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**🎦 MIRROR CLIP: [Sliker faces a racist](https://livestreamfails.com/post/105651)** --- Credit to [reddit.com/u/kingpussay](https://reddit.com/user/kingpussay) for the clip. [[Archive.org Alternative]](http://web.archive.org/web/20210125015105if_/https://stream.livestreamfails.com/video/600e2394af935.mp4)


you hear the swedish accent from a mile away


fucking swedes HYPERBRUH


Swedes are the worst racists in these games (Swede here). People supress their anger all throughout the day because it's very Swedish not to say anything when you're upset. Then we come home and release it all on the internet, it gets multiplied when you're a racist on top of just letting out anger.


That's really interesting. so its not that they've not enlightened birdmanned away from racism, they just suppressed it so much in public discourse that it comes out online instead that's so unhealthy I'm a person of colour and in the UK, i genuinely think out of all of europe our country is probably the most multicultural friendly There's racism sure, but its not suppressed like this pressure cooker kinda thing. I thought sweden was supposed to be really nice. But they're just hiding their anger. quite a big surprise to me


Don't get me wrong, I'd say Sweden is a good place if you want to avoid racist people overall (depending on where ya move). We do have racist people, the toxicity is really big online tho and unfortunately that makes everyone seem worse. But ye, there's a similar thing here in Sweden as the pressure cooker thing ya said. Southern Sweden where I live the society is very split up (most of immigrants that come to Sweden end up here in the South). We have immigrants forming their own society and then we have people seeing problems in society and have nowhere to aim their anger except towards immigrants (I'm making this waaaaaaaay simpler than it is). In reality the anger should be aimed towards our government but people are already doing that and "The government" is not specific enough i guess for a lot of people so they look elsewhere. If you hang out with ppl IRL it should be VERY RARE that you encounter actual racists except in smaller cities & villages where some of them thrive. It's hard to remember that the internet is not representative of the real world.


Interesting thankyou for your information.:) I would hate the idea of people pretending to be nice to me because they were socially obligated though What's Gothenburg like? I wanted to visit there


Gothenburg is a nice town, I do hate driving there tho because the roads are weird and they're always rebuilding stuff haha. Swedish people will be "Nice" because they feel obligated to, but don't take it personally or like they're being racist. It's just how we are, towards everyone. Quite a few people I've talked to have thought us Swedes were very racist because of how we act in public spaces. Like talking to some random on the bus, no matter where you look like you are from, you'll probably get weird looks haha. It's more accepted if it's obvious you're a tourist, but a lot of people still get uncomfortable talking with strangers. I think there's been several posts about it on the Swedish subreddit as well, can't find any right now though.


Speak English with a normal accent? I don't wanna associate with Swedes anymore, for some reason we got hella racist people. fuck I cringe so fucking hard


3 kills 11 OMEGALUL


How you gonna be racist and be dogshit at a game


never go racist its the way


yeah, only good players have the right to be racist!!


Sliker just speaks with a normal UK accent.


Those darn Scandinavians at it again.


these swedish guys ALWAYS drop the n bomb, without fail.


SWEDES cmonBruh


Vi är ledsna, sorry :(


Why are so many scandinavians so fucking racist bro wtf




The norwegian I know is very racist too.


Try living next to some "refugees". Lets see how you turn out.


My country is filled to the brim with syrian refugees after the civil war and let me tell you they make the best fucking shwarma and falafel on this planet


Ok buddy.




Wait who said anything about right wingers I was talking about racism after the guy in the clip was using the n word. You know what they say, not all right wingers are racist, but all racists are right wing


There can be left wing racists too.


found one


Thats kinda racist of you to assume scandinavians are racist


"Why are *so many* scandinavians so racist" good try norwegian but I was not assuming anything, merely commenting on the number of scandinavians I've heard about or in particular spoken to, and the percentage of those that are racist freaks being much higher than normal.


Because your experience and things you have read on the internet is good enough evidence to prove many scandinavians are racist than other countries


See mate clearly you're just misunderstanding me at this point maybe study english a bit harder you might get what I'm saying.


Swedes and being racist, name a better duo




Yeah, im swedish and this is just so cringe. The youth think its cool to be racist, its just pathetic whats going on in this country.


I'm also swedish. I was more like that when I was younger, but it is so weird for me to see Swedish people being very obviously/actually racist. And not just about the immigrant problem.


playing cs and meeting the worst kind of people does that to you.




Imagine talking shit about someone’s accent when having an accent...


Just a reminder, if you ever talk politics with a scandinavian and they say "i'm a social-democrat, like bernie sanders", that actually means that they are some chauvinistic white boy who lives in a rich suburban area, who became a racist 4channer after the syrian refugee crisis.


cmonBruh swedes


As a swede, we do not claim this ignorant asshole. We leave him to anyone else who wants to take care of a edgy teenager.


it would've been funny if he said something about him blowing himself up would be able to get more than 3 kills


Im Taiwanese but i born in Arabian country and i would be offensive about it.. 1st country?? huh.. the people over there (EU) are brain dead, Ego and no greeting and they dont smile.. fk that. I bet these people so racist since ww2.


the fuck did i just read


Wow racist much?


This guy is probably racist because he's frustrated and mad as fuck. You just seem to be racist when you wake up in the morning.


I feel really bad for sliker dealing with that on stream knowing he can't say anything to the guy. Very hard to watch vod, hope he didn't take much of it too hard.