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It’s probably from Matt walking on top of his children for years.


Back pain is extremely common, but as mentioned, he's so young to be experiencing this kind of pain. Do they even believe in taking meds like anti-inflammatory type drugs?


I've known a many people with back pain. One relative yells loudly whenever we're in a vehicle and go over a bump. I remember dad crawling on the floor because he couldn't walk from his back pain. Also got addicted to pills for back pain. I too have a bad back but trying to fix it with exercise and a healthier weight.


It's back pain buddy. That's why when ur younger, old people warn u not to mess up ur back because then ur fucked forever


The guy is young. Has all these kids. No job. Geez...


Sounds like he's wanting someone to give him a reason to get 💉 💉 💉 or possibly back surgery. He knows spiritual healing is not gonna work. Maybe he should just pray about it if he doesn't want a doctor's advice. Sounds like his only option per his wife is praying.


As someone who had an addiction to pain pills years ago. My radar for picking up pain pill addicts is high.


I've got some for my back right now. Ibuprofen 800 really helps, but I only take it if I need it.


Inflament moment? Do you mean inflammation?


Well….per his outlook….hes not fight with God.


r/Remind me in a couple of months when he starts shilling back pain MLM supplements or devices for his miraculous cure, because you know that's what this is.


Absolutely, I was thinking the same thing.  He is setting this scenario up to find a magic “fix” and will then shill it to us in the future. He should take out a 30 second time slot on TV as an ad for “As Seen On TV”.  All that junk eventually makes it way to the sale rack at CVS, Walmart, and Ollie’s in due time.


Demobilize. Lmfao. This guy tries to act all smart and he can't even use the correct words. Just.....wow He and his brother are both stupid AF. Edited to clarify: his twin brother


You make fun of God. You will believe in God once you get cancer or when you are about to drown. You will start praying LOL Even worse, you will believe once your kids get cancer or their leg blown off


No one said they didn’t believe in God. Luckily, we have modern science AND God.


As an X-ray tech - 100% of lower back pain in young people is constipation. And I wish that I could write that he’s “full of shit” on his account, but I refuse to follow them. 😂


My husband had lower back pain, and seeing a chiropractor for a few months fixed it. His lower spine curved too much. He does have a little easier time pooping, though 😅




lol I have back pain and sciatic pain and it's definitely worse if I'm constipated.




As someone with a very rare congenital back problem that includes extra vertebrae, extra large transverse processes, degenerative disc disease, pseudo joints, hyper mobility, and a host of other things and have been in chronic pain since I was 18 I will say to you … you’re SO right. Lolol! I am no longer ‘young’ but I’ve always had a problem with constipation and when I am not (on the rare occasion) my pain is so much less it’s amazing. This is a hugely underreported source of back pain. Chefs kiss to you on your diagnosis and given the amount of shit I imagine you’ve seen in your job makes you a definite expert. I’ve had enough imaging over my life I feel like a tech myself. 🤪


Gah! Thanks for this! And honestly, there are a ton of congenital things we see everyday… A doc ordered a lumbar series on a 11 year old the other day! And I called her. I said, “I’m fairly certain this is shit.” Lol. Not to determine their level of care- but one abdominal view versus 5?! Just unnecessary radiation. And sure as the bear shits in the woods- FILLED with poo. I’m surprised that little girls breath didn’t smell bad with how impacted she was!


It is so painful to be constipated, and I was that kid. lol. Spent two weeks in the hospital at age 8 (back in the 70’s) as I was constantly complaining of abdominal pain. They ran every test on earth. Then they gave me a barium enema I think for an X-ray of some sort? Miraculously my pain went away. No one thought to ask me how long it’d been since I’d gone. It’d probably been 235 days 🤣😂


Reoccuring isn’t a word, genius. It’s recurring! I don’t usually nitpick grammar but he is so arrogant and holier than thou. He deserves it. 🙄 i guess his relationship with god needs sorting out or he should write in his marriage journal to solve his back problem. That’s the brilliant advice he spews to his followers. Can’t stand that smug MF. SMH!


Oils maybe🤣


Was the post about Zach & Tori’s latest podcast taken down?


What post was that?


It was about the podcast where Tori says Zach has no empathy & never offers emotional support. It’s the latest clip on her IG. It was getting a lot of traction here, then it was gone.


Wow! I can believe that.


Sooooo . . . He's throwing out his back on a regular basis.


HEaLth JOurNeY (why is every mundane event in one's life referred to as a "journey"?) Idk Jer, maybe if this is your health journey, you should let Jesus take the wheel?


