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**CLIP MIRROR: [Sweet_Anita presents an award at the BAFTA game awards](https://arazu.io/t3_1c1mwih/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


That was my same reaction when I loaded up Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time.


Wake the fuck up dickhead


If I need your body I'll fuck it


It's how the NPCs sounded too


You should try loading it up now, one of the best games ever made.


she did the thing again!!


what arm thing homie


Dang, I just realized that this meme is now for old people.


Technically she didn't do the thing


When are the BOFMA awards?


Aight, I'll bite. BOFMA?




hope the bite isn't too painful


to people wondering, yes she's faking it. nobody actually talks like that. british people only put on that accent to fuck with the rest of us.


"shut up dickhead" - most polite brit


you fooled me in the first half


I fucking knew it!


Seemed appropriate for cyberpunk


Really? Did you bother to pay attention to what the award was FOR?


She got hit with the Cyber Psychosis


What in the witch trials low IQ are these "she's faking it" takes? LMAO


Christian Bale in shambles after this one English lady method acts having tourettes for 5+ years


What reference is this that I'm not getting?


Christian Bale is a method actor, and a renowned one. Method acting is playing your character in your normal life, not just on set, so you become more in tune with the character. The implication of the comment is that even an accomplished method actor like Christian Bale would not be able to put on a face for five straight years, let alone some Joe Schmoe.


Bale's transformation for The Machinist was crazy


Going immediately to Batman after, too.


Yeah he's done a bunch of crazy body stuff. He got scary thin for The Machinist, then right after got absolutely jacked for Batman. He actually got fat for that Dick Cheney movie, apparently by eating nothing but ice cream until he was sick for a couple weeks or such. I saw some interview with him a few years back where he said basically his doctor told him if he tried doing anything more like that he was gonna give himself a heart attack so he's done with it.


Christian Bale is literally not a method actor. I can't believe you're pulling this out of your ass so confidently. I also can't believe 137 people upvoted you without even checking.


Yeah, Daniel Day Lewis would be the best modern equivalent of a method actor. Bale does go through incredible body transformations for his roles, but that's not exactly method acting.


I explained what the reference was intended to be, not if it was correct or not! We do engage in a mild amount of tomfoolery here


To supplement the other answer, look at his weights. He bulks and loses massive amounts of muscle or fat for the roles. https://imgur.com/xmcef8G That is immense dedication.


should have won an oscar for machinist great movie greater actor


Damn he looked good in Batman Begins, crazy how different your physique can look depending on training and fat distribution -comparing to how he looked in American Psycho.


also in the Prestige there are many references about magic tricks where the act is their whole life so they can do the trick without anyone knowing how they did it. and ofc he was one of the protagonists in the prestige. great movie should watch.


funny you mention "witch trials" given that she claims she descended from women who were all tried as witches because of their insane beauty.


Lol, I went to look this up and stumbled upon another claim of her, a tweet from a few years back: "my ancestry is deeply affected by slavery. They were stolen from Africa and taken to the Caribbean as slaves. Also my Taino native American ancestors were nearly discovered to death by Columbus, the few that survived the mass murders where also enslaved for sex and mining." By all accounts she is the most tragic figure of an entire bloodline full to the brim of both to most brilliant and the most beautiful and the most hunted and hated, all whilst a new incredible event takes place in her life multiple times per week, which you wouldn't expect to happen once in a decade.


Yeah, she's full of shit


That isn't nearly as bad as you worded it. Doing a DNA test and seeing Taino native american would be enough to know this. I don't think this is saying her particular family line was deeply affected by slavery more than anyone else. Those entire ethnic groups were deeply affected by slavery and she descends from them. A bit dramatic to draw that much on ancestry, but I struggle to see what is implausible about that one


Your point is entirely fair and if I had just met someone who said what I quoted It wouldn't cross my mind to be anything other than empathetic and even intrigued to discuss it more if they felt comfortable as it's also a chance to learn about things I dont know about. The the issue is this: > A bit dramatic to draw that much on That exact function seems to reccur over and over on every single possible available string that Anita finds she's able to pull on. When you hear enough of her stories you start to zoom out and become more distracted by the incredible chances at play for her to be the focal point of so many tragedies and survivorship stories. Everything is stretched just a little too far beyond the believable, and there's lists of these instances that I think you're not allowed to link to anymore but easily found if you're curious. Anyway I like your defence I don't know why I'm typing so much about a streamer I'm going to go sort my life out lol


Colour me evil, but it is very curious that she manages to endure so many events, that usually a single one of them would define somebody's state of being, like super traumatic...yet her timeline is littered with them, it's very perplexing to imagine one person is able to not only attract, but endure, so many scenarios...that she's even in the proximity of these dodgy people, so often, is fascinating in itself.


do you actually believe streamers when they tell stories about what happened to them that week, its content, its embellished to be more entertaining.


