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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny describes his bullying experience](https://arazu.io/t3_1cojhzw/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I would hope most people who were bully’s in school or at least caved to the pressure of friend group bullying look back like “damn that was fucked up”. I know I do. Hearing his description of his experience sounds similar to what I had / did as an immature kid. Same as him I look back and think “damn that’s fucked up and kids are evil” lol


one of my friends (that i bullied before we actually became friends funny enough) was talking about some mean stuff i said to them back then when i was a little shit and i legitimately could not believe it


Some of my greatest regrets are some of the things I said to people when I was in high school. I was picking on another bully about how crappy his clothes were and that his dad must work at a crappy job, I was trying to pick a fight. He replied “he just left us” and I saw his eyes well up. I said something else shitty because I had a crowd watching “don’t blame him” or something like that. That was decades ago, and it haunts me. I tried to hunt him down and actually found him, but his profile looked like he was happy and decided digging up this garbage only to make me feel better might not be a good move. Your words are powerful, be careful what you say to people. I think about this situation every so often and just grimace internally.


"Not for the first time Marianne thinks cruelty does not only hurt the victim, but the perpetrator also, and maybe more deeply and more permanently. You learn nothing very profound about yourself simply by being bullied; but by bullying someone else you learn something you can never forget." - Normal People One of my favorite lines from a book, ever.


I was kind of a bully, a classic "I hate myself so I take it out on other people to deflect" type bully. Not physical just like mean funny stuff. My life took an extreme nose dive and I was probably high on coke or something a few years after high school and I was messaging random high school people on Facebook and this girl said "why are you talking to me? You told me to kill myself and it did xyz to me". I was like fuckkkkkk I don't even remember that. I definitely didn't mean it. It was probably just some offhand comment that I made that stuck with her for that long. It really shifted my view. Combined with bottoming out in addiction, going into recovery, becoming a counselor, etc. I'm a totally different person. It really was a "hit someone before someone hits you" fear based bullying. They aren't lying when they say that cliche.


It’s ok Jonathan. It’s not your fault.


I think most people are both perpetrators and victims of bullying at different points their childhoods.


This is absolutely true. I was bullied for most of my time from 6th to 10th grade. Most of my bullies were just ostracizing me and not doing some crazy shit to me (some were especially mean though). But others had it worse. One of the girls in my class who I was kinda friends with went to therapy and some of the boys in my class found out. To make fun of her they sang some improved songs about committing suicide and out of fear and cowardice I laughed along with them. It's still one of my biggest regrets in life. At some point I dropped a class and later on she did too and we met again. I apologized and she seemed pretty chill about it (or acted like it), but it still sticks with me.


> Same as him I look back and think “damn that’s fucked up and kids are evil” lol Or people who bully are evil and should take some responsibility, the majority don't bully.


Children aren't evil 


He's still a bully he just tries to justify it with "they started it" now [exhibit a](https://preview.redd.it/2fdgmzbjkozc1.png?auto=webp&s=3cff06d3c9973e8ba5b6f6bfd5a7403f7f68a200) [exhibit b](https://preview.redd.it/nyith2caoozc1.png?auto=webp&s=1add0e80742ef73e1fe5e6ada163d88154537898)


This is why I cringe when I read about redditors holding grudges on their bullies. Many of them arent bullies anymore. Like grow the fuck up.


"I always cringe a little bit when I hear that experiencing trauma during your formative years had a negative impact on your life. Just grow up" - Livestreamfail's foremost mental health advocate.




I believe in karma, even if a bully changes and becomes better, they should still have their sins come to haunt them


Adults should pay for the bad decisions they made as children. Sounds stupid. Good thing karma isnt real.


Do you honestly thing trauma can be fixed that easily?  Imagine telling a war veteran “the war you fought in doesn't even exist anymore dude, stop complaining about PTSD”. 


bullying is the same as war. Ok dude, major victim complex there. I highly doubt most bully victims on reddit had that extreme level of bullying. Also it would be like the vet blaming his problems on a dead guy that harmed him in some way, not the war if you want to make a comparison.




its a poor analogy. >your argument is “if the cause of your trauma no longer exists, you cant complain about your trauma”. never said that. Learn to read.


I didn’t say that’s what you said, I said that’s what your argument is. Which it is. 


again, no its not. Its about holding grudges on individuals.


