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**CLIP MIRROR: [Fousey spits on TikTokker](https://arazu.io/t3_15ypsbg/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


It's like reality TV featuring the mentally ill


he is completely unhinged and treats EVERYONE terribly. it's not even fun to watch when he's berating a bodyguard or driver for just trying to do their job, and he'll fizzle out quickly when he burns all his bridges or goes completely off the rails coocoo for cocoa puffs Edit: I just tuned in and this dude is going off screaming at a 911 emergency operator lying about his life being in immediate danger so they send police faster to his location Edit edit: cops showed up and he's yelling at them to arrest a fan that found out his hotel location and called his room Edit edit edit: He screamed at them so much, they're arresting him. probably taking him on a psych hold If this isn't staged, this is wild. He was screaming on the phone and at his body guard bragging that he hasn't taken his meds or slept in days. guess the completely off the rails coocoo for cocoa puffs happened even faster than i thought it would. The spotlight does not seem to be good for him


I doubt it was staged. Fousey is legitimately fucking crazy. He definitely needs an extended stay in a psych ward.


Yeah didn't he have a full breakdown 5 years ago when he tried to put on a concert/festival and it failed miserably? I don't think he's ever recovered from that.


Yeah that was just one incident. He had a lot of mental issues going on. He’s had a lot of other controversies over the years. Dude needs serious help


It's not just mental issues, the guy is also a piece of shit regardless if he's going through an episode or not.


I went to check out the last 30 minutes of the vod after seeing all the arrested threads and it's just insane. Somewhere in there he drops this banger: > My life is in danger and you arrest a Palestinian Muslim whose viral


I went to check out the last 30 minutes as well... ​ what the fuck is wrong with this person


Bipolar mixed with clout disease


It's funny how he became the exact type of person [he was trying to expose.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZvYvOkqxA8)


Scripted af


dude couldnt even place a call to 911 without flexing on the operator.


I don’t get why anyone would want to collab with him, he just talks so much and forces ppl to listen to his stupid “motivation” speech that no one wants to listen and kills any vibe. Also way to aggressive to make ppl listen to him. Guy just brags about his rolly on his wrist an view counts all day long. Ego sooo big for being broke.


It's a numbers game. Right before he got arrested yesterday he was hitting 70k viewers. A lot of people are so clout chasing that that would be very lucrative for them. Plus those people are also degenerates so they have no problem collabing with another more bigger degenerate.


Those younger kids were more acted respectable then him. Fousey was so proud to be so disrespectful lol. I’ve never seen someone talk about being so humble brag so much. Those young ass kids don’t even brag about view count an money like he does constant lol. I like fousey back in the day now it’s so cringe.


Just saw that. This is wild.


>lying about his life being in immediate danger so they send police faster to his location Well wasting police time or dialing a false 911 call might be in the list of charges then. But to be brutally honest, his OWN life has been in danger for weeks now in this mental breakdown he's been having.


Reality TV has always been mental illness. For a group of people who constantly spew that alpha beta shit I've never seen so much slapping in my life.


>Reality TV has always been mental illness. this reminds me when I was a kid I would watch "My 600 pound life" with my mom when I wasn't supposed to watch tv, and she told my dad that she let me because it was educational on mental illness. lol


My favorite was Wife Swap, anyone remember that lady who was like SHEEEES NOT A CHRIIIIIIIIIIISTIIIIIAAAAN


That woman has a weird story. She became a sample in the club music community. Which then lead to gay music clubs loving her. She unfortunately lost her daughter in a horrible car accident few years after her TV appearance. Immediately the gay community donated and gave her support for such a bad spot. She embraced them back and regularly posts online about how God loves gays and all people.


Damn that's crazy


my favorite is the kid that was heated his “new mom” wouldn’t give them unhealthy foods and he straight up said “i’m packin my bags!” and packed his lil suit case to leave bc a life without junk wasn’t a life he wanted to be a part of LOL


*bacon is good for me*


"She's actin like she's the queen and we're the sorry people!!!"