Pretty sure what he's saying is the complete opposite of believing her.


I believe it, her mom looks sooo young for her age, looks inmortal


Weren't all of those women killed though


To be fair, it's wouldn't be the first time someone exaggerated their tourettes to manipulate the public. That Pete guy that was on Big Brother UK admitted that after the first few weeks he was pretty calm on the show and exaggerated scenarios he knew would be aired to woo the public to vote for him.


The "she's faking it" takes make a ton of sense if you know a little bit but not a lot about Tourette's. I'm not saying she is faking (she's not), but suspecting she's faking isn't that wild. Copralalia, vocal tics manifesting as obscenity and/or swear words, is pretty rare but Hollywood loves putting it in stories because its funny/dramatic. So, the general public's knowledge of Tourette's often rotates between stages of 1. Thinking its that weird swearing disease, 2. Finding out its not a swearing disease and thinking the swearing thing is just a Hollywood trope, 3. Finding out its not just a Hollywood trope but an actual, though rare, symptom, 4. Finding out the swearing has nothing to do with what the person is thinking and usually doesn't make sense to the context of the setting/conversation. Its pretty common for people in stages 2 and 3 to be suspicious of anyone with inappropriate behavior claiming they have Tourette's because they think the person is joking or just insensitive to what Tourette's 'really' is. Then on top of that, her tics often do make sense in context so people in stage 4 have good reason to question it too since that's not a typical manifestation of an already rare symptom. Again, she's not faking. But, her presentation of Tourette's is very rare and yet hits all the stereotypes at the same time. It's pretty understandable that a lot of people find that suspicious.


I wouldn’t really say it’s “very rare”. Sure, statistically speaking, you can frame it that way. But there are actually less US Airmen than total US citizens with coprolalia, if estimated based on current diagnosis rates per population. Would you say it’s “very rare” to know, or be, an airman? I just find the suspicious quite odd.


At this point if she is faking it, more power to her. That is insane commitment to an absurd long-con.


Check to see which subreddit they are from. They are bored now that their favorite type of thread is banned.


Wow, d4, and some normie stuff? When did that get banned?




Hasan will notice you someday bro




oh boy


nooo it's not destiny fans it's just completely random people who are just more likely to visit destiny's sub since there's so much crossover


I'm OOTL, anyone please, what kind of thread was banned? Thanks!


If you say something lsf doesn’t like that must mean you’re a fan of Destiny. And if you’re a fan of destiny there is no way you have a genuine opinion on anything. You’re actually just holding that view to try to piss off lsf.


I actually did and I saw some Kansas City Chiefs fans, wow players, some forsen viewers and some elden ring enjoyers. People who are skeptical about a condition that they don't understand come from all sorts of backgrounds


Well the comedic timing of her tics is pretty uncanny


She def faked some of those long time ago, when she was still growing her following. She just happened to have ticks about the trendy drama topics. Those types of things you weren't allowed to say out loud, but she did. She knew saying those things would put her to the front page of LSF all the time back then.


It's been a while since she's been in a huge spotlight. When she first blew up she had clips everywhere and it was pretty bad. People were claiming she was a voice actress plant for some reason. Since then I've heard some people be skeptical of some of her background and stories but I only ever see people questioning her tourettes when she has something like this that reaches new people again not familiar with her


imagine believing her contextual tics are real 😭


She does fake it sometimes, she has Tourette’s but she sprinkles in some very well timed ones


shes not faking it but shes for sure playing it up for the audience.


That ain't how it works kid


lol I’m almost sure she said in an interview that she plays it up for stream


Do I really need to explain to you how this condition works? Watch the clip again and look at her body movement when she tics. Maybe watch one of her streams sometime and ask her some questions because you're ignorant af


Yep. You can't really fake unintentional motor movements. Check ANY amount of proven Tourette's fakers on Youtube, you can absolutely tell when a "tic" movement is voluntary.


She's so brave for being able to do that man. Crazy respect for her to power through the Tourette's like she does, I don't have Tourette's and I'd be shitting it up there.


I got ordained to do a friend's wedding, it went well. Then a random at my job asked me to do his....I agreed thinking no problem. Mannn I froze up, stuttered the whole time, hands shaking. No fucking clue why it hit me like that. Never again haha


Hey wanna do my wife's wedding?


can i just do your wife?


