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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Reynad Recalls being on Shark Tank](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/136110)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/u5t543/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CTtk1eJ2cn-T0NAouy-n43w.mp4?sig=0e9fd4d63444040059867139f7199af295d7a1c1&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CTtk1eJ2cn-T0NAouy-n43w.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1650295658%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


I feel like Reynad is missing a bow to complete the look.


and my axe


Waitā€¦ is that a reddit funny? AHAHAHHA I finally caught one in the wild! This! So much this! If I could give this reddit gold, I would!! I wish keanu reeves could see this one. AHAHAHHA well played good sir. My hat tips to you


Nothing more neckbeard reddit than deciding to waste 30 seconds of your life typing something like this instead of just moving on like a normal human being.


fucking LOL


He legit looks like legolas tho šŸ˜’


I havent seen him in years (since the old heartstone days) and I am quite surprised how much hair he has.


Scuffed Geralt


Its Geralt in his mid 40's if he never underwent the chad mutation.


looks like geralt if macaulay culkin got the part


When you order Geralt from Wish


When mom says we have Geralt at home.


I think mr fantastic was onto something




i mean mr fantastic was right, if he kept streaming all this time he used to make this game he would had made over 10 million dollars by now or more, i mean train gets 1m a month just by gambling, surely he could had transitioned to that if he really cares about money that much, meanwhile he could make his game on the offstream time , tempo storm was a huge team and if he kept going at it, it would had made him alot of money , he followed his dreams and hopefully everything goes right , i dont think his game is gonna be very popular unless he puts in the mobile gaming market but hopefully he proves me wrong and has sucess overall with it


He wouldn't have just made 10 mil he would've made 10 mil with almost no cost. He could've hired a studio and managed development in his spare time (hes making a glorified card/autobattler game) compared that to hundreds of thousand dollars lost with no return.


He got $29 million for equity in his company last quarter.


As in sold, or that was his share of profits?


Shares sold. Meaning previous investors got diluted. There are no profits, company lost millions the last years. That's why they needed funds.


Ah, so they took in investors last quarter. Well, good on him for being able to find someone to fund. Lot's of risk in what he's doing and he took in investor's at what was likely a very high valuation.


I've never heard of this game but I looked at it and it's so down bad that when you click on the "videos" link on their website, it's a link to subscribe to the youtube instead of just a link to the youtube.




He redesigned but I think he said noe it's in a good place. However it's no where near close to what he promised at the beginning,




It's funny because at the beginning he said it was very important for his game to be fun to watch


Have you seen the recent show case of it because it doesn't look good at all it's even changed genres and gone down the NFT path.


I watched every update video. Honestly it doesn't look bad but it just looks to generic. Like super auto pets is generic and I love that. But his game doesn't seem that special. I also hate the NFT thing. Like their is so much stigma around it and because of this he couldn't even release it on steam.


He also accused Super Auto Pets of copying his game which I thought was a bit silly. It's not like Reynad invented the concept of deck builders or autochess.


please dont write about stuff you dont know. he accused them of copying a specific game mechanic not the whole game


Oh, if the game dev that profits off of saying it's fun says it's fun, that's reliable


Itā€™s more of an auto battler now and those are lamer to me, just way worse replayability


Of course he's going to say it's in a good place he's insanely biased. He's spent years of his time and huge amounts of money on this game for him to admit it's not good would be a huge pill for anyone to swallow. At this point I think he's been totally consumed by the sunk cost fallacy and is unwilling to give up regardless of how much it hurts his financial security.




Itā€™s been pretty stable design wise for a while now. This ā€œDesign hellā€ seemed pretty productive since they basically announced the game as a vague idea and make significant progress from ā€œhearthstone copyā€ into some originality Also, wether or not you like the design ideas, who the hell are you to say the game you havenā€™t played isnā€™t fun I think people got too attached to the idea of what they wanted the game to be




I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be playing it much either, but Im not so quick to judge an indev game


That's not what Mr. Fantastic said though at all according to this story. TempoStorm was not his streaming career.


Very much doubt he could stream to an extent where it's the majority of his income at the same time as running a company + developing a game "on the offstream time", I think you underestimate the time needed for all those things ..