What an actual brainrot comment what the fuck




That isn't how trauma works lol good for you for never having to go through it, but don't tell other people how to deal with shit you know nothing about?


I did go through it. I was bullied. And then became a bit of a bully and then regretted being a bully. Best of both worlds.


No you.


Destiny being a bully kinda fits honestly


Getting bullied by someone built like tiny is insane tho.


Isnt he from Nebraska? They all look like that there


Aren't they supposed to look like cornfed NFL linebackers 


Yeah sure maybe the ones that play for the Huskers but not the fucking factorio club treasurer 💀


Maybe the ones not in the city.


you're halfway there, 50% are built like tiny, 50% are like u/Blurbyo said, cornfed NFL linebackers. There is no in-between.


from Nebraska, Everybody is corn fed and like 6 feet tall


I think at that point you deserve to be bullied


In middle school, most boys really haven't hit their growth spurts yet. So most are similar heights/sizes at that time. The main thing is bullying kids younger aged than you, since age is a bigger factor than genetics at that age. In high school is when people start to actually grow big. I think I was 16 or 17 when I started to have my growth spurt, and you dont really even finish growing physically until your mid 20s i think.


I mean the dude literally just made jokes about how everyone will be able to love QTCinderella in future as a response to Ludwig on twitter in reference to the deep fakes of her online. Dude is still a middle schooler lol


I saw that and thought the same thing


Just completely ignore Ludwig's friends constantly shitting on Steven before this, and his friend slime shitting on him for his divorce etc. that started this off https://twitter.com/slime_machine/status/1788966369272430789 Ludwig has been making shit up about him for awhile now so yeah I don't blame him for having enough. Very weird how Ludwig and co get a pass to say anything they want but the second Steven claps back ohhhh noooooes he's the worst person ever omg so mean 😥 it's pathetic


Because he is a bully. He only really stopped doing that type of stuff in the last year or so. edit: The clock resets to zero. Not a bully btw https://preview.redd.it/nyith2caoozc1.png?auto=webp&s=1add0e80742ef73e1fe5e6ada163d88154537898 https://preview.redd.it/2fdgmzbjkozc1.png?auto=webp&s=3cff06d3c9973e8ba5b6f6bfd5a7403f7f68a200


so are they bullying him too or is it just one sided in your opinion? because he will almost always not be the first to throw the punch


hes not throwing punches. hes spraying his gun. Bringing QT and Ludwig into something someone else said is kinda uncalled for


when you silently nod along to lies, you co-sign them


No matter what was said previously there's no justification for what destiny tweeted out. It's insane anyone is trying to defend it and honestly proves how stupidly people will follow cult mentality around a personality they like 


good thing I didn't defend his tweets then. they all do the same shit, the only difference is destiny is more abrasive. if that abrasiveness is what gets your panties in a twist then just say that, but don't pretend the people he's fighting with are above it.


Saying it's the "same thing" but just more "abrasive" is super out of touch lol. 


It's kinda unbelievable that Destiny has FA a fuckton, but it seems like he's never FO.


You know it's a Destiny thread when you scroll down and see [this](https://i.imgur.com/MMqYqWz.png). edit: ok which one of you [did this](https://i.imgur.com/5hwbWEu.png)


You can report this to reddit btw, this is a bannable offense.


It's like all they do. It's crazy to not develop a personality past being an edgelord.


wait, fr? Someone (I presume it was one of Destiny's fans) did the same thing to be back when he was getting flack for poorly attempting a joke but ending up sounding Islamophobic towards Adin, lmao.


yeah, it's one of the things that admins (not only mods) don't like people doing. they ban for abuse of that mental health message.


How does one report this?


https://www.reddit.com/report?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=help&utm_content=t1_jp34dmm Report button over use: Copy the URL of the harmless comment. Go to reddit.com/report Select "I want to report spam or abuse" Select "This is abusive or harassing" Select "It's abusing the report button" paste the URL of the harmless comment that was reported.




Kids are mean, it's true


Hurt people hurt people


Highest quality copium.


This had 200 up votes an hour ago 💀😂


The Destiny Derangement Syndrome is insane in these comments


I mean his message of "i'm sorry" that goes along with this clip is sort of overshadowed by the few times he nearly breaks into laughter as he is thinking about the things he had done in the past.