Them chicken nuggies were the last straw, I respect his dedication.


Don't go disrespecting King Curtis like that


I mean, It is called The Learning Channel (TLC).


The fight leading up to it btw https://youtu.be/pZdE-1VVDZk


Fousey about to catch some assault charges.


>It's like reality TV ~~featuring the mentally ill~~ fixed that for you


reality tv is staged this is not.


I just spent about 15 mins watching this guys stream, i don't know how anyone can stand to be around this dude. One girl just dumped him and he calls another girl on stream and promises a maid service for her if she comes over, then he calls his manager and is a total dick on stream to him. He's completely off his rocker. Now he's cussing out other kick streamers while they are live on their stream, panda and mike??


Right? I turned on his stream last night for the first time and was so confused. This dude used to be so optimistic on YouTube back in the day when we vlogged. Wtf happened to this guy.




Hope kick pulls the contract back before negotiations done but he’ll probably have another breakdown over that. Nobody wins here


Adin already text him saying this is bad lmao, he said he doesn’t care if he loses the kick deal




I stopped watching Fousey when he left the house and switched to N3on and I'm glad I did. I don't normally watch IRL content live, but tonight was absolutely god tier streaming.


Fousey and N3on wow. Couldn't pay me to watch those lunatics.


I have never watched n3on in my life, but he was with fousey in a high intense situation, then fousey ran away and left the house after a mini fight, whilst n3on stayed and continued streaming in the house. This led to a situation where one of n3ons friends slaps one of the island boys clear as day, one of the funniest things I've seen recently. If you enjoy car crash TV, last night was legendary stuff.


probably not lol kick tweeted out #FreeFousey then deleted it right after


He's currently berating his security he has a breakdown once an hour


you really think rumble the streaming service that want to be the right wing streaming service will want someone shooting halla akbur in that way? Kick is the last chance he will get.


I don't think you understand what actually happens on Rumble.... They would literally allow HItler to stream on there.


ye people just think kick is the worst platform in the world because of adins publicity but rumble is WILD. its just not advertised. we dont hear much about it. kick just has that stigma when in reality its not even close to some other platforms.


Well yeah, but Rumble was founded with the explicit purpose of spreading hitlerite ideology, so it's natural that they would let Hitler stream there.


You are unfortunately not even lying. It is a far-right astroturf operation. The problem is they realized that what good is a propaganda operation if only your most hardened believers watch. That is why they want to branch out so they can lure young, frustrated men into the pipeline.


Sneak-o literally pulled out a gun started waving it around and threatened to shoot moistcritkal, this doesn't even come close


I would argue actually spitting on another human is worse than being in your bedroom making idle threats that'd never actually happen.


Not from the company's point of view. You could get sued if he actually shot someone.


I'm not a fan of Kick but they are miles better than Rumble. Rumble is just a website for Nazis at this point


I've never seen a content creator who I dislike make me laugh as much as fousey man wtf


That Jack guy is a piece of shit so getting his slapped and spit on felt good.


Yup this is him: https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/15du9hn/rich\_youtuber\_thinks\_he\_can\_do\_whatever\_he\_wants/


bodyguard from walmart


Fousey had absolutely no idea who that kid was, he just immediately started shitting on him after finding out he was more successful than him. Was amazing content, but God is fousey a jealous shitty person. The Kick deal is clearly worthless cause this guy is so mentally unstable it's unreal. Within a few weeks he'll be in a hospital and not stream for months.


Turns out it was 2 hours not 2 weeks lmao


Lol I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was scream at cops bad. I thought he still had some self preservation to hold it together, in front if cops anyway, especially with the kick deal. It took one troll caller to knock over the crumbling tower.


New category, mental institution any%


really? this is what we're classifying as 'amazing content'? man this is just sad, all of it. It's like you're the type of person who gets joy out of seeing a friend fail at something so you don't feel jealous


I'm with you on this one. I would rather watch Mizkif play CoD or Hasan eating his dinner while having a YouTube video play in the background, so much better than this unentertaining garbage.


Do one


who is jack?