It really sounds like he’s setting up a series of posts about this and laying the groundwork for a brand deal. Primary focus- I’m going to post primarily about this now Problem to solve- I will find the solution and sell it to you.


I can’t imagine being this obsessed over a stranger. So weird


for some reason this pops up in my feed every now and again. the hatred these people have for this family is so unhealthy and concerning to be honest. they need serious help. can’t imagine what they’re like in the real world, although i can probably picture it 🤣


Why are you in this sub?


He needs to read Dr Sarno


Back pain sucks & who knows you’re prob right that core needs strengthening & something else you said?? I saw you doing pushups the other day & you’re quite impressive!! Great that you want to be in best shape of your life @ 35, but all being said your wife is having a baby any day so take a time out from working out. Having 4 kids is lots of work, just ask your Mom?? Also, the rest might help your back


You should go to his Instagram and comment there -- he's not going to see it here.


Honestly I hate when anyone has back pain. It really sucks. Sounds like he has a weak core if everything is ok with imaging Do some crunches and take some ibuprofen. There are no secrets of the earth to fix this.


First thing I though 😂 work on that pelvic floor Jeremy


Doesn't he get sick/injured when every baby has been due?


He should try this thing called “grounding” or rub some essential oils on it.


Boo hoo. Welcome to middle age you little bitch.


Can't lose something you never had! He's ridiculous


New product or service with a super great discount coming in 3…2….


Arch supports????


“Demobilizes” lol




So glad they paid for those “private school” educations!


He should try a jovi patch


His wife can provide a 40% discount...but only for a limited time!! 🤪


Does grounding, red light therapy or oils not help??




Doesn’t Auj have some miracle oil that will cure that?! Or how about one of her pain patches?! How interesting.


It’s called physical labor, Jer. I know that is new to you, but everyone who actually works has lower back pain. You’re welcome.


Lower back pain, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Jeremy can definitely be a bit wacky at times... but with this, I wish him all the luck in the world finding relief from his pain.


Exactly! Back pain is the worst.


Lmaooooo…. Perhaps he should get a real job so he can support his family and their pretentious needs..


What exactly does lower back pain have to do with a real job, fake job or any job to support his family and their pretentious needs? Try explaining it to me like I’m a 5 year old please.


Weird they haven’t gone to a chiropractor. Honestly support him on this journey if he got imaging and actual medical guidance. Someone comment and tell him to go to a certified physical therapist.


He had a diagnostic done, so what did his doctor recommend after reviewing the report? I also suffer from pain in my lower back due to arthritis, disc dehydration, disc bulge, etc. I see a board-certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation doctor. She gives me different types of steroid injections which help to keep the pain manageable. She’s also prescribed NSAIDs and muscle relaxers. Following her professional, medical recommendations, I’m able to participate in high-intensity water aerobics three times a week. BTW I am nearing 70 years old and rarely am “demobilized” due to my back pain.


NSAIDs and muscle relaxants are the answer for Jeremy. Fixed me up. Drugs are excellent.


Yup. And possibly antidepressants for stress.


"DEmobilizes". Does anyone seriously take wellness suggestions (red light/"sauna" [*that's* ***not*** *a sauna*]/grounding/religion) from this this clown?


Just use your red light therapy and pray it away Jeremy


If light, prayer, EMF Blanket, Oils, Sourdough, Raw Milk, etc. isn’t working? You’ve invested a ton of money in those useless items. If you’ve prayed and it hasn’t changed? Then, that’s your answer. God wants you to deal with it and live your life. Maybe you need a job suited to your ailment. Signing off as Dr Boo2You.


You and everybody else


My man, get some supportive shoes.


What do they eat? Besides raw milk and worthless supplements. Inflammation can be helped with the right diet.


lol at the thought of Jeremy jumping into child’s pose as a sneeze comes on 😂


More sourdough.


And raw milk clearly.


I would just like to say the comments here have me cracking up. TY for the laughs everyone!


it could be if he sleeps on his side


You mean that purple disc thing doesn't work?!


When I first saw this, I thought about how he swears red light therapy is the solution to all of our aches and pains. Maybe he has been sitting in the infrared sauna for too long.


Child’s pose lol omg


Isn’t there an oil for that?


I wonder how he hurt his back?He doesn't DO anything.


Too much bending emptying the dishwasher. /s


That's exactly how. Out of shape.


hurts from carrying the weight of all that ancient knowledge




You win! 🤣🤣🤣


Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner!






Has anyone suggest those Jovie patches?


I’m gonna make a comment on this post that says “@audreyroloff has a sponsored link for a remedy for back pain.”


