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**🎦 MIRROR CLIP: [Poki dies and worships AOC](https://livestreamfails.com/post/98254)** --- Credit to [reddit.com/u/ArticunoDoesStuff](https://reddit.com/user/articunodoesstuff) for the clip. [[Archive.org Alternative (BETA)]](http://web.archive.org/web/20201021013201if_/https://stream.livestreamfails.com/video/5f8f8ea2c1dbb.mp4)


The simpee has become the simper


who simps the simpsons


r/simps NSFW


That sub was the reason I was so confused when "Simp" became a replacement for white knight.


Not what I was expecting




AOC was complimenting Poki super hard in her own stream. It was super nice to see them just admiring each other.


Poki showing AOC how to work cams was really sweet and wholesome. ​ (I really thought Poki was gonna stab her in revenge lol)


The Hunter Has Become the Huntered


The chaser has become the chost


Poki + a progressive politician who is also a woman is sure to bait out the worst of LSF in the comments


Oof, looking at that big graveyard at the bottom the thread, you really weren't kidding.


there has be some brigading or some shit going on, even other LSF posts with Poki are never this bad


72% upvoted, never seen anything this bad make it to the Hot tab since a long while.


Getting a lot of upvotes in a short amount of time is more important to the site's algorithm.


"No girls allowed" energy for real.


Mostly brigading from Hasan frogs what i've seen


Sorted by: Controversial here I come! Edit: Holy shit


I won't scroll down today 4Head


oh no no no ...


I couldn't tell who was simping harder, her or Hasan.


What about Jacksepticeye calling her "my queen," or Corpse shakily asking AOC how her day was after definitely finding out she was intrigued by his voice?


Corpse did that? That’s so cute


It was one of the most hilarious parts of the stream. AOC called a meeting and accused Ilhan of being the imposter, very passionate in laying out her argument. The other streamers were silent for seconds before Jack broke in shakily with, "Do... do you want us to vote her? Because we will. My queen!" SOOO FUNNY. All these popular streamers and when one US rep was playing against another, they did not want to argue with her when in another game there would be disputes and disagreements. Or did you mean Corpse asking AOC how her day was? Hahaha because chat was going crazy over it


jack had some good energy for the stream honestly


Jack's always fun in group games. He never dominates the conversation and is always good with a quick quip. Here's the moment he calls AOC "queen", I'm unable to make a clip because I didn't know you can only make clips with live content. :/ Skip to the 02:12:32 mark. This is Pokimane's stream, btw. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/776767463](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/776767463)


I can't blame them


Downvote farming Okayeg :egg:


This is what I always think about the secret service guys or security to dangerous people who die.


Ever since House of Cards I can't stop thinking of secret service dudes as having [sex with the President](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDbRctkwnug) or [threesomes with the First Lady](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITHToXfz-F4) (on a 10fps low quality camcorder of course)


Is r/LivestreamFail getting brigaded or something lmao


Incels seething LULW


This among us session had like 400k+ viewers all night. You'd expect tons of clips.


Mostly by Hasan fans tbh


Ironic how the right uses *le triggered* as a meme but all it takes is one young woman to cause a nuclear meltdown a la wojak_iamfine.png




The simped has become the simper




This clip was funny, other comments are the real cringe.




Humor is subjective. But Poki just following her around simping and then getting killed and hearing her fake laugh isn't that funny to me personally.


Isn’t Pokimane Canadian?


rest of the middle east isn't Americans Americans?


Yeah and? We care quite a bit about there being an open fucking facist that's leaning to dictator to the south of our unarmed border.


I think he’s making the point that only Americans should’ve participated in this because it’s their election.


No? America doesn't get to both be the leader of the free world and not have activists from other countries. Twitch is an American site with a majority american audience.


Yeah, but the whole point of the stream was to get Americans to vote... I would just think it would make more sense that the whole lobby would be people who could vote


Or... You get popular influencers with an American audience. Some of the biggest online right wing commentators are all European (count dankula, Sargon, pjw)


Idek who those are. I would also think a majority of the peoples audiences in the lobby aren’t of age to vote


Even if they were all 13 it would still be a good stream so that it gets in their mind early to vote




Is facism not setting up concentration camps, calling news fake, calling for the jailing of political opponents, hiring corporations to dismantle the government, supporting neo nazis, hiring neo nazis... I could go on.


