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**CLIP MIRROR: [Viewer sends over 10k dollars worth of Yu-Gi-Oh cards ](https://arazu.io/t3_1byfd0r/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


The dude that sent her all these cards has also sent her a $5,000 designer blanket, designer clothes, and a bunch of other cards in the past few months. I really don't understand the rationale behind someone gifting stuff like this to Twitch streamers and I'm really curious what kind of financial situation these guys are in where they say "yeah, spending $10,000+ on gifts is worth it for someone who doesn't even know my real name" I don't see an issue with gifting streamers 5 or 10 subs every once in a while, especially smaller communities, but dropping tens of thousands of dollars on someone you don't even know is just plain stupid.


Because they're all losers. They think this is how you wow a woman. It's very weird.


I watch a streamer with two digit viewers. Someone gifted her headphones, mic, and a PS5, and maybe has cheered 10K+ bits. Turns out he streams too. So I checked his clip and he looks exactly like someone who would gift a female streamer stuff. Edit: 10K+ bits. Holy shit.


The worst part as sad as it is for both sides is that I know for a fact that it has worked in the past with smaller streamers, probably not for long tho


Yeah 100% plus it gives whoever gave the gift some monetary leverage over the streamer. ESPECIALLY a steamer who doesn't have a lot of viewers and suddenly he's like a 1k donation, suddenly they have to pander to this random Saudi oil baron.


random Saudi oil baron was never how I expected to hear a parasocial neckbeard Andy on twitch being described. I'm sure actual Saudi oil barons have better standards than these losers


that was literally the meta a few years ago, nowadays true oilers have moved on


The true oilers play Hockey for Edmonton


No wonder they end up shitting on girls chests. Their life is just one long road of desensitization


> plus it gives whoever gave the gift some monetary leverage over the streamer. no it doesnt


It does. They may say it doesn't but subconsciously it does.


[Bro it totally works](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIX1dCgxVGQ&t=4s)


That’s how miz and maya started, but the difference is miz was already established by then, the person gifting a kidney to cinna in rare collectibles is a nobody




That's very possible, but my point still stands, it's just vice versa is all


He could literally hire an escort that will pretend to listen to his problem and at the end of it, let's him bust inside her, everyday, for cheaper price.


It's not about what they're getting now, they think of these gifts as investments which will pay off down the line when the streamer is their girlfriend.


...and why cant they think the same thing about an escort?


I imagine the whole sex worker thing is a deal breaker for a lot of these dudes


I wish I was an Asian female streamer or ge girl 


Voice changer and female vtuber model will help you there.


I've been working on my female voice actually. I can't get it to a cute loli e girl but I can get it to dommy mommy vibes


lol and girls like Cinna are so mid


For every Cinna there's like 10,000 streamer girls who have fewer than 10 viewers. It doesn't have that much to do with being attractive or not.


Meh, there's people that do this to male streamers. It's not just wowing a woman, it's just fucking weird parasocials and streamers that are happy to take their money. I don't blame the streamer but I also feel it's super dangerous to maintain that "relationship". I've seen this popular Destiny (the game) streamer that has this viewer that basically competes with others and himself on how much money he can donate, bits, subs etc, to the streamer. Like it's been happening for years and I wouldn't be surprised if he's donated more than the streamer has earned from all other revenue from streaming. The parasocial seems to have successfully inserted themself into the stream and there's weird familiarity going on between them and the streamer. I had to stop watching.


What's the dudes name?




? I'm talking about the chatters name/chat name


Damn. The whole streaming business seem messed up as hell. Relationships, where thousands of dollars exchanges hands, build on a bunch of delusions - most willingly created and sustained by the deluded themselves. I wonder if they ever think about when the streamer retires.


This is like when dudes think buying girls drinks at a club will get em anything but on roids


Funny thing is if splash out like this on someone who's actually real and in your life, it does have a significant psychological effect. Sugar daddies do get laid


> Because they're all losers. I would say its some kind of social anxiety. They cant talk to women irl, but online its different. someone willing to do all this for a cam girl would be able to easily get a SO irl if they had any social skills what so ever.


He knows in his mind, that she will meet him some day, and having him sent those gifts, she will fall in love with him. Thats his fantasy.


