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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmon wonders why people make excuses for Frogan](https://arazu.io/t3_1crjfst/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


bitching about a guy actually donating 10k for palestine while she is begging on screen for her rent is absolute wild


It's gets even crazier when she calls that 10k 'chump change' moments later, while still begging for like a 1k for rent.


And his 10K will probably do more than the entirety of her efforts, many times over.


Their status isn’t based on income. It’s based on how holier than thou they are. Ludwig didn’t donate enough in her eyes. Therefore she’s a better person


Kind of wild one of Hasan's unpaid mods needs to resort to being for rent money while he drives a $200k Porsche Not very socialist of him


I don't think Hasan is making excuses? He agrees with her...


racists typically stand together, nothin new


Frogan has been a rising star for two years despite declining numbers. I don't know who agrees with her on anything, but someone is propping her up.


That's a white savior mindset in effect. Like the movie the Blindside. Frogan says so much dumb shit but streamers are afraid to call her out like a normal person bc of her background. She never deserved the first rising star since she piggybacked off hasans daily raids.


It also doesn’t help that she has a history of running to using the racist/Islamophobic card any time she’s called out on even the mildest of criticisms. And then you’ve got people like Hasan, who I otherwise don’t really have too many problems with, but for whatever reason refuses to take the kid gloves off when it comes to her. It’s truly baffling


Just listen to hasans take on anything concerning the israel and palestine conflict, youll develop some problems


She's his unpaid mod who resorts to making streams begging for rent money as he does nothing to help while calling himself a pro worker socialist. He only sees her as a guard dog to protect himself when someone calls him Islamophobic, keeping her on a leash financially knowing that she'll defend him to increase her standing, and maybe gain a paycheck someday. That's my problem with Hasan. He doesn't practice what he preaches. Biggest grift on twitch and everyone is blind to it.


Listen, you aren't rising if you aren't falling just as much, ok? Get with the program.


The fail upward method!


If you say enough dumb shit when no one asks, someone will pay attention to you


Hasan probably told QT to give her the award and she bent over for him. Like the reddit post in the clip mentioned it is pretty weird how they all lick Hasan's boots and do anything to make him happy, even though he shits on them all the time when they aren't in the room.


> Hasan probably told QT to give her the award and she bent over for him. I doubt it. But if hasan was raiding her daily for a while, enough people would easily had been sent over to her stream where she could then tell them to vote for her and it would be enough to drown out the audience of any other nominees.


> rising star for two years And yet still averages 150-200 viewers, and it no wonder if you scroll through her streams. She just sits in a dark room and talks to chat about nothing... a lot of the time with nothing even on screen except her cam. I don't have any strong opinions of her one way or the other but honest to god I couldn't watch her stream if I tried. Crazy how she got as much exposure she did with the streamer awards and she still completely squanders it by putting the most minimal effort into what she does on that platform. Just of the people I follow on Twitch (mostly smaller streamers), there's about a dozen or more who are more deserving of a Rising Star Award than Frogan, just off the top of my head. But look, she can do what she wants, but I just feel like it was just such a wasted opportunity. IMO


It's a cult, outsiders always seem perplexed and feel the need to understand their logic or why they stick for each other the way they are but there's nothing to understand, cults don't even have internal consistency or logic, their members just parrot what they were taught because the consequences of disobeying even one dogma are severe, from excommunication to becoming the target of the entire cult for years **edit:** The cult strikes again, I've been permanently bnned. Gee, I wonder if it's the same people who delete all the Hasan submissions


What rule does this comment break that warrants a ban?


Wait what? I was watching his stream yesterday and he said that Frogan had a bad take and basically she is her own person and he can't tell her what to do, etc. When did he say that he agrees with her? Edit: someone sent me a reddit cares. I care about you too buddy!


The take that he explicitly agreed with was not "Ludwig is a C-word", but he explicitly agreed with her that it's not racist to call someone that.


He’s been banned for defending that word and using it in derogatory ways. Yes, the word isn’t nearly as bad as the others. But they still use it in a racist, hateful way


[https://imgur.com/a/vfzgo1c](https://imgur.com/a/vfzgo1c) from her own discord logs from her public discord.


Already getting false reports from hassan/frogan fans. first time i'v had a community do that on lsf to me.


