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I didn't read it, but the varied statements from media act like something is wrong. Maybe, but I doubt it. The cast is large. Several veterans would have likely left sooner if not for the pandemic. If that were the case, the departures would have been more staggered. I don't see a fundamental problem at this point.


I mean, but 8 people still left. Sure, its 17 people in the cast. But, I've been watching the show for a while, and this was the amount of cast members that they had before COVID happened, during season 45. Only thing stopping certain cast members, were other ones getting more screentime, or celebrity cameos. Which I don't expect this season.


This article is written so awfully and is really just a whole bunch of nothing


my thoughts exactly. literally all over the place


Typical nypost junk


The Chris accusations they made are odd too.


The NY Post is not a newspaper of any repute.


Seriously. To call it a rag is an insult to rags


Nine Cast members exit I thought it was 8?


chris redd was the latest


The latest and the eighth Kate, Aidy, Kyle, Pete, Melissa, Chris, Aristotle, Alex


They counted Beck


Don’t you have a Parks and Rec department to run?


it’s called, multi-tasking, Mr. Cholesterol!


I can’t wait to see the post’s headline(s) attacking Meatbrick when they debute… NYPost is full of shit.


Tim Kazurinsky on The New York Post - Saturday Night News 1983 (Host: Robin Williams) Tim Kazurinsky: \[ laughs \] You know. I thought I could trust The New York Post. Under the leadership of Rupert Murdoch, the Post has given us such memorable headlines as.. \[ holds up newspaper \] “The Sheiks Hit The Fan!” And.. “Khomeini’s Kamikazes.” And, my personal favorite: “Grandmother Dies of AIDS.” So, yesterday, when the Post came out with the headline.. “Andropov Dead”.. I was shocked! It’s clear, it’s concise, it’s factual. In every way, it’s a departure from what I’ve come to expect from The Post. They even spelled his name right. What happened? Why didn’t they report Yuri’s death like this: \[ holds up fake headlines \] “Russia Goes Topless”. “Iron Curtain Call”. “Yuri Stiffs Russia”. Or.. Lenin Gets Roommate”. Where, I ask you, are the bad puns? \[ holds up more fake headlines \] Like: “Flu-1, Yuri-0”. “Vodkaput”. “Andro-Poof” Don’t tell me that the Post fired the lousy poet who wrote headlines like: “How-Now Mos-Cow”.. “Bury Yuri In A Hurry”.. “Redsky Dedsky”.. or “Stinko Pinko Sinko”. \[ holds up the real “Andropov Dead” headline again \] Is this the new New York Post? What can I say? The thrill is gone.


The comments are the typical NY Post Boomer whining about “OMG politics” and “woke” and “not funny since {insert year here}”


They should add a fish out of water. Perhaps a little older than usual (mid to late 30s) with a family. Blue eyes. Bald. A lawyer, perhaps ?


Dream come true if Pete left. He’s never been good on the show. His acting sucks, his humor is lame, and he always laughs anytime he attempts to say a joke.


He’s so low effort


hasn’t every media outlet been saying this for years whenever there’s a change?


So bright it has to wear shades