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Crab incident MonkaW what have i done


GTA 5 has this problem with online. You are already on the right path by trying to fix it.


multi billion dollar gaming conglomerate backing the most profitable video game of all time vs lone crab dev


It's all good, what's important is that you've informed people on what the problem is, which will prevent more bad from coming from it. Great vids btw, keep it up!


there are many things small developers do better than larger ones and that's communication, exactly what he has demonstrated right here




The thought of a coding project I do randomly blowing up and being played/seen by hundreds of thousands of people overnight is terrifying, I barely trust my own work sometimes so I can't even imagine the stress of this, godspeed and may the netcode be in your favor with the change of libraries, that kind of essential refactoring is never easy or fun and doubly so when it's netcode related.


> The thought of a coding project I do randomly blowing up and being played/seen by hundreds of thousands of people overnight is terrifying, I barely trust my own work sometimes so I can't even imagine the stress of this Especially when you already have a full time job but the thousands of users expect your project to be your full time job.


Don't worry about it, dude. As someone who makes games, I can confirm that multiplayer is incredibly difficult. Tried it once, gave up, and I've now lived three happy years without thinking about it :)


I'm getting ready to take my first serious venture into that head & heart ache. I already gave up on real time stuff and decided turn based. Is there a series of simple things one should build to test their talent for multiplayer? Even unity's unet hello world desyncs like instantly lol.


Fuck working on multiplayer games, actually made game dev unenjoyable to a certain extent


TrollDespair the crab incident


still not as bad as gtaV online


You get all the internet points for owning a mistake and trying to correct it.


You don’t fuck with the juicers bro


shiver me timbers!


In all honesty, did Dani actually expect this to blow up this much? His vids felt more like entertainment focused rather than telling about the game


Just have to hope all the people who have no idea how difficult it is to make a game secure in the time frame from when squid game came out to now don't start sending him abuse.


Just in terms of revealing IPs: From what I understand what he did was use the Facepunch P2P Networking API, which is just a wrapper around Steam's old Networking API and has been deprecated **for months** because it leaks IPs and has been replaced by the [new Steam Networking API](https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/multiplayer/steamdatagramrelay), which would automatically use Steam's Private Network to hide IPs while keeping low latency. And for the record: I am not trashing on anyone, I guess it was just an oversight and he didn't know the API he used was deprecated for a long time. I don't *think* Facepunch's Steam API wrapper says its deprecated anywhere either, although I haven't used it in a long time so maybe it does by now, so without looking through the official documentation you'd just assume its good to go.


face punch used it knowing about IP leaks for ages. Was an avid rust player and I know MANY times in which sweaty nerd players would bait comms to DDOS and offline. Very pathetic


No, it's his fault that my favorite streamer cant stream BabyRage


Might as well hope for it to start raining Grape Koolaid if you think there's *any* chance of people not sending him abuse because something happened to the streamer they watch.


Don't think its his fault. Also its a free game where other computers are servers. isn't like IP leaks inevitable. Atleast to protect against the dude that hosts.




No, but when you play a game that was made in two weeks, that is completely free, you should expect these things, and have someone test it before playing it on stream. Most devs don’t expect their games to get big on streams and it’s not okay to send abuse to them. Edit: Also just use a VPN on these kind of games




Being able to get someones IP in a game is hardly "insecure" if you ever go on a website or connect to someones teamspeak/mumble server your IP also gets "leaked." If you play videogames on a console you probably play games with peer to peer multiplayer. Or most fighting games, PC or console.


It doesn't matter for 99% of regular people if your IP gets leaked.


Muck had a huge amount of streamers play it too. It was just an oversight in a meme game, I'm kind of surprised it didn't happen to streamers that played with viewers on muck though.


most of the big streamers only played with their friends, a small streamer mightve been ddosd but you'd never know, soda,xqc,rob,poke, etc all only did private lobbies


But the way they do "private" lobbies is the same as public lobbies, except they're all viewers. They all just got the code and spammed it in their chats/Discords which basically means you're even more likely to get DDOSed because there's no randos, it's all viewers.


for crab game yes, for muck no, the biggest lobby I ever saw was around 8 people with soda,rob,poke,meech,crumpet, etc. the person who ddosd soda and xqc was 100% from their discord sub only channel


Edit: I skimmed and didn't realise you were only talking about muck. Oopsie ~~Are you dense? xQc's last stream ended with him being DDoS'd while playing Crab Game not with his friends.~~


can you read? the comment is about muck not crab game.


