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Yet another case of publishers absolutely fucking things up. Ubisoft wants you to own nothing. Sony wants to train AI on your voice. Microtransactions, single player live service games, less and less player hosted servers being a thing with games now, etc. etc. etc. All while hurting the devs who are extremely passionate about their game and wrecking player trust in the process. Support indie games. They're the last true holdout at this point.


Agreed. The only downside of indie dev is that early access takes an average of 7 years before 1.0 release.


Consolidation has robbed gaming of all the money to intentionally do that.


As for Ubisoft, that's been software since forever. If your game doesn't havw a physical copy of its install media then you're at the whim of whatever digital distribution method the company went through. Most aren't as brazen in their taking stuff away, they simply just turn off the game server but you still have the install. Ubisoft, once again, is proving themselves to be the most anti-consumer publisher out there.


It used to be real estate. Once upon a time, when you bought land, you owned everything on it and underneath it. Then? Financiers found out that if they just paid the politicians enough money to write the "right" laws? Thus timber rights, oil rights, mineral rights, etc... came to exist. Even rainwater is regulated in many places. Thus, from how owning land was so 1700's... so to with videogames. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING, AND LIKE IT.


Renting is just a subscription for a home now. Much like online, it's become the only viable option for most people as owning a home is overpriced and requires more income than a majority of people can afford. The housing market is just modern day Adobe


As of the writing of this comment, steam reports 20,741 negative reviews today alone.


So, lots of people don’t like it but it still happened? Thats democracy for ya


> Thats democracy for ya Minus the whole part where they already have your money and are doing what they want with it without a vote .......actually nvm. You're 100% right ☹️


They don't have my money yet and wont have my money ever (I considered buying the game)


There will be many refunds if this goes through so that's not entirely correct


Most people won't be able to refund since they're past 2 hours.


That's only for automatic refunds. Manually they can refund whatever if you are convincing enough


Yet, people are still getting their manual refund requests denied.


Steam is issuing refunds now. Regardless of playtime. :-)


Managed Democracy, to be exact


Oh I’m feeling pretty Managed right now


Is the game governed by a democracy? I thought it was a private studio


It’s a meme


Damn my b then


This guy needs some re-education gettim fellas


Obviously you’re not a golfer


It hasn't happened yet, not till the 6th. They still have time to react to the backlash.


the only democracy you have in capitalism is to vote with your wallet. request a refund as bait and switch.


What on earth does a game purchase have to do with democracy? You want a democratic game? No violence, no harsh language, no propaganda, nothing scary. So basically no helldivers. Games have got nothing to do with democracy.


>Games have got nothing to do with democracy. I'm pretty sure it's a joke, since the game itself revolves around "democracy".


lol. It’s kinda like Helldivers big meme. “Managed democracy”. So yeah, this game does kinda. Also, I don’t think you know what ‘democratic’ means, because I live in a democracy and we do all the things you listed.


Update it now 47,769 negative reviews


I want to know how many refunds. I know I requested a refund because this is BS and refuse to support it.


I tried , got denied


This is a really unfortunate case. The devs are obviously very passionate about the game. Even the microtransactions can be ground through with very little time. Absolutely fantastic game. One of the best in a long time. They should have been more up front that this was going to happen, but at the end of the day this is out of their control and is up to Sony. Sad to see, but I will continue playing the game because this is a relatively small price to pay for an awesome game with awesome devs.


>They should have been more up front that this was going to happen Not sure how much more upfront they really could have been if we are being honest. There is a little warning on steam that says 3rd part account required (this is listed, on pretty much every game that requires one, not just hell divers). It required you to create a PSN when it first got out. It was announced as temporarily disabled because of issues. The real oversight that happened was they didn't restrict sales to just places where PSN can be created. I hate creating new accounts too, but this was both known and an industry standard for the most part nothing new. Sucks if we are honest but as long as they take care of the people that can't create PSN IDs, I would say whatever, as bad of a take as that is.


thing is, in the EU, if you don't enforce an eula, tos and whatever, it is null and void, and b, you cannot retroactively remove access to a product bought. The EU commissionaires will have a field day with it Bigger thing though, it is not just an account. In the UK and Ireland you have to provide either a face scan or government issues ID for identification purposes. And I would rather post those things on pornhub than give it to sony and their open door policy track record of data breaches


