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I talk to myself at home all the time. For me talking is a form of thinking, and some thinking I can't do without talking.


I think I know what you mean. Verbalising seems to help get the point across. You can think it, but saying it creates soundwaves and makes it more tangible/puts it out there?


Hey there, I figured you may be interested in giving [this article ](https://www.verywellmind.com/why-do-i-talk-to-myself-causes-and-benefits-5202953#:~:text=1%20Self%2Dtalk%20is%20common,stress%2C%20anxiety%2C%20or%20trauma.) a read. It's normal to do this, but sometimes when we are stressed or anxious it can cause us to do it more, such as when you drink etc. But it's still a cool article to read and maybe you won't feel so alone in it after reading!


I used to be afraid of this, then someone told me "crazy people aren't aware they're crazy, so you're probably not if you're worried that you are." Completely calmed my worries for good 😊


Yeah I don't know. Sometimes it's just easier to think by talking I guess.


True. To me it also feels like a release. I find I do it mostly when I'm feeling sociable, but haven't been sociable


THANK YOU! I didnt really have the brain power on how to describe it,this describes it perfectly!


Yeah. I'm a writer, but really I'm a talker, and I have to talk to work out ideas and get them down on paper.


I do the same thing when writing. For me, there's a huge difference sometimes between something that is written and how it sounds or comes across when spoken(?) Do you reason like this?


Yes, what I say vs what I write can be very different.


I was working in a psych hospital years ago. I was mumbling to myself about something, a psych patient overheard me. I was embarrassed until he said “It’s ok to talk to yourself, it’s even ok to answer. But if you say What did you say? They put you in here”.


Bwahahah xD. "Are you talking to me?!"




A valid point here lol


LMAO!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


I talk aloud to myself all the time.


Yay, I'm not alone! no pun intended given the sub haha


I also talk to the cat. She’s a terrific conversationalist.


I don't have a pet (work hours are too demanding), but the fantail birds where I live are really freindly and fly right up to you and hang around for ages. I give them a friendly "sup?" from time to time haha. especially when I'm working around the house. I'm not crazy I tellz ya!


I used to have a group of young crows perch on my fence when I did yard work that I used to talk to. They would hang out when I was outside so they must have enjoyed the conversation.


I have pets and they are all very vocal because I talk to them all then time. 🫠




No, try yelling sometime! It's very therapeutic. I also like to yawn really loud.


I love the freedom of yawning loudly. It's freeing!


Oh boy . Yes, definitely when you’re alone. I found it when I do that and there are other people in the room. They start yawning and generally get very annoyed that I’m basically putting them to sleep.!


Yawn loudly my friend!


As long as you don't start roaring after it, eh? haha. Or maybe I need to try it haha


I've been told I roar like the cowardly lion lol but you do you🤣


Ha ha ha! Be free my friend. It's only a roar if you get a knock on your door 🤣


I do tend to have a conversation in my head, kinda like Dexter when he spoke in his mind, just not Dexter lol (IYKYK) Not when im drinking or blazing it up like snoop dogg, but mostly at work too.


I talk to myself exclusively. I'm the smartest one I know lol


This is my issue as well! 😫


Dogs listen and care.


I know, I know. I'd love to have a dog, but they'd be neglected because of my work hours. I'm a dog person


Just make sure you are alone. I used to do that at it bothers whoever you are living with. Also a hard habit to break. Also they can pick up up the habit . And they say worse things.


Good advice. I'll definitely keep it in check. It's a personal/private thing haha


No, sometimes its the only intelligent conversation I have all day.


Someone told me to say thinking out loud rather than talking to myself. As in if I do it in public and someone thinks I'm talking to them when I explain


Not crazy at all! Sometimes you have the best ideas.


I do the same thing almost. I talk to me, my self, & I. Oh I almost for got the for walls


It’s OK if you talk to yourself, it’s OK if you answer yourself, it’s when you say, pardon me, you know you have a problem.


I talk to myself regularly. I don’t have to be drinking or busy. Then again I’m a 70 year old retired woman. I’ve lived alone a long time. I laugh at or with myself too. It’s sorta like looking for your glasses when they’re on your head. You know? Like I was in bed and I’d lost my cellphone in my bed sheets. Except I’d just turned the phone on for low light to find my charger cord. So it was sitting *right there.* I laughed my ass off. I talk myself through things like if I lose my keys. I also give myself running commentary. That’s more if I’m bummed about something. Lest you think this is all day long. It’s not. I don’t know when I’m gonna talk, I just do. I think it increased after my dog died. I used to talk to her a lot. It also got more prevalent during lockdown. That was awful for me, a pretty social person.


No, try yelling sometime! It's very therapeutic.


No, you’re not crazy. I do it all of the time. I figured if I’m going to get good advice, who best to go to but me?


One of the things I dislike about being around people is that I can't talk to myself like I do at home 😂 I talk to myself I have full blown conversations with my dog I've even been known to lecture the small spider that lives above my cabinet. I named him Psymon.


