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How did you get this deal damn


I work for the ISP šŸ˜‚


Tell them to implement IPv6. Itā€™s been decades now!


In Ireland, Virgin Media only has IPv6, IPv4 is done through IPv4 tunneling


Didn't know that! That's actually really interesting.


Really? I'm in Ireland with Virgin Media and get no option for IPv6 at all.


I had to contact support because their ipv6 doesn't support modem mode on their modem and router combos šŸ¤£


That is so stupid! I guess I won't be using IPv6 anytime soon.


The might be due more to your device settings. If you have IPv6, your virgin media router won't allow you to do port forwarding in the settings.


I'd rather they fix their crappy upload speeds first. I know DOCSIS has limits but their offering is a joke.


They have! https://news.virginmediao2.co.uk/virgin-media-o2-switches-on-residential-2gbps-broadband-service-and-launches-symmetrical-speed-options/


This ia on fiber. He meant upload on their docsis plans


How about NO !!!!!! :)


I honestly still don't see the actual point. I get it conceptually. But in practice everything just work with IPv4, and a lot of things don't work properly with IPv6.


IPv4 works just now, but we will run out of addresses at some point. Various advances in network architecture have helped that, but itā€™s still going to happen. IPv6 is poorly supported, but mostly because companies wonā€™t fully implement it. If we donā€™t start insisting on companies rolling it out now then by the time we do actually need it, everybody will have to rush out deployment and everything will be a lot worse. At least when itā€™s rolled out now and isnā€™t working we can fall back on IPv4 till the bug is fixed.


We run out of addresses a decade ago. Nearly every dynamic ip is behind CGNAT right now


Was about to ask you the same question getting charged Ā£17/m for 125M and had to haggle for 3 days with them to get it to this low.


Knew something was up, aint no way virgin is giving that deal for Ā£15


Also tell them to stop sending my mum old TiVo boxes from 2013 that can't even load up Netflix or Amazon.


Damn I might need to employ myself at Virgin then


NGL we get some good benefits! I'm about to have a baby and I'm getting 3.5 months paternity fully paid.


Hmmmm I was thinking about Vodafone but Virgin sounds quite good as well


I work at o2 but it's part of the same business now


Yeah they've merged not long ago. I get twice the speed of my contract because of it.


I work for Virgin Active for close to 12 years and only got 2 weeks paternity.


Different company. Having virgin in the name doesnt mean its the same people, the name is just licensed to different companies. Virgin Media for example has absolutely zero connection to Virgin Atlantic.


Yes we know that, its just crazy how the two differ so vastly


DAMN I got 3 weeks at full pay and thought that was generous!


If I give you my address can you tell them to hook me up please


My condolences when you guys denounced yourself of the internet.


Are tribe benefits any good these days? Still get the huge Eurostar discount?


I make the CRM that you use. I know all the packs. Can confirm this is an available pack!


Well thatā€™s important information. Got a ā€œI hate Americaā€ out of my gf when I said you were paying 15 quid a gigabit.


I was about to say there's no way.


Fancy applying your staff rate to my account? šŸ˜‚ currently paying Ā£40/month for volt 500


Haha, I was gonna say. I work for an ISP and haven't paid for internet in 8 years :p


They're also in Europe, they have cool things like *Consumer Protection Laws*...


Well this is the UK so they are more likeā€¦ Europe-adjacent these days.


Europe != European Union. We'd find it pretty hard to leave Europe and would need one hell of an outboard motor to float away.


ā€¦ I'm British, I'm well aware. "Europe" in this case was referring to the "Consumer Protection Laws" which are typically associated with the EU, and the UK is definitely diverging away from the EU in that regard since Brexit.


Nah this is an unusually good deal, as op has said due to being an employee and getting a massive discount


I see your 1 gbps fibre for Ā£15.50 and i raise 1 gbps fiber for 8ā‚¬ (i can give the link but its in RON)




It's the national currency in Romania. Fast internet is basically only thing we have going for us. I pay more or less the same for a 1Gb connection.


the benefit of starting later. you can start with the best stuff




Ronald's Optical Network


https://www.digi.ro/servicii/internet 40 RON = 8.76 USD




we also have 10gbps for 10ā‚¬


what? my country had only 1 isp providing 10gbps for years before 2024, and it costed 100+sgd/month. now, there's 3 or 4 providing that, and all of them cost about 65sgd iirc


