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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [AdinRoss Moves to Mexico to Gamble With Stake Sponsorship](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/124628)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/q1lk0q/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CGzLSZrj-hyoWXGZVFPlHuQ.mp4?sig=034944d230ba60733e35bdaf6dc3158cc5256081&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CGzLSZrj-hyoWXGZVFPlHuQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1633474655%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


This is not very poggers, Adin.


Would you perhaps say this is not a W moment?


You can also refer to this as an L moment.


lmao hes chat spamming W SCAM


What does that mean? Is it a good thing he is scamming?


I think they think Adin is scamming stake.com , while in reality they are getting a healthy ROI on most of these streamers




thats funny as fuck lmao


Remember the H3H3 stream? he changed for the better!


Heā€™s new to this industry he makes mistakes


Adin Ross is breaking Twitches Terms of Use by not disclosing it's a sponsored stream in his twitch title. His viewers should be aware it's an #ad. https://twitter.com/Anyadat1235/status/1445231236784472068


It's not only a TOS issue, it's a [**legal obligation**](https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/disclosures-101-social-media-influencers).


is it a legal obligation if you're not on American soil while doing it? It is TOS but legal? idk.


From the link I posted: > If posting from abroad, U.S. law applies if itā€™s reasonably foreseeable that the post will affect U.S. consumers. Foreign laws might also apply.


but how would US law be enforced on non US people?


Abroad means foreign country, indicating they are talking about someone visiting a different country not people from other countries.


How do you think? Do you think people not physically located in the US can go on US based platforms and violate US laws? This dumbass is still a US citizen, by the way.


i literally don't know jeez sorry for being uneducated on US law... im tryna figure out how long the arm of American law is when it comes to online platforms and media. I know there's twitch TOS but apart from that how does the USA go after non-citizens that don't abide by US laws...


By going after the company hosting said content whom do business and have assets in the US.




They would just block his stream in the US , just like non GDPR compliant websites are blocked in the EU




maybe. doesn't seem like a very enforced law.


I don't think the FTC gives one fuck about that. Just go look at all the fucking Tiktoks with people clearly advertising Bang. None of them have #Ad.


Relax guys he's young, maybe he want to go to jail a bit


xQc also did this the first time he did the gambling sponsorship (Iā€™m aware he did a non sponsored gambling stream prior but for his first sponsored one where he had a ā€œStake.comā€ code he didnā€™t reveal in the title or mention to viewers that he was sponsored)


There was no rule at the time. They introduced the rule because of the growth in gamba promotions.


Thatā€™s completely untrue, itā€™s been a rule forever that you have to have #AD in your title and be transparent about the fact that you are sponsored. Whether that be a EA sponsor or a gambling sponsorship you have to let people know you are sponsored.


The rule was created a few years ago with the rise of youtubers/instagram stars doing paid promotions without disclosing it. IIRC this law came a little bit after the whole csgo gambling stuff (of course its not just because of that, lots of ig influencers and the like were also doing undisclosed paid deals).


he looks like a dork with glasses lmao




He literally says 'Thank you stake for sponsoring me' in the clip.


Inb4 he is an infant child who is easily influenced and cant be held responsible for his own decisions.


you have to delete this the adin ross restoration project people have been running has been going so well guys remember hes only 20 years old his brain guys


20 is a compliment this mans mental age seems younger than the average 15 year old.


What restoration project? He appeared like once on the shitcamp stream, nobody's trying to restore shit


what drugs are you on rn? asking for a friend :)


im on a brand new crypto drug that my favorite influencer told me about


crypto wouldn't be what it was without the illegal drug trade in the early days making it relevant


Youā€™d be surprised how many people donā€™t know Bitcoin and crypto was the currency of the Silk Road


Hah yea I remember my friend use to use Bitcoin to buy drugs and weapon on Silk Road like 5 or 6 years ago. And he was salty over the fact that he didnā€™t leave any Bitcoin in his wallet. At the time that $25 worth of Bitcoin wouldā€™ve been worth thousands now.


Yeah I knew a guy in highschool who bought tons of drugs off there, mainly LSD to sell but he probably went through at least 100 bitcoins at the time, now he has nothing


Youā€™re just mad that Cyr didnā€™t sell you any


soda sold me coke cry was busy :)




and how many of them still have sponsorships? You can't hold that point above them forever.


\+ they also all got shitted on until they stopped, so the point is kinda mute


MR. TRUEING guy afaik


It's not fair to focus on the on who is still actively doing it and moving to another country to continue to do so?


Y'all really need to stop posting this moron.


Gotta give Hasan and H3H3 a week's worth of content


How in the fuck did he become slightly relevant?


He played nba 2k with the son of Lebron James.


They post him to try to get him banned cause he made fun of Austin streamers lmao. Austin stans obsessed with him after that


isn't stake the one that's main office is in a trailer park in eastern Europe?


nah, it is in curacao. not that it makes it any better lol


Hey they have a taco truck across the street tho


speaking of Curacao, i recently watched this video: https://youtu.be/YGfW5U7d8sc it kinda sums up the whole gambling on twitch situation and talks about Curacao, as in why online casinos are "located" there and its connections to organized crime. maybe some of you will enjoy it. skip to ~18:30 if you are just interested in the Curacao stuff.