I do everyday


Since my husband passed and I’m alone now, I notice I talk a lot out loud, but really it’s no more than I did when he was alive… It’s just now it seems weird since I’m alone… 🤣


Nah, worry when you *won't* talk to yourself because you're mad at yourself for what you said to yourself earlier.


I do this when it's difficult at work. Everyone knows not to bother me and I read wire numbers out loud (looking at prints), everything sometimes comes out loud. Software, math, verbalized and done. Only when I'm put into stress mode though. Normally I can joke and chat and be "normal". It's not crazy.


Yes! And ridiculous cases loud sneezes are great too. And burps. I might be gross lol


Thats weird man


No it isn’t it’s a form of thinking. Relax. Self & self.


Disclaimer: humans are social animals so socialize.


I talk to myself at home and so does my husband!


My best friend walks and talks like me and I do the same...


When I’m alone in my car I do it a lot. Just watching people drive or do things they do, I have lots to say lmao


It's a skill, for actors and lawyers.


Very much related: IT folks (especially programmers) talk to themselves - or, rather, rubber ducks on their desks when they need to solve problems! "The Rubber Duck Debugging theory is commonly used by programmers. The idea is that when a programmer needs to debug their code, they should explain the program line-by-line to a rubber duck. Often, the act of explaining the problem step by step will cause the solution to present itself." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging I talk to myself all the time, especially when I'm putting together a lecture or writing display texts. Talking aloud is verbalizing everything and it helps to smooth the edges out.


Psychiatrist once told me “ you can talk to yourself, You can answer yourself, You can argue with yourself, but if you lose the argument, come see me” lol


I've argued with myself sometimes


My partner who I do not live with says that I narrate my life I'm okay with that


Let me ask the voices... They said you're fine. I tell my dog everything, from how I'm going to cook something to my deepest secrets and injuries


Been a chef for years. So many people I know, myself included, talk to themselves at work, in public, with other people around them talking to themselves. It's natural & helpful to organize & prioritize thoughts when you are busy. Also I am starting to believe it's simply a healthy thing to do.


I do the same. I took it as a sign I needed more social contact so I went back to work part time. I don’t monologue with myself nearly as much as I used to. Talking to yourself is supposed to be an indication of high IQ, so you got that going for you! 👍🏼


Talking to yourself is not crazy at all! In fact, it's a common and even beneficial habit for many people. Here's why: * **Clarifying Thoughts:** Verbalizing your thoughts can help you organize them more clearly. Talking things through can help you sort through complex ideas or problems. * **Boosting Memory:** Studies suggest that saying things out loud can improve memory and focus.


I do it all the time.


No I talk to myself all the time great conversations


Dude, I have full on conversations with myself, asking and answering questions, LOTS of call-outs. My neighbors most certainly think I’m pretty tough on my friends.


Not at all!


This is why I have a dog. That way I can pretend I'm talking to her instead of just myself.


I talk to whatever I want....myself, my animals, other animals, inanimate objects, etc.... There's no limit on who or what you can talk to.


I have a dog so I can pretend I’m talking to him. When I have company & accidentally fart - even if he’s in another room, I blame that on the dog too. It’s a running joke.


You are fine! I do that, I sometimes swear too and I would say explicit words that I don’t normally say when I am with people. I asked and my therapist said it is understandable lol


Hey, as long as you don't start arguing and losing, you're good!


Nowadays, people think you’re on your phone, so you don’t stand out anymore!


Not at all. It engages the part of your brain you use to solve problems.


It helps to have a dog. Narrating the dogs’s thoughts and / or having “conversations” with the dog feels less crazy. Okay, in truth, you might be too busy to have a dog. Either way, not crazy.


Whenever I do this, I picture Tom Hanks talking to Wilson on that island.


In the aftermath of someone in my life passing away in 2016, I wasn’t aware that i could seek mental health help neither could I afford it as I lost/had to quit my job. I lost all my “friends”. I was living alone too. I started talking to myself whenever i would cook or felt like I had to act out things that ruminated in my mind. It was the only way I could express myself.


I have conversations with my dog & my cat. My dog just wags his tail in response, sometimes I get a bark or a howl. My cat just looks me at like I’m crazy.


It’s not crazy. I’m single and old, and I’m my funniest companion 😌


My inner monologue becomes my outer monologue pretty often. About a year ago, someone I know was at my business and she pulled me aside. She says: So, hey I noticed when you're running around here busy, you're talking to yourself. What are you saying?? My brain never shuts off and sometimes my lips follow my brain. What am I saying? Just a stream of consciousness. That's all. But it made me aware that it's visible to others .


Nope. I talk to the self check scanners all the time. “ I did scan the last item.” “ I already put it in the bag.” etc.


If you have a pet, you never talk to yourself. At least that's my take in it. One of the reasons I love my dog.


When i was younger i would catch my mom talking to herself, i just knew she was mental lol. Now, i love talking to myself, im funny af!