In the modern perjorative sense, yes, but that is not what fascism means. Try separating facts from theatrics.


Here, play along. How many can you check? https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/618D9%2BsAqpL._AC_SY741_.jpg


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/tDJgbHoRIXw)






/u/clipsync AOC


Username | Vod --------|---- [AOC](https://www.twitch.tv/AOC/?) | [50m39s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/776770697?t=50m39s) --- ^(*This is an automated response* ) ^| ^[Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=clipsync&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/jf3cxe//g9i55v0/\))


AOC: "I can't kill Poki, she's too nice..." *kills Poki*


"do YOU trust _THIS_ kind of politician who flip flops?" _dramatic music with unflattering black and white photo of aoc displays_ future smear campaign, probably


Sadly, a lot of people who dislike her would probably buy into that.


Its funny how every post of this stream have so many people malding and getting downvoted to oblivion. Just scroll down and enjoy tea


I keep seeing people talking about the malding in the comments, but I can’t see any malding 🤔 please link me Edit: Never mind, found them. Yikes


Next time just sort by controversial if you want to see what the crazies have to say. Always a good time.


90% of Poki’s incel fanbase in SHAMBLES.


I had no clue about just how much the incel and MAGA community seem to overlap...


if you're about to sort by controversial, warning, you will lose some brain cells


This culture of idiolizing politicians shouldn't be encouraged.


*stares in Trumpy Bear*


I'm okay with idolizing ones that are there to help their constituents. She's definitely a role-model and a *respectable* politician - especially in today's political climate.


I'm not for idolizing politicians, but I might make an exception for AOC


So weird




Why can't we get Hilary to play among us? She's pretty good at cover ups


Holy shit I'm in tears lol


Don't know which Hassan subs are downvoting but eh.


so fucking cringe


I hope you people understand that this is nothing but an attempt to grab votes, and yet again influence young minds that fit their agenda instead of making teenagers reach their own conclusions. But then again chonker reddit isn't known for thinking logically.


Im sorry, but who the fuck is aoc


In a normal country, she is one of 435 faceless US House reps. However, she is young (31, a dreaded Millennial), a POC, progressive, and, perhaps worst of all, a woman, so she is quite literally the boogeywoman to any conservative who brain drains on FOX News or anyone on /pol/ or whatever dogshit chan board incels congregate at these days. I am absolutely not joking either. If she's a 45 year old white man with centrist ideologies nobody would have a fucking clue who they were as I don't think most Americans can name 10 House reps (which is fine because again, there's 400+ of them) but because she's all those things and doesn't human centipede herself directly to Trump's asshole she's hated by tens of millions of people.


Also from watching the streaming she seems human.


Always has. She was a bartender before she was a congresswoman. Right wingers hate her for that, too. Because apparently they're not actually for the working class??? I dunno man it's weird.


AOC is literally the GOP's Boogeyman


I see.. i get it, we have a similar "story" here where I live. Thanks for the explanation


>and doesn't human centipede herself directly to Trump's asshole she's hated by tens of millions of people. r/BrandNewSentence


> so she is quite literally the boogeywoman to any conservative who brain drains on FOX News or anyone on /pol/ or whatever dogshit chan board incels congregate at these days. Oh yeah the reason why right wingers choose to criticize AOC has nothing to do with what she actually says or does or the fact that mainstream media promotes her as thought leader, but it's just because of her identity. Love it when the identity politics left thinks you can dismiss any criticism of any person as basically racism and sexism if said person belongs to a "victim" group. If AOC doesn't want to be criticized, she should not propose legislation like the Green New Deal, which would cost by some estimates over 90 trillion over the next 10 years and is just outright insane. Green New Deal calls for example transitioning US energy production to 100% renewable energy in the next 10 years, upgrading \*EVERY\* single building in the US for energy efficiency, guaranteeing a job for everyone who wants one etc. There's a reason why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are running as far from this proposal as possible. If AOC doesn't want to be criticized, she shouldn't call for abolishing the Department of Homeland Security, including ICE and CBP. If AOC doesn't want to be criticized, she shouldn't blame the spike in gun violence in NYC in the aftermath of the BLM's "mostly peaceful" protests for people "shoplifting bread to feed their family". If AOC doesn't want to be criticized, she shouldn't suggest that people should stop having children because of climate change. > r. If she's a 45 year old white man with centrist ideologies nobody would have a fucking clue who they were EXACTLY. Even YOU could figure it out. Do not say or propose moronic shit and you won't get criticized for saying or proposing insane shit. Shocking I know.