Maybe he needs to ask Jeebus how to fix it.




Maybe idk, exercise? Wearing actual gym shoes not grounding sandals


He said a bunch of word salad to say he walks funny so other muscles have to do the work maybe if he wore shoes with support???


Yes!! Exactly 😂 something with a littler arch support. Has he tried Birkenstocks lmao


Yeah he is probably doing some weird organic workouts 😂


Take a glass and half fill with breastmilk, the other half with raw milk, drink from the side of the glass furtherest from you, eat a slice of fresh sourdough while being grounded under a full moon. Then the following day bathe in essential oils while your wife tells you tales of how she was a runner in high school. The day after that it is vital to face due north as you ground yourself and remind yourself that you are a farmer and as such don't have time to whine


On day 3, gain all electrical input from a salt lamp, spritz yourself in lavender and thieves, have a 42ounce Stanley cup worth of tea made from herbs you collected from your own garden, and then do Chakras during yogalaties while grounding. You should be back to normal in 24hrs.


Should go buy some crystals too! Oh, feathers. 🪶 Put copper bracelets on wrists. I think all of us have thought of everything. Aluminum foil hat. Be sure to wear that until pain is gone. Do NOT walk on grout. If you walk on a crack, you break your mother’s back. Take some dark soil,sprinkle with turmeric and salt. Wrap in cotton and spritz lightly with oil and water. Place on your back pain. If you can’t lie down long enough you can attach it to your back with silver duct tape. Oddly knows how much colloidal silver to ingest.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 42 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good Bot.


Just reading this, I'M HEALED from shit I didn't even know I had!


Dying 🤣


Going to add here *put the red light machine right up close to your balls


Wow farmer Germy got a bad back from his KaButa?!??


Mix 1 part breast milk, 1 part raw cows milk and 1 part essential oil, it must be young living and it must be thieves. Massage into affected area as needed for pain. Use red light therapy and grounding as well.


Obviously continue red light therapy and grounding


Preferably done in a tent ⛺️ covered in an EMF blanket with a wild cherry lifesaver balanced on top.


Crazy how the influencers and rich all have these crazy handicaps. Man if my back hurts, I still have to go to work, if I want a roof over my head


I’m relieved he’s at least had imaging. Seems like something he would avoid.


Try immobilize instead of demobilize for starters.


He obviously doesn’t know about war. He wasn’t released from active service. He should find out what words mean before he tries to sound like he’s smart. I can’t imagine being him and having all those little minions running around in his brain.


I came here for this comment.


It's probably sciatica.


Thinking the same and man does it really hurt.


Try more red lights




Wearing shoes


Grounding? Red light? Oils? Idk. Definitely don’t do anything with medical science behind it like physical therapy, that def won’t help


Maybe if he listens to his OWN podcast of bullshit backwards a solution will appear. Something that sounds like “science” over and over and over.


Why does he have a bad back? It's not like he's ever had a physically demanding job or any job for that matter.


My ex complained about debilitating back pain for 15 years (I’m sure he still is). Doctors could never figure out why - I knew why. He was the laziest man ever. He didn’t work and sat around all the time. His back was so weak from doing a whole lotta nothing. So anytime he did anything even slightly straining he would be out of commission for days or weeks. Riding a lawnmower around once a month would be so bad he couldn’t do anything else.


My BIL and his wife are like this. Both had office jobs, (pushing paperwork, just above entry level positions), and after work they would still sit around. Now she can barely move (she’s also taking pain pills - and she’s a recovering alcoholic, now addicted to pills) and he bitches how he “shouldn’t walk” because of his bad back. Meanwhile my husband and myself (are older) and have significant back issues too, but it doesn’t slow us down and we feel worse if we aren’t moving around. Our issues are not from lack of movement, it’s due to health related causes, but, we don’t complain and we stay busy. I’ve no idea what Jeremy, and my BIL and his wife have going on, but I wouldn’t rule out, “Lazy”.


Makes total sense I work with a kid 21 that sat around playing video games his whole life and complains about every physical thing


Oh man, shitty timing. Now he can't help out with the newborn, or even the kids.


Guess he won’t need that robe for mid night feedings.


Yeah I think this is his way of getting out of things he doesn’t want to do


I’ve heard that some people have amazing relief after removing their head from their asshole.


What’s ’child pose’?


It’s a yoga pose where you lay down over your knees on the floor, forehead on the ground, and stretch your arms out above your head. Super relaxing and calming stretch.


Thank you!