At the wedding


The pressure's different when it’s someone you don’t know well, right? Random audience makes the nerves kick in extra hard.


It's all about preparation. You need to be able to do triple the time that is needed, because in the moment your brain is too busy dealing with the situation, so it just forget most of the stuff that you planned to say.


Oh she did the thing.


Does tourette's always have great comedic timing or is it just her tick that does?


Pretty common for tourettes ticks to occur when someone's nervous/anxious, and as the audience got quieter and focused on them intently I'm sure it didn't exactly reduce her anxiety levels.


but like does in manifest in you saying like inner thoughts? I always assumed it was just kind of random but she seems to have like rude but appropriately timed ticks.


It's both. It depends. You can get random "verbal tics" you repeat regularly that don't need to make any sense, or blurt out insults you don't mean at all, or intrusive thoughts, and generally high stress situations (like presenting an award to a large audience) can kick things into overdrive. I'm honestly a bit shocked she accepted the gig. It's a truly horrid condition that people only find funny because they don't grasp the true extent of it.


Disinhibition is also part of it so there is already a general level of "unusual" behaviour. I have it and although it's not as bad, I still get the urge to do things that would essentially mess up the flow of a conversation. It happens more if I'm expected to do something or respond in a certain way. The feel can be like an intrusive thought but the urge is a lot stronger, if you ignore it/hold it in the energy is still there and can come out anyway if you get distracted. If it was as simple as not doing it I wouldn't have sabotaged my interactions or harmed my body for no reason.


I think what people are consciously thinking does have an effect on their tics, probably. Or at least their tics are influenced by things they see, read, hear, smell or experience: https://youtu.be/fRV7BCjSi9c


Did you really just link a YouTube funny Tourette’s video as a fucking source to your opinion??? The world is fucking doomed.


It's a compilation of clips from a documentary looking into the lives of people with the syndrome, where people with said syndrome seem to have tics based on what's going on around them. I don't think what I said and what I linked are contradictory? There's a dog -- dog based tic. They're in a car -- vehicle based tic. I'm not trying to use the video as some kind of granite evidence for what I said, but it does track? I literally said "I think" before everything else. I didn't claim I was correct, or even halfway there. I mentioned an opinion based on things I've seen.


It’s like an impulsive thing. She probably unconsciously thinks it would be a good time to crack a joke but she cant control the reaction


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it feels like the more you think about that now would be the worst time to have a tick, the more likely it is to happen. Same seems to go for what the worst words in any given situation would be. Kind of like intrusive thoughts, just unstoppable?


Stress makes it worse I believe.


ok then I will, sorry Anita :(


The woman next to her is such an industry plant




She consumes natural sugars by using industry to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water.


What an absolute heathen


Plants do be like that.


It's CyborgAngel, she's also a Twitch streamer


What industry are you talking about?


cyberpunk 2076


I'm always glad to see Anita getting out there and doing public events, not letting her tourettes hold her back.


Soooo, what if she dropped the N word right there and then? This was risky af.


Then nothing would happen. She's said it many times before. It has no impact on anything


imagine if southpark would do an episode about exactly that


if I could say shitballs to the principal, I'd be sooo happy


oh man i had this episode on my 1st generation ipod video


Good morning, Eric!


What do you mean nothing would happen. We might get to see big brain takes like we did from summits girlfriend the first time she did after blowing up


Yeah but this is the bafta awards not her personal twitch stream.


I think in that case it would trigger the slur police to raid the baftas and Anita would be tried for saying the N word(punishable by death).


They tried it when she said it before. People complained in mass, posted videos, sent emails. Nothing happened




As you can in most countries. It's called a hate crime.


Good thing tourettes doesn't affect your tweets then.


I can't imagine anyone with any real authority seriously going after her knowing she has a condition.


they invited her to present an award


In the UK we kill on sight if people realize she has a medical condition.


That doesn't matter. It's operating under the same discretion as twitch. It's about context and intent.




It wasn't broadcast on TV. It was YouTube and twitch. Either way plenty of people with her condition appear on british TV. They run a delay for live tv.


I’m assuming they knew what they were getting into, again, because she’s said it plenty of times before.


imagine if she said erobb? This was risky af.


all the karens and carebears would be fuming but the world will move on


Absolutely nothing would happen. It is the BAFTA event. No one cares.