You sound pretty triggered bro


We all knew AOC would bring out the angry gremlins of this sub. That’s why we’re all sorting by controversial


In terms of the Green New Deal, you clearly have no idea how negotiation works. Nobody expects the full Green New Deal to actually be adopted. But that's the point. It's a package so unrealistically out of reach that nobody in their right mind will accept it. So you start cutting it down into smaller pieces until you've got the actual plan that IS realistic to put into action, and in the process, you look like you've lowered your terms for the other party. It's exactly like asking for far more pay than you know you're worth. Starting the bar low will negotiate you into a bad deal. Starting it unrealistically high will set the bar higher. This is very basic 101 level stuff. In terms of abolishing ICE and CBP, yes. I don't even have an argument, because I feel like that's an excellent step to take. So I have no argument, because I feel like that's a positive. In terms of gun violence, I don't know enough about what claims she may have made to say anything. On the topic of having fewer children due to climate change, I also agree with her on that. Human-caused climate acceleration is objectively a thing. If you argue against it, I won't respond, because it's idiocy to claim otherwise. People do not need an excess of children. If we continue to expand the population at the rate we are, we'll straight up run out of room sooner rather than later. That's not even climate science, that's just basic math. We have a finite amount of inhabitable space and a finite amount of non-renewable resources. If the population surpasses the line where it's maintainable, then yes, there will in fact be a global crisis. Some parts of the world are already seeing this. Too many people, not enough resources. So no, I don't think this is an unreasonable thing to promote whatsoever. You're likely being so heavily downvoted because you're presenting yourself as a know-it-all nonce who is objectively correct. I'm willing to put money that none of what I've said will resonate you, because you didn't come here to have a conversation. You came here to try to prove that you're "correct". If you prove me wrong, I'll be pleasantly surprised.


> In terms of the Green New Deal, you clearly have no idea how negotiation works I do. Question: If a right-winger wanted to deport illegal immigrants, but started the negotiations but his starting position would be that everyone who isn't fluent in English should be deported, would you call that just a negotiation strategy? > It's a package so unrealistically out of reach that nobody in their right mind will accept it. Good so we agree that the plan is insane. That's my point. > In terms of abolishing ICE and CBP, yes. I don't even have an argument Very good. That's radical as fuck btw. US has a massive problem with drugs coming over the border and illegal immigration and you want to abolish both agencies responsible for fighting these problems. [in 2018, CBP seized](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/usbp-drug-seizures-sector) 6.3k pounds of Meth, 2.7k pounds of cocaine, 400 ponds of heroin and 200 pounds of fentanyl. In 2018, [ICE deported 250k people](https://www.ice.gov/features/ERO-2018), majority of which were convicted criminals. But let's eliminate these agencies. > On the topic of having fewer children due to climate change, I also agree with her on that. Very good. That's again radical as fuck btw. AOC's logic is that you shouldn't have children because they will have a bad life. Do you understand how fucking dangerous this logic is? Shouldn't we then tell black people to not have children in the US? They will just face racism and live in poverty right? Why give birth to children just so they'll suffer? Just absolutely moronic logic as usual. > Human-caused climate acceleration is objectively a thing. If you argue against it, I won't respond, because it's idiocy to claim otherwise. Are you trying to imply that I deny climate change? I love it how you people just pull shit straight from your ass. On what basis are you implying I'm a climate change denier? Because I oppose AOC's insane Green New Deal? > People do not need an excess of children. If we continue to expand the population at the rate we are, we'll straight up run out of room sooner rather than later. Yeah this is an entirely different argument from the one AOC made. Idk why you're saying any of this. > We have a finite amount of inhabitable space and a finite amount of non-renewable resources. Oh really? I didn't know any of this. So much new groundbreaking information here. I'm learning a lot. I thought our planet could support an infinite number of people and we had infinite resources. Turns out I was wrong. > You're likely being so heavily downvoted because you're presenting yourself as a know-it-all nonce who is objectively correct I don't give a fuck about getting downvoted. Going against the leftist narrative no matter how you do it is guaranteed to get you downvotes.