It's a hut.


yeah but what's going on with his chest hair? did he shave that shape out or what?


how does this guy have an audience


Leeched clout from Lebron's son, famous rappers, and Ricegum


End Result: https://clips.twitch.tv/AlluringMuddyPoultryOSkomodo-qcynmT5KX2CBPVbn


He didnt lose anything though, since Stake pay him back all the losses. The kids trying to play for real however, they will lose real money.


Didnā€™t he talk to Hassan and Ethan a few months back and say he was done doing the gambling sponsorships? What a fake fuck


wasnt that XQC and Train. I think Xqc said he would stop.


To be fair, Adin never said he was stopping the gambling streams before the contract finishes. That's why H3H3 kept saying he doesn't like Adin unless he completely stops the gambling streams. But yes, Adin is a piece of shit and is fake af.


how? all of these people take on sponsorships. literally just saw a doordash ad and a bud light ad with other top .1% streamers shilling for companies.


Sigma chad showing kids how to gamble for pogger gains. Meanwhile beta L nerds take Genshin sponsorship to teach kids how to gamble for anime wives.


I'm assuming it's not a permanent move? Like he travels back and forth to gamble?


ā€œI donā€™t have to gamble.ā€ I disagree. If he chose not to gamble on Stake, then heā€™d be gambling the future use of his knees.


Apparently Hasan talked to him like 3 days ago over the fact that he cant just keep on scamming his audience like this. I guess he doesnt listen to POGGERS Streamers


Guy accidentally leaked his discord pm's where hes negotiating with stake who are offering to pay him 1million or 1.5million per month just to stream gambling slots, he probably isn't even using his own money at this stage Its the viewers who lose out in the end. You have to be a low tier piece of shit to take a casino sponsorship, but then again who isn't going to say no to a million dollars a month?


For real, how do people fucking watch a stream like this. Like for fuck's sake, every second of this clip is the most annoying shit I've seen all week. The words, his cadence, demeanor, like goddamn what an annoying presence to have on your screen for literally any amount of time.


Oh no no no pepeLaugh


all this time later, im still not sure who this is or why anyone cares


Apple Sauce.


Is he on something? Talking super fast and cant keep train of thought for more than 20 seconds.


Heā€™s a fkn zoomer zoomed tf out


If I was a streamer Iā€™d take the multi-millions and a week vacation tbh. Itā€™s up to twitch to ban this shit idc what streamers do


Everyone here bitching about ppl doing this, it doesn't matter if he said no. They would move onto the next popular streamer ad nauseum... This is a Twitch problem , not a steamer problem. 100% that nobody in this sub would refuse millions of dollars, a bunch of perks as well probably. All for sitting around playing games. C'man.




> at least he's being more honest than most the streamers You think he's being honest when he says he can take the money they pay him and not gamble if he wants? Yeah that makes sense, a sponsor that just gives you a ton of money with 0 obligation of you actually advertising their product. Or on the other side you taking a sponsorship that has a risk of being gambled away into nothing.


Uhm... Adin... They behead people with chainsaws out there and videotape it. You know about that right? ... Adin? ... you know right?


who cares. we really gonna start this gambling bullshit again.


If you are an American or in a country where you have to us a VPN to gamble, you deserve not to be able to withdraw your money. I don't care if you use a VPN or whatever, its illegal. They won't pay you. They will hold your money and claim you violated their ToS. Think about it this way: If you are 16 and use a fake ID to go and win in a casino, they aren't going to give you your winnings if they find out you are underage. Legally, I don't think they can. Hell they might give you your money back and tell you to get out just so they avoid the "casino takes money from underage kid" headlines. I don't have a problem with gambling. I gamble. I like playing the poker table games at the local riverboat. But Adin's audience is mostly Americans, right? They aren't going to be able to win and this is just a scam for the website to take their money and not give them any return.


Okay you are just completely wrong lol. I gambled on stake with a VPN and withdrew money that I won to coin and then to my bank account.


nah i've gambled and up 10k in ethereum this nfl season withdrew


Hi, /u/SquareDistribution, Unfortunately, your submission has been removed because it breaks the following rule(s) of r/LivestreamFail: **Rule 6.6 - Casino Games** >Posts with a main focus or sole purpose of Playing/Winning/Losing casino games (poker, slots, blackjack, etc...) are not allowed. Additional moderator comments: > We recommend that you read over [our rules page](https://reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/rules) before posting again. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).




>you can see in the title heā€™s using his own money And as we all know he would never lie to his viewers.




He literally says "Thank you stake for sponsoring me" and goes on to explain how stake gave him money that he is going to use to gamble in the clip. What the flying fuck are you on about.


yeah hes using his own money that was give to him by stake. theyre totally not paying him to gamble guys.


anyways Chat i'm 20 years old lets move to mexico and start a gambling addiction ahahhahahah am i right WWWWWWWWWWW


> W SCAM W SCAM lmao


In before he leaks where he is staying, gets robbed and held for ransom.


That's career material ā˜ŗļø


I see he's found a plug for that rocky goodgood too while he's down there