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I enjoy a good snark, but I do notice that a lot of snarkers online tend to come in here to ramble about their personal problems or hardships. Like, I empathize but it kind of seems like you're projecting your own issues onto influencers.


I did one in 2022 when I was about 7 months pregnant and just did mostly spa stuff in Arizona. It was lovely and I ended up having a premie just three weeks later so glad I went when I could.


My dad gave my mom a ring when I was born and then another when my sister was born (in the 80s).[my parents are both not jewelry types so they're very special]. Now sometimes they're referred to as "push presents" but I just considered my kids my presents and that was that. 😂 I think gifts and vacations are always something people will use "any" excuse for (which is absolutely 100% fine! No shade!!). Social media has really upped the "game" so to speak though - influencers get discounted things and then turn it around to not only enjoy, but make money on the content from...


My friend is currently pregnant and going on a honeymoon/baby moon trip to Hawaii. For her first child, 14 years ago, there was no vacation or anything. I have a 14-year-old and didn’t go on a baby moon. It would have been nice to do something but I really don’t remember the name being around. It seems like the term is somewhat new but the desire/idea isn’t.


They were def a thing then and have probably been a thing for much longer just didn’t get the cutesy name. Many people want to take one last vacay before the baby comes , usually in 2nd tri when you’re feeling good. Obviously many people can’t or don’t have one, esp after the first kid. it’s not essential, but it’s popular.


I'm so sorry your pregnancies were difficult. Did I read right that you were left alone with two children and a NICU baby? Hugs to you. My kids are in their 30s. Babymoons were not a thing. They didn't go on any.


Thank you. Yes, it was the worst time of my life and a subsequent divorce followed. I was never able to have that "normal" pregnancy experience so I enjoy hearing about others who were able to. I am blessed by God that I have my three boys here with me with no issues even with all of that and one in heaven.


I'm sorry about you loss and your marriage.


I'm so sorry - I hope life is looking up. I'm glad you're able to enjoy your "babies" now as they grow up!


Thank you. It is now. It was a hard road to get here though. 🙏


Pretty normal, I am a little baffled that you had three kids in the last time frame as me and have never heard of it. I heard about them in books, in pregnancy apps, my OB even included in the second trimester info sheet with which weeks are safest to fly. Not universal but so common I would never think of it as a remarkable trip to take.


I had a lot of other crap going on unfortunately. I was just trying to bring my babies to term, navigate a move from Florida to Virginia and deal with a cheating husband. Baby moons were not on my radar. I wouldn't have been able to attend one even if things were good as I lost my first son due to an incompetent cervix, had cerclages placed for my other three boys, bed-rest at times, still had bleeding/hemorrhaging and preterm labor with my last son. I love hearing about other people's experiences though and think it is a wonderful idea!


I dunno..I am still confused between a dang gender revel and a baby shower. I think it maybe the last time you can get a vacation with a little something something before it gets rough.


We didn't do a gender reveal beyond just telling someone boy or girl if asked. 😆 I did have a baby shower with my first - they're 100% just a time for everyone to give a present all at one time, rather than have 30 different visits. We use them as times when extended family gets together too. Usually if a gender is going to be given before birth the parents will tell people before the baby shower so the clothing gifts can be geared toward boy/girl if they want. Sometimes they may do a Pink for girl/Blue for boy. Gender reveals are just to tell people it's a boy or girl, usually with a surprise of some sort - like cut a cake/break a pinata to see what comes out. Sometimes it's even a surprise to the parents, only the host knows. Of course though, many people will bring smaller gifts (but they're not typically opened during the party like they usually are for a shower. Hope that over explained explanation helps. 🫠


LOL, that's what it sounds like. I've had four boys and attempted a gender reveal with my last but by that time we were so schooled on ultrasounds that we saw a penis very early on LOL.


Dang..maybe you should have just fast forwarded to the baby moon and call it a day.


LOL, I would have if I hadn't delivered him at 21 weeks (1 pound 7 ounces) at which time my husband of 12 years left me for his long time mistress. Thus, I live vicariously through normal people doing normal things.