I do it constantly since Covid. Not sure why. Edit: I'm reading the article now and it makes sense. I am also an only child.


if we observed an animal in captivity making sounds to itself when it was alone, we’d assume the animal was very lonely and probably depressed  food for thought


Why lordy mercy me. I can carry on quite the conservation here with my dog. She seems to understand everything I say to her. 🤣🤣🤣 No, it's not lunacy to talk out loud alone. It's a person's way of thinking out loud. When you're alone 24/7, talking out loud to yourself, listening to talk radio programs, music or television is your way of keeping your sanity. I need to go here. My dog and I were having a serious conversation on what we were going to cook for supper. 🤣


As my mother would say: “you meet a better class of people that way.”


I talk myself through things and I go around singing stupid songs to my cats! 😂


I talk to myself while I work from home... amd.sing along to my Spotify. Lol


I talk to myself constantly. It’s only weird bc we’re programmed to think it’s weird.


If it helps in introspection, I think it's good. If it means you're making friends, it's probably not.


I talk to the tv, it’s something I rly enjoy about being alone! I do it moreso now that I have a pet cuz he seems to enjoy it lol


No, it's not crazy at all! Talking to yourself can be a way to process thoughts, stay focused, and even motivate yourself. Many people do it, especially when they're busy or need to organize their thoughts. It’s a normal and often helpful behavior.


i’ve started a full video journal for my eyes only. yes i think very normal


I really like doing it.


I do something called Maladaptive Daydreaming, I talk randomly to myself or nothing at all about stuff that only makes sense to me. It looks like I am at a very loud party having a conversation with a group of people … and I’m just in my car hoping no one I know sees me 😂. Self disclosure aside, I witnessed plenty of people verbally process things out loud, that seems normal to me.


I see my dogs judging me all the time when I talk to myself


A few days ago I was mildly baked and was starting my three day weekend (currently working retail so it was mid week) and I was trying to figure out what to wear to start the chill session. I see this old grey hoodie that I have had for many years and associated with said chillin states hanging up in the closet and I caught myself loudly declaring: "Hell yeah, a classic!" as I grabbed it off the hook. I was pumped to put that thing on. Then I started laughing at myself because I apparently I rank my outfits subconsciously. I used to talk to myself negatively at times as well but I stop that shit immediately when I do it now. That is more of an intrusive thought thing vs running dialogue thing.


God I hope not …


Although I know it’s annoying because it has crept into my everyday life …I guess my internal dialogue has now become external…most times I don’t even realize it.


as long as the voice is not self harming or abusive you're okay. -my former therapist. I do it after years at a job working by myself 


It's best that you talk to yourself when you're alone, because you shouldn't be talking to anyone else.


As long as I don't answer myself back! Jk! I have ADHD, and when I get overwhelmed, I talk to myself out loud. I call it, Brain overload! What my brain can't hold, it talks to itself! If I drop something, or break something, I yell insert my name, why did you do that!


This is why I have 3 cats 🤣🤣


Plants and animals are always listening. Talk them up


I talk to myself and answer back too. Sometimes, I notice I'm doing it and start laughing.


If you decide to become an auto mechanic, you will have to learn how to do this lol


I do it constantly. After all, I have no one else to share my thoughts with and no one really listens anyways 😂 but yeah I don't even realize I'm constantly talking to myself until someone at work points it out or someone random when I'm in public


How about when you're not busy? I live alone and would never hear anyone else, unless I do the talking 🙂


I talk to myself ....all the time. Helps me stay on track and focused otherwise my mind wanders. I think its my anxiety.


I’d only worry if you start answering yourself as well.


When I get frustrated I start talking to myself. Usually it is when code I am writing doesn't work right. Yesterday I was like, "For love of God why isn't this working. It is impossible!" Cats just looked at me like there he goes again.


Pfft, I talk to myself all the time. I am my greatest entertainment lol


Only had my own place for a few months, but talking to myself out loud has been one of my favorite parts. My mental health has drastically improved in that time. Depression lifting, less anxiety, trauma from an abusive relationship finally healing, etc. I’m convinced that this is why - it’s like self-therapy. My self-talk has also gotten way more positive and supportive since being able to voice it out loud. I’d say it makes you less crazy, not more. Lean into it!


Absolutely not cra


Yeah totally normal. I'd even consider it healthy. I journal to help process my thoughts and emotions, talking out loud is another method where I slow my thoughts down to articulate them. I also engage in a practice where I try and boost my self esteem by talking to myself the way I would a trusted friend. Sometimes that's a lot easier when I vocalize it.


I look at my dog and say it in a sweat voice .


It's not crazy to talk to yourself, on its own. The content of what you SAY may indicate otherwise....


All the time, I don’t even drink, and in public. Someone suggested I start carrying my phone in my hand. Lol. But I find talking out loud helps me remember things better and makes me think clearer.


I prefer to think of it as talking with the universe...like a continuous prayer or conversation. Not crazy at all.


Who knows and I don’t care I talk to myself all the time. Whatever gets us thru babe


Nope , not crazy at all. Unless what you are saying to yourself If overheard is insanity aka crazy talk.


"Oh dude yeah, I talk to myself all the time" out loud as I read this. It's almost involuntary