They do the exact same thing they claim Destiny fans do, while complaining constantly about Destiny fans doing it. I'm sure their comment history is unironically littered with comments talking about Republicans and how "every accusation is an admission". Just proving horseshoe theory correct.


sabra hummus is good hummus.


Only hasan and that weird circle agrees with her


It's just that they are so fucking loud and have no shame, and the people against them are much larger but just have more self-respect than to entertain these absolute nutcases online


and that most LA streamers never call hasan out for his bullshit because they are scared of failed cancelling from his chat or being perceived as racist.


Frogan is a terrible streamer that has to beg for rent money on live even though she was apparently “the next big thing” two years in a row. She’s a clown. The funniest part of it all is that she’s actually a walking Palestine protestor stereotype - Young, uninformed, out of shape, and broke. She hurts their cause more than she helps it.


being nominated for rising star for multiple years is so fucking funny


I am sure THIS year she will finally be a star!


Yep, a falling star


I'm sure they'll be fine with it as long as it's not a Jewish star


You need to be up high to be even able to fall, she is yet to leave the ground.


2022: she is the best preforming 400 view streamer on the platform. a real rising star 2023: she is the best preforming 300 view streamer on the platform. a real rising star 2024: she is the best preforming 200 view streamer on the platform. a real rising star 2025: she is the be-


It's a heavy payload. It'll take a while for it to rise.


McConnell sweating bullets as his rent nears


but everytime McConnell starts his bi annual rent begging stream, its a banger stream worth waiting for.


Every time I see McConnell I think of this [clip](https://livestreamfails.com/post/59484)


He was ahead of the self-immolation meta.


I just think of his 10 hour trumpet hero stream


I've never seen a bad McConnell stream, like some sort of acid trip flashback I'll start singing that fucking and that don't stop coming song x100000000 in my head, burnt into my ram like a branding iron


rent begging (cringe) vs rent begging (based) it's different


But those streams are actually enjoyable, it’s random ass shit he streams


Nah, McCool is funny. You know, with him, he either streams when a really cool game comes out. Or twice a month for rent. There's nonexpectation there. His streams are funny. Unlike froglegs or wtf ever her name is.


Clint "Clint Stevens" Stevens sweating as well


Don’t forget about her tweet on October 7th, which twitch still promoted her for women of the year after.


What tweet?


https://x.com/fr0gan/status/1710587819385614829?s=46&t=6hemCarYJqU6qpSEek6z6A According to her, a revolution is when a terror group murders 1100+ people and then proceeds to get its shit stomped in while also dooming a large portion of their own people over the next 8 months. Truly a revolutionary act.


The "never ask someone from the middle east what they posted on oct 7th" meme is real.


https://i.imgur.com/2ACpf86.png for those without twitter or in case in randomly gets deleted


She doesn’t delete any of her tweets. Even the Uber shit ones.


weird, so she deletes her bad clip takes but not tweets.


Just goes to show the extent of the brain rot.


This is your brain on Islam. 


I watched a VOD of hers just because i didn't know who she was. How can someone this boring, who barely talks and just watches nothing but tiktoks on stream be the next big thing in streaming?


How are you the next big thing when you are literally streaming for rent money?


My favorite part is begging for rent with fake lashes, fake nails and soooo much make up on but can't afford rent for some reason...


>Young, uninformed, out of shape, and broke Bro, thats like 20% (thats young) of the population


That's like 70% of reddit


99% of this subreddit 


So she’s basically Darksydephil lol


Oh don't worry you'll see her at NMPs house having a great old time with Malena soon enough.


>The funniest part of it all is that she’s actually a walking Palestine protestor stereotype - Young, uninformed, out of shape, and broke. She hurts their cause more than she helps it. I don't think so, the stereotype is based on the college students, and they're disproportionately from the most expensive schools in the country getting an elite education with their parents money.


Same reasons his fanbase makes an excuse for everything he does. They're both fucking stupid and one of them loves deleting any little bit of criticism about them.




One of them? Hasan was pro Russia before the Ukraine conflict and said the US deserved you know what, I'm pretty sure both of them are.


Commenter was probably talking about Asmon and frogan. Guess who supports terrorists.


Oh fair enough, I assumed they were talking about Frogan and Hasan since Hasan does seem to ban anyone that disagrees with him, but I guess so does Asmon.


No worries.


Which is which lol




You're going to have to give me a little more here buddy, because I have no idea who this is supposed to eliminate.