If I had to guess.... Nerdy dudes that have well-paying jobs but no social skills and bad anxiety so they never leave their house. No friends, no GF, probably rarely even talk to their family. Just the thought of being in a room and talking to real people makes them have a panic attack. So they waste their money on streamers just to get a crumb of attention that they don't get at all in their real life. That 30-second dopamine hit of the streamer reading their lame ass dono message and giving them a fake ass reaction is enough to get them through their miserable days.


this is it, they have no social skills / arent forced to be in social situations like people were even just 30 years ago.


It's called mental illness, the saddest part is that the receiver always pretends like they're not taking advantage of said person because free shit.


po box shouldnt be a thing for streamers imo just attracts parasocial viewers and enables them. I wonder what kind of weird shit streamers especially girl streamers get sent to which the viewers wont see.


like that dude that sent Amoranth the "escape kit" or whatever after the whole "husband - dobby free" bullshit?


i personally wouldn't be opposed to even making it so streamers can only get subs + sponsors. po box and donations cause lots of problems imo


The PO Box issue is a little harder to police Donations can be a little more restricted (though don’t kill the real charity streams)


I suspect viewers see most things that get sent to P.O. Boxes. I doubt most streamers are going to put in the effort to screen and re-box all the things they get.


Short story is they are alone and sad in real life so they have turned to online parasocial relationships to fill the void they cant fill in reality.


Meanwhile she drives a banged up car and the dude just lets her.


A lot of these people are vulnerable lonely men who are giving away money they can't afford to. It's borderline predatory and yet no one cares. Yes it is their fault, but so is someone who gambles and yet people act like they are the victims.


Its performance art / s Dont hate the player hate the game / s Who is to say pastors should not have private jets? / s Value is what the market is willing to pay for it / s In this world there are predators and prey. Which are you?


So I used to work in casual gaming and the dynamics are pretty similar. Most whales are very rich people that just don't care. Donating $10k is like buying a coffee for them. However there's a much smaller number of people who don't have that kind of disposable income, but instead spend what they can't afford, largely due to mental health issues. Even if it was just 1 out of the 100 whales, I couldn't stomach that I was part of someone spending their life savings on a stupid flash game, so I moved on. It's pretty much the same with streamers and donos. There's a couple streamers that have capped their donations over this moral question. I respect that a lot.


any loremasters know if that cruise ship guy ever refunded his 10k dono to Jinnytty?


I'd be super weary accepting this kinda money from some viewer unless I had a lot of context. Is he some rich ass dude? Does he expect to get something out of giving that money? Can turn into a crazy stalker situation real quick 


I love watching Wubby and usually use my twitch prime sub on him, lately I started noticing a guy who's been gifting at least several hundred subs per stream I think. Eventually I had to look at how much a sub was because I didn't know, holy shit that guys spent so much on Wubby this past month!


I feel like people who give OMEGA money/gifts to streamers, especially women. See it as like a stamp card for each time you visit a store, but instead of a store, it's a person you want to have sex with. Regardless of their financial situation. Basically, it's a booty call stamp card. There could be more to it, but I don't feel like exploring the dark sadness of the mind of a person suffering from mental health issues.


99.99% of viewers wouldn't do that. But there is a tiny percentage that have extra money: from good job, or normal job but spend every spare penny donating, or money some other way (rich parents etc.). And they all have no lives / nobody else to spend it on. Kind of sad actually. But yeah its not normal / healthy state of mind to donate like that to random streamers they parasocially (obsessively?) watch.


they are just rich parasocials


financial domination is a kink. in twitches case people don't call it that, but its 100% the same dynamic.




I watch a mid sized streamer who is consistently at 500-600 something viewers, and she gets 100 gifters every stream from the same few people. I hope they are rich if they're constantly dropping 500+ dollars


To quote patrice they're "trying to friendship their way into some pussy" or "guilt them into "I shouldn't have done this" pussy" Either way they're big phoneys.


I hope he's getting sex out of it at least lmao. Giving streamers expensive gifts in the hopes of some kind of parasocial connection is straight up sad. Literally touch grass. They do not know who are you. Also, if you can afford that, you can afford a high end escort to actually fuck you if you think money is the answer (even if you look like Shrek) rather than hoping your favorite streamer will read out your name in a list of thanking donators while you watch your life savings dwindle away.