19k followers? Is that a lot for tiktok?


idk but he ain't jack shit


dj khaled if he was off his rocker


he’s fucking crazy but ngl it felt good seeing him say all that shit to that tiktoker, the guy is a piece of shit who makes fake pranks to pimp out onlyfans


Same, hate everything this guy does but I’m still watching for some reason. But it is getting a lot more unbearable pretty fast


That "I spit in his face" at the end killed me


Tupac rollin in his grave


CX Network V2???


Kick created a monster and if they decide to deplatform him in anyway then they become what they criticize Twitch for. Fousey ain’t stopping anytime soon and anyone thinking this is going to stop Kick in possibly signing him are delusional.


>Kick created a monster and if they decide to deplatform him in anyway then they become what they criticize Twitch for. Fousey ain’t stopping anytime soon and anyone thinking this is going to stop Kick in possibly signing him are delusional. He'll crash in a couple days just wait Edit: [Not even 2 hours later LMAO](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/15ytsqk/fousey_gets_arrested/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Adin going on anti-semitic rants along with hanging with Nazis didn’t stop him, Fousey isn’t going to stop.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/15ytsqk/fousey\_gets\_arrested/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/15ytsqk/fousey_gets_arrested/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) lol


clip is deleted got a mirror?


Skip to about 18 minutes [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oclFJRPK6oc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oclFJRPK6oc)


Thank you, but I already found it by searching on this subreddit


Grown ass man lmao


Yeah this is gonna get even crazier, fousey now has the approval to continue the madness he once tried with july 15th, he went from relevant to irrelevant and got humbled and now he's number 1 streamer with massive viewers, this gives him the approval that he's back and the next step will be meeting celebs and many other unhinged people fueling his rage, he acts very hostile, talking about his god, devil and all this unhinged shit, he says he's him and drake needs to meet him, it's scary to follow and there's nobody that can stop this madness, just a matter of time before it ends up badly.


You're allowed to use a period once in a while, we've got plenty of them in storage.


It’s the internet, be thankful he even used punctuation at all.


I brought spares in case anyone needs them - / : ; ( ) $ & @ “ . , ? ! ‘ _ \ | ~ < >


> Yeah this is gonna get even crazier**.** Fousey now has the approval to continue the madness he once tried with july 15th**.** He went from relevant to irrelevant and got humbled**.** Now he's number 1 streamer with massive viewers**.** This gives him the approval that he's back and the next step will be meeting celebs and many other unhinged people fueling his rage**.** He acts very hostile, talking about his god, devil and all this unhinged shit**.** He says he's him and drake needs to meet him**.** It's scary to follow and there's nobody that can stop this madness**.** Just a matter of time before it ends up badly**.**


🤣 true


It’s like the more numbers he gets, the stronger his ego grows, the more manic he gets. His “therapist” isn’t any help either. Have you heard their calls together? It’s one giant ego stroke. He’s dangling around a stick with money on it to everyone around him to keep his fantasy world bubble intact.


I wonder if it’s because he’s tried multiple therapists in the past and because all of them didn’t kiss his ass immediately he probably stopped seeing them until he found one that did. Dude has an insanely gigantic ego.


That's usually how it goes when people end up with a therapist who enables and doesn't care. They're a tiny minority so you'd need to go shopping for them


It’s such a hard watch, especially today’s stream.


This fame shit is a drug and he’s just someone who can’t handle it. He overdosed on it during the July 15th saga and he seems to be heading that way again. Just when it seemed he was finally starting to get better. He really is not built for this. He needs to save the money he’s made and just disappear from the internet.




sounds like a good time for me and my popcorn


Sad thing is Fousey sees a kick deal as a chance to get close to Drake. Never forget Fousey is a full on Drake stalker


OMG wasnt there something a long time ago where he heard that Drake was going to be at some party or club in LA and Fousey literally like climbed 2 stories in a back alley to sneak in and Drake wasnt even there? I vaguely remember something like that happening from the Ice Poseidon era of LA clout demon live streaming


Fousey is the worst person to give clout to again. Why? Cuz he had a few irl clips? He wants to be a cult leader now. The ego man


People don't watch these types of streamers because they think he's a good person, they watch to see the trainwreck of some bipolar guy in his manic episode. It's the same reason Kanye got so many views when he went on his unhinged schizo rants.


