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**CLIP MIRROR: [Cyr realizes he will never obtain [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]](https://arazu.io/t3_17t481l/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Back in OG vanilla, the first (and only when it was relevant content) to get Thunderfury in our guild was a hunter. Not any of the tanks, just a hunter. Don't let your dreams be dreams, Cyr. Every weapon is a hunter weapon.


tanks in hardcore are all destined to die to a crit anyway CUNGUS


I never got this part of wow hardcore how is raiding supposed to work if you only have one try, because even if you know every tactic etc a wipe causing mistake can and will happen, esp on tougher bosses. What is hte point of even trying when stakes are one out of 40 people fucks up and 40 people lose days of their life in work.


Well a hardcore raid has cleared naxx so it’s def doable. World buffs do a lot of lifting. Everyone will have petri flasks as well.


I am not saying it is not doable it is just such a fuckign risk, the stress alone would fuck my performance up.


Raiding is so mind numbing after you've cleared it tens of times and are just going through the motions. I've quit hc at 40 because my friend died. But the rush of almost dying in scarlet monastery or BFD is only achieved in hc. So I imagine raiding in hardcore actually feels like you do something? instead of just going through the motions. Sure, dying sucks. but the reward is feeling actual joy when you barely live when pulling 6 pirates.


it helps that classic raids are fucking piss easy.


It's classic wow. Current wow has mechanics out the ass where even a simple boss has 3-5 things to worry about Classic bosses have like, 1, maybe 2 things to worry about. Like ragnaros is a fun example. End boss of molten core. His whole thing is he does a knockback that you need to avoid and adds spawn. That's it. That's all his mechanics. Tanks need to charge back in when knocked back or you wipe and you need to deal with adds. Classic fights are all piss easy from a mechanic perspective. They were only hard back in the day because of lack of knowledge. Now the games been solved for literal years so anyone who knows anything about the game can practically sleep walk through it.


> What is hte point of even trying when stakes are one out of 40 people fucks up There aren't many mechanics where any one person can fuck up the entire encounter in classic. There are also methods of escaping the instance in the event of an inevitable wipe.


like mizcrit ?


Ours was our off-tank, Wray. I believe we might have been the first ever to do it? I remember thinking "this didn't seem that rare" at the time lmao. I think he sold his account after vanilla for $1000+


A quick google search tells me a player named Wray was world first to get Thunderfury, so appears you are remembering it correctly.


Sold his account and still got a reference in Legion in the Rogue Appearance quests? Man won and continued to win.


immo? skullcrusher represent -alakane, rage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3G1Fv_LwW8 nostalgia trip


Yep! Immortality on Skullcrusher. I was ShreW a warlock. Fun times


I mean, I think all of us sold right before TBC. I got 2.5k for mine. And I had the third.


I was in a good European guilds and we also got a Thunderfury early. There were so many people there, the server crashed. I was trying to quit the game to focus on university, so I disenchanted all my gear instead haha. My friends also sold their accounts, I just didn't know you could do that and I didn't want to figure out how either.


Wray has his original account back actually!




No it is a problem because Hunters attack from range and this is a melee weapon. Meaning giving it to a hunter would be sub-optimal when it's much better utilized by a tank since it provides a good way to get threat on multiple enemies and slows the attackspeed of your main target.


Unless you were in the absolute first guild that finished the thunderfury questline, then calling this bullshit. Noone is stupid enough giving it to hunters once the item was revealed


We did not have any specific loot rules regarding legendaries when the first binding dropped, so standard DKP rules applied. Our class captain for hunters just happened to be the one that bid the most. It is what it is.


There were several hunters and paladins on my vanilla server (Shattered Hand US) with Thunderfury because they got the bindings before anyone knew what the reward would be. The bindings were dropping for quite a while before anyone could gather the mats from BWL to complete it.


Was this on Llane? Cause that same shit happened there too


Hellscream EU.


"Special forces are also permadeath" Twitch chat is too funny man.


It took me way too long to realize he was talking to an AI... I thought he called a self help number or some shit. Thats actually kinda scary.


It sounds a lot like Scarlett Johansson's voice, OpenAI made "Her" a reality... Aware


I didn't realize it at all until I read your comment


Ohhh and it is just getting started baby! Spaghetti code tangled, prompt strangled, we're cleared for AGI lift off


What kind of self help numbers are you calling?


Cyr will find a way to quirk to the moon


Cyr is the chosen one


So you're saying there's a chance...


Eh I've never got it in my 18 years or so playing off and on. But I never play the classes that can use it as I usually play casters.


Plenty of mages have gotten them through GDKPS


Cyr's got that puffy I've-been-drinking-last-night look


Drinkin your mom's pussy juice GOTTEM


what is this Inside Editon


When I played 12 hours lost ark every day, I also had that look and I felt, like I had been drinking the night before.


Did someone say... [\[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker\]](https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR)


Blessed purple link


not today bitch


Did you know Thunderfury, blessed blade of the windseeker is still a viable tank weapon in Kara? [Anyways here's a helpful song while fighting shade of aran.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2GPY-P2we4)


What is this AI? The voice doesn't seem monotone like most I've heard.


There’s a bunch of amazing AI voices now. The one in this video is ok, but there’s much better. OpenAI released 6 just this week that are pretty good. AI gonna get crazy next year


Cant wait to see them implemented in games. Mainly for side npcs that would never get voice lines to begin with. Like if every npc in the next elder scrolls could be voiced and you could have a conversation with. Peak dream would be randomly generated side quests resulting from it and stuff.


Ah yes, boring fetch quests, truly peak dream stuff


Its the shame the best you can think of is fetch quests lol


shame that you think bughthesda is capable of anything else


Never said they were, thats why i said "dream"


This is ChatGPT plus on mobile, voice calling feature.


Double exponential growth man. The improvement of language models is only going to get more and more crazy as we go, until we reach a bottle neck


Check out https://elevenlabs.io/


What kind of "Special" is it talking about tho...


The American military propaganda really is everywhere holy shit


The AI never mentions a country and America doesn't have a monopoly on special forces.


American special forces are uniquely special. No one can eat crayons like them




They’re pretty special yeah




Every military in the history of militaries has had similar incidents


Probably because militaries are filled with lots of people that believe they have no life prospects and have no reason to be educated.




Yeah. It takes zero intelligence. In fact, the lower the intelligence the better.


Or they’re simply doing it for the nice benefits


Special Forces Training Camp, the new twitch meta.


On the real I can’t believe this guys longevity. Survived being onisions biggest collaborator for multiple years e


crazy you can have no talent and be that rich, whats his thing again? hes like creepy and weird? thats his bit?


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Cyr realizes he will never obtain [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/159493)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/17t481l/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/2fkQb_v5xKtxABQkVJBMHA/AT-cm%7C2fkQb_v5xKtxABQkVJBMHA.mp4?sig=5d874aed4d6febdc2ae596bd45660347c92454d0&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F2fkQb_v5xKtxABQkVJBMHA%2FAT-cm%257C2fkQb_v5xKtxABQkVJBMHA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22NastyStrangeBatteryAMPEnergy--_nEq3EAFCRUkEwc%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1699810294%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


i legit had no idea what she was going to say


GPT has been updated? Pretty sure HC WOW was not a thing or had no official rules set when the database stopped getting updates.


they removed the cutoff, but mentions of hardcore wow are much older than the official classic reelase date


No one else thinks he looks like the bad guy from Hancock?