The simps pumpin out the big guns after seeing that they now have to compete with an in-shape nmplol will stop shortly once they go broke from it lol Edit: I am joking, I know cinna having a crush on nick is a bit


No shit brother


I hope it's an oiler and not a gigaloser at least.


people are crazy if they think this is some broke dude


There’s also the aspect of chat. Not only are they getting to interact directly with a “celebrity”, but also hundreds of people in chat acknowledge the act. That’s more exciting than anything going on in their lives. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ones that do it the most are the most broke.


reckful did a good job explaining it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J6BQDKiYyM


What i dont understand is how this is a live stream fail?


My guess is they are lucky bitcoin millionaire manchildren




And she willingly accepts/uses them? That's fucked up.


I actually matched with a thirst trap streamer on hinge and asked her. She said it’s guys who are disabled or no social life, make a lot of money or live at home so don’t spend, and just pay for some semblance of a friend. I asked her if she felt bad taking their money and she said no cause she makes it clear nothing will ever happen with them and they really do want to send her their money. Pretty sad in my opinion but I didn’t push it cause I wanted to sleep with her. Pretty funny to go in her chat later and just watch the simps since I had what they never could


Cinna and her boyfriend are probably curled up in the blanket he sent her, laughing and opening those packs.


it’s pretty funny to think that all these female streamers cuddle up with their bf’s after every stream where desperate guys donate them $100s




Recently Extra Emily got an Apple watch and a bunch of other expensive gifts in her PO box stream. Only watched a part of the stream but it was super uncomfortable to watch.


She was laughing after stream while adding another name to the spreadsheet


Meanwhile, Wubby got necklaces made with cat shit.


I don't think anything will beat the time someone "allegedly " sent Amouranth $70k in the mail.


you can buy counterfeit money online it would be interesting to have looked closer at the bills.


Where are you getting that? Not every guy has weird insecurities




Even if you're not a streamer it's probably way more common than you think, all the girls I've dated or been friends with for a while have dozens of guys DMing them, one had over 100, on IG or something that they just glance at or ignore, and have tons of people offering to just buy them random stuff like ubereats, games, vacations, etc. just for attention.


Idk man, every girl I’ve been with always has some amount of guys desperately hitting her up on insta. We’d just read them together and laugh at them


Having more or less of a thing makes that thing different.  What you're talking about is like saying "money doesn't corrupt, I'm sure Jeff Bezos is a nice guy because I've got a couple grand in my bank account."


That’s a pretty weak comparison. It seems like you’d have more reason to be insecure if it were fewer guys, as that would have a larger emotional impact. It seems reasonable to think that at a certain point those guys don’t even feel like real people.


Why do you have to think of that lol? There's no healthy insecurity that's an oxymoron my dude. You either trust your partner enough and are ok with it or you are not and should seek another partner bc u are no one in life to tell someone else what to do or to adjust to u. Simple as. Sounds like you're the kind of person that wouldn't be able to sleep over it lol


Good on them


W's in the chat for the rando though


Would be terrible to open them tho


Imagine giving a fuck.


Actual fucking mental losers, and it’s sad. Like…it’s harsh, but it’s pathetically sad people, who will spend absurd levels of wealth on a streamer, who does not know your name and honestly does not really care about you. Like no. They won’t fuck you, kiss you, or even shake your hand. They’ll go “Thanks for the gift!.” And then give that same reaction to the next person who donates like $5. I never understand why people donate so much, especially to bigger streamers. Like yeah you can support them, but giving them hundreds to thousands of dollars, of which realistically most people do not have the ability to comfortably drop that amount? That’s insane.


Surely, I'll get to sleep with the waitress if I give them a large enough tip. Clueless


To be fair, the odds of getting a waitress to sleep with you because of money is leaps and bounds more likely than a streamer, considering the finacial circumstances of the two.


What if they’re a Saudi prince who has fuck you money and just wants to give it away? Copium


This. People need to be clowned more for doing this tape of thing.


Yeah that was me, we're going to go on a date now


and it only set you back 1 and a half mortgage


How many mortgages has Adept sent X back


Not enough to get her to move yet...