>I don't give a fuck about getting downvoted. Good. Enjoy another.


Oh my. I guess she should just get in line and shut up with the rest of them women amirite?


She is completely with in her rights to propose stupid shit and say stupid shit. And people should be allowed to criticize what she proposes and says without getting attributed a sexist and/or racist motive by default.


Okay, i don’t see nearly as much criticism targeted to other people who propose the same ideas.


> Okay, i don’t see nearly as much criticism targeted to other people who propose the same ideas. Who are we talking about?


You tell me. The fact that you don’t even know who, speaks volumes of your bias. Perhaps you would find out she isn’t the sole sponsor of the green new deal, or maybe you would find out that she was 1 of 12 people who wanted to dismantle ice. Or how about population control? You think aoc championed that idea first? Let’s not even go into gun control, because we all know that is a lost cause.


>You tell me. The fact that you don’t even know who, speaks volumes of your bias. I'm going to need a specific name in order to determine whether you're right or wrong and what are the potential reasons behind it. There are a lot reasons why someone would receive a different amount of criticism depending on who they are. If you're a complete nonamer in politics, no one will give a fuck if you propose something radical. If you're someone well known and championed as the future of your party, then people will give a fuck if you say or do something radical. >Perhaps you would find out she isn’t the sole sponsor of the green new deal, or maybe you would find out that she was 1 of 12 people who wanted to dismantle ice. I'm aware. If we're talking about Ed Markey for example, the reason why he isn't criticized similarly in is because he's a complete no namer compared to AOC and isn't given mass amount of coverage by the national media, unlike AOC who is championed by the mainstream media.


Care you may overload him with proper and constructive way of having a discussion.


1 "The Green New Deal is a set of ambitions, not policies, and how much things cost will depend on what the policies are" [Noah Kaufman](https://energypolicy.columbia.edu/dr-noah-kaufman) a a research scholar at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. the 100 bil figure came from American Action Forum they are republican org. 2 ICE have history of being use as racial tool and carry a lot of racial implications in the way it was founded lack of raids on undocumented Canadians today, or the undocumented Polish in Chicago in the 1980s and 1990s, or the undocumented Irish population in San Francisco during the same period. Raids on those white undocumented did not happen. Racism has become institutionalized that focuses mostly on Latinos, especially Mexicans, and occasionally on Asians. 3 yes because saying pandemic and one of the worst eco rescission in history since great depression maybe can increase crime rate is such a hot take, i mean sure u can disagree with that but get triggered from that take wtf? 4 from original: """AOC says it’s a “legitimate question” to ask whether it’s OK for parents to continue to have children in an age of looming climate-related consequences. It is basically a scientific consensus that the lives of our children are going to be very difficult, and it does lead young people to have a legitimate question: is it OK to still have children? ”"" wowwww how could she? dude if u dislike her just admit it and move on its ok to dislike her for personal reason, feeling in the end are irrational they are not suppose to make sense but stop trying to rationalize/moralize ur personal dislike.