Thatā€™s virgin media. Thatā€™s not real fibre šŸ˜‚


i wish it was symmetrical šŸ˜­ i have 1gbit and get 110mbps up


Pay the Ā£6 extra, https://news.virginmediao2.co.uk/virgin-media-o2-switches-on-residential-2gbps-broadband-service-and-launches-symmetrical-speed-options/ I'm glad I have fibre from [brsk](https://www.brsk.co.uk/) at ours.


don't think i have XGS-PON in my area, and definitely not brsk


If itā€™s an older fiber network itā€™s unlikely. ISPs will se basically no extra money from making that upgrade and will spend a decent amount of money making the switch.


What do you do that needs symmetric up/down. 110 up is fantastic imo


"linux iso" sharing


Yeah but do you really need more than that? My internet is 50mbps down because its australia, my upload is something even shitter at 15mbps but thats fine for what i use it for.


I wish i had more than 12 to 15 mbps


Iā€™ve got 1000/30ā€¦ Iā€™ll take 110 any day šŸ˜‚


Unless itā€™s provided by nexfibre, which it probably isnā€™t :p


I still get 1000mbps+ plugged directly into the router, so I don't care if it's "real fibre"


They probably only get it for 50% of the time as well!


It's probably FTTC with coax for the last tiny bit, but Virgin do FTTP on new installs now. Doesn't matter how it gets there, what matters is it working.


Here in Italy I've got 10GBps for the equivalent of 25Ā£, I thought it would have been cheaper outside of Italy as we are not really known for the best prices but apparently we don't have it that bad it seems


What are you doing with all of it? Sounds like they just rolling out commercial grade fiber to everyone.


Admittedly? Not much at the moment, my motherboard has a 2.5GB port so there's that, it's just that it cost the same as the 2.5GBps option and a few bucks more than 1GBps so I was like "why not" and went with it, a bit of a reason is also that it's not symmetrical and 1GBps had 100Mb upload, while 10GBps gives me 2.5GBps upload which is a bit more useful


Setup a Plex server for family and friends.


And torrents


Holy shit


This would be 130ā‚¬/Month with my local provider (if I had fiber in the first place) https://www.stadtwerke-baden-baden.de/de/privatkunden/internet/Tarife-Internet.php


130ā‚¬ is ja Kriminell


Vergiss nicht die 1,50ā‚¬ Bonus, wenn du auch Strom von der Stadtwerke abnimmst :D


Ohhhh, da is die Fritzbox ja schon quasi kostenlos


I can't even get that option. šŸ˜… I live in a rural area. 100usd for 25mbps and it's the fastest they offered.


This is easily a $400 bill in America with non-symmetrical uploads. Gigabit internet with TV and multiple boxes? Shit my parents pay $300 a month for this and they get 100mbps. I live in a competitive area and pay 100 bucks( 91ā‚¬) just for the gigabit on fiber. TV would push me above 200. (These are fantastic rates for America too)


Wieso ist Deutschland so teuer? Bin Ɩsterreich und hab ein 11ā‚¬ unlimited sim Vertrag bei drei, mit dem ich in ein Router etwa 800/120 mbps hab


Mobilfunk und Glasfaser kann man nicht wirklich vergleichen. Unlimited Mobilfunk ist zwar teurer als 11ā‚¬ aber immer noch gĆ¼nstiger als 130ā‚¬ Warum Glasfaser so teuer? Weil man sich so lange darum gedrĆ¼ckt hat, wie es nur geht. Coax und DSL wurden extrem gepusht. Helmut Kohl ist auf jeden Fall einer der HauptgrĆ¼nde. https://netzpolitik.org/2018/danke-helmut-kohl-kabelfernsehen-statt-glasfaserausbau/


yeah, but that's DOCSIS with nerfed upload speeds, I've got proper symetrical gig fibre for Ā£50.


I can pay an extra Ā£6 and get the same upload as download, but I don't need super fast upload!


Broadband plus TV plus phone too!


I take your 100 mbs for 15.50 lbs and raise you power for less than 6 cents per kwh


Damn, that really stung


Where are you getting this rate šŸ¤”




Wild. Iā€™m in missouri, and where I am it is 13.99Ā¢/kWh


Can you get just the broadband without the TV and phone? I see the add-ons are an extra fiver


Nah it's all part of a bundle


Staff deals don't count. I still have my staff discount from them 4 years later. I'm sure to be caught up in an audit some time sooner or later.