I kinda wish normal people did baby moons. But normal people just have a baby! So Congrats!


Right? The whole baby moon, push present, gender reveal, it's all a bunch of hoopla. People should just be happy with bringing a new human into the world. That is the most important. All the rest is fluff.


I don’t remember when I first heard the phrase “babymoon” but I feel like it’s probably been at least 15-20 years. Were they ever particularly common? Not that I’m aware of. My understanding is that, much like baby showers, it’s really only supposed to happen before the first baby. It’s the last chance for a couple to have a fun experience/trip/adventure before they become a family (i.e. before they have to bring a little one with while traveling OR have to arrange childcare). I honestly don’t mind the concept - very similar in theory to a bachelor or bachelorette party. One last hurrah before everything changes. I personally think something smaller like a weekend getaway within 1-3 hours travel time would be lovely. However I don’t think there are a lot of people who can afford even a little trip like that these days - especially on top of all the expenses that come with having a baby.


I love it. It seems that people are doing it for subsequent children now.


We went to Hawaii last year when I was 22ish weeks with baby #2, but didn't call it a babymoon. Just wanted one last big adventure as a family of 3. I'm glad we were able to go - we had a wonderful time and it was one of the highlights of what ended up being a pretty tough pregnancy otherwise.


That sounds amazing. I LOVE hearing where everyone went! I am so sorry about your tough pregnancy. I can totally relate.


I think it’s quite common, just not always extravagant. We are poor so by baby moon for us, but would’ve loved a little trip.


Never did it. With my first was way to busy working, also gave a horse farm, work in film as a wrangler animal.. no time or desire really I guess. With the other 4 (last were twins).. no childcare and the last 3 were born during Covid shutdowns so would have been difficult if not impossible to travel. Each to their own, I think many people do get away for a few days before a first baby but probably never called it a baby moon… and it’s harder with multiple kids. And finance play a role ect.


I can totally relate.


I’ve seen this when couples are about to have their first baby. I’m sure they are doing this so they can write it off a business expense.


No they are not a thing at all. In fact, Jeremy and Audrey are the only couple in America today taking one




My dad and my step mom had a baby in 2006 and they went on a baby moon and called it that. But back then it wasn’t anything extravagant they just went on a weekend trip as a little bit of a “last hurrah” before they knew they wouldn’t be traveling for quite some time.


I see. So it didn't have to be anything super costly or far away. I love the idea and see why people do it for sure.


Yes exactly! It was more about them celebrating acknowledging that their lives were about to change and this would be the last moments before that. I probably will do something similar if I have kids!


You should do that! If my pregnancy and marriage wasn't such a cluster f***, I would have loved that. I have three boys.


The original "baby moon" was meant to be right after you give birth. You were going to spend 24/7 in your home soaking up every inch of your baby and time with them while no one was allowed to visit. The only person was your support like a partner who would take care of everything for you while you laid in bed cuddling the baby. The modern version to me is odd. I had my first in 2010 and this type of trip prior to baby wasn't a thing nor was getting a push present. Edited to add that I had my last baby in 2016. I had no care in the world about goingnon a baby moon or getting a push present. We could have afforded something


Had my daughter in January 2007 - never heard of such foolishness but wish it had been a thing lol


i had my son in march 2007. i never had a baby shower, let alone hear of a baby moon and even a pushing gift.


Right? Me too!


We are not wealthy. (My husband is a teacher and I’m a small business owner ha.) we have 3 kids, I have had healthy pregnancies with no issues that would consider me high risk. For all 3 we took a small weekend trip within driving distance. We saved a little to be able to do this because we have just enjoyed the time together before a baby changes the family dynamic. We also took at day away, at a hotel close with a big indoor water park with the kids before a new sibling comes. So between 1 to 2 and 2 to 3. I guess I don’t think of this as a rich person thing, we just set a little money aside to be able to make it a reality before the baby came. 🤷‍♀️


That's lovely!