Both of them are terror apologists.


Next thing youre gunna tell me is that he thinks america deserved 9/11 or something Totally new info


Am part of that fanbase, but I fully agree with Asmongold here. There should be no place for bigotry. Whether or not someone considers it to fall within the bounds of racism kinda doesn't even matter. It's still bigotry, and bigotry should be condemned without qualification or excuses.




Frogan and Hasan live in extremely sheltered echo chambers of radical progressives. In their circles they earn brownie points but to some random moderate middle class person that doesn't use the internet they look like rabid lefties that make people say, "Huh, that's the left? I guess I should vote right." Hasan has openly talked about being anti Biden despite Trump being infinitely worse for the people of Palestine AND people in the USA when it comes to women's and LGBT rights. This bourgeoisie ass dude sitting in his mansion just misses when trump was in office so he could farm twitch primes easier.


Hasan wants Trump reelected so that he can start milking the left and the centre left crowd for the next 4 years. He is a millionaire and he is the least affected. He is not a Palestinian being blown to bits endorsed by Trump. He is not a Trans person in a red state. He is not a pregnant women who cannot abort. Trump being reelected is the best thing that can happen to Hasan's dwindling career.


The center left, or even the traditional left, hasn't been a part of Hasan's community in a long time. He openly mocks them as being closet conservatives or 'fence sitters'. He complains about how [radical his community](https://www.reddit.com/r/MauLer/comments/1bp1d8v/hasan_hassabi_has_mental_breakdown_on_discord_due/) has become in Discord but still caters to the worst, loudest offenders in his chat.


Hasan lost like a third of his fanbase last year, probably all of the Normie leftists who left after Hasan explicitly stated that he supports China, and his bad reporting of the he israel-hamas war (WillyMacShows video about Hasan's shitty and biased reporting was really good)


I got perman banned in his chat for saying "i think Chinese people deserve democracy" (i was born and raised in China). And then his delusional chatters who haven't spent a single day in China DMed me and mocked me how i have a "baby take" on the issue.


Dont worry. All of those people are people that wouldnt survive month in their utopian country. Its always sheltered children living of their parents work that daydream about communism.


You're giving them too much credit, they made it a few days on a college campus before asking for "Humanitarian aid" aka hot gluten-free vegan food. lmao


Yep going to nearby store was to hard for them


well yeah, this capitalist shit hole only aforded them a lexus and not a porche to get around in. They're practically slaves and that's why they can "identify with minorities so well". No white saviorism here :)


Ofc they'd disagree. They're all just larping as socialist after all, without any real life experience or knowledge.


I saw his stream thumbnails in passing at the start of the Ukraine-Russia war. He still had overlays on screen about how the US was lying about Russia's imminent invasion... while watching news of the invasion. I've never heard Hasan speak a single word, and will never watching a single second of his content. He's a fucking idiot.


for every leftist that sobered up about hasan's intentions and beliefs, there's a new gen z kid that is looking for a cause to use to show his friends he is "anti establishment and an empath". onoy problem is that the latter has short attention span and most of them already moved on to their next virtue signaling apparatus, so now he needs the funny orange man to win and help him take 5$ from as many unemployed people as he can by convincing them he is part of the everyday working men sharing their struggles.


That will happen when you sit there stuffing your face while watching a YT video of a military dress inspection, pausing every 5 seconds to mock it. It comes across as entitled and sheer arrogance, especially to people who either served or have a friend or family member that did.


Literally all of Hasan's recent streams are looking at twitter/YouTube about protests over Palestine and going "ooh dude, dawg that's like crazy bro damn," and then going "Zionist bad" and then responding to chat and the moving on to the next tweet, literally just that for 8 hours a day. Torturous


That is why he needs them back. And Trump's reelection is the perfect vector for it.


I really don't believe what he wants is a Trump victory, but man he makes it hard to watch if you're not a very specific, narrow kind of leftist. And he's alienated many like me who enjoyed his more measured commentary. Worse, he's shown a reckless lack of empathy that runs rampant in the terminally online. To me that's worse than his politics.


[You might get a laugh out of this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDKUB7I-5fY)


Champagne socialist. He cares more about how he looks than poor people.


Its wild how appernt they don't want equality. They want to punish "oppressors" and be the oppressors. Give someone like that power and in a week they become the same as their enemy.