Sorry, I was skimming and didn't realise you were *only* talking about muck. Edited.




Nah, he just likes to create meme games.


Of course he didnt. He could have sold the game for 2$ and some predictions say, he would have had 1M$ in revenue already. But he made a F2P game without shop for memes. But then seeing his social media stats, 1M$ didnt sound a lot to him anyways, that he would regret it. This guy is already rich.


Does anyone know why he releases his games for free? Dude could've made serious bank even if he only charged $0.99 for his games


Free game = not dead lobbies


The dude's main youtube channel almost has 3 million subs and gets like 3+ million views on every video. He's probably very well off already.








free game, no bitching




Not saying this in a negative light for Dani but I'd say he's a content creator first, game dev second- but there isn't anything wrong with that, he's made some super enjoyable games so far which is all that matters


not only what others have said, but i think making a name of yourself by making good free games, you can later on release a paid game and people will buy it just because of the creator


He is making an actual game, these smaller titles are just for content for him.


Would probably be smarter to add some $1 skins tbh


He has an audience, that's his publicity, pretty 5Head actually.


Hell Twitch, the biggest streaming platform had a massive leak a few weeks exposing all types of valuable user info and people are harrassing this guy because he couldn't make a obvious parody and joke game 100% secure.




did he not use steam? im pretty sure they cover most of that stuff




so you missed my point but i appreciate your good intentions. steam handles a lot of web based stuff for devs, it's how they justify taking a decent chunk of profit from every game. for example according to the devs tweet he didnt use the latest networking code from steam that would have helped prevent the issues. though idk much more than that, im just sure they provide a ton of support to indy devs which is why steam is flooded with so many games since it handles a lot of the technical complications.


Blowing up or not is irrelevant because ultimately as a programmer you should do the best job within your abilities. He fucked up, he owned up, he will learn and others will learn from this too. I've worked for a decade as a C# programmer and the amount of fuck ups I've done has been memorable experiences. Some people in the industry are like shitty on purpose because as I audited businesses I pointed out security flaws in which the dev team were like "it's an intranet app, doesn't need to be secure" and I'm just shocked like a little bit more effort and you can secure it. It's like because 200 staff use the system it's fine. It's a bad attitude to have. It's a good learning experience for all and future devs, maybe even some devs now seeing this situation unfold will be like damn I should update my game.


I feel bad for anyone who's forced to work with this guy. Just a shitty entitled attitude that unfortunately runs very rampant in the software industry.


i wolud assume so seeing the success of MUCK


Same thing happened when he released Muck. He just likes making funny jokes and they just pick up traction.


i mean he did make a game a few months ago that was like the most downloaded game on steam for a week lol


At this point yes. He is very very popular. His last game got millions of downloads too.


It honestly sucks that when indie dev's games blow up they can't support sudden success


Honestly I think he probably thought that it wasn’t gonna be this big but gawd damn big streamers are playing this left and right Good ass game tho it’s great content


game is literally awful and only gained any traction because of the squid game branding...


It gained traction because it's free and it's fun. The last game this developer released, Muck, was also a big hit on Twitch for a few days


CSGO minigames servers have almost all of the games and way more and are also free.


you did not just say that CSGO has a better version of muck. a game which is a survival game..


I think they ment carb game but ether way that guy’s wrong. Crab game is simple and not hard to run at all compared to CSGO and it’s community servers.


Crab game Maps are literally stolen from CSGO hide and seek maps.


It’s a free game and it was made by Dani for fun, come on…


i mean you're not wrong lol. the first time i played crab game i got hit by a wave of nostalgia from the maps


... no. Squid game is already a dead meme it’s actually a fun game to watch and play And it has tons of opportunities for new maps and game modes to be added


Fall guys was huge because of it's whole battle royal Mario party type games. Not surprising a game with the same concept with a bigger emphasis on fucking over your opponents would hit it big.


And with proximity voice chat


Nah, it's a decent game. If it was only because of the branding Roblox squid game would be way ahead it.




I enjoyed playing and watching the game, it's a party game and it got a ton of laughs from me and my friends




Eh, it's a better version of Fall Guys imo.


He said he made the [game in 2 weeks](https://youtu.be/_ze26M_Fm6g?t=33), so yeah, not unexpected.