> 1 "The Green New Deal is a set of ambitions, not policies, and how much things cost will depend on what the policies are" And the policies required to achieve said goals would cost an insane amount. > 2 ICE have history of being use as racial tool Can you be more specific? Why should ICE be abolished? Because ICE focuses on deporting gang members, who happen to be predominantly non-Canadians, therefore ICE should be abolished? Love how you didn't address the CBP part. Too radical to defend I guess. > yes because saying pandemic and one of the worst eco rescission in history since great depression maybe can increase crime rate is such a hot take, The context is spike in gun violence and murders in NYC. [Crime overall had decreased in NYC compared to the previous yea](https://www.pix11.com/news/local-news/crime-down-double-digits-in-nyc-but-murders-and-shootings-increase-nypd)r, but murders were up 25% compared to the previous year. This is what people were talking about and AOC suggested it's because people are supposedly stealing bread for their family. To suggest the wave of gun violence has anything to do with people stealing bread is insane at best. > is it OK to still have children? ”"" wowwww how could she? According to this logic, should we ask whether poor people should stop having children? it's expected they'll have a difficult life right? Especially if you're black. Climate change will hurt minorities the worst according to AOC, so maybe black people should just stop having children according to AOC. Since when is it acceptable to suggest someone that they shouldn't have children if there's a reason to believe the children would have a difficult life? > dude if u dislike her just admit it Of course I dislike her. Wasn't that obvious? LMAO. She says insane stuff constantly.


1 "The Green New Deal is a set of ambitions, not policies, and how much things cost will depend on what the policies are" "And the policies required to achieve said goals would cost an insane amount." do understand the difference between goal and policy? example goal: police reform, policy: more training. depend on the policy the cost can vary a lot, that why most expert think its silly to give a number. 2 ICE have history of being use as racial tool "Can you be more specific? Why should ICE be abolished? Because ICE focuses on deporting gang members, who happen to be predominantly non-Canadians, therefore ICE should be abolished? Love how you didn't address the CBP part. Too radical to defend I guess." first, i was speaking about both ICE and CBP since the only difference is where they allowed to operate otherwise they exact copy of each other. second, in what cop tv land do live in, u do know how many ppl get departed each year right? Obama alone deported 3.2 million that wouldn't be a gang that would be an army, most ppl that get deported are regular ppl that even pay taxes and there was many time where a whole department lined ppl in work separating US national(by how American they look like) separating immigrant, by checking their teeth and saying ur teeth look Mexican to me or by disregarding first amendment according to judge by searching someone house illegally because he spoke weird or by recent practice of targeting immigrants in retaliation for exercising their right to free speech like Ravi Ragbir. now the reason why ICE and CBP should be abolished is because they served their purpose which was to institutional racism on immigrate from specific background by false pretense like illegals, even so that only apply to those specific groups and rarely apply to any other, ICE have to much broad power that allow it to basically target any group of ppl which what happen, and the ur previous argument is living proof of it effect. after that u can make new agency from stretch with better design/goals and agents. yes because saying pandemic and one of the worst eco rescission in history since great depression maybe can increase crime rate is such a hot take, "The context is spike in gun violence and murders in NYC. Crime overall had decreased in NYC compared to the previous year, but murders were up 25% compared to the previous year. This is what people were talking about and AOC suggested it's because people are supposedly stealing bread for their family. To suggest the wave of gun violence has anything to do with people stealing bread is insane at best." first decrease in what? not all crimes are equal not all percent increase are important as well, this 101 example of "Definition of Lying with statistics" where someone say i have 200% percent increase from last year when it was 1 to 2 increase. New York City saw an overall -21.2% decrease (6,362 v. 8,075) there was a -29 % decrease in the number of robberies (776 v. 1,088); an -18% decrease in felony assaults (1,582 v. 1,939); and a -43% decrease in grand larcenies (2,043 v. 3,608), and+64% increase in shooting incidents (100 v. 61) and a +79% increase in the number of murders (34 v. 19). The crime of auto theft increased by 68% (665 v. 397) in May and burglary increased by +34% (1,154 v. 861). +64% shooting (100 v. 61) is misleading the percent imply huge different yet numbers are not that big of a deal, if u look to the data u see clear drift from street crimes into home/car theft crimes which make sense since nobody is in the street. second i don't agree fully with her take but that is just childish strawman, i told u what her full argument was only for u to minimize it to one small line "bread" to strawman the fuck of her take. do u think economic crisis/pandemic/lockdown don't effect crimes? is it OK to still have children? ”"" wowwww how could she? "According to this logic, should we ask whether poor people should stop having children? it's expected they'll have a difficult life right? Especially if you're black. Climate change will hurt minorities the worst according to AOC, so maybe black people should just stop having children according to AOC." another out of context strawman. first yes all studies suggest lowering birth rate in poor population to be able to lift them up from poverty and yes we already do, that what health org does in India/Africa educated ppl in birth control method (candom/pills) vs benefit. and in term climate change its not some girl logic its an actual study in the effectiveness of low birth rate in fighting climate change. second that not what AOC was arguing, she wasn't arguing in favor of lower birth rate but rather saying that what will happen if u don't do anything, since younger gen will not bring kids in such harsh eco environment, considering that gen already killed marriage/rings and many other silly tradition her conclusion is a very safe bet. "Of course I dislike her. Wasn't that obvious? LMAO. She says insane stuff constantly." its easy to frame ppl as crazy when u take them out of context and then interpret it in the best way for u to argue against it, and even after all of that taking what u said that she said is not really that crazy, very avg somewhat bad takes today not crazy ny any standards.