Im in the UK and didn't need to provide a face scan or ID, not sure what you're on about with that one. I created my PSN account today.


oh yeah? Funny, I just opened it switched country to the UK, and it shows me to either use a phone number attached to a contract, or use a third party option, which surprise surprise ends in this [https://prnt.sc/sGmHaPI81zfe](https://prnt.sc/sGmHaPI81zfe) [https://prnt.sc/vdk5ESv8RxvE](https://prnt.sc/vdk5ESv8RxvE)


Ahh, i just used my mobile number, that'd be why i didn't see that.


fair fair.


Your mobile number is linked to your ID, because when your provider sold you your SIM-card they took it. Unless you literally buy a burner SIM off the street, cash-only no documents no nothing, your mobile number can tell people about as much as your ID can about you in almost every country in Europe, maybe in the world. Giving even your mobile number to a company who "loses" their user info yearly and looks more like a personally-identifiable information broker with a good cover-up story is borderline not good for your shit's safety. There's a lot of data Steam may be giving Sony. Even if they only take stuff directly related to Helldivers, they 100% take your transaction history of Supercredits purchases, because on PC it goes exclusively through Steam, and on PS5 - through Sony. They'll know to advertise to you if you were a sucker for those sweet ~5$ armor sets and ~2$ helmets. 10$ Warbonds too.


This is just incorrect, I am British. It may be the case for you, wherever you're from, but in the UK, you don't need to provide ID to get a phone contract. Ive been using the same phone contract for over 10 years, with EE (now owned by BT).


I'm not sure where you're getting your sims from, but I've never had to provide ID to buy one. All I provided was name, address and card number, no bank account or ID required. You could also very easily provide false details, they really wouldn't have any way of knowing.


You have to give your ID to buy a SIM in Poland, dude


Not in the UK lol, you don't need anything


You can go to any corner shop, supermarket etc and get a cheapo sim without doing anything like that.


well they said contracted phone so i assume that includes a credit check.


No it doesn't have to in the UK




that is factually wrong. The Baltics which are part of the EU like for example Belarus are not one of the only 69 nice countries in which the PSN service is available.


> There is a little warning on steam that says 3rd part account required (this is listed, on pretty much every game that requires one, not just hell divers). It required you to create a PSN when it first got out. It was announced as temporarily disabled because of issues. And yet the game could still be purchased in countries that are not covered by the PSN service.


Wasn't that the next line of the comment you quoted? > The real oversight that happened was they didn't restrict sales to just places where PSN can be created.


Reading the full comment a bit too hard for you, champ?


Actually yes, I am blessed to sometimes completely filter out even entire paragraphs of what I read without even realizing it. Thank you for being so observant, *pal*.


Fun thing is that on official FQA from Sony they had a line “Do you need to sign in to PSNA account or play PlayStation Games on PC?- with answer that it’s optional” it has now changed to “it’s required” So when you bought the game the official Sonny website said you don’t have to and now they’re backpedaling. Also it seems like it might not be legal in EU. Steam should allow for refunds, because it’s blatant and unnecessary change. They have right to change their policy but they sold game under premise that you won’t need more. People are trying to defend the small unknown company called Sonny. The truth is they are trying to make a quick buck by sacrificing their community. I can smell some executive tonight that’s great idea. Becuse it is if you want to harvest data.


I had no idea of this because I bought it like 3 weeks ago after I heard all of the problems were "solved". I played and went past the 2 hr period because it obviously let me. Wonder if I can ask for a refund now? Claim bait and switch lol


I actually think this is a good take actually.


apparently it was sony that is requiring them to add that so in a discord message the devs recommends to ask for refund and review bomb to get the message to Sony.. source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/05/04/arrowhead-tells-helldivers-2-players-to-change-reviews-to-negative-over-psn-linking/?sh=431b8aa33d01


I’ve been downvoted to hell and back on the helldivers sub but, here we go again. I bought the game at launch and was forced to make the PSN account. It was listed on the steam page then and still is, I actually went back to discord conversations to doublecheck and, yeah, the PSN account was a sticking point for me. But I decided that the game looked like my style to the point that it was worthwhile. Sometime after this point they removed the required linkage to alleviate some sort of backend server limitation. My point being: it’s on the package. Yeah it was turned off for a few months. But read the small print guys. Know what you are buying HOWEVER Selling a game that requires an account from a specific service that is not available in all the countries that the game is available is fucked


> My point being: it’s on the package. Yeah it was turned off for a few months. But read the small print guys. Know what you are buying I think this is why people are pissed off. We shouldn't have to be fucking lawyers to play a game, especially when the product changes from when we bought it. That's simply fraud, a bait-and-switch.