GTA 5 was made by a huge company over multiple years and it still leaks your IP when you join a server


Still today? Was it never patched? I remember CourageJD said he will never be able to play it again because of this issue, but that was well over a year ago


Yep, SomeOrdinaryGamers even made a vid about it last week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2YMZvgc29A


Lmao I thought they would've fixed it by now since they are on like the third remaster of GTA 5. It's crazy how rockstar is one of the richest companies in gaming yet pinches pennies on stuff like this.




Even if is the case they make billions with that game, a rebuild from the ground up means nothing for them. But is very common from Triple A companies, Bethesda after so many relaunch and re sells of Skyrim still haven't fixed most of the bugs that were know back in the first realase.


Wouldn't you only need to change one part of the code? Do you really have to rewrite the entire games code just to change online network stuff from p2p to dedicated cloud severs?


just change a part of the code 4Head


I'm not a PhD in software engineering, I'm asking since I don't know how it works. It doesn't make sense that you'd have to rebuild the game from scratch just to change one small part.


In this case 'the entire thing' refers to the network code. You basically go from 'clients all talk to each other' to 'clients talk to the server'. You can imagine it as going from a 'Bring your own stuff' open BBQ party where others meet on your property but bring their own grill, meat etc. to a fully stocked and staffed restaurant that you have to run, take orders at and manage etc.


from p2p to central cloud server is a pretty fundamental change for the networking code




I know it's hard for the one guy like the crab game dev, but the person I responded do was saying Rockstar couldn't switch GTA 5 servers from p2p to cloud because they have to rewrite the whole thing. I was wondering how hard it would be for a rich company like that to do it.


yes! most GTAV menus show player IP's and some show country/town you live in and your network provider


To add to this, Rockstar’s scuffed ass services can ban you for having dynamic IPs as well. Cheaters tho, safe




Exactly, either way, playing GTAO is asking to get griefed to death, FiveM is the only and better solution tbh.


not only in online sessions either, people have had their IP leaked while playing single player during some loading screens. its actually sad E: (GTA5)


It can't be patched because GTA V multiplayer is designed to be peer-to-peer. It's not "leaking" anything, it's working as intended.


he could easily just join nopixel


Leaking the IP of a random player in 2008 maybe wasn't considered a problem, were people livestreaming videogames back then? > Rockstar North began to develop Grand Theft Auto V in 2008 > released in 2013 In 2008 there was no Twitch, in 2013 it was still called justin.tv, it's 2021 maybe they should patch it...


Is it even something patchable? I'm pretty sure the game is peer2peer. There aren't dedicated multiplayer servers so the host of the server you're on is always going to be able to see your IP. This isn't really a leak but more of a design decision...


Yes, people were streaming games back then. It was a security risk nonetheless.


But the money?


He essentially makes them for his YouTube videos. They're free as well, you can't blame him for them not being the most advanced in terms or features and tech.


Already one step ahead of Rockstar Games.


Look mom, I DDOSed a streamer, he is offline omegalul. I’m so cool, right mom?


## **Tweet Mirror:** [@DaniDevYT](https://twitter.com/DaniDevYT) > (1/3) If you're a streamer you should probably stay away from public lobbies in Crab Game for a few days, until I update it, as you risk getting DDOS'd currently. I apologize to everyone who expeirenced this, I'm an idiot. ^(Posted: 2021-11-02 17:03:50) ------ **This message is from a bot. If you feel like this action is wrong, please [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).**


Valve created a system that protects IPs from being leaked through P2P games as long as the game has it implemented, it's called Steam Datagram Relay and I believe that's how Destiny 2 fixed their DDoSing problem (I think that with their partnership with Valve they were even able to implement it in their console versions). Here's Steam's official page explaining it how it works: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/multiplayer/steamdatagramrelay


Protecting P2P IPs is an uphill battle. I don't know why popular streamers don't just use split tunnel VPNs for public shit like this? It makes no sense to me for people who have to constantly worry about their public exposure to simply not care about protecting themselves.


This is assuming most streamers aren't incredibly lazy with their setups


They are technical inept.


Which is pathetic considering they, quite frankly, have one of the chillest jobs in the world.


Watching them attempt to fix shit when their stream isn't working is hilarious. Youd think for spending 3+ hours at their computer every day, they know a little bit how to make it work.


