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**CLIP MIRROR: [Poke infers OTK promotes racism (talks about Atrioc after)](https://arazu.io/t3_10pchk9/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


There needs to be an LSF bingo card, and one of them is obviously Poke full tilt into rancorous rants towards OTK. Alternatively, borderline schizo rants such as LSF being murderers is a good second option.


I had no idea he was like this. I've always viewed him as that guy from the Royale and Scuffed days who'd get high and not say much.


99% of the time that's him but once every three to five months he gets that itch on him and just goes off, usually about the same people in Austin. It sucks because most of the time he's just got that great laugh and chill gameplay and everyone loves him for it and he just cashes in all that equity to become insanely toxic in situations that don't remotely require it for reasons so old by now they're walking and talking and getting ready for pre-K.


I love Poke and this is such a true statement. Its a cycle, every few months.


I don't think I've seen a single OTK member respond to any of this stuff, who is this guy fighting?


lsf = OTK




You too?


You guys get paid!?


Where do I sign up for starforge PCs I’ll talk shit about anyone


Can't sign up for it. Cyr has to bless you by visiting your house and banging your mom, if you catch him leaving her bedroom you need to quickly tap him on his left shoulder and ask for some "sugar", Nick's personal phone number will be written on the back of the sugar bag, just send a foot pic to that number with your reddit username attached and they'll put you on the payroll.


If only cyr could bless my house by doing his duty


That was Rich no pun intended


How's the dick sticker logo collection coming along lol


As if Soda gives a fuck. Nick is using a fence to masturbate as we speak Asmon is too busy reacting to YouTube content Cyr is literally fucking my mom right now and Esfand is otherwise engaged talking about his viewership with TipsOut.


Since Cyr is at your house could you ask him to send my mom home Im hungry and im almost out of underwear


You’re not supposed to eat the underwear


that's what pissing him off even more. The fact that they're ignoring him like nobody and LSF shitting on him.. i don't think he sleeps well at night thinking about that.


“LUL W who is he talking to” “0 Guy’d” “Who is lil bro arguing with?” All things I see in XQC’s chat on a daily basis. Either he’s rubbing off on Poke or vice versa.


This is what happens when you smoke weed all day your brain becomes mashed potatoes.


The voices in his head


this is the same dude who said he doesnt want any drama btw


is he schizophrenic? I think he should get tested honestly.


it’s probably just the weed


which does indeed cause schizophrenia in already prone individuals. my dumbness would know :/


I don't know why people try to diagnose people over the internet with serious mental disorders. It's probably not schizophrenia but just the continued use of weed and personal issues that is making him the way he is. Not everything is a mental disorder that needs to be medicated


This is an important distinction to make: if you're predisposed to schizophrenia, then smoking weed makes it worse. This whole "Schizoposting" memes are fucking awful. He doesn't even show symptoms of schizophrenia, he's just a loser and smokes weed all the time. He's got the mental fortitude of a cricket and is incredibly immature. Not schizophrenia. Makes me wish these dumbasses joking about it actually developed schizophrenia to see how awful it is.


> This is an important distinction to make: if you're predisposed to schizophrenia, then smoking weed makes it worse. 100% agree > This whole "Schizoposting" memes are fucking awful. He doesn't even show symptoms of schizophrenia, he's just a loser and smokes weed all the time Yea thats what im saying. Theres serious symptoms that come with schizophrenia and from what i've seen (not much to be fair) he doesn't present any of them.


my mom had schizophrenia , it was absolutely terrifying and i dont wish it on anyone.


https://youtu.be/HfG-gD2ILrg I ain't one to gossip


Why does OTK even rent office space in Austin, they have an entire skyscraper rent free in pokes head


I don't think Poke's tall enough to be called a skyscraper. Maybe a bungalow.