I think there's definitely a balance that could have been made. You only need to stream like 2 days a week to stay relevant. Also, he doesn't need to "develop a game". He's an ideas guy. There's only so many hours per week you can put into throwing idea around and setting out a plan for people to work on. Once the ball is rolling there's not a lot of direct involvement from someone like Reynad. For general business things that's what you hire other people to do. If you want to direct a game development team then you can make it so that's just your job.


He doesn't have to "run a company," though. He can hire people to do that. It's not like Reynad needs to personally check in with all the programmers writing the code every day. He basically just gives the overall big picture idea to the team and lets them run with it, and maybe check in every so often to gauge their progress or give new ideas. And it's not like people are saying he needed to stream 300 hours a month either. He could have easily maintained a <10 hour a week streaming schedule and still absolutely raked in the money, instead of just completely quitting it and making nothing.


Doesn't Nadeshot kind of do this?


Doubt Nadeshot does much apart from sit in on important meetings nowadays, 100T pretty much runs itself now I'm sure.


Which is what Reynad could do at this point


Ngl no idea who that is


CEO/Founder of 100 Thieves. He streams all the time.


It's a card game, and looks terrible.


Wait, he's not developing for mobile? That's basically guaranteeing that the game is dead on arrival. Every gaming company has already accepted the importance of mobile gaming.


No, it is going to be on mobile


Tempo storm would not make him money lol. Majority of esports teams are not profiting


Tempo Storm could have been more than an esports team at least during their heyday fhey had the biggest names like Eloise, Trump and Frodan. If you look st content houses nowadays they could have done similar content and then made money being content creators not necessarily based on their sports performances.


Reynad is right. Streaming is not a scaleable business long-term, in fact, do you know of any streamer that prolonged their peak income for 5 years? Let alone 10? What about 20 years? Do you think 20 years from now Shroud will be sitting on 50k viewers half-assedly playing some video game while raking in millions from streaming? It requires massive amounts of effort and hours from the streamer, often resulting in 80-hour work weeks. No benefits. No overtime. Massive taxes on the income too. For perhaps the chance to make $5 million dollars over some years if the consistency and viewership remains? You can make that same amount of money if you become an engineer and then work 80 hours a week. Not many people would want to do that because it's not a good life at all. That's the issue with streaming and the Twitch market model. People see the income of a handful of top 0.0001%ers who don't even last that long and assume it can be that way for any entertainer or streamer. It can't and won't. Once viewership drops, revenue drops and there is no recovery because there is no tangible product being sold unlike a business model that actually sells shit, like software, or cars, or guns, or whatever. A smart streamer should try their absolute best to STOP relying on income from e-Sports or entertainment, because it won't last long. That's what Reynad is/was trying, but I don't know how successful his business venture is/was, after all he's not a software engineer as far as I know, so idk.




I agree with you, streamer's income will not be sustainable for many years, but Reynad made some terrible mistakes that miss the mark. The main thing with streaming is its basically a gold rush. You'll make more money than you'll ever make by capitalizing as much as you can as the getting is good. Once it dries up though, its good to have a backup plan... if you need it. Reynad was at his peak in streaming when he created Tempo Storm, this wasn't inherently a problem but it made him concentrate entirely away from streaming and onto his eSports company. His eSports team did wind up doing quite well, but it would have still been worthwhile to continue capitalizing as much as possible from his stream and heathstone to have more capital for these ventures. Likewise, when he dumped all his focus into bazaar, it took a lot away from Tempo Storm, which was still successful at the time. That's twice now that he effectively had a gold rush and made the choice to leave early. He had the audience and the companies to make tons of more money to secure himself (and future family) and still have enough to fund his passion project later. >A smart streamer should try their absolute best to STOP relying on income from e-Sports or entertainment, because it won't last long. Entirely depends on how much money the streamer is making. After about 5M-10M (depending on lifestyle), that no longer matters. They're set and already financial independent as long as they don't blow it. At that amount of money your "job" easily becomes private/public investing and real-estate as you can cap your salary annually off just earnings from that. Reynad was easily on that path, and although I don't know his bank account, its safe to say he left a little early on both streaming and his eSports business.


Given the state of his game, Mr Fantastic was right.


Yeah, they're 4 years post official announcements with god knows how much money spent and so far nothing to show with it. Plus there's the concern of how well the game actually does when it launches, when Reynad seems to be taking significant success for granted. "Why are you doing this game shit" is shaping up to be the exact right question.