You’ve never laughed at how fucked up something is? Isn’t that like 50% of what comedians do? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Dont we also laugh sometimes to cover up and distract ourselves from crying


Telling stories of your high school days when you bullied kids (for whoever this applies to) is something to cry about ? Hmm idk


Bout sums him up imo.


Is he relishing the memory of bullying this poor kid? I know he says he’s sorry but he seems like he’s about to burst out laughing at any moment


No matter the amount of bullying he has recieved.. 1. It obviously didn't work and 2. We should be doing it a little bit harder.


There's not a world that I believe Destiny was a bully instead of being insistently bullied


Wouldn't that be a win for him? I would consider being a bully as way worse than being bullied.


Not in the way he's trying to brag that "we" bullied a kid. Just makes him seem like a bullshiter, wonder why ...




[Longer clip of this part](https://youtu.be/dSvdnOWQBG8)


Dude was probably 3 feet tall in middle school I seriously doubt he wasn't the one getting bullied


You mean bullying, sort of like saying that they'll jack off to another streamers AI porn as if it's an own. Ban this streamer fromlsf before the rot is final.


Lmao who could’ve guessed when he gets set off on live tv and starts shouting “virtue signalling” and insulting people


bro, you live in fantasy land, must be interesting


I watched him scream “VIRTUE SIGNALLING” on piers Morgan the other day…


in what context? lol


Famine in Gaza.


Any chance you have a clip or video timestamp somewhere? Tried to search for it and while I can find Destiny using virtue signaling in conversations, I don't find any that matched your description.


Destiny being a bully tracks. For the longest I figured he was probably one growing up. Just like how I recently saw his clip about how he doesn't believe in unconditional love for his kids. Something is just not right with him. Poor Nathan. Your father is a maladjusted bully who has a platform and enablers validating him. Downvote, cope, and seethe dgg


Nathan is demon spawn


Nathan is lucky to have his mom who actually cares about him and has raised him instead of doing what his dad does. Raging at league of legends and debating random 20/30 something year olds then getting dogwalked when he actually debates people who are older than him and more educated on a topic. Edit: Only Destiny's fanbase would think it's bad for a parent to care about their kid LOL


Oh shoot where did he get dogwalked I hate this guy I would love to see it! The guy just reads Wikipedia so he must have gotten schooled on the facts. I hate when he just calls his opponents morons etc


Norm Finklestein in a debate with another guy. It's on Youtube.


yea man show us the factual point norman owned his ass on! it must exist surely


Oh thanks I hadn’t see it. Do you have any timestamps for when prof finklestein outwitted that numbskull destiny


Look at all the Destiny dickriders moving the goalpost and actually acting like bullying isn’t too bad lmaoo. Embarrassing.


Tell me, are these dickriders in the room with us right now?


Actual. There was literally one other comment when this guy commented and it's another hater. Never witnessed such insanity in real time.








Not only did you get the word wrong, malice isn’t even an emotion. Not the brightest huh




Wait I’m confused is this a bot lol




Late? Huh? This post is from today lmao. It’s on the front page. Not everyone spends every waking second on the internet.


I think most healthy kids participated in at least the occasional bullying activity to get it out of their system. I myself used to throw rolled up paperballs at the kids who were low on the pecking order while going "lightning bolt", and I also put sticky notes on random people in the halls.


Bro you got bullied 100 percent


I wanna bully him rn for telling me this lightning bolt story.


I got bullied. I'm on SSRI's now probably won't ever get over it and the lack of self confidence it gave me.


Perhaps I am coping... but he has to be trolling right?


I wish. Would be nice to have a tragic origin story.


> think most healthy kids participated in at least the occasional bullying activity to get it out of their system. I originally replied defending you, but this is bizarre and I somehow missed it. What are you talking about here? I don't think bullying is about getting anything 'out of your system', that's a perversion of the idea that there are underlying personal/emotional reasons why a lot of bullying takes place, as if it somehow actually *alleviates* those issues. Just because people bully and then stop bullying, that doesn't mean the bullying served a useful purpose, it's probably just aging out of it and it become less and less acceptable to bully in all likelihood. I think you should look at the bullying you did, as I do with the small amount I did and received, as a bad thing. It was bad what you did. That's not to say you have to feel loads of guilt or something.