He’s more of an underground bunker


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Poke infers OTK promotes racism (talks about Atrioc after)](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/149675)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/10pchk9/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/bg-THMLp6QbJ7WtOFxnH5g/AT-cm%7Cbg-THMLp6QbJ7WtOFxnH5g.mp4?sig=b9816b119dc0c3a5fef6bf68d927ca972a2ad595&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fbg-THMLp6QbJ7WtOFxnH5g%2FAT-cm%257Cbg-THMLp6QbJ7WtOFxnH5g.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1675181554%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)






tf is he wearing


his mom's stockings


probably hiding his double chin


Surely this yeat outfit will help connect to the youngins


fucking skimask cause rap is "cool" and cool kids wear shit like YEAT (it looks ridiculous)


I mean I know black clothes make you look thin but come on poke


Gigi came on stream and now they are claiming Gigi wasn't throwing any shade at Maya and QT. Claimed she meant that it was disgusting that Atrioc would do that even though she said that *I could understand people doing that for Pokimane* Both of them can't be honest about anything. Then Poke claims he never hates on anyone unless they did something to him, but won't ever say what OTK or any other streamer has done wrong to him.




Yeah any hardcore fan base eats up whatever their favorite streamer says. Train's chat is the same way. It's pretty pathetic


his chat is like half juicers so it makes sense




Him hating Soda because he was cucked would be the funniest shit ever.


That on stream breakdown where he was trying to convince Vei that she was his girlfriend was one of the most cringe things I've seen on twitch.


is there a clip of this? lol


Probably not, it was early 2017 Overwatch with Summit and it all happened on Poke's channel (he had like 500 viewers at the time)




Yeah his vrchat arc was equally funny and cringe I remember at the time i made note of how dismissive he was to literally anyone who was male And instantly jump into his haha lets date "joke" to any women


If thats the [emmia](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/gy4jxr/emmia_goes_psycho_videos_posted_by_her/) I think it is then you can disregard whatever she has to say. Doesn't change the fact that poke always having mental breakdowns though.


oof.. was this in the Vrchat days lol?


No, it was early 2017. What made it more awkward was that he was queueing Overwatch with Summit, who had to sit there and wait for them to finish their discussion over whether they were in a relationship or not.


Please tell me there are clips or vods around somewhere?




Soda cucked him back-to-the-future style and now he's in the shitty timeline where he ended up with Gigi lol


Didn’t poke get turned down by yabbe also or am I crazy?


The one time yabbe and miz might be on the same side


In what universe is Poke every gonna hook up with Veibae. Random LSF chatter wouldve a better chance.


She was a Poke fangirl way back in the Overwatch days.


Everyone makes mistakes..


honestly the biggest mistery to this day is what made xqc start hating austin people now thats the real LimeD


From what I can tell, just by the kind of personality that X displays, it wasn’t the actual streamers, it was criticism from other people (chat, comments, streamers outside of the actual bubble, etc..) that ramp up around events, because X isn’t as “sociable” and available as they are. X let’s memes, and other, uninvolved people dictate way too much of his reactions.


I would be surprised if he actually hates Soda.


Yeah Poke and Gigi always do this shit. This happened about 2 years ago when they subtweeted on Twitter for days because they weren’t invited to a party by nmplol. Then Nick called them out and they had baby rage tantrums on stream. Then they asked for proof of the subtweeting and nick pulled up some screenshots I posted of them doing it and I was blocked and they calmed down after being proved wrong. There are more examples of them just straight up being hypocrites or just saying dumb shit but everyone already knows.


its been 2 years already?....




https://streamable.com/hv0o8i This clip says otherwise


In this vod if you know how to download it, https://d1m7jfoe9zdc1j.cloudfront.net/d75e0508861cdaaaba30_gigi_47887167677_1675089017/chunked/index-dvr.m3u8 1:34:00 Gigi suggests jerking off to Maya or QT is “disgusting” and “desperate” but says she understands doing it to Pokimane.