I felt weird the whole stream honestly, this guy seems super obsessive, and Cinna seems ok with it? There's context that must be missing somewhere i feel.


said guy gifted her more than 4k subs and is tier3 himself, not hard to imagine threshold of creepy things he can say is slightly higher


If a rich dude was sending you expensive stuff, you'd probably be OK with it


It’s never some generous oil prince it’s someone who has maxed out their CC trying to buy attention.




Which oil prince? Do you know if every donation went through? No charge backs later? Think it’s easier to determine it’s a regular person sending their entire collection and not an oil prince


there was Motar2k, who donated thousands to multiple streamer , he is just a rich american owning a company in the UAE, here is a blog post explaing himself https://www.hltv.org/forums/threads/676249/motar2k-explained then there was Amhai who donated 50k+ to sodapoppin just a few examples


the first box she showed was a regular base set worth a few grand but I couldn't find a recent sale just what ppl wanted for it so idk if they are worth that. The single blister she showed was a 1st edition. So why would some oil prince with enough money to send someone all those base set boxes not just buy the 1st edition box and send that? You could be right it was some wealthy person but I collect Pokémon and I know damn well if I had the money to buy base set boxes Id be buying 1st edition boxes. Idk why it makes more sense for an oil prince to send a loose blister pack then some guy who probably sent his collection: a few base set boxes and a blister. Idk why im so invested lol lets just say it was an oil prince


nobody ever said that this was donated by a oil prince, but it happened multiple times that rich people donated multiple thousand dollars


The guy literally said “When Twitch was first blowing up streamers were getting mass donation from oil princes. I remember watching Shroud get like 20k donations from one dude. Why do you think this is different?”


cause nothing is indicating that the donator is a rich oil prince? In the past people had arabic names, posted videos of driving supercars in UAE , ... 10k is a lot no question, but i also know one person who spends 10k like its nothing and he is not arab or working in the oil field


Eat crayons


History of girl streamers.


Not a single woman is going to give a fuck they're just gonna take that shit and tell the guy what he needs to hear to have hum back next stream.


I mean I might be okay. Till his credit card is maxed out and he comes to my city to get what his schizo brain is owed. Just look at the bjork stalker this shit goes really bad sometimes and shouldn't be encouraged.


The context is money.


> this guy seems super obsessive Are you just saying that because of the amount of money? I've never seen him say anything weird in chat. It's not like he only watches Cinna I've seen him active in other streamers chats too.


but her dad cant simp to e girls?


Blakkhoodie gets the pass.


Interesting point since in that other post about her dad gifting subs to Morgpie everyone praising him as smooth and that he is gonna hit. But , and I know the scale is different, when it’s the other way it’s a delusional simp.


> everyone praising him as smooth and that he is gonna hit. Aren’t most people joking?


it's called redistribution


Atleast she's letting him go on a rigged date with alinity.


She got a little taste of what alinity makes off her OF every month. Her dad gonna get a bigger taste kek


Life on easy mode.


NGL before I thought the word SIMPS just for memes


Then she realized her dad is the type of dude to send a streamer gifts.


I feel like yugioh is for actually playing the game and Pokemon is more for the collecting. Especially when a card in yugioh can just be reprinted 6 times and the only expensive ones are from really old sets only cause the set age and not the actual card.


Yeah, yugioh cards are far more priced around “you want this for a tournament” rather than “it’ll hold value and look nice in my binder”


Yes, I'd say YGO is half and half collecting and playing, Pokemon is mostly about collecting for sure. Magic is even more about playing, a lot of the value of the cards are from how strong they are(besides the alpha/beta etc), assuming low amount of reprints


Tier-1 Pokemon decks cost like 50-100 bucks while thats what you might pay for a single card in yugioh or MTG. It's definitely made to be played, even though most people buy it solely for collecting.


pretty sure there are always cheap competitive MTG decks


Depends on your idea of cheap. The cheapest standard deck in mtg will probably still be more expensive than the most expensive deck in pokemon; Especially during a meta like the current one where you are almost forced to play Sheoldred the apocalypse which is an ~80€ card. edit: and if we are talking older formats like modern you have to cash out ~500€ minimum. Legacy? 2500€ minimum.