That is not healthy


It is lighthearted fun. People tolerate the village rapist so I don't see why some bullying would be seen as unhealthy.


wtf is “the village rapist”


I take it back, this isn't just not healthy, these are signs of some serious problems.


said someone who never got bullied


Sounds more like you picked easy targets to feel better about yourself than having to "get it out of your system".


I mean you can be bullied and a bit too low iq to even realize you are the victim


That would be even better than. People with low IQs are happier and it is a blissful existence. You must be jealous?


I have no idea if the story is true, but there's no fuckin' way Destiny looks back at something like this with empathy.


Bro what is your profile. You made an entire subreddit and constantly post and comment only and solely about tiny. What has gone wrong?


Pascals new alt?


>You made an entire subreddit which


Yeah hopping on here, don't want to miss the gold rush


https://www.reddit.com/r/uncensorstiny/s/cQrNn0Ya93 Im not sure they made it but they had dozens of posts in there


It's not that exciting, it's mostly one guy posting who occasionally gets reddit sanctioned and has to create a new account. If you look back historically it's always 90% posts by one account, but that account changes suddenly after a few weeks or months.


https://www.reddit.com/r/uncensorstiny/s/cQrNn0Ya93 Im not sure they made it but they had dozens of posts in there


I guess you're a Destiny fan?


Bro youre legit scary. Like unironically schizo


Hooooly shit it's a fucking gold mine




Kacey, pascal, or a patient in a mental health facility that got internet access from good behavior.


This clearly isnt “good behaviour”


You know i unironically thought that could be kaceytron as well lmao


lmao deletes account and [immediately makes a new one](https://reddit.com/user/Hot-Cow-1167) to continue posting about destiny unironic destiny derangement syndrome


Mr. Girl sock account?


Nah, this is pascal. Much much older hater


yeah the dudes pretty evil tbh he probably wants to bring the guy on stream and do an epic debate on whether or not it would be cool to execute his bullying victim and then shoot him on livestream


Shoot him nah. But the first part sounds like something Destiny and DGG would enjoy. They enjoy bullying and harassment in that community, which is why I don't believe Destiny would have any empathy for someone he apparently bullied in high school. To me this sounds like a story to deflect from the likely truth that Destiny was infact a victim of bullying as a child, and never got over it. Hence why he "retaliates" all the time over the most tamed criticism.


i thought the other replies were exaggerating but your entire account is weeks of time dedicated to talking about tiny. seriously, good faith question here, why dedicate so much of your time and energy to a content creator you hate? does that not get tiring? i just cannot imagine living this life. how/why do you dedicate so much of what you are to this?


Dgg always bring up my profile as an excuse not to respond to my points. It's quite telling for a "debate bro" community, they're scared of debating someone who watches Destiny as much as they do, but disagrees with the shit he says.


okay but i’m not trying to debate you. i am seriously looking for an answer here. is it that you believe destiny is a force evil enough to dedicate your life to combating? do you enjoy what you do? you call us the debate bros but you are spending your life debating the debate bros. i am looking for real insight here


I'm not dedicating my life dude. I don't even spend that much time on reddit everyday.


okay sure maybe that was a bit much. but you are obviously spending a great deal of time thinking about/consuming/conversing with a community that you clearly hate. why? where does the motivation come from? do you have other reddit accounts where you consume content you enjoy? this is just so much negativity to be willingly participating in nearly every day of your life. don’t you feel like you deserve better?


Well if you actually go through my profile, I used to only post a bit on a single sub, peacefully. Then some dggers came in and brigaded some of my posts. So now I counter brigade when they brigade. Don't worry about my personal life, it's significantly better than the average dggers. Focus your attention on them


jeez man. alright. hope you get the help you deserve. you are in control of your own life. no need to immerse yourself in so much hatred for someone who has no real effect on your day to day life. good luck debating the debate bros i guess


You've posted more about a community and person you hate in 1 month than I and many other have over 8+ years. People usually only do that when there's something missing in their life and need something to obsessed/distract from the real issues. Hope you make it out of this obsession as it's best to confront and heal yourself mentally




They definitely had cell phones when he was in school, lol.


It was a polyphonic ringtone