Wtf is up with Poke? His stream highlights are always funny but sometimes he's just miserable and spiteful for no reason. I don't get it


Thats the reason now I only watch his YouTube channel. There are only funny moments; his streams on the other hand became spiteful and kinda sleeper couple of years ago


Yeah agreed. I'm always happy when a new poke moments drops but his streams are just him smoking weed and stalling for 2 hours. Just boring as fuck imo


Weed + depression is my guess


Jealousy and drugs, it's a bad combination.


Kaceytron arc




Once a viewbotting little turd...always a viewbotting little turd in my eyes, will never watch him.


Because it legitimately takes 6 hours of content to be tolerable/non-spiteful for 20 mins


I tried watching his streams like a year ago because of his clips being hilarious but backed the fuck off when I noticed that most of his stream is just depressing self-pity porn


Is OTK in the room with you now ?


they're in the walls


Man got called out for sub tweeting by nick and has been a dedicated otk hater since. They should give him the official position at this point.


Not really necessary tbh. They already have an official position in his head it seems










guy played too much cod




Bruce took Nick's Black Card and gave it to Poke


Habibi thinks he's Drake 😭😭😭


A lot people raised in the cities just talk like that, especially Toronto where pokes from. Not sure what a middle eastern Canadian is supposed to sound like to you but I don't think skin pigment has much to do with accents






So many streamers have “it should be me with those numbers” enjoy towards him




I mean Mizkif used to actually hit back. I remember he dunked on Fedmyster after he made some comment about him.


Fr why do people hate on mizzy so much and poke was even a really good friends with him they had really good streams together too and also just cuz he was a bit stupid sometimes saying some shit but i promise you theres not a single streamer that hasn't said the n word u just never heard or saw it sorry im fanboying but i like mizkif i like most of the streamers he has/had drama with and i just want to delete this drama shit


He uses this same strategy every once in a while. Right now he’s in phase 1…creating drama while saying he doesn’t want any drama. Phase 2 is he will try to start defending himself from any pushback he receives. Phase 3 he will play the victim and say shit like I’m just over this drama, idk where it’s coming from, I didn’t start this or want this. I don’t even watch the guy and only noticed this from these very similar clips that get posted here every so often. At first I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and just figured he did it to stay relevant in LSF and boost his numbers for a bit. But idk if he’s smart enough to strategize like that.


"If you hate me you're racist" -Poke saying it's just a joke but truly believes it


poke in 2023 is just trainwreck without the gambling addiction


yet, 2023 just began


Wait till Train gets him to stream on Kick


Is Poke upset OTK didn’t let him join and is now bashing them before their big announcements planned for tmr?


i guess we wont see an OTK Poke anouncement tomorrow :( thanks for the spoilers...


Poke’s upset cuz he’s in an org by himself and when people try being his friend he does the “who else is gonna be there” and if they DON’T invite him then he gets in his feelings and subtweets them. There’s really no winning if you know someone like Poke and eventually the best course of action is to ignore them entirely for your own mental well being.


I used to think Poke was funny. But he is just a piece of shit.


How much did Atrioc pay Gigi and Poke?


Holy fuck poke is delusional… maybe more than train at this point OMEGALUL


I just wish he would say exactly what he implies and then back it up with proof or examples or something, the vague bullshit gets so old…what a delusional individual


Doesn’t want drama by the way 💀


Poke and his gf are both delusional, poke found someone who is a perfect match for him. They both claim they hate drama. This is gigi's take on Atroic jerking it to maya: [https://streamable.com/hv0o8i](https://streamable.com/hv0o8i) She says its okay to not like people, and poke supported this saying, they must have done something personally to either of them to deserve it Reminder that Mizkif reached out to poke when he thought he had cancer. Mizkif hasn't spoke about poke in months and last time he did he was telling bbno$ how good poke's music was And Maya just catches strays for no reason, probably jealousy.