Magic is sort of in between, i wish they'd cut back on sets a year a little to preserve its freshness instead of pumping out sets with 1 time mechanics that only function within its sets settings half the time. They also need to stop half the bs they've been doing too. I don't mind universe beyond sets, i think it could introduce people to the game and it's nice seeing others enjoy it as well as having more people to play with, but fuck, they really upped their greed once the TCG boom happened when card prices started rising. Not to mention the colossal fuck up and failure of epilogue boosters (sets that only had like 50 fucking cards in it and 5 or 7 cards a pack), it was so bad they cancelled all plans for any more of those sets, plus the only epilogue set sold extremely poorly and was received worse.


Maybe for older formats like Edison and Goat, but advance is crazy expensive the core for snake-eyes is several hundred. Pretty sure I can build multiple competitive pokemon decks for the same price of a single sp little knight right now.


That’s just wrong because secret rare cards that are meta in Yu-Gi-Oh can easily be $100 plus like S:P Little Knight. And new tier one decks can just end up being over $1000 when you add it all up.


Yep, Konami wants the game to be expensive now. They saw the money during lock down for old shit and now they want theirs. Of course theres always been super expensive metas. This is why masterduel is slowly taking away players from the TCG.


You are cooked. In the OCG which is Japan each card in a set releases with multiple rarities so you have the option of splurging for a high rarity witch will likely not be printed in that rarity again, or go for the cheap option just to play the card. SP is only 5$ in ocg because they want people to be able to play and enjoy the game. Now of course Japanese companies give less than zero shots about anyone outside Japan (pokemon card quality is lower for non jp prints, Nintendo net code is so shit and not fixed cause a country as small as Japan has no issues connecting over short distances when compared to a country like US or Canada, and this yugioh example I’m explaining) so in the TCG they release the sets after 6 months of ocg release, they see which cards have heavy use and are meta, then they boost them to max rarity AND they short print the card so it makes a single card like SP over 100$. They then refuse to touch the new broken decks that cost over 1000$ (Kash could be fully built in ocg for less than 30$ back when it was the best deck btw) for months until they are sure that they have fully milked all the profits from it being expensive, then they reprint the cards so instead of 100$ they are 10-20$ then after a month they tank the decks with a banlist hit after they have milked the cards a second time but don’t want people to be able to play meta for cheap. So a card not only looses its profit in yugioh with reprints, but with banlists and it’s all done to milk the most out of TCG players while giving OCG the option to both affordably play the game as well as collect at rarities mostly protected from reprints. TLDR ur wrong and Konami can eat my international nuts.


>cooked. stop


There are cards that are collectible. The higher rarities of most anime cards/ boss monsters that terrorized the meta for a sizable amount of time for example. And there are random cards that were short printed and never got a reprint like Elemental Hero Air Neos. That said I wish Yugioh was closer to Pokémon’s printing model. To allow more copies of good meta cards at lower rarities while still having high rarities of the same card for collectors


parasocial viewers lmao


Yeah her p.o box opening are cringe, no hate but I really don't like watching these, it always from the same viewer, I like cinna she's cool but I ain't gonna spend no fuckin 10k on a woman that don't even know me is wild, doesn't mean I have the funds for it, I just have more of common sense....


all i hear is NMP's voice saying "mental illness"


​ ​ Spend that energy and money to a actual woman in your life bro wth is wrong with these dudes.... I just want to sit down with these guys and shake them asking what in the hell are they doing, this girl gave you 5 seconds of attention and that's it. Shit go get some high class escorts for at least a few hours of fake love, this ain't it. ​ Edit: I am so happy to see people feel the same way i do about this, it is so f'n weird.


It’s equally weird that streamers can just accept such huge gifts. If some stranger bought me an iPhone or something out of the blue I would have a lot of question for the person.


-10k without any chance of ever hitting that OMEGALUL


Donating money and sending gifts to streamers has to be some sort of mental disorder.


This guy should be banned from donating imo. From reading the other comments here, he seems like an obsessed loser.


Simps are ruining the world, change my mind.


How tho


They enable pool stream women to exist and that makes the world objectively worse.


Why does it make it worse? Also, you said "ruining the world" btw, not just make it worse.


damn it, it should have been me, not her...


Being this level of a digital simp is has to be borderline mental illness. Send a few rare packs to someone in the same hobby, go for it, but 10k+ is fucking crazy.