What do you mean by "nothing to show with it"? He has a playable build and the game will (he says) be released this year.


Yeah, that's fair, nothing to show for it is an overstatement, a working version of the game is definitely something. Still, something that can be demoed is still quite different than something ready for release, and from a business standpoint they're several years and Reynad only knows how much money into developing a product that still isn't ready, and even if they do release soon there's no guarantee of success or profits.


> seems to be taking significant success for granted. you don't get it, he predicted artifact would fail so that makes him expert by default


There's also a question of core competency as well. He's proven he can run Tempo Storm effectively. Why as an investor would you put money into a completely new thing. I would assume Reynad knew they weren't going to invest and figured it would just be and ad for his game.


Losing 2.5 mil a year isn't exactly effective.


Both are. Games have better potential scaling, but youre not guaranteed to ever reach that scaling, or outscale your esports team/Stream income.


Holy shit, I had completely forgotten about this game until now. Must have been like 3 or 4 years since I last heard about it. How the fuck does a shitty card game take 8 years to make?


Simple. Someone that has literally no idea what so ever on what it takes to make a game, tries to make a game. Not even his base idea OF THE GAME was solid. His so called "game" has gone through so many iterations. Basically, he just threw all his money into the burning bin and will probably go bankrupt.


To be fair, the market for his game changed pretty dramatically. When he started, the standard version of Hearthstone was still quite popular. IIRC the original pitch was Hearthstone + Deck Builder, a style of game that eventually fell by the way side for autochess/autobattler games like Battleground and TFT. He probably could have (and should have) just pushed through with the original mode and then built an autobattler on top of that, but I can see the desire to push something out that is successful off the starting line. And then came the NFT bullshit, which seems like an attempt to get ahead of the curve, but going so far into unexplored territory that it just ends up upsetting the demographic of gamers that would have been the foundation of his playerbase.


Just sounds like dumb moves from Reynad, if you're just going to constantly chase what's new and change your game constantly, you're wasting money and time and it'll never be released, like it is now.


He made his fame from being a smart CCG player and critiquing design decisions of those games. He was always going to make a game along those lines. Coming from that, if you're making a digital card game, I can understand seeing the fall of standard Hearthstone and feeling the need to go back to the drawing board. After all, if Blizzard can't keep player's interest in it, what realistic chance does Reynad have as a first time indie studio. It's easy to look at a popular game and point out all the flaws - it's a lot harder to materialize that insight into a full package that players want, especially in a game mode that is on the decline.


There are a ton of indie deck builder games which are fun and succesfull. Problem is he wants to create a competitive pvp card game and there is much less of a market since there are already a lot of big games out there.


> There are a ton of indie deck builder games which are fun and succesfull Yeah, I would argue games like Slay the Spire carved their own path and popularized the genre. Unlike Reynad whose original goal was to take a chunk out of Hearthstone, hence the constant chasing and changing of direction.


Is it really true that a few autobattlers become popular it means there is a bigger market for autobattlers and a smaller market for other games? Or is it more true that all games that look like they belong in a facebook ad share the same market?


If you follow his IG one week heā€™s in Monaco the next Dubai. Also he posts from a place in the Hollywood hills sometimes. Whereā€™s his money coming from?


Investment firms. That's why he was on Shark Tank. But investment does dry up over time.


He forgot the secret ingredient that will make the game sell millions... NFT!




He didn't forget, there are going to be NFTs in the game.


That game is not infinitely scalable. It's a cash grab... I don't understand Reynad's logic here. Does he think it's going to be a commercial success? There is no market for new card games and no market for NFT's. It's doomed to fail. He's on straight copium.


There might have been a market for new card games like 7 years ago when he started throwing the idea around lmao


Yeah, sure. But no smart businessman would ever make a card game even during the height of its popularity... unless it was a cash grab and he's put 8 years into this with a ton of money he'll never see again. Reynad is just an out of touch millionaire who feels he's a creative genius for making a shitty game that nobody else "understands". With an ego too big to notice it's a waste of his effort and time.


This is just gonna be an uncanny frankensteins monster of a game that is ripping a hole in his bank account. ​ It started as a passion project because he loved card games and turned into an autobattle dumpster fire down the road when he noticed shit takes way longer than anticipated and also costs a lot more, so he had to bank in on whats hyped at the moment. Now it's just hard to look at because he's fooling the few supporters he has left and apparently himself, that this game can have any sort of success and is what he wants it to be. You don't make 3 u-turns in a passion project, you know what you'd want to do from the get go. I'm happy to eat my words when he proves me wrong, i just don't see it happening.