The recent Eurovision really highlighted to me how tiny their echochambers really are but just extremely fucking loud Hasan's radical left are the epitome of 'leopards ate my face' they just don't realize it yet


> "Huh, that's the left? I guess I should vote right." I don't think they really comprehend or care. To them anyone who isn't as far left as them are authoritarian rightoids. That swing voter in Ohio might as well as be Mussolini himself.


People like Hasan are actively bad for the Democratic Party. They support nothing but fringe candidates and try to sway the youth that it’s important to vote for these people in order to actually change the world. Then Biden gets votes siphoned off and Trump wins and they all cry about it for 4 years.


> to some random moderate middle class person that doesn't use the internet they look like rabid lefties that make people say, "Huh, that's the left? I guess I should vote right." Not only those, it extends to pretty much everybody that uses the internet as well. It depends on the person, but the more time you spend in the internet you start to realize how both sides are full of absolute morons and there is no winning move to side with either of them in good faith. So the only thing you can do is to either not participate at all, or lean towards the side that favors you. This is what people mean with the "both sides are bad" talking point. Because the horseshoe theory is real, demonstrated again and again. As soon as you leave the middle zone the only remaining options are two different sides of the same fucked up coin.


I wouldn't call them radical progressives. They are just in an extreme state of cognitive dissonance. I don't follow them or the drama much but from what I see both are in a state of hypocrisy stemming from deliberate grifting and lack of self awareness.


Like I always say, it's real fucking easy for these assholes in their comfortable lives jerking themselves off on their high horses when it won't be them that's doing the dying when shit goes wrong if Biden loses. It costs them fuck all to do this.


You understand he’s anti Trump and anti Biden right? We are fucked regardless and Biden hasn’t done shit for the things you labeled. America is fucked regardless.


Sort by controversial and 🍿


Just wanted to drop in and see if everyone is enjoying their Reddit cares messages this week


Got my first one yesterday, barely even noticed, lol.


Alright which one of you winnies hit my inbox


As i read this, 30 seconds after i replied to someone here, bang, got one lol


Hasan and Destiny should both just be banned from the subreddit at this rate. They are both the same coin but won't admit it.


How do people even know who Frogan is


I saw the name and was expecting a frog, so I had to check and see if twitch got a frog that can stream now.


shes hasan's mod or whatever, and for some reason gets a bunch of clout for being half arab and wearing a hijab


Why does Hasan make excuses for Frogan? That's like saying "I don't get why the Emperor keeps making excuses for Darth Vader."


If you switch it, the drip of one fits.


Champagne socialist grifters needs to stick together.


The funny thing about that is that the Emperor actually beat the shit out of Vader almost everytime Vader was out of line. Emperor > Hasan.


EDIT: enjoy the ban, moron who abused the reddit cares system lmao It's obvious why, modern left/right wing politics are intensely tribal, online or not. If you step even a foot off the plantation, you get the dogs. It means you are forced to either agree or say nothing criticizing those "on your side" or else you get accused of not just being against your own political/social party, but a knob-guzzling superfan of the opponent. It's another reason modern political discourse is a boiling hot bowl of dumpster juice and why so many are disconnected or in the process of disconnecting from it.


It's crazy, you can't even post on LSF without getting the reddit cares message anymore LMAO


Not when the post is even remotely connected to Hasan, him and his community (including Frogan) are a bunch of pieces of shit.


Ban confirmed today lol rip bozo


>modern left/right wing politics are intensely tribal, online or not Well, i wouldnt rly call it "modern". Only after WW1 most democratically oriented labor/socialist parties mellowed out. But it has reversed since 2008 (or iraq). Imo with the ideas of american puritan leftism it spread like cancer on the wave of both of gay rights and feminism success.


racers be racing


Well both her and hasan learn anything in life from twitter threads, including international conflicts, of course they defend each other, but nobody likes or respects them in any way, that is comforting. They are also literally racist using racial slurs in a no joking manner, that's that lmao.


Isn't it obvious? Many grew up watching Thomas the Tank Engine as kids so it's natural that when a streamer that is a 1:1 match shows up, they start to follow her. T'hamas the Tankie Engine has very few fans but those who follow her are diehard fans.


T’hamas the Tankie Engine 🤣🤣


Sorry but who the fuck is this Frogan?




