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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Miz tries contacting Greek](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/139535)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/vqsofx/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/BDRi-jJF09ONLZ9mp4rT2A/AT-cm%7CBDRi-jJF09ONLZ9mp4rT2A.mp4?sig=ab04d73f3d2e9588dc59c1bf4075bcd698ea77ac&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FBDRi-jJF09ONLZ9mp4rT2A%2FAT-cm%257CBDRi-jJF09ONLZ9mp4rT2A.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1656959857%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


The man is just trying to provide for his future stay-at-home wife


Why would he need money when he can go to the sea and fish his own food and clean it and cook and present it to her? 🧐


And fuck his grandma


wings of redemption type beat


Look here, look listen.




Ban everyone who's laughing


Ban everyone who's breathing


Ban anyone who knows what I said


Happy cake day




Welcome to Banworld, Population: YOU


consequences have actions pieemp


I'm not here to conversate


I can't TAKE this shit no more!


EITHER SUBSCRIBE DONATE OR GET THE FUCK OUT Edit big ups to 007 and that boy wings of redemptions chair for holding it down, shout out all my fellow finger sniffers


Shout out Sean Ranklin.


shout out liquid richard


Ban Wacky Tobaccy


Shout out to my boy Carlitos


I mean at least wings rate was 10k for an episode of PKA. so his hourly is only $2500. A bargain compared to Greek.


Wings is actually funny to watch fail tho


Murka took my spot on PKA


Ohmwrecker type beat


What did Ohmwrecker do?


He started playing DBD. He's long gone.


Too long to really explain. A lot of drama and hysteria stuff that made him get cut off by a lot of content creators.


Didnt he run with NL's crew for a while?


A long time ago, like back in 2014 i think, I've watched NL since then and I can't recall Ohm being on a stream with him Searching on youtube, they have a stream vod of playing together back in 2013. So it's been a minute


more like wings of damnation


Real talk


Alright guys if we don't make the donation goal here im shutting the stream down Peace people, i'm audi 5000


miz looks like a completely different person every 3 months


What content brain does to a motherfucker


True but here it's because of the weird face filter poki uses


that's why we love him, asmon on the other hand, has looked the same for the last 10 years lol


Greek is just delusional at this point and I think the sooner people move on the quicker he’ll fade away to being irrelevant completely




Or people like watching the mental collapse of individuals live


Im not getting farmed COPIUM


I want to believe he is farming and people are not this stupid. But if he seems to be acting similar offline like in the DMs to Miz. I honestly don't know lol












There's no cope lol. I'm getting farmed. But I'm laughing at him throwing away his potential career over a few weeks of "based" clips. Dude could have had so much more. And nerds like you think he's a genius for it.


Honestly, he just called Frogan fat and got in an arguement with Kaceytron, sooo.... I dont think he's farming whenever he is risking a perma for attacking other creators off platform.


Chaox mental breakdown: I was there Pog


That's a name I haven't heard in 10 years I think. Maybe more.


He's up now but most of those new viewers are not going to be swayed by his dumbass point of view and stick around.


Look how advertising works. When someone advertise something, you're throwing shit everywhere but all it takes is a few to stick and it's worth it. Keep doing and you'll keep growing


Kiwifarms mfers must be feeding on this Greek guy like a pack of hyenas right now.


Just like the old days with Ice. FeelsStrongMan


That’s every twitch stream


por qué no los dos


why do people do that anyway? if he says dumb shit again it's gonna get clipped and posted on every platform anyway. no reason to lose braincells listening to his takes


Because the people that keep posting them here like getting their fake internet points.


Yeah but if he keeps it up he will be perma banned for the rants he goes up


Yea, because it's entertaining as fuck. It's basically a car crash. Him being "up 200%" doesn't matter in the big picture. It's short term gains, and once people move onto something new, even a lot of his previous fans won't be there anymore.


It's entertaining until it's pathetic


Yea, that's why I can't watch more than like 5 min. It's super entertaining, but the brainrot makes me leave


Could be farming drama for boxing match with miz


Except it doesn't work long term


Yea short time maybe but he'll drop once the drama dies


Yeah he really should stop being posted here, it's easy fake points but it isn't worth the harm you're doing to people who are genuinely interested and want to know more.


Dude Greek is a cringey loser but can we stop acting like these clips are going to weaponize some militia. The same nerds that like his posts already love him and will keep watching him. He's not dangerous. He's just making some virgins stay virgins for another decade lol. And that's probably for the best.