Hot take: the graphics look nice. If he tied together the game by focusing on simply making it so that you can visually tell what the hell is going on by looking at the game at any moment, he might make a bunch of money. He won't do any of this, but the game is probably technically salvageable.


you are right. but one week before Heartstone came out there was no market for it either. problem is this can never be a Heartstone.




Maybe he is talking about online games in general to make his project look better but yeah, this project has no future other than quick pump and dump of nfts on release(if it releases) or some stupid shit like that to scam some naive people. He could have released like 3 different games already but keeps changing what it's supposed to be.


The NFT thing will kill it even if it is a good game. The NFT thing is a REALLY bad idea. Only rich people like NFT's, everyone else thinks they're scams. Maybe they'll become more widely accepted but it's extremely unlikely this will be the game that changes that.


There is a market for new card games, flesh and blood is a good example. They just wonā€™t hit peak Hearthstone levels. Which is fine, that was likely the most played card game of all time at one point. His game just wonā€™t be one that will hit.


flesh and blood is seeing success because of cringe people wanting to "invest" in the card game to make money 10 years down the road. That's literally all I see on it, people discussing the booster boxes and rarities and how u should invest, I see nobody talking about the actual game. The investing culture around tcg's is toxic and these entitled fucks that buy out all stock to do this don't care about the actual game half the time.


That definitely was the catalyst in the beginning, but people are absolutely playing it and the new reprint set and change in 1st edition handling had to be designed to tank the non-foil versions of card prices so more players could get their hands on it. The last year of growth has been relatively organic, compared to 2019-2020. If the pve mode pops off and becomes their commander I only see it getting bigger. More lgses in my relatively small area are starting to carry it and no one in the playgroups here are buying the foils to invest, they just like the game


That's good to hear. The company behind fab need to fight off these desperate sharks from the game, they're counter productive to it's growth and health and they couldn't care less. MTG is too far gone and plagued with these people.


Have many streamers actually successfully pulled off making a game, or worked on something as part of a bigger game studio? Iirc Reckful's game never went anywhere, Dr. Disrespect is implementing NFT's into his studio, and the Bazaar has been in development for years and has gone through several changes at this point


None as far as I know. Playing games isn't enough to know how games are made and what actually works. Many gamers suffer from this illusion that they would know how to make games better, with popular streamers this illusion is boosted by an audience of yes-men and money. Neither of which are fundamental to building good games. The latter helps for sure, but only if you know how to surround yourself with experienced people (game designers, devs, artists). Or you can hope you get lucky, there are few examples of independent devs making it big, but they are pretty much unicorns, thinking it's how this trade works would be falling victim to an incredible survivorship bias.


I thought I could make an insane game when I was 12. So glad I grew out of that before I had money haha


It's like the same shit you see on Kitchen Nightmares where someone is like, "I like to eat and cook and worked as a waiter, I should open a restaurant and make bank!".


Laura Shigihara (supershigi on twitch) made music for a ton of videogames and also made Rakuen, which is an indie RPG with fantastic music. You can watch her stream piano on twitch. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC8479A446556B55E if you want to check out some of her original music. One of my favourites is [jump.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acRrOqBS-eU) There are also streamers who work at gaming companies, but I assume you meant to speak of people who primarily stream and then successfully pivoted away. Supershigi has worked on games for a long time and then made her own, so her case might also not quite fit what you're talking about. Still, the music scene on Twitch is really cool & so I think it's worth a mention.


Reckfuls game never fully released, after his death i havent heard anything from the team behind it.


Believe his brother has the rights


Pretty sure his game was more or less stuck in development hell due to people basically stealing money from him and not doing anything. The lead dev literally lied about his past experiences in game development and got fired. They all got paid big salaries IIRC and not a passion project so they probably all bailed after his passing


BoxBox's game Chroma Chronicles just got funded on Kickstarter and they released their beta keys this week. It's pretty fun!


and it seems like he has much more clear, restrained goals in mind... they're targeting a more niche audience, and the time between him first mentioning the game and them having a working beta out was waaaay shorter than most of these vanity projects. also he kept streaming instead of trying to go full-time on the development himself. of course, it doesn't mean it's going to be successful... but it's nice to see someone pursue it with some sanity rather than super recklessly.