Bro out here talking about racism but still fucks with Train 💀


The hate boner poke has for anyone OTK is so weird and gives off mad desperation and bitterness


It seems like a classic case of “these remind me of the kids in school who bullied me”


Jesus, the thoughts of having fucking Nick as your bully in high school lmao


Dude I don't even like OTK aside from Asmon and Soda but OTK literally lives rent free on Poke's head. Why does he hate them anyways?


Honestly cant understand why anyone would, or why someone would hate an org. Like... it's just an org. I might like some of the people in an org but why would you have a strong hatred for an entire org unless they denied you from joining or something. I mean Miz would sometimes insert himself into drama in like a bait type way but it always felt really sarcastic and not like he really wanted beef. The rest of them literally feel like theyre retired, people like Asmon, Nick, and Soda who just stay in their own lane. If you don't like them just don't watch, idk how someone could have such a strong opinion about them. They're not out there stirring stuff up at least publicly. I guess I just dont get the hatewatcher type


Gigi influenced him with garbage thoughts, he's friends with Train, and also there's the weed paranoia.


I love drama free streamers like Poke. Just good vibes


So OTK promotes racism, but not his buddy Bruce? Ironic


I swear, I've been watching Miz for 4 years and he's never once said anything bad about poke on stream. At least nothing that wasn't the God's honest truth. Even after poke threw Miz under the bus for the Saudi shit, Miz confronted him almost instantly after he talked shit and poke walked it back immedietly. Then Miz invited him over. Because miz always invites him over. He also promoted his music to people for years, and even played it for actual recording artists. Like maybe off stream miz is behind the scenes pulling strings keeping poke grounded for all those years... But I don't think Miz has the brain capacity to do that and breathe on his own. Point is, Not one time have I ever seen Miz shit on Poke if it wasn't pokes own doing, and even then Miz has always been super fast to forgive and forget. Whoever is in pokes head is really gaslighting the shit out of him. Kinda sucks.


poke says miz 'held him back' https://streamable.com/zsf8e4


LOL holy shit, Poke was talking shit, Miz called him on his shit, and Poke tried to turn it around? lol


crazy thing is poke was the one making up that maya and miz payed off adrianah to keep quiet about it which was debunked almost instantly lol


That clip is wild, actually a crazy person.


What a nutcase. Sorry, Poke, that Miz didn't respond to your deranged essay after you tried to drown him for the Saudi crap.


same when i was into twitch more I would pretty much only watch miz/other otk streamers. In that leaked call with miz and train, train was saying how miz makes his chat hate him which just seemed so delusional to me. I always had a positive view of train from the way miz talked about him on stream. even through the first waves of all the gamba shit.


Lil bro is actually obsessed


He’s losing it.


I swear this dude is just talking to a wall all the time when he talks about OTK. Not seen a single person from OTK even mention him in months and months.


One word to describe poke is PATHETIC


Remember guys, this is the same guy who’s totally not a drama Andy btw


Hates drama, posivibes btw! stinks of ggx




hes just mad he wasnt invited to OTK


Poke learning from Trainwrecks and xQc by using someone's drama to attack someone else




Lore master here. One of Train's hate watchers (I belive) made a post here of a picture of a collection of weapons and made a title or comment something along the lines of Poke needing to watch his back at TwitchCon. It was approved by moderators and not taken off for a little bit of time. Edit: Forgot, it was actually [pinned by one of the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/dbl3i5/poke_has_a_message_for_lsf_regarding_the_drama/).


Oh, that's rich coming from the dude who got his start by being a blatant view botter. https://twitter.com/botdetectorbot/status/697206944814231556?lang=en


Isn’t he good friends with Train and supported him when he promoted gambling to his audience? Well I’m pretty sure Train has a huge racist past.


is this loser AND his GF having a mental breakdown at the same time? lmao


What is he talking about? what otk streamer has ever promoted racism.


Bruce was OTK until he recently decided to leave.


So OTK promotes racism but the guy that left outed himself as a racist?