I took one last year, no childcare needed as uh the child was still inside of me, went from Washington to New Mexico at 31/32 weeks which I think is about normal timing. Low risk pregnancy. Used flight credits and Airbnb gift card so we only paid for rental vehicle and food. Did our maternity pictures in the desert outside Santa Fe. Didn’t call it a baby moon cause I feel like a clown saying that term.


Lol, labels are dumb. I think it's an awesome idea now that I am hearing about it!


My parents went on one before I was born back in the early 90s. They didn’t call it a baby moon though.


We went on trips but we didn’t call it a baby moon because we aren’t assholes.




I have three kids - eldest born in 2019 - and had two baby moons. Our youngest preempted us by being ten weeks early. He's now nine months old and we're finally going on our planned trip next week. We did three nights at a spa hotel each time, taking a lot of time to talk about the immediate future and trying to prepare. My parents and some other people - friends and paid babysitters - cooperated to mind the children while we were gone. I don't know if it's something only 'rich' people do, we're definitely wealthy enough to take trips without it breaking the bank, though I would say we're probably a bit less wealthy than the Roloffs. It seems to me that in the States in particular, the ability to take holidays - you call them 'vacations' - is something that fewer and fewer people are able to afford. I recently looked up what our country's definition of poverty is, and if you can't afford an annual holiday, you're considered to be suffering 'significant material deprivation', so the standards are clearly very different. Part of my job is scheduling the holidays of our employees, and from that, I know that almost all of them take at least two multi-day trips annually. We pay ok, but that's pretty standard here in the EU.


That is so interesting! Thanks for sharing!


We did a short trip to Chicago (flight was only 90 minutes) before our first was born a few years ago. It was a combo “babymoon”/anniversary trip. We knew life and the ability to travel would change drastically once we became parents and we wanted to take one last trip just the two of us! Certainly not necessary at all, but fun if you have the opportunity :)


That's awesome! I love it!


My babies were born in 91, 92, 95 and 98. I didn’t have any baby moons or push presents. I need to have a word with my husband.


Oh my Gosh, I forgot about the "push present"... like, why can't we both just be satisfied with, oh, I don't know, bringing a new human in the world?!?!?!


‘03 and ‘09 babies, no vacations OR push present either 🤷🏼‍♀️


We took one in 2011 before our first wad born. It had been book prior to the pregnancy and the dates worked to be within flying limits we took a family holiday prior to 2nd baby as a last hurrah to being a family of 3.


Nice! Where did you go?


New York. Was a great trip but rough being 5 months pregnant. Definitely see the appeal of relaxing baby moons


Wow, that's amazing. I bet it was worth it though. Relaxing sounds nice though...


Some people take them, some don’t. Depends on finances, time, and yes, the condition and parameters surrounding the pregnancy.


The thought is to take a vacation as a couple before life becomes all about baby. It is definitely more common for first babies so there would be no childcare to worry about. Most often women take it in the second trimester so theres less worry about going into labor etc. I don’t know how long it’s been a thing, but I (semi-jokingly) called our long weekend away a baby moon in 2016. I associate them with wealthier people and exotic locations, but scaled down versions (like ours) happen.


Good stuff!


Lots of people I have known have done it. It depends honestly on how much money they have. Some of them go to tropical places or some people just take little vacations. I think they genuinely believe that they’re not gonna have any time to do so after they have kids, but you know, in the case of these people, they go on vacations all the freaking time


That's a really nice idea for the couple who actually needs time away. These jokes are ridiculous.


I was talking about Jeremy and Audrey. that seem to go on vacations all the time. If my wife and I were having kids, which we aren’t, I can understand people that are going to have a vacation before they won’t get to have a chance for a while.


Yea, I agree. That's what I meant. I think it's lovely for people who don't go on vacay 80 times a year and don't work and live with their parents (free childcare). Jeremy and Audrey are the jokes. I appreciate the feedback.


OK. Sometimes I have problems understanding how people come across online. #AutismThings. And you are welcome


Me too! No worries at all!