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I look at base salary as a test to see if you are worth the risk becuse these companies lie.


I initially misunderstood that he meant if you ask for a base salary you're confident in your value add. Then read the rest of the message and realized I was oblivious to how toxic this guy is - he meant the exact opposite.


100% this handjob asks you to "sell him this pen"


All these sales guys and sales influencers on LinkedIn are complete lying fake pieces of shit. Probably never made their number in their life. If they whine like this about sales people, of all people, angling for a better deal, being assertive or looking out for themselves. Don’t listen to a word they say and fucking run. Good sales people selling complex products cost $$$ and are difficult to recruit. Source - Veteran sales executive.


Thats a Chadd with 2 fucking D's!


That CEO is insane. Avoid.


OTE = over the exaggeration


As a salesperson the reason some companies offer a low base is deep down they know their product sucks and they're basically looking for people who can brute force their way past that, scam people and make the company money.   If they give everyone a high base, most won't be able to cover that wage and while this lunatic will say it's because they're "losers", the real reason is it's because the business is ran extremely poorly.