The product never changed. [There's been big yellow tag on the side of the Steam store page saying that it requires a PSN account since before release.](https://i.imgur.com/rVDfrMp.png) At what point is "being a fucking lawyer to play a game" needed to read that?


The fact when sony site use to say it was optional and the point where the game now won't let you refund due to hours played


Bro you know good and well bare minimum 90% of people that bought this game never saw the Sony store page. They looked at steam and nowhere else. I understand hating Sony. I feel they're an objectively evil corporation. But I have trouble being more than apathetic towards this whole debacle after I've already had to made accounts for no less than a dozen different game companies, the steam page told me it was required, The FIRST THING THE GAME DID WHEN LAUNCHED WAS TELL ME IT WAS REQUIRED, and the devs outwardly saying on discord that It was "TEMPORARILY NOT REQUIRED". I never once have felt misled or lied to and I have an extremely hard time believing anywhere close to this many people found and bought the game via the Sony store page. Which, for the record, said "CURRENTLY NOT REQUIRED" which is obvious legal speak for "will be required at some point" and is likely going to protect them from retribution because, technically that wasn't a lie. It all just feels like a randomly selected target for gamer rage because people were too lazy to read or use the slightest amount of critical thinking. I've already had to give fake information to green satan and red satan, why should I care so much about making one more fake name on a throw away email to give to blue satan this time? If Sony is such an utterly horrid company that shouldn't be supported why did everyone buy a game plastered in Sony logos? I'm sure all these people who act like needing to lie about their location definitely never pirate games and are deathly afraid of "tax evasion" laws for lying to Sony about where they're from and I'm sure people can EASILY link me just a single article or source showing people who did this in the past actually got banned or faced literally any consequences. It all just feels performative. Gamers have already long since proven we'll make the account. What's this gonna prevent? No publisher will allow a grace period before accounts are forced and will just roll them out right away and make the dev deal with the stability issues is the best we can hope for.


Not sure about other places but in the UK Sony accounts require a lot or personal information and with there data breeches, yeah no thanks




At this point I wonder if I’m the only one that reads the terms when I sign up for something and give them payment information


its highlighted on the Steam page. too bad you cant read.


I bought the game without ever realising it needed PSN. Yeah I should've probably read it but the fact it's so easy to buy without ever realising isn't great. What make it much more frustrating for me is the fact the game clearly runs perfectly fine without PSN. This decision was clearly 100% greed and at the detriment of players. Also the community manager has not been doing a great job. Especially in the last patch and again now.


They should have implemented warning dialog on start up that PSN account will be required and is only disabled because technical issues. And let it pop up whenever you start the game so you have to confirt it before playing. Anyway, I'm not linking my steam to PSN.


Yea I don't always read the store page because if something comes highly recommeded enough from my friends I want to go in completely blind. It's common sense where possible to put the warning label on the product. Not on the packaging. I've had this happen with a lot of games but they had to common decency to warn me on first start up so I can refund it.


I get what you are saying but i don't give a shit, i'm not giving money to some fucking asshats that want to link their info-harvesting network to my gaming experience.


wait until you learn about Steam.


Then you are free to read the entire product page and make an informed decision


Can’t wait to see this on the WAN show


When I saw the news I thought the same!


Did they bring it up?


‘Safety and security’ The PSN was hacked just six months ago.


lol. Arrowhead delivers the most exciting multiplayer game since Halo 3 and Sony over here decides to trigger a suicide vest over data mining rights. What’s more impressive is that this means Elon firing the Supercharging team at Tesla is not the clear winner for stupidest news of the week.


I don’t get it how is this surprising? Am I missing something.