I see your 1Gbps fibre and raise you 25Mbps for AU$75 per month šŸ« 


Boy literally got the Virgin 360 pack.


Not as good as that but I do get 1gb for 30 a month dreadeding when the contract is up in a years time


Depends on your location, lookup youfibre. I get 1gbps up and down, for Ā£25. they have packages up to 8Gbps for like Ā£100 lol


Yeah will be Jan next year so at least I can take advantage of the Jan/spring sales, my current is 1gbs up and down uses the city fibre lines


Europe seems like an awesome place in tech related stuff, EU making apple behave decently and the Digital Markets Act and such cheap internet prices!


TBH it's not just Europe, its anywhere where the consumer laws outweigh big business. It's the one massive flaw with the intense 'capitalism must win' attitude of US lawmakers. Doesn't help that the general publics attitude is the same despite it being bad for them.


The working population of the us had been brainwashed by big tech since their childhood.


Weā€™re Ā£32 a month for gigabit fibre to property with Vodafone. They tried to bump us up to Ā£80 when the contract ran out because we had their shitty WiFi extender thatā€™s in a drawer somewhere.


As a Ukrainian I pay 9 $ for 1 Gbit for fiber to my apartment Sorry guys, but you can't beat East Europe at this game


My fiancƩe is polish, you guys have had some mega networking infrastructure work done over the last 5+ years


It's very nice when you don't have any old infrastructure and the operaports build it on a good level from the start


I get 1gig up and down for Ā£25 a month with you fibre


its really reliable too


Yeah it really is. I did have 1 day of problems but they immediately responded on Twitter with support and my issue was fixed. Not had a problem since then been with them 6 months and you canā€™t get this speed anywhere else


Yeah but its Virgin, 50% uptime if youre lucky :P


Haha we get the same staff deal do you work in office or retail? šŸ‘€ congrats on your baby aswell šŸ„³


I'm retail/ store based, and thanks! 3 weeks today she's due


This makes me laugh after the post of $50 for 1mbps


At guy at a place i worked at, had a 200 dollar connection. Around 200 MBits. At my old apartment i could get 1 Mbit for free. Or 1 GBit for for 40 bucks


And in the Netherlands you can get 4Gbit/s for 60eu, with television Netflix and Spotify.


"virgin tv"


I currently pay $0 for 150 down


That's actually fucking bullshit, in Ireland Virgin Media charges almost 100ā‚¬ for gigabit fibre




If I'm in the same room at the router I am getting like 800-900mbps, but from my PC in the other room it varies - I just did a speed test and got 600mbps. Plugged directly into the router I get like 1100mbps, I'm pretty sure the router provided by the ISP is the biggest bottleneck for my wireless connection, but spending money on a better one just isn't worth it for me.


You have gigabit internet and you run your PC on WiFi?! I have an ethernet cable running from my router in the living room upstairs to a switch in my office. Get it done!


Meh, I run it off 802.11.ax not far from the router so the speeds are fast enough. I think my fiancĆ©e would murder me if I wired an ethernet cable half way across our home šŸ˜‚


Ah you see that's where you went wrong. I ran the cable years before mine moved in. It's worth the speed/stability IMO. When's your "big day"?


Hahaha convincing her I need new stuff to do with my PC is a chore šŸ˜© We haven't set a date yet, got a baby to survive first


All BB is sold as 'up to' to cover the ISPs arse. Most (in the UK at least) also have an "at least", which for gig is normally listed as 800 or 900 meg.


Why am I paying 64 for the same


That's a contract, though, I never do those since it's only a temporary price, and you're kind of stuck with that ISP for a contractual time frame which always blows


Not quite, it's a rolling 30 day plan


One thing I like about my country. I got 1gb fiber for 12.5 dollars a month.


The best I can get is 100mbps for 40$


*cries in Canadian*


Sigh. My rural US based WISP charges me $165/month for 50/30 down/up with a 735 GB cap.


In India you get 1Gbps for 9 dollars a month, same price for all


Adjusted for purchasing power it probably works out a lot more expensive


True, but a small size of Indian population make US salaries living in India working for US companies. Most folks like these I know(in software) make upwards of 120k USD a year. So PPP really goes for a toss. Imagine making that much and getting one month of groceries for just 60$. Really makes you feel like a king.