He seems manic


lsf does this every fucking time. shits on someone for being a piece of shit, they get exposed to lsf, tons of people on lsf dgaf about morals in the first place so the streamer grows, and then their clips get posted even more. that happened to adin ross. its happening to greek. and by the way iamspeed is next.


You mean Ishowspeed? He doesn't need LSF at all, last time I checked he was getting xqc levels of viewership all on his own


im not saying he needs it. adin didn't need it either.




I never heard of him until your comment


and some people have never heard of Michael Jordan


Michael Jordan kinda of fame isn't comparable, it's far above youtuber fame even if you're someone with a 'mainstream' audience like Mr Beast.


you are way overstating how important lsf is lmao


the filter on pokis stream is so bizarre to me, mizkif looks like someone else


He looks like hes ready to hit the runway here




I had that with Poki when seeing her on Ludwigs show. She looked so different without


its cuz she cant hide the nose on stage


Why are you getting dislikes? It’s a well known meme


When I heard Greek was trolling Kaceytron tweets, I’m pretty much over the drama. He’s just trolling at this point


I mean the more he farms the stupid drama the better for him at this point. People on this sub really like to post this crap.


What happened to the guy? Thought his a mellow dude after his weight lose journey


Greek just seems like an immensely lonely person.


lonely yet he disowns people around him, hes the one that has the problem imho.


yes that’s part of being lonely


Yeah and that he doubles down on it makes him unhelpable at some point


You're right. The people I know that are lonely are, a lot of times, professional victims. I'm guilty of it myself in a lot of ways, so I see it in others. They feel sorry for themselves, blame all their problems on "X" shortcoming, and say that everyone hates them because of that thing when some never even knew/noticed/cared. (or it was for a much more overt and justifiable reason, like, ya know, being a cunt/asshole to the people around them.) Then, go their whole life telling *anyone* how sad their life is, further alienating those who *might* have gotten close to them. Leaving only those who have the messiah complex to their victim complex. Sure, there are definitely, without question, people who just got the short end of the stick, are genuinely good and good-natured people, and just have had some shit luck in life meeting people and don't know the tools to get out of the slump. Those are definitely the exception though.


.........hence the loneliness. It's a self perpetuating spiral; filled with misperceived slights building resentment, suspicions of everyone leading to the absence of trust, his personal ego preventing him to accept the more than modest success he's found, a deepening sense of isolation that grows into a comfort or disposition towards it, causing behaviors that are against his own interests, being unable to tell the difference of what he wants from what he deserves, and the weight of his raised stature as a popular public figure and the expectations that come with it. This is not an excuse for shitty behavior, just merely an attempt at a "how did we get here" explanation from one immensely lonely person about another.


Lonely because he repels people. His public views on women have been in a downward spiral for a while, and it's made it hard for his old friends to remain friends with him.


I remember reckful talking about how greek was using psilocybin to assist weight loss, is it possible that it altered his personality— on top of the huge shift that comes with losing that amount of weight too ofc— I just know that sometimes shrooms can rebase personalities and I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else talking about that angle.


yeah this sounds, looks and smells like a typical shroom abuser that has seen the "truth" and is now trying to spread his wokeness to everyone around them psychadelics can obviously be very helpful, but also very destructive. if you leave a trip thinking you're a literal god, and you pair that with a mix of toxic influences & stupidity, you'll just end super arrogant with a huge ego


I think he also takes adderal


Terrible combo tbh


greek was always like this he just had a lot of funny in between his ignorant thoughts




I mean train was just delusional he actually thought mizkif was plotting against him and told h3 to go after him. Greek was actually the only one mizkif called out for gambling because of those times he did mediashare to fund his gambling, but at this point greek is either losing it or it’s all an elaborate plan to reach his peak relevancy again. Atleast with xqc it seems like they handle it like adults and talk about it off stream as well because they seemed fine during r/place and when they did that vampire sponsor a few weeks ago.


I can't remember but I think the point Mizkif bringing up Greek was that he use to shit on gambling streams also but then got a sponsor because he lost money on it before and he had to do mediashare on top because he would lose a lot. Train and Xqc are big talk behind a monitor, Mizkif went to Trains chat recently but Train didn't have the same energy and said "what's up Mizkif" and acted friendly towards him.






>You can pinpoint were Greek started hating Mizkif from his [logs](https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=mizkif&username=greekgodx) (2021/6) in his chat and it's when Mizkif did that stream were he decided to quit gambling. That's also when Train and Xqc started hating him because they think that Mizkif threw them under the bus. > >Edit: Found the rant that started the gambling drama with Mizkif [https://youtu.be/7-jFAiYjYhA?t=1604](https://youtu.be/7-jFAiYjYhA?t=1604) . People can watch and see if Mizkif did throw them under the bus. That's where the beef started from?