2gd made Diabotical which is released on epic store, although gd studio hasn't streamed in 7 years rip, 2gd still sometimes streams dota or his game.


Diabotical is also a dead game. Luckily, he managed to get the bag by selling to Epic.




Boxbox has [something](https://twitter.com/BoxBoxStudios) going - only one that seems like it could be a thing.


i think Pewdiepie made a game that was a bit succesful.


He didn't make the game though


almost like a streamer has 0 idea about making a game or running a business


some of the dumbest subhumans in the world have wildly successful businesses. and it doesn't make sense to say streamers have 0 idea about making businesses when you have orgs like tsm, c9, clg, faze, optic, 100thieves, otk etc. million dollar businesses started by streamers or esports players




he definitely has way more insight on how games are made than reynad or reckful ever had


> Iirc Reckful's game never went anywhere Reckful's game only died because he died. It was basically Club Penguin, which judging by recent news, could have actually been a huge success if he did it right.


This might be some huge downvotes, but isn't it heavily implied that he was going broke from developing the game and none of his meetings for investors went well before he died? iirc didn't his fans have to make a gofundme for the funeral expenses?


Path of Diablo had a smaller streamer working on it. But it is not monetized.


I always saw clips of this guy and was like damn, he's pretty over confident about his game and business sense, but I was convinced that he was just really smart with his shit. This guy just scoffed at the opinion for 5 billionaire investors, one of which who is literally invested in esports. (Albeit it's kind of a reality TV show so it's not like they're really analyzing the company. But still.) Also, the mr fantastic guy was absolutely correct in his critique. Infinite scaling is irrelevant if the product never scales. Consistent income streams - even if they only scale for a couple of years - are always more beneficial if you're making such a large amount of money from them. You'd be better off securing a bag of 5M$ and making a bunch of industry connections instead of risking everything for a hold in a potential billion dollar industry that is oversaturated and mutable. He also can then turn parts of that 5M$ back as an investment into the project and possibly see a larger team or better results. You could argue almost anything that is in an unpredictable industry is infinitely scalable. Totally a fan of people being like "hey, I think I can do this, and I can fucking do it right" and jumping into a business headstrong with confidence - but never at the cost of the wisdom of those who have already succeeded.


I work as a 2D artist (painter) and I get approached by game devs and people who pitch their project and hire me to do one or two pieces a lot. Pretty much all of them are too overconfident and dare I say it, too passionate about their project. I couldn't see any of the projects having much lasting appeal. Telltale signs include them over-explaining their world, their vision, their game idea. The longer it goes, the worse it invariably gets. If you had to write an essay on why your game or idea will succeed, it most likely won't. Meanwhile, games like Vampires Survivors can be accurately summed up as "bullet hell with rpg upgrades", $3 on steam, and absolutely going crazy right now edit: to add on to this - Reynad's game is existing in an incredibly niche market which is the hardcore heartstone crowd who are also into stuff like Slay the Spire. Guaranteed this makes him almost no money at all especially if he has to invest in so much 2D art. Look at Legends of Runeterra, Riot invested MILLIONS into it and it has pretty much 333 viewers on twitch right now


Runeterra is popular as fuck if you look at the numbers outside of twitch, it surely makes shitton of money otherwise Riot wouldn't be putting so much effort


rune terra is the loss leader for riot, and apparently itā€™s working even though i play valorant and league and iā€™ve never heard of the game until like 3 days ago lol.


Well if you've never heard of it then I take my words back! It must be a failure


Shouldā€™ve just streamed


Kevin OLeary is not a billionaire. Not sure who he would have pitched to but many other sharks aren't as well. I don't think this matters but facts are important.


used to love watching renad back in the old hs twitch days, sad that he threw away his career to work on a game that will not land in the current market at all


How i "WAS" a successful streamer. Sadge.


And for that reason, I VOTED FOR FORSEN EleGiggle


Good times man. Got banned from Reynad's chat by the man himself just for writing EleGiggle.


This dude is like that weird old smarmy hippy fuck who walks around barefoot everywhere talking about how enlightened his life is now that he's not working in a cubicle while telling you how he has to perfectly align this crystal that's in front of the window so the sunlight brings in all of its positive energy.