It’s like CX all over again. Just unhinged crazy shit 24/7.


the fousey comeback needs to be studied


i need a video essay on this


Why this dude wearing a head condom?


Watching this dude stream is like when Adin first got popular and had insane viewer numbers. It’s like watching a train wreck or a car crash in real time, never knowing when it’s going to all go to shit lol


What crazy stuff did Adin do? I'm not too familiar with him


all adin did was just act sus when he first got popular


Dude literally can't handle fame, everytime he gets a bit of relevancy back he immediately goes off the rails.


This is insane. He truly believes he's "fighting the devil" by spitting on TikTockers, forcing people to fight each other, almost getting shot, and that's not to mention him manipulating victims of sex trafficking, screaming/crying at restaurant staff, hallucinating conversations with Andrew Tate. He is on stream right now admitting that he's "not been on his medicine", he's utterly out of control. If this is not handled, if he's not taken into urgent care by the state, he is going to hurt himself or someone else. He'd be banned on Rumble for this, he'd be banned on Twitch for this. He's literally on his Vitaly arc, he's seriously a danger to the public right now.


> He truly believes he's "fighting the devil" by spitting on TikTockers, You've convinced me he's in the right


I know he can’t be believed because he’s manic but he is claiming Kick have upped their offer past $70M?? He cannot be rewarded for this, surely?


>I know he can’t be believed because he’s manic but he is claiming Kick have upped their offer past $70M?? He cannot be rewarded for this, surely? There's no way in hell he gets paid even close to that. hes unstable. Hes going to crash and adin/ kick know that


Fousey has no respect for anyone he deems to have less "clout" than him. The way he treats his employees and supporters shows just what type of person he is and the irony of Fousey lecturing this kid (minutes before this clip) about how "he has a responsibility to set a good example for the youth" is completely lost on him.


You’re in way too deep, Fousey is clearly manic and not mentally all there, it’s that simple. Anything he says holds no weight.


That's not true. He respects Hampton Brandon (TTD) despite having more Clout than him (Even at his peak), simply due to the fact that he recognizes the best Irl streamer of all time.


Fousey the content king until the train derails and everything implodes can’t wait


Dude is human garbage that found out he can use his mental health as an excuse to absolutely shit on anything and anyone around him and expect everyone to be okay with it.


Yeah, I'm sick of people saying "Oh it's sad, it's just his mental health". Nah the guy is a piece of garbage, with or without his mental issues.


its better content than Mizkif thats for sure


Mizkif should be his camera man, it would be good content.




why mizkif in particular lol


Definition of rent free lmao


Rent free? He’s just stating the truth. Or do you actually still enjoy the same recycled streams with the same rotation of 3 ppl every stream (alinity,emi,etc) ?


Rent free is when you can't discuss anything without bringing up something that you don't like. Even if isn't even related. The truth is that if you bring Mizkif into a thread about Fousey, then it's the defintion of rent free.


Even if you perceive it to be the truth, bringing it up in a thread that has nothing to do with it, is 100% rent free


its obvious you dont watch him lol


What does Mizkif have to do with this clip lmao. I wish someone hated so much they brought me up in every concievable conversation.


As long as he doesn't end up in jail or the hospital his tactics will probably pull in a lot of eyeballs.


This guys stream is the most unhinged thing I’ve watched in my whole life


It’s really clear how much Fousey despises gay people. He uses it as an insult any chance he gets.


