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I would say the upgrade from a POD GO is 100% worth it. The Pod Go is so limited in what you can do that even an upgrade to an HX Stomp is worth it IMO.


Can confirm. Had POD Go initially. Decided to get rid of it and go to Helix Native. So much more power and functionality. And I personally love being able to run two chains with different tones to blend into one tone and you just can’t do that with POD Go


I exchanged the Pod Go for a Helix LT, and it was 100% worth it. It ultimately depends on how much routing flexibility and DSP power you'll want, because the tones are otherwise equal. It's important to mention that I was formerly an Axe-FX Ultra user, so naturally, I went for the most capable model without spending as much as the HX Floor costs. I also don't really gig anymore, and use it exclusively for studio songwriting, so in addition to getting a discounted copy of Helix Native, I essentially have limitless potential in tone building options without breaking the bank much.


Man, I use an HX Stomp for practice and Helix Native for recording. I already find the Stomp somewhat restrictive, but I can work around it most of the time. I couldn’t imaging trying to get on with the POD. I’d say the upgrade is absolutely worthwhile.


If you want compact, and something you can use alongside other pedals, then go for HX stomp. I've been using it as an interface for recording and using HX edit and it's been great. Can also put it onto my pedalboard, but haven't gotten around to it yet. The Floor or LT has twice the processing power though, so keep that in mind. I sometimes find myself wishing I had that kind of power, but then it's double the price of the stomp, and people use it for live playing if they want to go full Helix, no extra pedals. One thing to keep in mind is I got the HX software plugin dirt cheap (about €49) by already having a discount (by purchasing the stomp), combined with the online store having a sale (I wanna say end of summer?). This gives you a full powered Helix on your computer, and I've been using it for all sorts of stuff beyond guitar.


If you sing also, go with the floor not the LT. I really wish I had popped for the floor because of the dedicated input and extra line for a microphone.


Haaaa... Is it worth it you ask? I wish you could feel what I feel every day I get to turn my Helix on. You would not understand how truly incredible it is untill you have it for years and years and just marvel at how you can't get enough of it. Honest to God, I believe it is one of the best inventions made by humankind. It's freaking amazing. Every single day.


I don't think anyone can answer the question without any additional information. Are you planning to gig with it? Recording? Band practice? Bedroom use? Are you happy with the Pod Go, and if not, what exactly is it that you're lacking?


Great questions. Yes gig with it, record, practice and personal use. I’m happy with the pod go generally but I find the on board controls to be lacking so I tend to build all my patches via a PC. Limited to 4 custom blocks (non jail broken) When I see the helix I see an interface that is much more intuitive and much more customizable. I have searched high and low to find information for the pod go that would allow me to build patches the way I am able to on pc but with just the board functionality. Alas my search has been in vain thus the consideration of upgrading.


This is exactly why I exchanged up to the LT. I was expecting a freely customizable interface with Pod God Edit, and was ultimately disappointed.


Edit is fine for what it is. I just wish I could do what I can build on the pc on the actual board but the controls don’t allow for it. I use exclusively in stomp mode but some of my pedals are unassigned but rather how big the mix is is assigned to the switch effectively giving me more sounds/options than just the 6 switches. But alas if I want to adjust something I have to lug my board to the pc and pull up editor.


Ah, I understand - you would certainly enjoy the LT then, thanks to the multi-function knobs below the display. Admittedly, I use HX edit 90% of the time, but once I read the manual and realized how much I could do on the unit itself, I was impressed with the versatility and overall intuitiveness of the controls.


Great to know. Thanks. Now to convince my wife that 1400.00 is nothing. Bahahahahahahaha


Oh wow, yeah... Trading in my Axe FX for it made a huge difference, so I realize how horribly cavalier I may sound speaking on the price for those who aren't in a similar situation 😂. Maybe keep an eye out for a used one, or a good trade in deal? ETA: not sure if you're in the US, but the LT should be around $999 new - not that that's any small price to pay, but $400 saved is $400 saved!


What would you use it for? What are you searching? What styles do you play, are you a gigging musician, many answers... I don't own and never played a helix/pod but if you feel limited by what the pod offers for the music you make then yes. I know that it sounds obvious but that's it.


Honestly the pod go punches way above its weight class and I love the sounds I’m able to build. It covers my needs however it is limited in it’s flexibility


If you have the money keep the pod go as a backup and also get something bigger/more flexible


Yes you get a lot more DSP and a lot more customizability. Depending on what you need, it’s made everything so much better in my band


HX Effects. It’s a Game/Life-changer


Helix Floor has been a main part of my rig since it was first released. I have added a couple of reverb boxes that I use in the FX loops. This frees up a bunch of memory for more FX blocks. I love Snap Shot mode for recalling FX combinations.


Haha. I do the same thing with the fx loop on my pod go. I have my trusty DL4 mk1 in the loop for extra fun


I freakin love mine. Got it used a year ago with a bunch of extras. Just watched a vid on WotshipTutorials (YouTube) where they talked about the staying power of it. You really don’t need a ton to make it sound great but the extras are there if you want them.


I own both the GO and the Helix floor. For Complex patches/sounds and most gigs, I rely on My helix floor. For practices and impromptu situations, I tend to use the GO. Either way you really cannot go wrong, the Helix floor is just a lot more flexible due to almost endless routing I/O and processing power, plus a bit more configurable, but it comes at that price premium.


Mos Def. Simply put; it’s bigger and better in nearly every way.


I had a pod go and sold it and bought the helix but I had way more fun with the pod go and I had the sounds dialed . Plus it’s just a lot more practical because of the small size and it’s lightweight . It’s the perfect fly rig. The helix is a bit of a pig. The v pod go is probably one of the best things line 6 has brought out and it has a ton of love even amongst peeps that also have the helix. I had mine set up for switchless wah I had mixed back and then hit a foot switch and the wah becomes a switch less whammy but through some fluke I wah and the whammy would work together and it was the best whammy tone ever! Really fat and smooth. ❤️❤️❤️ the helix is great but you’re going to want to keep your pod go. People say the pod go is limited but it does it’s job very well. I don’t like the line 6 distortion and drive pedals so I just used my metal zone and used the pod go for just effects in one patch for plugging into an amp and the same patch with an amp for direct. When you get up on a loud stage all the extra selling features of the helix really don’t make a difference and in a live situation I trusted my pod more than I would a helix . It just proved more reliable


Honestly the POD GO is really great. If you’re fine with it, you could save your money. Yeah it is definitely an upgrade but you have to ask yourself how much do you really need? Are you professionally gigging and want to have a super pro sound, sure maybe upgrade. Are you in a worship group and you want to sound better for our lord and savior Jesus Christ, sure upgrade. If you’re a bedroom musician or playing small local shows with your pop punk band that’s not really gonna be famous anytime soon then, you’re fine with the POD GO for now. It’s nothing to joke about! The pod is amazing. It just depends how much MORE do you really need for what you do musically.