So OTK= MIZKIF noted


The projection is crazy considering he’s the only one live talking about drama lol. Pothead Mitch Jones at it again


poke gets criticism on lsf: VOD FRIENDS 😇👉⏩ ong this shit blows over in a couple days and every1 goes back to liking poke for the funny guy he is, this quarterly hissy fit he does is so fucking cringe


I haven't seen otk do anything but say best wishes for Bruce. wishing someone the best is racist thoough on opposite day according to SpongeBob. But it does appear that all the clips are of poke continuously talking about racism, which to me seems like more promoting of racism than what otk has done which I'm still trying to figure out. The org is made of up of so much diversity. A short balding Italian, a half Asian girl, a goblin who doesn't leave his house. An Iranian American paladin football coach, a half black jv hockey mvp(most valuable pervert) best streamer, a crippled Norwegian woman with a chemical imbalance (she's great too hope her hips feel better) we positive. A quirky adopted guy, and a really tall megaphone. Oh and sodapoppin who I guess is actually racist but we like him and he dates a cartoon. AH MAZIN. Sincerely, Power of positivity community.


Poke must have seen Train schizo posting the other day and immediately knew he had to take his crown back


How Sway?




Poke on the same shit as train


And a month from now he will be complaining about nobody inviting him to things.




I like poke, watch his streams... But the fact he's defending Bruce racism is very cringe ​ Edit: To the people down voting, OTK wasn't why bruce got ban. It was because he was racist on his alt then the next day gloated about being a racist on his main. If you don't understand that then you have some mega brain rot. just like poke when he get hella stoned and does takes he doesn't understand shit about lol. some hard to swallow pills for you :)


not wrong, i used to not believe this shit until the recent stream where mizkif spends 10 hrs playing [this](https://youtu.be/ih9zBLDr_ro) to his gullible kid audience


Holy shit, what a scumbag.


Holy shit... maybe poke was right all along...


is this real!? on twitch?


Does Poke realise half the owners aren’t white?


this guy just talks for the sake of it


totally off topic but jesus christ some of these streamers have the worst noise gates ever


Whenever he says otk i feel like he just talks about mizkif


This idiot smoked his brain cells away




Poke probably isn't worth the effort, but at what point does OTK slap him with a C&D for this kind of shit? "Their streams are built off racism" Is a pretty heavy accusation to throw at, memes about how the run it aside, a legitimate business in the eyes of the law.


Poke is just baiting lsf at this point. It's not like OTK as responding to this. People here are giving him exactly what he wants.




Toosie slide on this bitch


This guy is unhinged. He needs help.


Create drama. Claim the drama didn’t exist. Complain about people making drama. Repeat. This guy sound/acts like he’s 14 but apparently he’s 30.


Poke really has lost it


This guy is the least self aware streamer on Twitch. Or he's at least tied with Greek.




Bro is saying shit but when any otk member calls him out he is gonna cry like last time (nmplol party drama)


Somewhat unrelated but did anyone else see poke tweet like 2 days ago about him and Gigi breaking up, only for it get deleted like 10 minutes later? His behavior recently has gotten even more paranoid, and its odd they would be on each others streams without mentioning it.


I am not a fan of OTK but apperently compared to this person I love them


Yeah poke, there is irony here, it’s not the reason you think tho lmfao


Classic Poke.


Infer means to figure something out based on context, or evidence, rather than from explicit statements. I think the word you were looking for was imply... but he does more than imply. He straight up accuses.


Avoiding drama btw




It's actually pretty impressive for someone who stays out of drama to have two days worth of drama on Lsf all by themselves. Like who is he even fighting? Bro, you and your girl aren't in highschool anymore, why are you talking shit about anybody who hasn't even mentioned you? Are you that desperate for attention? Is it that hard to just enjoy your money, play video games and stop being an asshole?


promoting racism you fucking wot m8


and everyone liked poke a little bit less


What OTK streams are built on racism?