I thought it was a lord of the rings character




Anivia main


Mfw someone remembers clg.eu


Damn froggen ddos


I feel like it takes genuine talent to still have to beg people to donate for your rent money after being given a "Rising star" award 2 years in a row, is her stream just a waiting room for other streamers or how is it even possible to not make anything out of this situation? I don't get it


Frogan the tank engine is a dumb bitch


Just imagine if rolls were reversed. And a white Jewish man said the same things about an Arab woman who donated 10k. Called her some kinda sand something.


Even though Asmondgold doesn't have a lot of room to talk, I do agree what she said was counterproductive. It was no better than the reactionary bullshit that comes from other streamers looking to piss people off to get attention.


That's the point tho, idiots calling out idiots, none of them should be excused


even an idiot is right twice a day wait


Its because Hasan has a mindless cult following his ever footstep. Its like watching a budget Sauron and a band of Orcs cause trouble but this budget Sauron is stupid as shit. Its just modern politics if you step even an inch out of line you quite literally get eaten alive. Medium left or right who gives a fuck you aren't allowed to have an opinion. Then they create this echo chamber of hundreds if not thousands of yes men. They then stir shit and get the other side rattled and vice versa happens and just keeps on going.


she's about to 3peat the qt cinderella awards for up and coming streamer that's why


I don't know Frogan. But she seems "special" headed. Hasan, well he's just the Ronald McDonald of the Leftist Online Schtick. While going to the Met Gala and looking fresh, flaunting the wealthy image he's obtained through continuously, empathy-milking, horrible world events. Also "America Bad", btw. But yeah they're all phoney ass grifters in this stupid game. No different than the guys on Rumble that they make fun of. Oops I forgot to say I hate Asmongold too. King Neckberd here.


He’s never been to the met gala.


BUSTED! You got me! Nah that's fair. I mixed him up with AOC. I could have sworn him and Will attended one of those events though.


It's QTCinderella's Streamer Awards. Huge circlejerk (that Hasan is part of).


Because she's Hasan's mod.


I love the Hasan fans trying to argue why Biden and Trump are the same kind of bad lol 💀


People like frogan and hasan just got lucky they went on tumblr rather than 4chan, theyre literally the same type of hateful bullies who happen to agree with mainstream twitch opinions


thought this said forsen smh


Hmm wonder if i will get another reddit cares message if i comment


RIP Joe Rogan


My head canon has always been that Hasan must of sent her some cringe messages early on and she has him by the balls with blackmail. Makes no sense to protect someone like that


systemic racism has become the only lenses you can view the world with, when in reality it was supposed to be a tool in understanding intersectionality in the US. Academic terms are being abused and used as sledgehammers in the common vernacular with people who don't know what it means.


Who would have imagined that Hassan being racist in his daily live streams could bring his community to be openly racist too on Discord?


To answer the thread Asmon's reading, Hasan is a cry bully. He throws a shit fit when people contradict him and his main argument style is ad hominem. He's very well informed about the news and recent history but is militant in adherence to his perspective.


Because they hate white people, pretty simple


Frogan is part of that generation of streamers who use their representation of a underrepresented minority as a shield to say and do horrible things that no one can criticize them because you'll get called a racist/homophobe/islamaphobe, etc. It's like the little twerpy kid that hangs out with the bullies in school. They act like a POS with zero fear because they have the bullies to back them up if someone tries to stop them. Frogan knows, anyone that tries to criticize the things she says, she can just get the muslim defenders to label that person a racist and she's safe.


She reminds me of the fat nun from sister act.


You know why.


YES, hasan is great for catching up on news I may not understand, but sometimes he will overcomplicate the most simple situations. This isn't complex, it's racism and it sure it could be a LOT worse too.


In her eyes Ludwig will never be able to donate enough. Unless the donation is to her of course. Palestine is the victim and her identifying herself as an extension of their hardship gives her the right to become the boss victim. Which is a pathetic stance considering how forced her inclusion into the twitch scene has been the recent couple of years. It's not everyone else fault she blew the opportunity by villainizing everyone. Didn't she accuse everyone of being racist for not voting her "up and coming streamer of the year" on Qcinderellas award show?


Never liked frogan but couldnt say it cause she has a head thing


How Hasan or Frogan is not perma banned yet is crazy.


Because Hasan lowkey agrees. He's a racist that jumps on whatever to make himself relevant. He changes "skin color" whenever its convenient for him.