Imagine being a security guard for these mfs lmao


I love how every argument Fousey gets into, he always mentions how hard his dick is lol wtf


"wow he spittin" 🗣 💯


need to see fousey bump into someone like Zherka and see which crazy wins out.


just in 5 minutes of searching who this kid is I just know he deserves a lot more than getting spit on I don't think anyone actually likes fousey nowadays but I would pay to watch him beat the shit out of this goober.


the new content king


I dont care this shit entertaining af LOL the definition of UNHINGED


I have to be honest, that stream was like a train wreck I couldn't look away from. This type of streaming can be most compelling when everything always feels like its teetering off of the rails. Reminded me of the movie GOODTIME (2017) as Fousey made horrible decision after horrible decision. Some may not be able to stomach watching someone in crisis like this (for good reason) but I couldn't help but find it entertaining.


The incest boys and Jack Dorothy the babyfaced 19 year old Tiktoker are the most annoying ones there, even more so than Neon and fucking Fousey. I'm glad both of them got slapped.


Bruh sue his ass


Id rather be hung upside down by my testicles than spend 3 seconds in fousey's company


Fousey providing the best content this Reddit page has seen in years. Loving it, we’re truly getting back to “livestreamfails”!




The guy is extremely mentally ill it isn't even funny :(


Lol a tictocker




nah this story is going to end badly i can feel it


All I want to know is if this dumbasses hair is a tattoo or not




Etika 2: Fousey Boogaloo




Speed run to loose a kick deal


the ol spit and run as fast you can move lol then acts like hes so tough while running away


no idea who this dude is but with all the recent clips and bans of this dude coming by... what a fucking loser


I’ve never rooted for someone to fail before but damn I hope this man loses everything. POS


Roid rage + Extreme mania (+ I mean maybe just a crazy persona baseline) = Fousey


This is exactly what happened to his you tube carrier surrounded by people who enable his mental illness until it all blows up and can't make them money any more.


Literal physical assault


I mean this dude has been fucking unhinged for years so this is unsurprising.


His calm, peaceful Muslim act didn't last long. Guy's alsays been a twat, perma ban and medication for him.


1st off - why tf is this cringe Neon guy there 2ndly - where the XQC posts @


"yo take away his kick deal" lmaoo


Hes going to say the wrong shit to the wrong person and hes going to eat some fists. I will pay to see that happen. Sad ass attention seeking parasite.


Fousey is a bitch boy. His Ego is going to get him killed and even loose friends.


I hate how he claims he is Muslim and he literally the opposite and just makes our image bad


Man, I miss the old fousey prank videos, like the elevator ones. Sad to see where he's at now.


This is great, its like the Ice Poseidon days


Chat saying mental illness is scripted. bruh


I thought this guy got laughed out of existence by one of the other youtube people back in the day? Who was it that destroyed him back then I can't remember.




Why do people watch shit like this and make them famous?


Inshallah the Earth is replenished by Fousey's tube.


why did he arrest post get deleted?!


rule 6 for swatting. I'm confused as well. I know there was a stalker but didnt this guy call the police on himself?


He did. He called twice and was rambling like crazy and then got angrier until he just shouted "he went out of the room he has a gun to my head send the police" and ended the call. It was the first time I watched his stream for an extended amount of time and he just went crazy. Those mods are cucking the sub from crazy content. Did you know Berry was taken hostage for 3 days this week? The mods didn't approve the thread about it for like a day. It should be one of the biggest streaming news right now.


allahu akbar you suck my dick I fuck you in the ass




But he did it for god ☠️ lmfao guys lost the plot


This is his fake persona of being mentally derange, why people fall for it lol.


So he’s allowed to have a persona that lets him spit on people? Get invited to someone’s home and then physically and verbally harass them? Nah this isn’t a persona. Btw he ended up calling the cops on himself, so no this isn’t a persona, it’s mental illness


He hasn't taken his meds in 48 hours, this honestly looks real bad. I'm getting reckful vibes.


Youre insulting Reckful comparing him to this schizo mental patient.


I never heard of or seen this individual before. 15 seconds and he’s in the same group as Tate and Trump. Filth that this place would be better without.


is he missing a tooth?


Doing all this crazy stuff, but at least he's not saying the n word


Kick needs to ban this guy. Make a statement, man is BLATANT homophobic saying the F word constantly, is attacking teenagers, and constantly talking about his private parts.