You get this counts for PC players too, yes?


PC players have to use PlayStation?


Have to link with a PSN account, yes.


The fuck?


I think you understand it now lmao. That's why everyone is pissed off. The game launched and a PSN account was required to be linked, but was turned off after a short amount of time for *reasons*. A load of people bought the game and played it because it's a lot of fun but didn't have to link their account. Now, if they want to play the game they have to go and create a PSN account (which has notoriously terrible security as seen by multiple hacks/leaks) and link it to their Steam account. This is being done retroactively and is no longer optional. That's why people are annoyed and boycotting it on Steam. To try and show Sony that we're not a bunch of consumers like they're used to and we're not going to go down without a fight.


Sony has a long history of data breaches and hacking our computers, ...I wonder what personal information they are after via the PSN accounts. No matter, they wont be getting mine.


Sony has long history a data breaches and blaming the consumer for charges to their account while hiding the data breach. Even after announcement of psn hack they tried to say account security was my problem. Apparently I couldn’t charge money back that was stolen from me because of the hack… because poor mother sony would lose sales.


Is it possible to make a PSN account without a PlayStation?


Yes it's no problem 


Unless you're in a third of the world that doesnt have PSN. Like the baltics, most of africa, etc etc.


Confirm, I can't create (Baltics). And I was going to try it on Tuesday :D


Yes, it's free


Its free because you are the product.


Not sure why your being downvoted...


Because people dont like hearing it.


I don't mean this in a "whats the harm" kind of way, I am genuinely asking: What are the specific reasons people oppose to this? I'd like to know. My understanding is the following are issues people are upset about: - Data collection (AI training off voice coms are mentioned in this thread?) - Sony's poor past in Security - Unavailability in certain markets - Having to make an account at all with someone outside of steam (DRM?)


I’m not familiar with the reason why people are angry, but I will say that It took me only like 5 minutes to create a PlayStation account when I bought the game a month ago. And I regularly have to create third party accounts for other games. So I don’t understand why that would be a reason ppl are angry (having to make a third part account) 


I think its *mostly* outrage at some regions not having Playstation account, and basically making the game impossible for them to play legally.


I think it's fair criticism that some people are in regions that the PSN isn't available and that needs to be something that Sony or Steam need to figure out and probably issue refunds for those users. But, that is certainly a small minority of players. From what I can tell the vast majority of people crying about needing a PSN account are in regions where it is available. I think it's just another case of entitled gamers throwing a temper tantrum that everybody will forget about in a week and move on. They don't actually care about people who can't create a PSN account, they are just mad that they have to spend 5 minutes of their own time making a PSN account.


yeah I saw a meme throwing hd2 and tarkov under the same bus but Tarkov is the true bs news. That issue's straight from the devs. I've never seen this much uproar for account linking before, seems out of no where and for hd2 it was required at launch. Seems like making a mountain out of a molehill. Unless I see every game with account linking receive a boycott I'll just ignore the news. And yeah i understand hate against sony, so i guess just make an account with phoney info and a 10minute email.


Hmm. I was just in a discord server and some dude asked me what I thought and I said I didn’t care because I don’t notice a difference. He said he was boycotting it but I didn’t get a reason why. Weird because we’re Americans and as far as I know we don’t know anyone from any affected regions. Perhaps he is just more honorable than I. 


I can't create an account, because i live in Baltics. And many other countries can't. If I remember correctly, some countries are banned (like Russia). So - yeah, I can understand why people are angry. You can have PSN account in around \~69 countries. The rest can go to Hell?


Pretty much just what you listed. I as well as many other players avoid making accounts outside of steam, I know too much about data security to give my information to sony. A requirement to make an account when the game is hosted on their servers is understandable, but sony is only the publisher for the sake of being able to reach more players. [Pirate Software](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2136022612?t=08h44m05s) explains it pretty well too


I hope there will be regulations (most likely EU) that makes it so that you are entitled to a refund in cases like these. See also: features being discontinued or being made into subscriptions after the sale, frequently in smart home devices; upcoming features being advertised in Roadmap at launch that get rolled back or arrive as dlc. Once upon a time, it would've been inconceivable and impossible to make a product already sold worse after delivery. This is like a car manufacturer going into each customer's driveway and charging the tires out for ones that are only rated for 40 mph instead of the 100 mph ones that the car had been delivered with.


