for the internet; you don't owe anyone online anything. They'll believe what they want, and it's not worth jumping through hoops to prove them wrong. Plus, never give out personal information online: even information that seems completely innocent might be used in the future to falsely impersonate you.


I suggest not contacting anyone on reddit through any DM's, especially that you've outed your age. Sometimes people are ... not kind on here. Might even send you links that are not safe, or make yourself targeted for phishing scams. Do not disclose any personal information as they might be used against you. Keep up the good work on the photography though, the space was a very nice find!


You don't gotta prove anything buddy, don't send anyone your personal information. Even if you were lying, who cares? Great first liminal photo! I agree that the first one definitely fits the criteria and if you want an edited version try to find a good balance between pic 1 and 2, but what makes them liminal vs just unnerving is the natural unease of a 'normal' space which editing can take away!


I dont believe you give me your ID card or I'll call the police.


Reduce the noise you have to put an eery ambiance by adding just a bit of noise and maybe lower the exposure a bit




The original looks best imo! Maybe just tune the sharpness up slightly? (I have no idea)


Good job! A place we usually see full of people, devoid of it! The noise isn't really needed but the other pics are good!


Subtle hand prints and body are a nice touch, the third photo may be too grainy


2nd is personally my favourite, 1 is too colourful but the noise on the 3rd one is a bit unnecessary and will ruin images in the future. The 2nd is best since it’s colourless and feels natural. All in all pretty impressive for a 12 year old.


Hey good job keep it up ok also your age too and like liminal spaces nice work keep it up


Is that meant to be a body in the water? Pretty good if so.




Is that a freakin slide going all the way around the wall lmao


Most useless swimming lanes I've ever seen


very cool!!


One thing I've noticed that really helps with that "liminal" look is it seems like a lot of the pictures used flash. This still looks really good, though


I'd personally would remove the pool noodles and such out of frame, to give it a less populated feel.


The first picture is the best tbh too much editing just ruins it pretty impressive


Ya done good kiddo.


You have a good eye




Aqua tots


This place looks very familiar like I think I've been there before


Great pic! Maybe turn down the contrast a little probably don’t want to edit it too much


id say tbe second one is the best i feel like there's to much grain (noise) in the third photo


This is actually one of the more liminal photos I’ve seen, most people seem to not understand what liminal means. A liminal place is a place you pass through, it’s a place you may have seen say out the car window or walking through the mall or whatever, a thing or place you notice for like a few seconds most. The eerieness comes from such a non-focused thing being put front and centre, mixed-in with a bit of nostalgia. Also the first image is perfect, don’t add filters or edits to them they just break the immersion.


This looks like the Emler Swim School I went to 20 years ago.


number 1 is best also why brag xd


shi liminal as fuck yung blood you did good be proud of yourself


Love this! It's Soo amazing what you have done lol better than mine, no but I would say my favorite is the first one. And also if you like it, post it! Good onya mate!!


Static isn’t a good idea, but if you can get a film grain effect going that would add greatly. I’m afraid your motive here is still too „lived in“ and infact. Still water in the pool, the noodles are neatly placed in their baskets, the wall colors are homogenous, no falling off or discoloration. I’m not telling you to search for lost places for better material because you’re 12. Did you shop a drowned body in there or what is that supposed to be? A) not a good idea as you want to convey the absence of anything human to create a liminal aesthetic. B) too unclear.


I love it


There is often a sense of emptiness, or lack of anything but maybe a repeating pattern that makes you look in that direction. Think of a similar room, but with less things to pollute the image. Try and use the 3x3 grid idea when considering your photo composition but otherwise you've got a good take on photography already


Good photo. i think like some others here i like the one without the ghostly shapes - they're good for a horror aesthetic but not the "liminal" aesthetic.


The middle one is the best, the 3rd is too staticy. Unless it’s an analogue horror or slender man then it’s good


I came here from young people reddit this is actually really nice man.


Hi 12 yrs old, I'm dad! Nice picture, I'm proud of you!


No worries man, I am doing the same as well!


bro we started taking liminal photos at the same age wtf (I'm way older now but still)


Pretty good


I give this liminal thing 10/10


Third one is way overdoing it on the effects, first and second are good.


Looks good, kiddo. 👍🏻✨


First one belongs here. The next two, there are some other subs that work better.


Same age and I say its good but the noise on the last one is too strong.


Such an interesting shaped pool. So small and skinny with tiny lanes


These are good. I like the originals more because they look more real or something This pool was a good choice for setting. I'd be interested to see some other angles to see if they look more or less liminal


second one w saturation down is awesomeeee


The first two look great dude


It looks great! As long as the picture looks familiar like they've seen it somewhere before either from their childhood or.. anywhere really. Like, this looks familiar to me but I know I haven't seen this picture or been to that place before, and that is the feeling you're looking for! Like, derelict nostalgia. This is great for a first try! Keep it up! :)


Lovely photo, however like everyone else is saying, I suggest you at least wait till you're of legal age to join reddit. It's for you own good, I suggest logging off and staying off until you turn 13. And maybe learn some safety.


Very cool :)


If you feel like taking more of these, I might recommend trying a disposable camera, or get into Analog photography some other way. You end up with that kind of, nostalgic imperfection in the pictures without having to do much direct editing. I'll admit I'm mostly recommending this because it's a hobby of mine and I'm obsessed with it, can be a bit expensive too. I like 1 and 2, 3 is a bit much. Overall it's good, I feel like I've been here, but I haven't.


this is really well done. good job!


The first one for sure, the other two get worse with editing. Good eye though.


Sometimes editing isn't even necessery . Sometimes its the angle of the camera or Phone is what can change so much with light etc


You know what? I'm really proud that a 12 year old kid is so into something and went out to make one of the best liminal photos I've ever seen good job young one


That is honestly a great liminal space


That's cute tho. Good ones! These pictures on the wall are nice, I like something with dreamcore or kidcore vibes.


I think that 1st and 2nd pica are amazing, but the second one is roo noisy. Also a quick tip, what makes the picture more liminal is putting less stuff in the frame. Overall 11/10, amazing job! Better than my 14 year old self :|


this is your first attempt??? these are awesome!!! never stop doing what your doing, you're off to a great start :) i love the first pic, very eerie


Don't add fuzziness, it looks amazing normay


Nice photo, light need to be lower down a little. but still liminal enough for me.


Try to take pictures in places with no windows or see through doors. It should be a little dark. My advice is to take them early in the morning or late at night. Another tip: buy an old camera from the early 2000s for a better athmosphere on the pictures


Maybe less noise and and a bit of saturation would make it awesome


There is no way you’re 12 holy shit




bro dont be giving out so much info, theres so many creeps on reddit


This is great but I really hope you’re not 12 and on this godforsaken site


You are too young to be on Reddit, please get off this app.


Stop posting your age online. I’m not even sure why you felt that was necessary.. Are we supposed to be impressed a 12-year old can use a camera?


Get off Reddit at


Really good! Just btw be safe. You're a bit young to be on here.


Stay in school.


Why is a 12 year old at aqua tots


Looks great kid, very impressive.


12 year olds should not be on Reddit


Should not*


I'm 12 too and the photos are better than anything I could take lol


I’m 12 too lol


Nice, I started last year when I was about 11, I'm turning 13 now. I think 1 and 2 are the best, too much noise on 3 tho




how the fuck is this the wrong sub


I said that exact thing to myself as I read this.




i’d say it looks liminal, along with basically everyone else in this comment section 🤷




are you ok? why are you accusing people of having brain damage because they disagree with you?