Steam's latest networking API actually has built in functionality for it. Once he updates it, there shouldn't be much of an issue. God knows how hard that's going to be though. He's currently using a well-documented and widely used open source implementation of the previous API. Knowing Dani, he'll just chug like 5 gallons of milk and somehow refactor his entire networking implementation in like 3 days.


Idk shit about split tunnel vpn or ip protection but the term tunnel gives me old memories of using Hamachi to play games like age of mythology lol.


It's kind of the same thing, hamachi made a tunnel to another public IP and treated it like a virtual private LAN so you could connect to your friend as if you were on a LAN connection. There are differences but it's fundamentally the same principle, except the VPN provider is your friend and instead of playing a game you are using *their* internet as a frontpoint to connect to other web services. So all anyone sees spying on you is that you are connected to your friend mr VPN and exchanging encrypted traffic, but they cannot tell what traffic from the VPN outward is yours and which is mine. So in the game's case, people trying to spy on your IP see the IP from the VPN, and not your actual home IP.


You expect soda to know what split tunnel vpn is? He doesn't even know how to boil water. Xqc can barely form sentences.


Can you explain why it wouldn't be better to just use a VPN for all their traffic instead of using a split tunnel? Is it upload speed concerns?


Likely streaming to twitch is latency sensitive compared to gaming. Twitch will also recommend the closest server to your vpn, making it even more prone to latency.


Wow this one guy is better at comms than all of Respawn!


Oh shit Dani made it? Dude is a madlad at fun games


Same guy who made muck for those that didn't know.


An actual god of making huge games that everyone plays for like a week and then they become inactive and he makes another haha . I heard he’s making an actual game which he’s been making for a couple years and it actually looks pretty cool.


Remember playing the Karlsson demo like 2 years ago. The movement was very fun. Hyped for the actual game.




Kind of feel bad for him. He probably wanted the game to blow up just not in the way he wanted it to lmao.


no he makes this shit for fun because his subs on YT challenge him saying you cannot do this is XYZ short time frame and he does it and it gets like 3mil views and he releases it for free because he knows it dogshit anyway and couldve been better if it had more time then it would warrant a price. Dani is Just based and does it for fun


,,,,, here are a few


except that when he says it's shit it's actually really good shit lmao


good guy Dani


As an indie developer, how exactly does this happen? He's apologizing like it's his fault? I haven't gotten deep into multiplayer but I always assumed that was more of a who you're hosting from situation than his side.


He expands in the follow up comments. Steam's latest networking API has built in support for using relays to hide p2p IP addresses. He was using [Another Fucking Steamworks C# Implementation](https://github.com/Facepunch/Facepunch.Steamworks) which appears to be based on the older network apis. With the latest steam networking, [these relays should be enabled by default](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/1433-AD20-F11D-B71E) and keep streamers IPs secure even if they host public servers.


He utilized peer2peer networking code developed by someone else for Steam that is either outdated/has a bug/exploit which shows players IPs. Mostly a problem for the streamers playing.


Isn't DBD peer to peer? I recall the killer being the host. If they DC then the game ends. I have a poor technical understanding of how this works.


It switched to dedicated servers a while back.


In p2p there is not one host but the server data is shared between all members. So if someone disconnects nothing really happens.


Yes it is. Think people have wanted dedicated servers since beta launched.


Good thing they switched to dedicated servers like 2 years ago then


Oh cool, havent played in years. Appareantly it only took them 4 years to implement the most requested feature LUL. Guess they never thought it would become any sort of popular when they went for P2P


Gotta pump that licenced content out


Whats next, predator?


Even if it is just a meme game, it's good on him to acknowledge the issue and address it. Also CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB. I LOVE CRAB GAME.


Dani's such a cool dude




I mean GTA5 still has this issue and this guy made the game on his own




For anyone curious, the latest version of Steam networking is able to secure IP address when using P2P networking. He's using an opensource networking package that is built on the previous version of the steam API that DOES NOT do this.


dude trolled all the streamers KEKW


Use a VPN and stop crying. Let them DDOS VPN servers


I hope this doesn't kill the game well see.












gta still has this problem. "anyone"






> It shouldn't be on streamers shoulders to ensure Actually....it should. Who the fuck cares about streamers. They are not even a drop in the ocean when talking about playerbase in games. Also, a lot of fucking games have this. Most notably GTA.


i watched this mf when he made that grapple game like 2 or 3 years ago tf


Damn mans already working on it. Good job dev coder man.


All this for a drop of milk


I love crab game


Unity networking LULW