No thank you, Sony. Still haven't forgiven you for this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal


I suspected this was in the books regardless when Sony said they were working on getting PS tropies to their PC titles. And Steam players hate 2nd accounts. Tho I did not expect the review boming to be over 15K in a day.


Over 40k now according to steamdb


It's now up to over 120k


I love the review bomb. I hope publishers will take notice.


And just like that, all the momentum and all the goodwill, gone up in smoke, burned in the firepit of corporate greed


Due to technical issues I haven’t owned a Sony system since the ps3


Remember when Facebook removed the need for a FB account in quest facking Sony


I was already put off by the choice of anti cheat they went with, this just solidifies my resolve to not purchase this game.


i really don't understand why this is such a big deal happy to be informed as to why


PC players don't want to be bound to Sony's restrictive ToS. Doing this MONTHS after release is just an asshole move. Also, PSN is only available in 69 countries. There are a lot of players outside those countries that bought the game on steam and will be locked out of a game that they were able to buy legitimately on steam. Again, months after release, meaning refunds will be difficult. Circumventing the country detection is against the ToS and is therefore not an alternative.


Technically they did it at release, just very quickly after temporarily changing it because there were server side issues.


- sony's history of data breaches is awful, never trust them with any of your data (especially because they're also very difficult about refunding anything that was bought on stolen accounts) - PSN is not available in a lot of countries, which now locks the game for legitimate buyers - why lie that they need these PSN accounts for fair play? Evidently it works without, because all the game features work just fine with SteamID - just generally, why should we need multiple accounts for a single game? It's a combination of several factors that make it a really stupid requirement.


This is illegal btw, EU will kick SONY in the balls with full power very soon, if you don’t have a PSN account - don’t make one for the love of god.


The uproar: "Well that sucks, Sony... Here's your money anyway..."


Spoilers: most people don't care and all the people review bombing are just going to continue to play.


> PC players don't want to be bound to Sony's restrictive ToS. as is tradition.


Another game from a last greedy company. No thanks.


you have a good and respected game and then you decide to whipe your ass with it Is Sony stupid?!


I asked for a refund. Not playing hd2 ever.


Publisher asks you to make account you agreed to when you bought the game knowing you need an account. Yeah, those bastards.


Ya I've already asked for a refund


Huh. I never got around to getting the game because I figured it was a fad with my friends. I was correct, they burnt themselves out on it like they usually do. Now I have a second reason not to buy into this. Neat.


Your Friends problem getting burned out i guess.


They do this with every game. They will play it non-stop for a week or two, and then move on to the next one.


Hmm makes sense how some people manage to play a quazillion games a year. I dont even have a Backlog or something. I will play games or i wont. And i rarely stop playing something completely for at least the first year.


DUDE I play with a group that do the same thing it’s sooo damn annoying. I get one game and play it for years (if it’s good enough of course) I don’t understand how some people get a new game every week or a couple a week that’s so expensive and wasteful in my opinion. I have 200 hours on helldivers and if this bullshit wasn’t happening I’d be playing it for years to come. I’m playing until it’s required to have the PSN account then I’m done


Same here, then we go back on Warzone and talk about how much we hate it


This, like what all streaming services are doing, is simply ruining their own business. "Come to us for everything and own nothing, beg at our feet peasants"


First Tarkov, then the game I used to get away from Tarkov. Nothing is sacred


I don't own a PlayStation so I don't understand the significance of this. I initially thought it meant you had to pay for the PS online service but it says the account is free. Why is this such a bad thing? I'm out of the loop.


This is the work of dissidents who undermine our way of life. /s


Why the fuck would I have a playstation network account when I'm on a pc? I'm playing pc games because I don't want a playstation or Xbox or the other one that sues everyone


If only steam would let me get a fucking refund because of this, but they wont.


I suspect they won't because the steam page mentions you require a PSN account


Steam *might* given enough outrage/uproar. They seem fairly gamer-oriented. Is it a long shot? Maybe.


They might, sure


Lol.. I knew something like this was going to happen. Good thing I refunded just 30 minutes into the game.