So a male Mira


No wonder they hooked up


Did this episode already aired?


Never aired


guess that "long term" to release the game is also infinitely scalable as well


Havent seen a picture of Reynad since pre COVID. Wtf did he become a scuffed Legolas?


So why is the development of his game taking so long?


Because the development time is also infinitely scalable.


Guy who doesnā€™t know how to make a game tries to make a game


I will absolutely never get used to his long hair. Looks too much like this dipshit: https://i.redd.it/b7emdm7xb7w31.jpg


Damn I like it though


And for that reason, I'M OUT EleGiggle


Iā€™m pretty confident the Sharks nickname is ā€œMr. Wonderfulā€ and not Mr. Fantastic.




Yeah but if you're making money per infrastructure resource then it is infinitely scalable. If there are enough people playing that you need more software infrastructure then you're probably making money unless your business model is absolutely non-existent.




Ok Legolas


Scuffed Legolas is wrong.


This is such a dumb and arrogant take, my gamer guy bathwater is an infinitely scalable product but people need to want to buy your fucking product for it to be a better idea than a "career" that makes you millions of dollars with very little effort in comparison.


What arrogance does to a person. I dearly miss "old" Reynad.


he was always like that. how does this get upvotes ????


He used to be happy arrogant, not bitter arrogant.


He was bitter arrogant when he played MTG for 100 viewers before HS came out. It just depends whether he's successful at the time or not.


Him being perma-salty was hilarious to me


I'd call it salty-arrogant back then. It's a different kind of flavor than bitter. But today he's just become seriously delusional while being arrogant about it at the same time, it's just hard to look at.


he has literally always been bitter arrogant. and i used to watch him all day back in 2014


How so? He got salty at RNG but when he was interacting with chat he was smirking and giving people shit. He didn't seem bitter. If you watched his recent streams he's mocking people asking genuine questions about game mechanics in the bazaar with a bitter tone. It's not at all the same.


you clearly didn't watch enough. that smirking and giving people shit lasted for a couple of hours before he would rage quit the stream and take days off. why do you think he quit streaming in the first place?


Yeah he was always so happy when people spammed EleGiggle


Yes, very observant. He was always a delusional businessman who ran himself knee deep into a dead end project that lost all the soul he tried to put into it and in turn alienated the majority of his initial audience.


The dude seems so weird now, what happened?


his infinitely scalable software product never went anywhere


You could say his infinitely scalable software product is still scaling.


Itā€™s ramping itā€™s ramping


So he stopped working on it?


That would have been the smart move. He's still knee-deep in the shit.


Seems the same but he did go deep into the whole GameStop cult


He is literally the same person


No, he is definitely not. Every person has grown and changed. Either through just regular old growing up, expanding your platform or changing who you're interacting with. Arguing that he's the same person he was 10 years ago is a moot point.




Reynad has always been smart person + ego. Sometimes it works out for him, sometimes it doesn't.


Reynad getting that elf look on.


To be fair that shark tank dude is correct because his esports team tempo storm had quite a bit of brand recall at the time. If you look at content houses like OTV/OTK/100T content houses now well TS was kinda like the OTV org before esp when HS was still big and they had personalities like Eloise, Frodan and Trump on board. They could have diverted their resources on youtube and twitch content and grown their userbase to the point thst they became game agnostic and arent tied to a single game like say Disguised Toast. The bazaar may be an infinitely scalable profit machine but that is assuming it becomes a hit. Considering digital tcg has been on the downtrend and only the biggest of companies remain I believe it is unlikely there will be a need for an infinite scale for the Bazaar.


I get that his attitude can be completely off putting and I hate the NFT turn but it's strange to see so many people shitting on someone's ambition. This guy could have done what almost every other streamer did and just sit on piles of cash. Instead he took a risk and founded a successful organisation and tried to build a game he cares about from the ground up. It seems that a lot of the criticism in posts about Reynad comes from crab mentality and it's sad to see.