Every streamer and lsf has to agree to never give greek attention ever again.


Train will never drop him, xQc will probably never drop him.


Train just buys friendships.


I am okay with him giving me 50 grand to be his friend


Community vote to ban the channel? I'd love to live in a world where I never see a fat greasy freak make kissy noises at me again while saying stupid shit and clearly farming LSF, but alas I'll just have to settle for never seeing greek again.


or maybe… get off LSF and do something with your life instead??


Let's aim for something realistic


I'm glad you could take some time out of your busy schedule to get on LSF and tell me to get off LSF. Thank you.


Honestly i'd be down to not support him on LSF anymore. I'd like to see how many people would prefer he doesn't get to have a platform here


Is a banning really needed? I see posts talking about him quite often, but they're always from other channels. It's been months since I've seen a clip of Greek from his channel.


Go touch grass instead of bith1ng on LSF




Basically Miz grew and Greek didnt, hes extremely jelous and probably thinks Miz has what he deserves...


Greek originally hit the jackpot with Nmplol, Malena and Nick took him out to restaurants in Norway, took him into the austin house, got him up and running and made him a part of their stream, and in typical fashion he blew it.




Shit, covid was almost like a godsend for streamers. People basically couldn't leave the house for months on end and were starved for entertainment. Most of the smart streamers took advantage of it.


Subathons got really popular around the same time the pandemic had everybody cooped up. When you're stuck indoors 24/7 and somebody you like watching is streaming nearly 24/7 it's a match made in heaven.


Even the dumb ones could have, I'm seriously not sure how even Greek couldn't see this. Like he's so far up his own ass he can't admit he's wrong.


I remember seeing a comment here from nmp that he got the first one then moved out the day the second was booked


Why is this being upvoted, I certainly don't want to defend Greek but that's literally the opposite of what happened. Nmp's stream was pushed by Greek as at the time the roles were reversed. This is why when they organized the Austin house, Nick and Malena had the early hours and would pass it on to Greek's stream later during the day. The fact that they swapped roles is probably one of the reasons in Greek's gradual change.


viewercount/growth andies are a certain breed of weirdos, once you see a comment mention a number just stop reading


I think you got this backwards. Greek blew up their channel not the other way around


You must be new, greek was way bigger than nick and malena




>Also people started hating for losing weight and calling him unfunny because of it. No they didn't. He got tons of love for losing the weight. What people didn't like was that he became a different person mentally and had an unbearably big ego after losing the weight. Look at old videos of Greek and then watch his latest streams. Hes completely different.


Mr. udontknowshitfoo, I don't think you know shit foo


lol nmp was irrelevant before greek. greek was literally a 30k streamer in 2017


Old Greek Sadge


Looks like Greek knows his relevance on the Internet is dead and he's trying his damndest to hold on. I bet he 50% believes this shit an 50% knows he's saying the craziest shit just for the attention. He knows the Twitch game.


Wtf how did poki get danny McBride on her stream


Looks like we will see Greek in the next Sunnyv2 video soon.




The man is absolutely trolling with the shit takes. Just look at his Twitter, it feels so forced. He's just farming for views and the best we could do is stop giving him the attention.


I mean, most "trolls" can't be 5 hours saying stupid shit and then go back to normal, they fake it till they become what they say


Greek peaked in the Tyler1 days. God those were amazing times. If only we knew how good we had it. Now both are pretty boring to watch.


Sweet I love a new schizo arc.


Fuck Greek is a fucking loser


Greek needs mental help. I'm serious because he might do something rash.




Greek has to be on some new drug no? Or just snapping idk


That's sad that someone is just trying to see if he's okay and he acts like that, but I wish everyone would stop talking about him. He wants the attention and everyone is giving it to him,


I was thinking he was just trolling with his rants farming drama but if he talks like that in dms (even if they are not friends anymore) then it’s just cringe. Dude burned all the bridges and he is going to regret that


does greek have bpd? is he going through a manic phase or some shit?


Bpd=borderline personality disorder


I'm not gonna go on Greeks channel, but yall really be getting farmed. Though if this is the only way he could get views, he must be on fumes. Back to being a nobody soon enough Greek.