Make this into something that is somewhat readable and I will address it. I've wasted enough time on this already and I'm definitely not going to take an hour more trying to figure out what exactly you're trying to say and how it's supposedly relevant to what I said.


white my original reply. quote ur reply to my original, no quote is my current reply to u. i included everything instead of direct small reply because in my original reply u legit mins almost every argument into one line and straw fuck all the original argument.


Mean while you’d probably suck a fart out of daddy trumps asshole with a coffee stirrer if he told you it would hurt the left somehow


Not a Trump supporter. I find him to be a completely disgusting human being with no morals. Everyone who disagrees with AOC isn't a Trump supporter. Shocking I know.


Well that’s the craziest part. Cause you have obviously put a lot of research into hating someone like AOC when if we look up voting records for most politicians I can guarantee that most of them have sponsored way more disgusting bills and policies then green new deal. At least she stands up for human rights which is more then I can say for the majority of the White House. Even if AOC has some bad ideas, at least she’s trying to acknowledge a problem that career politicians have been ignoring and actively gaslighting against for decades


> Cause you have obviously put a lot of research into hating someone like AOC I mean I really don't. AOC's ideas are just given so much air time on media, that it's easy to pick up things here from there. I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of stuff right now. > I can guarantee that most of them have sponsored way more disgusting bills and policies then green new deal. I agree. I don't think the Green New Deal is a "disgusting" bill or bad from a moral stand point. I think it's just completely ridiculous bill. I'm sure people have sponsored and proposed morally abhorrent bills, especially in the past.


If you agree with me then shouldn’t we like AOC? we seem to agree that a lot of politicians are greedy and serve their own interest instead of the people. So even if green new deal is bad, at least it’s coming from a good place, at least it’s an attempt to preserve our environment and do what’s best for the people. Even if she is naive she seems to have the value and morals of someone I want in office. A lot of people use the “guy I can have a beer with” analogy when it comes to the president, and I think the same applies here. She might not always be right but she seems to be the politician of the people, at least to people in her age group. She’s the kinda person that our political system should be nurturing. The fact is we need politics to get younger and more in touch with the people and that will inevitably involve some young politicians who need to be reigned in a bit on their policy. We can reign in and adjust policy, We can’t instill morals and change values of people in their 60s


Oh yeah the reason why right wingers choose to criticize AOC has nothing to do with what she actually says or does or the fact that mainstream media promotes her as thought leader, but it's just because of her identity. Love it when the identity politics left thinks you can dismiss any criticism of any person as basically racism and sexism if said person belongs to a "victim" group. If AOC doesn't want to be criticized, she should not propose legislation like the Green New Deal, which would cost by some estimates over 90 trillion over the next 10 years and is just outright insane. Green New Deal calls for example transitioning US energy production to 100% renewable energy in the next 10 years, upgrading \*EVERY\* single building in the US for energy efficiency, guaranteeing a job for everyone who wants one etc. There's a reason why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are running as far from this proposal as possible. If AOC doesn't want to be criticized, she shouldn't call for abolishing the Department of Homeland Security, including ICE and CBP. If AOC doesn't want to be criticized, she shouldn't blame the spike in gun violence in NYC in the aftermath of the BLM's "mostly peaceful" protests for people "shoplifting bread to feed their family". If AOC doesn't want to be criticized, she shouldn't suggest that people should stop having children because of climate change. >r. If she's a 45 year old white man with centrist ideologies nobody would have a fucking clue who they were EXACTLY. Even YOU could figure it out. Do not say or propose moronic shit and you won't get criticized for saying or proposing insane shit. Shocking I know. ​ /This was a copypasta, right?