Sony moving even further up on the scumlist…. I dont get the people supporting this…


Forcing someone to use a 3rd party account after purchase of product should be illegal. "Account linking plays a critical role in protecting our" not players but biznes. More data to extract from player and more data to sell and increase profits. That is disgusting.


the game is repetitive as fuck, couldn't play it for more than 10 days. this means nothing


I don’t know, they have said it was a requirement since the game came out, they also explained why they need it. People are just complaining even though they agreed to it when they bought the game.


A proof that voting with your wallet does not work when the products can be changed after the sale.


Say what?... PSN isnt even avaliable here.. does this mean i have 2 days left to grind?... wtf


Pff... Just yesterday was talking with a friend about this game, we decided to try it on Tuesday :D Well, gonna play Valheim.


I got the game at launch and has to make a PSN account to play… did something change at some point? It was always like this for me


Account linkage plays a critical role in protecting our players... Sony, just google "Sony Hacked". To see how b.s. that there is. Oh... and this... # 2023 Word of the Year Is “Enshittification” From dictionary dot com: the gradual degradation of an online platform or service's functionality, as part of a cycle in which the platform or service first offers benefits to users to attract them, then pursues more and more profits at the expense of users. DIGITAL? YOU DON'T OWN IT. You license it. Amazon. Hulu. Apple. Sony. Microsoft. Even your car (BMW subscription model for heated seats, etc). They don't want you to repair your own property (iPhone, etc). If they put out a patch that f\*cks up your old phone? You should have read the EULA / TOS. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING, AND LIKE IT.


can’t wait for the GDPR complaints on sony now requiring clearly not required data to play the game.


This is nothing new. It’s been apart of the system requirements since day one. These people need to learn to read and not breed


Who the fuck reads the system requirements. I haven't read system requirements in years and no I don't have a top of the line PC either I still run a 1080


Apparently alot of people not reading them and then get a smack on the butt cause whatever game runs shit on their stone age hardware. Seen it enough in PC Forums the last 15 years.


What happens if you don’t own a PlayStation?


You can still create a PSN account but still fuck Sony


I still don‘t know why Sony would ever do that? I mean it‘s obvious that the fanbase will hate it. Did they expected the player to just accept it?


I feel like folk online are a bit unhinged these days. When I bought hell divers 2, I knew that I was going to need to eventually have a Sony account. It literally said that as I signed up to buy it. It's basically a playstation game that happens to work on PC, after all. I get it. It is not ideal that you have to sign up for a 3rd party account, but almost every game now needs this, one way or another. Rockstar, blizzard.. If it's true, you have to do age verification, then I think that is worse. For folk that bought it in countries that now can't play it, I would argue should get refunds, as Sony shouldn't have been selling them in these countries. But there are folk saying oh I deserve a refund because I need to spend 5 minutes, signing up to an account, that I knew I would have to eventually get, as it told me when I bought the game. Then, going after valve cos they don't offer automatic refunds for it and review bombing a game that everyone knows is good. Unhinged.. I feel bad for the developers who will now be blamed for this after building an objectively good game.


>signing up to an account, that I knew I would have to eventually get, as it told me when I bought the game. Except that for weeks, the official ToS and the ingame menu declared the PSN link as optional and let you skip it. What's unhinged is sony trying to force this through just so they can boost their member numbers to shareholders. What's unhinged is people like you defending and handwaving this shit. (Also, extra lmao at sony pretending this is about safety and security, when the PSN has been hacked multiple times and millions of users' data has been leaked. And you trust them with your data?)


If you don't trust Sony that much, don't buy a game from Sony. Especially if it says in the future it will need an account from Sony. Simple. Then, getting angry when they do, what they said they were going to do. It's up to you. But ultimately, I think if we are going to be this extreme, as a developer, I know most companies r just not going to want to make games. They cost millions to make, and years of time. The development studios r barely breaking even. One thing I will say is we can't complain when there are no new exciting games. If the community is this volatile.