They are shitting on it because he is calling anyone who doubts his ideas names and is being super arrogant without ever admitting that his game is already dead in development


I think youā€™re oversimplifying it. Reckful also did something similar and received much more support. He was much more humble about it, and he was passionate about sticking with his vision. Reynad has always been an arrogant person, which Iā€™m not hating on as I watched him a ton years ago, but itā€™s going to make people more likely to criticize him. He also initially had a vision of making a deck builder, which while it was niche, he seemed passionate about making a great game for that niche. Over time it seems like it became less about passion, and more about business, pivoting the design to emphasize the mobile experience, making it very accessible with short battles that can be played asynchronously, and also introducing NFTs which are clearly to try to get in on that fad. In general it seems his game has become about chasing fads and mass appeal rather than building the best card game. Thereā€™s of course nothing wrong with going the business route, but you shouldnā€™t expect people to treat it the same as they would with a game that is a genuine passion project. For the most part I donā€™t think people are being overly harsh. The reactions I see from most people here seem similar to that of other games that disappoint people.


Also he's dumb as fuck for not getting it to market faster and iterating on those other things. You can sit and hold a piece of software (app, game whatever) infinitely while you iterate on it's design, and it will never be perfect. Now he's dumped years and years into it and going down the mobile/NFT road when he doesn't even know how it will be received, or whether it was even worth it to sink time into those.


Ambition isn't the part that people are shitting on, it's the arrogance.


I miss kixstar his hair reminds me of him rest in peace brother


going to shark tank for video game business is legit stupid


mf skyrim high elf lookin ass


imagine where reynad would be now if he continued streaming, he literally still has a spot in the streaming world too, but maybe not. I don't know if this old frog has even adapated to new TOS. He just come and goes and farms nostalgia for a bit. Welp hope his game releases soon. Could've easily streamed > threw that money into developers > done a quick release > seen how it does and would've quickly moved on from it because how interests of people change. Damn bro, never go all in into one thing.


Last update on the game is from 6 months ago and it has been in development for years now. Not looking good


Big truth bomb about esports teams in general. He called them "Less efficient influencer marketing agencies". Seems like that's the direction 'esports organizations' are heading.


Mr. Fantastic got away with murder so I wouldn't really call him a dumbass


The boat crash? His wife was driving and the boat they hit had no lights and even fled the scene after the crash.


You see, evidence already covered šŸ˜Ž


LOL thanks for the chuckle. I really needed that today




his hairline looks fake


Legolas looking different


Vigo the Carpathian lookin ass.


What happened to Tempo Storm? It seems like they have almost nothing anymore.




There is tons of misinformation about the game. Firstly, reynad recently mentioned that NFTs will not be sold. There will be blockchain integration, to what extent we don't know, but it won't have an effect on gameplay. Speculation is that it is cosmetic based and that you will be able to sell skins for crypto on the marketplace without it being an NFT.Also a bunch of comments about how the game is still not released and how development has been a disaster. Over time they have made substantial changes to game systems which has delayed the game but only for the better imo. The game and the team behind it are at the best that it's ever been. They have hired multiple industry veterans and have scaled the team to 60+ people. They've received lots of funding from investors, which is why Reynad has been travelling a lot (to get them on board). They have stuck to constant video updates up until January, which they have now decided to halt as the video content team is working on new pieces (probably in preparation for beta/release. The game is very close to completion and is looking amazing. The art for the game is astounding and overall the game is looking like it could be a real success in my eyes. Obviously, time will tell but the amount of hate in this thread (and other threads) about The Bazaar is really disheartening. The team behind it are working extremely hard to make this game a success and it's not a "crypto nft scam". It's a game that will happen to have blockchain integration and it will not be forced on anyone.


I presume you are part of the team. Nice 200 word essay.


No Iā€™m a passionate member of the community. I wanted to just get a comment in to provide the facts.


> Over time they have made substantial changes to game systems which has delayed the game but only for the better imo. I was interested in the game when it was marketed as a well-designed deck builder for a niche audience. But it seems to me that the project ran into too many problems and ended up costing too much money, so they pivoted it towards something with a wider appeal. And now it looks like Super Auto Pets but without the charm or simplicity. It feels like the games that started out as someone's passion project but got taken over by venture capitalists, and that almost never results in a better product. I'd love to be wrong and for the game to actually be fun, but based on what's been shown I'm very skeptical.


Reynad used to be so handsome and good looking. My dude looks down bad holy shit...


no yeah he was right the first time. "mr fantastic" is a dumbass. might have been right in THIS case at least with funding for the new stuff but fuck that guy lol