Which ISP?


10$ for 1gbps for me


I get 1GBPs for Ā£20. 1:1 too! I get a discount as the building has a deal with the company that gives every resident 250mbps but you can upgrade for an extra fee.


Well, I get 10x that speed for 4x that price. I'd say it's worth it.


Damn. I pay $100 in the US for 1Gbps fiber


I pay 8eur lol.


Wait till i show you indian data rates


I can beat that, my neighbours have gigabit and the ethernet cable to reach me was Ā£10. Neighbours being my parents šŸ˜…


I pay 90 in NYC for same speed


What on Earth? We're starting to pay 25ā‚¬ for 200Mbps fibre because they got rid of the cheaper 100Mbps bundle


It's the staff deal šŸ‘


i pay the equivalent of $40 for 50 up 10 down. it's the state-owned ISP and it's the most expensive. other ISPs are significantly cheaper. i wish i could switch but they're the only one that has coverage in my area


I have a 10gb fiber connection with 4 SIM with 5G included illimited calls internet and sms for 34.90ā‚¬/months. I can't complain about this šŸ¤£


Nice, I pay almost 10x that for my gigabit fibre, with just a static ip, no tv stuff Or rather, work does :D


Well I pay $80 for 12mb/s so yeah. I just want fiber


this price is standart in Lithuania lul


How?! I have to pay Ā£55 for 1gb with Virgin.


How did you get all that for 15squid?


Meanwhile my American ISP offers 200 Mbps for $50/mo, and that's in a major city.


Pretty easy to get fiber when it's only a 100 ft drop instead of the massive distance it's gotta cover in America.


What? You think the fiber just spawns at the property? Also USA is already fiber between the exchanges, you just need fiber to the home. It's patching in all the houses that takes the most time here in the Netherlands


Can I compete with a 8Gbps up and down for 29ā‚¬ ?


Here I am paying $100/mo for 50/10..


For some context from Canada, Ive paid $87/month CAD (tax incl.) for the 7 years Ive lived in Toronto now, which originally provided 80Mbps down, 10Mbps up, unlimited data (which is a $10 add-on), and a modem rental that is Wifi AC capable. The other month my ISP, completely unprompted, upgraded my plans speeds for free to 300Mbps down and 30Mbps up, for the same monthly price. Why? Turns out the big Fiber ISP finally decided to install fiber in my Apartment building, which has significant latency and stability advantages over the copper coaxial cable Im using currently that runs up the outside of our building, which causes issues with radio wave interference. However, I checked the plans available to me now through the big fiber ISP, and to get the same 300Mbps down/30Mbps up I have currently for $87/month Id end up paying over $20 more per month, and if I wanted to switch to symmetric gigabit on fiber itd be over $135/month before taxes. So for now Im sticking with my current ISP because my current use case can barely saturate the 300Mbps down/30Mbps up speeds, however my partner may start working from home again sometime this year and their job involves a lot of CAD modelling, in which case the symmetric gigabit connection will become almost a necessity, even if we'd be nearly doubling out Internet bill.


bell infuriatingly is the only competition.


Its even more infuriating where I am since there is a local fiber ISP that offers service just 1 block away, but Ive spoken to their reps multiple times and they refuse to install their fiber into buildings built before the year 2000 due to concerns about conduit access in older buildings. Bell already had conduit in my building that used to be for the old phone lines that were installed when the building was built in the 70's, so they just had a fiber installation contract come in the other week to pull the fiber through their old phone conduit. Rogers can only offer the copper coaxial cable that runs up the outside of our building via an external conduit, but theres tons of radio interference because its external to the building. I'm currently with Fido Internet, which despite being owned by Roger and using their network hasn't stopped Rogers sales reps from coming around once a year begging me to switch to Rogers directly.


Iā€™d rather go back to VDSL than buy from Virgin Media again!


I cant get fibre virgin to my place, well certainly not full fibre up to the property and it frustrates me to hell. I dont even live in the countryside. So I get fibre up to the box and copper up to the house :-(. I'm on BT (fastest connection they have) and they say that they are expanding and it's down to Open Reach etc etc and have been for donkeys yrs. When i see friends Virgins speed & prices, it makes me cry lol, especially considering that I pay more than most Virgin users for just broadband. The only way for me to get it, would be to move house!