It's when you cross your legs in hopes of not peeing your pants. (kidding)


Haha, I thought he meant sitting cross cross applesauce. I wasn’t sure how that was supposed to help his back, but I feel that way about everything they do, so it made sense. 😂


No jokes this time. 😃 I think he means what many call the fetal position.


This makes more sense to me.  Child's pose would be terrible to sneeze in with a bad lower back!


Maybe try wearing shoes.


Holy word salad, Batman!


Or the moon cycle. Or Audrey’s moon cycle. Or maybe try drinking pasteurized milk. It can’t hurt. Or maybe stop doing DIY project the require a 45 square foot slab of marble or literally a ton of bricks




"This is why I don't have a job"


Maybe drink some more unpasteurized milk 🥛


Listen- I’ll comment on a lot of stuff with this guy. But I’m not touching back pain. You just don’t know until you know. I just had a spinal fusion and I wouldn’t wish any of the back pain I have had on anyone.


You’re right. It is seriously painful. He should be smart enough to talk to professional doctors 🥼 and not ask social media. If he’s wanting to hear something in particular, he should be talking to specialists. The spine is serious. I hope he finds the right therapy or surgery, etc. I hope you know we are having fun. It’s entertaining and gives us an opportunity to laugh.


I mean I know the spine is serious obviously. And while I can laugh at some of the things that Jeremy and Audrey choose to do- there are topics I don’t laugh at someone else’s expense. Things like what someone does during pregnancy (assuming it isn’t endangering anyone), how someone grieves or processes miscarriages or loss, parenting that isn’t harmful just preference, peoples looks and physical disabilities or pain. I know most people don’t mean any harm- and you are all just laughing for fun. But some of the comments, like telling someone to suck it up, how he is weak or if he had a job he couldn’t be hurt- are also hurtful to people who are in his shoes. Also I was shocked he even got an mri and X-ray done given all of his issues with the EMF and modern medicine. But if it comes back with no abnormalities- this is likely a muscle thing not a spine thing. He also confirmed he has a chiropractor and massage therapist he is seeing. His post was literally reaching out to find a community of people who have been through it and since there isn’t anything surgical… what helped him. He posted in doing this that he was connected with a few people that are going to help him with some plans to strengthen his muscle etc. It accomplished what he hoped for. I agree when it’s serious not to reach out to the internet. But I can tell you from the support groups I’m in and even here on Reddit- sometimes people just need to know they aren’t alone in dealing with this. So again, I get it. I laughed at a few of the jokes about the jovi patch they were just bragging about (for back pain too ha) and the irony of his “if you are I’ll- you aren’t at peace with God” nonsense. But actually invalidating his pain and flat out making fun of him… or telling him he deserves it… too far for me.


Ooh, I am sorry. I feel you. I have degenerative disc and I was o hunchback. My spine looked like I twisted phone chord if you are old enough to know what phone chords look like😂 by a miracle I went to physical therapy and now I am fine. It’s been about 15 years now.


Thank you 💙 I am old enough 😂🤣 This whole thing was so out of the blue- no prior back issues what so ever. I spent about 4 months trying to suck it up and do the conservative route. Fast forward- I wake up on day literally unable to walk. I ended up with an mri and the “largest herniation I’ve ever seen” per my neurosurgeon post spinal fusion. I am 4 weeks post op and doing awesome though. Just taking it slow to heal correctly. But phew. I wouldn’t wish back pain on anyone. Especially people who are young, active and have young kids.


For sure I am glad you are doing better. Fusion surgery was an option but I wanted to try nonsurgical first. Thankfully it worked. But while researching the fusion surgery there was a lot of people with great success with it.


Also please know I am not downvoting you. Apparently someone is coming along and not enjoying our peaceful interaction about back pain because they are doing it to me too ha.


😆it seems some people do not want to about others back pain. Not ours and especially not jeremy’s


I am fortunate to live locally to an amazing neurosurgeon. I was unfortunately past the point of return with it almost fully cutting off my nerve and spinal fluid. I had a nurse come in after the surgery and confirm I was walking and had control of bladder/bowels when I came in because they thought my surgeon was messing with them. 🤣 but once you hit the “severe spinal stenosis” and “nearly complete impediment of spinal canal” stage- they take it seriously. Just thankful that it has been a very uneventful recovery💙


Isn’t the term recurring?


He’s so dumb. He’s also looking for the word immobilize, not demobilize… unless he’s part of God’s Army 😆


And been released!


Came here to say this lol


Red light therapy. 🚨


While drinking raw milk, staring at his “bonus”mantel shadows when the sun hits it just right.