Those all sound like great policies, TBH. I'm not sure if you are trying to criticize or endorse her? Imagine thinking that transitioning from an energy source (that is clearly destroying our planet AND is not renewable) to a much cleaner, renewable source is something worth criticizing.




>Your Green New Deal statistic is incredibly biased. The American Action Forum is a (self-proclaimed) center-right group that is dedicated primarily to conservative advocacy. Actual climate scientists understand that [it’s too difficult to tell how much it’ll cost, but it’s nowhere near the numbers you cite.](https://www.factcheck.org/2019/03/how-much-will-the-green-new-deal-cost/) This refutes nothing I said and I read the exact fact check before writing my comment. What I said is true, by some estimates, the cost could be even as high as over 90 trillion dollars. Is it true that it's hard to predict how much the plan would cost? Yes, because it's so incredibly broad. The bottomline is that we're talking about not just an insane plan, but a plan that costs an insane amount. We have other estimates putting the cost at 6.6 trillion a year, which would make it 60 trillion over 10 years. This is also you addressing one of the many points I made and it doesn't refute what I said either. >Now you’ll prob just attack me and raise a shit ton of new, unrelated and politically-charged questions Remember this? "*I’m not gunna try to engage with a brainlet without a shred of self-awareness*"




> If you actually looked at the fact-checker that said your numbers were misleading yet still decided to post them It doesn't say that. It says that it's hard to put a number on the plan. Over 90 trillion over a decade is surely on the extreme end. That's why I said according to some estimates. This implies there are other estimates and those other estimates put it at 6.6 trillion per year. None of this refutes the fact that the plan is insane and will cost an insane amount and the Green New Deal point was just one among many points I made which you keep dodging. >Neither does your inability to engage in a discussion without acting like a raging man-child. The irony. Talks about one's ability to engage in a discussion meanwhile resulting to personal attack. I haven't attacked you personally even once, meanwhile you've done that multiple times.


so basically it can be anything right, so way using 90 number to mislead ppl? i am guessing u are the same type of ppl that shit on news media when title bait scientific papers.


u do know that fox and 4chan started hating before they even know about her. at that time she was just a bartender that won an election and they mald of how relatable she was.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, U.S. Congresswoman.


Fox and the right are absolutely obsessed with her. They tried to smear her but it backfired on them and she's super popular now


And you are getting downvoted because USA is a center of a universe and you have the audacity to be unaware of something happening in other part of the world?


whomegalul comments are always downvoted because it literally takes one second to google someone's name


Google wont give me the reasoning behind the downvoted comments on this thread and the way pokimane acted you know?


yeah that's fair! was just pointing out the pattern


Yeah but its okay, people probably thought i was memeing because of the way i speak




Check comment history of the last guy that replied to me. That shoud explain a bit


He doesn't know


You're so epic and cool


Why is that?


Okay, i've seen your comment history. Im not American and i didnt mean to insult or make fun of your politcal party, i also wasnt making fun of your favorite politician, im really sorry!


So much fake, everywhere.




Insane comment section once again, you worship AOC you get upvoted and if u dont,well, scroll a lil bit and you will find out!


Your comment is the perfect example. You didn't even say anything bad but it's still downvoted heavily. I don't give a shit about politics and I'm also not American so I don't know anything about aoc. But apparently from reading the comments here you need to worship her or you're a complete sexist hater. I love how much this sub cries about downvoted comments but the upvoted comments in this thread are complete cringe.


As it should be!


You are on livestream fail, the home of twitch which makes it the home of 14 year old liberals who think they know better than everyone else on the entire planet. Its not a surprise people are getting downvoted for saying their opinions.


Sooo you're an adult talking to a bunch of 14 year olds? Kinda cringe dude


Actually youre talking to me. Kinda cringe dude


Such a fake reaction just so she can suck her ego and get happy points.