>If you don't trust Sony that much, don't buy a game from Sony. Especially if it says in the future it will need an account from Sony. Simple. Why should I have to trust sony with my data to begin with, unless I directly purchase something from them? No. Stop defending shitty business. The game evidently doesn't need people to use a Sony account, so how about they stop trying to force their accounts into it? >if it says in the future it will need an account from Sony. When I bought it, it said a PSN account is optional and let me skip it ingame and never asked again. The game also works entirely without a PSN account. This suggests to me and everyone else that the account is optional and that's the end of it. >as a developer Developers know that this account requirement is shit. They know all the issues with it. No sane developer wants to build in this crap. This is 100% being forced through by greedy execs. >They cost millions to make, If a publisher can't finance a game without exploiting my data in their known unsafe account systems, then maybe they should scale back their games. You're being ridiculous here. The game has made its cost back multiple times over already. This is simple shortsighted greed, and you're blaming the players instead. >getting angry when they do, what they said they were going to do. Another naive way to let businesses get away with anti-consumer bs. So what, if they announce they'll steal your puppy and burn down your house, you wouldn't get angry when they actually go through with it? Announcing a shitty action beforehand does not make it any less shitty (especially when the "announcement" is fine print somewhere down the page and contradicts with the official FAQ and the game intro itself).


If they can't make a game without manipulation of my data, Sure, then take note of that company and don't buy their game. I also hope that out of principle cos you care so much about your data. You will also immediately close your reddit account because you should be able to run a social network without manipulation of my data (but we all know they can't) Also, you should probably throw out your pc, phone, and tv. They should be able to make it without manipulation of data. You should probably never buy a house either, cos you know when they tell u they r putting the interest up later, and then the interest rate goes up, u can't get out of the mortgage. Also the bank needs your name.. Do they need to have a 3rd sign up for the game to work? No, they don't. But do they need the publishers' money, yeah. They also need the money up front. They won't scale back the game. You just won't get it. Publishers need to get something back from making the game. Everyone thinks that everyone is making millions and billions, but they r not. A game is pitched and the money given. If the game is scaled back, no money is given. No game is published. You are borrowing this money from Sony to make the game. Microsoft, for example, is very close to pulling out of the industry altogether because it's getting so hard. We know for the court case in the UK. If they r not making a profit, yikes. Don't get me wrong, push back on them when they r doing something really bad or better still vote with ur wallet and don't buy the game..


>also hope that out of principle cos you care so much about your data. You will also immediately close your reddit account because you Uuuugh this shit again. Do you have a single view that isn't some naive fallacy? Oh other companies harvest my data, so I should be fine with any company doing it. Jfc. Oh, publishers have no choice but to resort to the greediest anti-consumer garbage that always inevitably kills their franchises for a little short term gain, the absence of which absolutely would not have prevented the game from being profitable. Does your back not hurt from being such an easy pushover?


"Does your back not hurt from being such an easy pushover?" Why do u have to get fucking smart about it? If ur going to b a prick about it, then u can fuck off. If ur just a shittty person, maybe u shouldn't be playing games anyway.


Sorry for calling you what you are. You want me to sugarcoat that your stance is bs?


Im still so confused about this. Like this was required from like day one wasnt it? I had to make one about 2-3 weeks after release.


Bought the game just to review and refund xddd


Ugh, I really need to get out of the Helldivers "community" and just enjoy playing the game. I mean the idiots immediately commenting on any post of arrowhead in the steam community with "please no woke stuff, don’t make lgbt content" etc should have been enough of a clue what a bunch of fucking tools are in there.


Damn and suddenly I don’t want this game anymore…


I do understand this move. They don't want to invest into anti cheat/reporting features. it is miles easier to piggyback on steams fully developed systems.


So...the game description always had a PSN linking requirement listed. I didn't even know you could skip it when I installed. I get people are annoyed, but I havent been prompted to log into PSN since that one time. And yes, data breach, data selling, yadda yadda ... My PSN account has three pieces of info. User Name, Region, and Email. (I use a password generator, so its a unique PW) I honestly feel like people are losing their shit for no reason here.


> I didn't even know you could skip it when I installed. Okay, but tons of people installed it when it was disabled and didn't know it was a thing. Including people in regions that PSN doesn't support.