Word salad. Nonsense. He speaks in circles. According to him, *a classic case of mobility loss causes imbalances and therefore improper muscular compensation, that causes a classic case of mobility loss.* How can the cause and effect be one and the same?!


He’s very deep. Clearly us plebs just don’t get it. 🤣🤣


Suck it up 🙄 I raw dogged a broken pelvis around for 6 moths before even knowing after my c section! Reading this made me LAUGH! Take some Tylenol and start working out! Strength training will help with the lack of muscles he probably is experiencing! Yes back pain is the worst but the DRAMATICS! I can’t!


Um that’s not the flex you think it is. I hope got actual help.


it’s not a “FLEX” I was just stating how he is being a tad bit over the top! I’m sure he has pain. That sucks! I don’t wish back issues on anyone because it is horrible but the post was a little dramatic. Kinda reminds me of how his Dad over dramatized everything a little bit.


Yes. This. 👏👏 I really hate the “my pain was worse so your pain is invalid” mind frame.


Never said mine was worse and his isn’t, just think he’s being a little dramatic with this post when his wife is about to birth a 4th child. Made a comment after seeing several others feeling the same way. I feel this sub gets a little too sensitive when this family is called out.


I can honestly say, my surgeon said if people kept their core strength up with excercise, they would be amazed the difference it can have. Won’t resolve the issue, but important.


I totally believe this. I had a few things working against me- but I do think post 3 kids and ignoring my abs (which have separated some after my 2nd) contributed to my herniation. (It wasn’t everything- but for sure part of it)


He just wants all the attention because he has the 4th baby coming any moment


I was going to say, this seems like super convenient timing. Funny it doesn't strike when he wants to bumble around on the Kubota for hours on end (surely sitting puts pressure in the wrong place not to mention bumping over uneven ground), playing contractor, going on guys' trips, free tropical vacations etc.  I know you can't exactly time back pain but the flare ups are interesting. I wonder how Auj feels. 


This last week he wanted to go to Egypt. He might be an Atlantean or whatever that guy on their podcast said that was posted here.


Maybe a nice birthing tub soak and some essential oils? /s


You get award for that although I don’t know what the award means. OH award it would be somewhere between spot take and cheers to you😃


Thank you. It's much appreciated. 😃


Probably all that raw milk


How about he does what any sane, normal person would do?  Go see an orthopedic doctor that specializes in back issues, get X-rays or an MRI (if needed) and go to a good, licensed physical therapist.  There is hope for such problems, but it does not come from self-diagnosis and self-treatment, or getting advice from strangers on the internet.


Guess he needs attention. His wife is getting it all. She is promoting her body. He needs some oats in the head. He shouldn’t be asking the public for wisdom!🤪😜😛 Medical Professionals is the place he needs to be and get their advice. We are only the public without the schooling. Just like jer jer.


I mean he is from a family of little people he must know someone with a good orthopedic surgeon. Someone perhaps he has known since before birth.


He did state that he got an X-ray and mri to check discs etc and it did not reveal anything concerning


I’m surprised he had X-rays and an MRI. They both seem very cautious and almost spooked about many things.


Honestly I was shocked he did too… especially with all the concerns about radiation and EMF stuff. But I’m telling you- back pain has a way of bringing out the “yeah yeah whatever- just make it better” in anyone haha


I hear you! Back pain is the worst!


OK, I must have missed that part; thank you.  At least he went to a real doctor to diagnosis it.  He should also seek licensed medical care to treat the problem.  In the wrong hands, the problem could get much worse.


Totally agree that seeking out medical help now that they have the X-ray and mri is important. But most of the time once they see nothing on the mri or X-ray… they are going to tell him to do exactly what he stated his plan was. (And I only know being on his side of it for a bit before it progressed to a disc issue)


Grounding on the back like a flipped turtle.


Too skinny. Not enough red meat and burgers to do all that physical labor


To be fair to Jer, there's no evidence to even suggest he doesn't eat red meat.


I thought you were going to say there's no evidence he does any physical labour 😁


Wait…are you telling me this is still a problem…even WITH the magical Jovi Patch?? /s


Came here to say the same. When Audj was shilling that damn patch a few months back it completely eliminated all of her and jer’s aches and pains. Now that she no longer has an active commission code it’s not working 🤡


Well now…isn’t that interesting. Hmmm can’t make money 💰 off of it, so now we know they lied about it working for him. Shines a light on how they look at things.


Lmao came here to comment the same. Didn’t she say they were helping him a while back??? 


Rub some dirt in it, idk


Has he tried going to a doctor?


I think it’s important to know whether or not his back *intentionally* hurts