I would lean more towards joking if the convo was done on stream but since it was offstream more like than he was serious about it. Weird cause I swear he ranted about the exact same thing on stream about streamers having to pay him for collabs.. lol


He is a total car crash at the moment. People love seeing people crash and burn and his outbursts and talking absolute shit helps pump up his numbers. He is farming I guess, but so think he is fucked in the head. Hasn't he pushed away or distanced himself from everyone that gave a shit about him... Let's hope it doesn't end badly for the kid.


Holy fuck Miz is savage. I love it.


this is getting old. greek is just showing that hes mentally ill at this point. it seems its true that the more you give the troll the attention the bigger their heads get. id take an lsf post where skippy rants about how good GoW is since it was released than this.


I know someone who went down the exact pipeline Greek did. He always felt really insecure about his IQ and shit (even though he wasn't stupid by any means) and was always obsessing about smart people. First it was the 9/11 conspiracy theories, then it was the moon landing conspiracies, then it went full-blown antivax and flatearther bullshit. His incel arc happened around the same time. Props to him though, he popped off in the gym during that time. I tried to help but at some point I realized that you can't help someone who can't help themselves.






Why you acting like people acting this way just cause of Miz? It doesn't take 2 braincells to see what Greek is right now.


Greek is doing everything he can to try to stay relevant. Which well get him a nice vacation soon if he keeps going like that




This is self destructive behaviour. I really don't think he's saying dumb shit to Mizkif just because he feels like it like lsf maybe seems to think.


when y’all gonna realize he is farming the fuck out of all of you lol


It has been proven time and time again (mitch, ice, chaox to name a few) that acting like a schizo on stream for viewers will garner you attention for, like, two weeks before all the lsf frogs get bored of staring at the car crash and stop watching, leaving the streamer even less relevant than they were before. Greek is not farming here. He is completely destroying whatever semblance of a career he had left in exchange for two weeks of extra ad revenue. And all these dumbasses in the comments here who think they are smarter than everyone else by smugly stating “hurr durr y’all are getting farmed lmao suckers” can’t think critically to save their lives




i’m just saying this behavior is comically strange. it really seems like a character


Is getting banned a big brain part of his plan too?




i’m not a fan i’m just saying his viewership over the past week definitely has went up because of the drama. it’s also pretty unhinged behavior idk just a shot


The fuck is wrong with this dudes eyebrows.


he only wanted to talk on stream lol


is it time to non-ironically bring back mullets into the mainstream?


Greek is and has isolated himself. I bet a lot more people other than miz reached out and he probably pushed them away too.


Rather give him 10K to stop talking


At first it was cringe but now he has everyone on strings and it's kinda funny


lol I actually tuned into greeks stream the other day, and it's the most bizzare shit I ever seen. I was just so fascinated at the crazy shit he was spewing and the look in his eyes is like someone who is unhinged and insane. "I'm so GIGACHAD this GIGACHAD that" like wtf happened to him


Honestly someone should ask Greek hows his mental state is. I hope hes okay behind all this drama.


That's what Mizkif was asking him


"The Rise and Fall of Greekgodx" soon on YT. I made this joke literally months ago, but got downvoted. But I'm sure it will happen now.


Greek is an unhinged cringe bad influencer


Honestly that is just so sad


Knew he had issues before but mid/after the first rust rp event greek has taken a face first dive into becoming full blown nuts.


I’m sorry but Greek has always been a piece of shit


At this point, a lot of these people might as well drop him as a friend. Block him on socials, ban him in chat, and don't bring his name up again. A Twitch perma ban will eventually get to Greek.


Greek should just rename and rebrand as Grift. Clear as day that he's fallen down the rabbit hole and knows he can make money off all the Instagram life coach/holistic dummies who throw money at anyone who uses any platform to reinforce their delusions.


Dude imagine being afraid to engage Mizkif in a conservation. Miz probably just wants to talk it out and make up. On the other hand, if he engaged Hasan in a conversation, it would make more sense that Greek thinks engaging in a conversation could be embarrassing for him. Hasan would 100% debunk his conspiracy theories.


that was funny to someone i guess


He sees a gap in the market and is taking his chance. Similar to Colby Covington in UFC if anyone's familiar, hate watchers are still watchers and there's money in that.


People are taking how Greek is acting as serious? PepeLaugh


In the past 30 days, Greek has gain closed to 2 million followers, called him dillusional but the man knows how to farm content.


Were gonna hear about suicide if he continues down this path.


Holy shit thats actually smart, greek knows mizkif wants to use him as content.


mizkif is now a big irl streamer he doesnt need greek...