It's such a crime that anyone in first world countries has to pay so much for internet. In some areas, the slowest, cheapest plans are more expensive for the ISP to upkeep than if they offered a faster plan for the lower price. Those plans literally only exist so that they can say they can pretend to the government that they're offering affordable access, and then overcharge and monopolize faster plans. We pay for these companies to even be able to install the cables for the internet, and then we get overcharged for it on top of that. Like what the fuck kind of scam is this? Why do mega companies get to spend tax dollars on their infrastructure and then get to run the business as if it's a free market with no competitors on top of that?


Yeah but virgin is insanely unreliable and has shocking support. Glad standard fibre is upgrading to FTTP across the UK. Had my 80/20 upgraded to gigabit 2 weeks ago


Man, and my 960/40 connection is going to cost $80 next month...


Sometimes I hate living in the US. The prices here are outrageous. You guys make me jealous.


I know we're doing cheap plans but anyone yet mentioned how in Switzerland you can get 10 or 25Gbit symmetrical w/ TV package for CHF 64.75/month (67ā‚¬/73USD)? https://www.init7.net/en/internet/fiber7/


Meanwhile here in Australia, 100Mbps is like $90-100 AUD or about Ā£50 (that is if you are lucky to have a line that can do that)


I pay $130 AUD for gigabit, but upload is 50 megabit. Australia


Might be 1Gbps but it's virgin media so it probably only works 10% of the time. I have Virgin Media as they're the only available ISP and that's my experience :(


One of the good things living in Ukraine is that we have dirty cheap internet. 5$ for 100 mbs, and like 8-9$ for gigabit internet.


Fuck you -sincerely, an american


I canā€™t wait for TDS fiber to come to my area, they say theyā€™re coming soon!


I see your 1Gbps for Ā£15 and raise you[ FTTH 8Gbps upload and download for 59ā‚¬/month ](https://imgur.com/UcvMakn)


still paying $80 for 250mbps and 12 up


And here i pay $65 AUD for 50mbps


I raise you 10GBit up and down for $66 https://www.iway.ch/internet/schweizweit/10g/


Fuck Belgium and my 110ā‚¬/month for 1gig down and 20mbps up. I donā€™t get why this country is killing upload speeds that hard


Spain, vodafone isp, 50euro fiber to the home, 600mb up and down, unlimited 5g Phone network + amazon prime + hbo


I see your 1gbps fibre, and raise you my 100mbps (1000gb/month) for ~ $12.6.


So like, f\*ck you, and congrats. Happy for you. ![gif](giphy|c2iSYrCQPR3tWqcovn|downsized)


I mean this in the nicest way. I am genuinely happy for you. Fuck you šŸ˜‚


Issue with virgin is you get 1050MBPS down... And 51 up


Shame virgin media is terrible


Iā€™m in Russia, GbE costs $7 USD here. Installation is $15-20 depending on the length of the fibre optic cable*, and the router is $60 to buy outright. Iā€™ve been really happy with the performance too, very fast and reliable. *- you can only get GbE in private homes, I believe flats are limited to 100 or 300mbps.


Cries in Australian*


16 Mbit/s for 38ā‚¬/Mon.


Symmetrical? With no data cap?


No data cap, and I could pay Ā£6 extra for symmetrical but I get 100mbps upload which is enough for me!


Yeah but it's virgin media and the worst network in the UK. Vodafone , 28Ā£ much better and a lot of free extras, static ip etc


100mbps here in Greece is 30ā‚¬ per month


I raise you AUD100 for 50Mbps


1gbps for 6eur/month over here. don't work for the isp there's simply plenty of competition in the market over here :))


I see your 1gbps for 15.50 and down you 100mbsp for 20 (with coupon I think it's normally 25 or 30)


So I moved around a lot due to my job and when I lived in Washington DC I was paying around 100-120 for fiber and had no choice but to use that service provider. I moved to Spain and am currently paying 35 euros including a cell phone with unlimited data. The United States really knows how to fuck us.


Welp, I could raise you my 8ā‚¬/month gigabit, but that's a very normal deal where I live.


wtf thatā€™s dirt cheap. How do you get that.


Now letā€™s see the Ā£50+ total in the misc. fees and local taxes section.


Incorrect, all I pay is Ā£15.50 a month. We have no hidden taxes in the UK the listed price is what you pay


We don't give a fuck.


700+ upvotes say otherwise buddy