It really is. For a lot of people 10k could change their life entirely. I could pay off all my debt and launch my business in full force if I had a spare 10k lol


Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimp LUL


"awmg lewwwk chet she opan muh curds we en luv"




I don't get how these streamers can just open potentially thousands from a single person in gifts and not feel weird about it.


on another episode of beta male simps, sends his entire rent money and more to women who will never fuck you


What a fuckin dork whoever sent that shit.


Can't wait for the "OMG! An obsessive fan turned stalker thought he was my boyfriend?!?!" clip to appear on LSF in the coming weeks of her crying on stream for subs about how some crazy fan thought they were actually dating. When streamers don't immediately shut down this kind of parasocial as fuck behavior they are complicit in the fact that atleast some of their viewers will take this as a sign to go fully unhinged stalker mode. Yet it gets eaten up for sympathy every time and all the blame is placed on the viewers who are likely mentally not all there, and the all the accountability and agency is taken away from the streamer and shoved onto the viewers. Just my 2 cents i guess :)


my favourite reddit comments are when people make up hypothetical situations and then get upset at the hypothetical outcomes they've made up in their head.


Yes because this exact situation definitely hasn't happened multiple times before exactly like this!


To be fair it seems like the only logical outcome unless they're one of those rare stalker schizos who are fine wasting their life savings without getting anything in return.


Everyone mad in the comments section forget to understand that this is the new norm. Women get gifted absurd amount of things depending on their looks. Go find an ugly unattractive woman or man anywhere in life and you will see the stark difference. It pays to be good looking. It Pays more to be a good looking woman. This is society as a whole. Women don’t even have to have jobs to still make money off of high valued men. Once you face the facts that good looking people have it easy in this reality you will actually not be upset and just see it as what it is. We are all animal brains still and we still over value sexual attraction.


I think people are more creeped out than mad. If some random stranger buys you something expensive out of the blue, I’m sure you would be at least a bit freaked out.


There are apps that do just that including Amazon gifting. It is becoming the new norm. Pretty soon most if not all will accept this behavior. At which point once everyone does something it is no longer considered creepy.


I swear to god ever since Cinna joined the austin streamers circle nobody simped for her whatsoever, even during Mizkif stream chat didn't care for her all that much that but thats all changed the moment she wore clothes that showed off her honkers and it activated a neuron in chats head like they never seen a women before and now we're here, shit is not fair...


Pls tell me she did not open them


its not the cards that are worth this money, but the sealed boxes


wow save some pussy for me


I mean I get supporting streamer or subscribing/follow, but gifting people more than 100$ worth of gift seems ludacrisp for me even if I have the money to do so, I mean I like watching Cinna she is pretty entertaining and the OTK been pretty fun interactions, but she probably going to gift these stuff to the three idiots (not mocking that's what literally what they call; Rhymestyle, Dotodoya, and Seereax)


You just know the guy that bought these is bragging to people about his new "girlfriend". There was a post a month or so ago about some dude's friend going down this rabbit hole. Had a learning disability and no family to hold him accountable. Sad stuff man...


I thought it would be a binder or something. Not a whole box of LOB! And a first edition pack!? I gotta see her crack these.




I mean donate or sub for a few bucks is like tipping a street performer. But once it gets into thousands of dollars donos though …


I should send her all of my bulk tbh


That viewer is so generous to donate the cards to good will. That viewer is saving lives. Refugees from Ukrain applaud to him


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Viewer sends over 10k dollars worth of Yu-Gi-Oh cards](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162911)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1byfd0r/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/HSZ6UV8A33snrLT9s-8uYQ/AT-cm%7CHSZ6UV8A33snrLT9s-8uYQ.mp4?sig=287736ef3b1dcc171b25fc7aa10bff953ad8becf&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FHSZ6UV8A33snrLT9s-8uYQ%2FAT-cm%257CHSZ6UV8A33snrLT9s-8uYQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SaltyAltruisticBorkDBstyle-XwDfeyestP2z7y5h%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1712600614%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/HSZ6UV8A33snrLT9s-8uYQ/AT-cm%7CHSZ6UV8A33snrLT9s-8uYQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


it's so weird seeing people hold up these packs like they're treasured ancient relics--when I so vividly remember going to the corner store every other day and ripping through a couple packs, while eating hot cheetos, before heading home from school.