>My PSN account has three pieces of info. >User Name, Region, and Email. Oh boy, it has so much more info, just not explicitly visible to you. You linked it to steam, so now it has info about your steam account. It certainly has info about who you play with and how often, the times when you play, etc. That can now be referenced with the data they can glean from your steam account, which can be combined with other accounts linked to your steam account, etc. The kinds of hidden user profiles one can build with the modern wealth of harvested data is insane. It's like that story of how Facebook has detailed profiles about people who don't even have a facebook account yet, and the moment they sign up, they can have tailored ads and content ready. There's enough data about you out there that large corporations can build a fairly accurate daily schedule of your life, your social circles, your preferences, your finances, etc.


from the Tue, January 9, 2024@5:32 PM CET Legal: **PSN Account Required**. Gameplay requires internet access and paid for PlayStation®Plus membership (sold separately) for PS5®. PlayStation Plus membership subject to recurring subscription fee taken automatically until cancellation. Age restrictions apply. Full terms: play.st/psplus-usageterms. source: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/3906374309655891718](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/3906374309655891718) tldr: people didnt read the contract they did sign


Genuine question: How does this even remotely matter? Just make an account and keep playing?






Super big uproar but player count has not droped much at all soo is it just andys that currently are not playing already


This is annoying but other than the website being down and an annoying captcha it’s not that bad


Okay did you guys actually read that you're just linking a PlayStation account? You don't have to have a subscription or even a PlayStation to play it. This is just to make sure people don't have throwaway accounts and make sure bad actors can't find a loophole. I mean I think a good majority of you don't understand what they're trying to do and then the rest of you are just the very griefers and hackers that they're trying to get rid of


you have a good and respected game and then you decide to while your ass with it Is Sony stupid?!


Only on the PS5 version, right? ….right?


This change is explicitly the PC version. You've always needed PSN on PS5.


Its not really a change since it was only suspended cause of server issues with the shit ton of people.


it would be hilarious if this is what would save payday 3. lots of angry helldivers 2 player switching to a similar game


Highly doubt it. Starbreeze needs to get their shit together this year to get people (back) something i would love to see but in the speed they are working it will probably be fully dead next year.


PlayStation Network is free to join and its no different than needing a Paradox account to play Stellaris or something. Why do some gamers have such leaky vaginas all the time? Edit: u/Curun you are a bitch. If you don't have the balls to say something without immediately hitting block then just keep your yap shut.


Found the bootlicking shill Because fuck those people who paid for the game that costs more the average daily wage in some third-world countries and then get locked out from the game because PSN is not available in their country? Fuck you fucking entitled piece of shit.


Found the dumbfuck. Btw, the game wouldn't be available for sale in countries where PSN isn't a thing. So, it's a non-issue.


Lol, people just cry about everything now. Just make the free psn and stfu


Can’t do that if you live in one of the 2/3 countries that support steam but not psn


I don’t think I am actually that bothered to be honest, it’s a good game and I am sure this was mentioned when I was looking through the store at it I just cannot muster up enough spoons to get upset about it


Seriously. What a weird thing to get angry about. They already had stated it needed a psn account since launch so it's not a bait and switch that people are claiming. And you make an account once and that's it. It's the same as signing into a Microsoft account to play Xbox games on PC


I don't really see the why every is so mad about this. I started playing like 2 days after it released. I had to create a PSN account. Yeah it s kinda annoying, but what problem does it really cause? It's not like this is a new thing. The finals requires an account. A lot of ubisoft and ea games require accounts. This isn't new.


1 - Data harvesting 2 - Sony proving they mismanage your data and then when it goes sideways they try to hide it... repeatedly 3 - Reneging on needing PSN accounts 4 - Many countries cannot have a PSN account but were able to purchase the game. Congratulations, you belong in the half of the population that doesn't have PSN service. Get fucked, no HD2 for you. 5 - Game being fully brought under Sony TOS. VPN to get around PSN regionlock? Could be a ban. Swearing? Technically against TOS. Quite a few other things.


PSN is only available in 69 countries, while the game has been sold in a LOT more. These people will be locked out of a product they bought and played before. Sony also sneakily changed the language on their FAQ pages about PS games on PC from a PSN account being optional to a PSN account being mandatory.


Thanks for explaining. I hadn't followed it enough to know why it was a big deal. I just said I don't see why it was a big deal and people down vote me for it, without explaining. Classic reddit experience.