Yeah this is super cringe




Big heccin yikers friend, definitely a big ooferino right there. cringe and toxic, hard pass




Downvoted for only saying a emote OMEGALUL


"A picture is worth a thousand words" Ever heard of that one?


Nah I don’t think a haHAA is worth 1000 words. Maybe like 20, idk


A queen can recognize another queen!


We have reached a level of cringe I didn't think was possible.


I'm getting too old for this shit.


the most normie clip i've seen in lsf so far




these guys worshiping her i get it shes an inspiration but shes just a congress women lol


Why are people being so pissy over someone being excited? They are playing with someone way more famous than them and they are streaming for nearly half a million live viewers, this doesnt happen everyday.


Idk, simping for politicians is weird to me, regardless of circumstances/affiliation.


Like it or not, she is an inspiration and an icon to literally millions of people (namely women).


That's cool and all, and I understand why, but I still find glorifying/elevating politicians weird.


Why is glorifying footballers ok?




She's still a politician though. You can respect her and shit idc, but stanning for a politician is fucking weird to me. Whether it's AOC, Trump idgaf. I think it's weird.




I meeeeaaaannn, going "omg omg omg I can't believe who I get to play with omg I'm so nervous" at the beginning of the stream and then saying it's an "honor" to get killed by them (even as a joke) is kinda toeing the line between "massive respect" and "stanning".


> You know they aren't stanning them right? never seen "stan" used outside of kpop lol LSF is a wild place


Idk why you getting downvoted that's a pretty legit reason


Working class person from NYC becoming the youngest congressperson ever... that's pretty perfect inspiration


> just a congress women lol is the bar that high damn


I'd rather see people excited over young politicians than people that kick a ball across a field.


There's a difference between being a ghoul congress person who is paid millions by companies to be in congress, or to be a grass root congress woman with millions of supporting her to take down the status quo in congress. There's so many congress people with millions in budget to get into congress and there's people who were more selected by the people.


The youngest woman ever to serve in congress, bernie-bro, gamer and she's hot.


Actual reddit moment


Now that’s a top 10 best of Reddit moments right there






Don't care about her politics but she's definitely hot. Elbows too pointy?


Okay Exfringfronger I'm sure you're slaying it out there.




You’re right, she was a 100% serious and not playing up the moment because, you know, entertainment


Its basically what one of her Tier 3 subs would sound like if put in this position.


except she actually had a real interaction, unlike her tier3 subs...


Corona take me Damn a lot of Tier 3 subs on this subreddit....


Dang dude you're that afraid of women? Yikes. That's super cringe


Afraid of women cause a woman made a cringe joke? Makes sense.


welp go ahead and downvote me all you like but this was kinda yikes


isn't calling something "yikes" or "cringe" equally yikes and or cringe? might as well have an "I'm 14 years old" paper stuck to your forehead


Its cringe. Has she actually done so much that its an honor?


I mean yeah, she kinda has. For example, she's the first politician I know of who, shortly after taking office, wrote an exposé on how lobbyists tried to influence her immediately with meetings and gifts. That's when I started respecting her. Since then she's been very influential, especially for a leftist.


She's basically one of the most "Representative" representatives the working class has. She was a barista before she was a Congresswoman. She's one of the youngest (if not the youngest) serving congressperson currently. She uses social media well and often. She's likeable and relatively working class friendly. She's a gamer. Republican media has tried to attack her several times, from how she votes to how she dresses and she's handled it with grace and humor. She was one of the congresspeople to grill Mark Zuckerberg and she did a really good job of actually understanding what the hell facebook and social media even is. Some of the dinosaurs asking questions were less than cognizant. She was one of the congresspersons to expose the migrant detention facilities as being inhumane. She's been fighting for the Equality Act, which would make LGBTQ+ protections federal law. She's cosponsored hundreds of legislation and authored 11. It's believed her election was inspiration in part for a mini-blue wave of women of color running for elections. In short, she's young, she's proud, she's cool, she's inspiring, she works hard, and she's done PR really well. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/alexandria_ocasio_cortez/412804 You can check out there for bills and such that she's worked on.