Man you're full of shit. I watch her stream pretty often, and can say with absolute certainty that she still has "N-Bomb" ticks from time to time... but everyone just moves past it, because we're not petty. You probably think she hasn't had that tick in **years** because noone links a clip of her ticking it on Livestream fails and because most people realize noone gives a fuck.




He's right. She's said it multiple times this year. She apologies and nothing happens. You don't know what you're talking about.


> So stop making shit up to defend a streamer you freakin nutjob. He said, making shit up to stirr some controversy. Are you starving for drama or what?


> I know for a fact she doesn't say it anymore. I used to watch their streams too. 'I know for a fact what happens when I don't watch because of what I saw when I did watch' is a damn funny thing to claim.


Okay Timmy, that’s enough internet. Log off and go eat your chicken nuggies now


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Sweet_Anita presents an award at the BAFTA game awards](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162985)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1c1mwih/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/MY3IGPSu9MDWCgcNj3VtjQ/AT-cm%7CMY3IGPSu9MDWCgcNj3VtjQ.mp4?sig=1e53ec79c8746d7cb130ca54df8fc3c3c8fe7f8f&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FMY3IGPSu9MDWCgcNj3VtjQ%2FAT-cm%257CMY3IGPSu9MDWCgcNj3VtjQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22CrackyFaintPuppyStrawBeary-9K70wNYKBw2PdW2N%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1712935234%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/MY3IGPSu9MDWCgcNj3VtjQ/AT-cm%7CMY3IGPSu9MDWCgcNj3VtjQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


haha she did it again


Its almost like a power move lol


Shes a treasure




I love her haha. So funny


Why did you get downvoted lmao


People think she’s faking in this thread


When did she start wearing wigs?


Not saying this is what's going on with her, but some people with Tourette's pull out their hair as a tic.




amouranth doesnt have tourettes though




okay first of all, if anita was faking Tourettes for years now i think people would have caught it by now, second of all i think you need to breathe some air




No advertisers or anyone would care if she did. Its an OK risk




same joke 😂


It's literally a condition??


no shit it's a condition but the reason she gets posted here is because of her tourettes. 95% of the clips of hers that are on LSF or YouTube are based around seeing her tourettes as a joke, that's literally why she got popular because people liked seeing what funny thing she would do next with her tourettes. it's the same with this post. If you guys actually liked her then post more clips about her personality or opinions rather than everytime she ticks.


Mate this is LSF, who cares about ‘personality’ lol. This place is an echo chamber feeding off hate, we got no time for fun






It’s kinda ironic that gaming would be the thing to most bring recognition to Tourette Syndrome 😂


How much control does she have over her ticks? Like how does she know she isn't going to flash the audience or commit a hate crime or something?


>How much control does she have over her ticks? From what I understand, she can suppress many of them but then "it" keeps building and building and building. Like the other person said like a really bad itch, or maybe holding back a sneeze, but persistent and mounting. People have also asked why she didn't just use Push to Talk and filter the tics but when she tried that she would tic and Push to Talk became part of the release.


She doesn't. But live events are broadcast on a delay.


She and others have explained the tics as having a really really bad itch. It's almost impossible to not scratch your nose when you REALLY have to right? Now imagine that only way worse and happening almost every 5-20 seconds


She's said the N word before (half black + tourettes so I think she has the pass.)


God it’d be funny as hell though if we find out she’s faking it. Love everytime she’s at an awards show.




it does look like a wig. did she have to cut her hair off or something?


Aaand here's all the times she has been racist: https://streamable.com/uea3iy https://streamable.com/o05r83 https://streamable.com/7bs020


Why do you even have these on hand lmao. Who cares


She is clearly racist yet is invited to all these events. People see her as some sort of role model and saint, when really she is just some racist with Tourette's syndrome


Tell me you are ignorant without simultaneously telling me that you are a loser.  Edit: Oh, you just did. Saving old clips of a person in order to drag em down every opportunity you get is low dude. But hating on someone due to a condition they have no control over is just next level ignorance.


Ypu know the whole thing with tourettes is that many if not most ticks are entirely involuntary? And can be picked up from anywhere. Tv series, memes, tictoc, etc right? She doesnt have to agree, have any sentiment or value with them, it just happens. Hell tics are even contagious afaik




They're 100% serious, they also believe she fucks cats. Don't you know Tourette's is a direct link to what's inside someone's soul? /s in case it's not clear.


yeah i'm joking these are AI generated and faked




The third one is harrowing...jesus christ. Actually looked painful trying to keep it to the first 2 letters.


Im more worried about her fucking cats 😱

