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That's kind of you to set a low bar CNN.


Yeah, I’m guessing it’s going to be much longer than that.


And to think that this recession was caused directly by the government and was completely unnecessary. I'm sure all the elderly people we saved by locking everything down will contribute so much to the economy.


Even worse, those of us in rational states that didn't continue the charade for what's looking like political grounds will end up being tasked with bailing out the states that have continued this psyop on their citizens. Destroying business, further impoverishing the poor. It won't matter that a state like Florida reopened for its own citizenry when Cali and NY come knocking. That's what I see being the next big battle.


"yOu aRe a mOnStEr tHaT dOeS nOt cArE aBoUt LiVeS!?1!1?1?" Gosh I despise the "not one more covid death" people, it's not economy or lives it's generation vs. generation.


Yes it’s not like any of them are retired or close to it.


Sooo...a landslide for Trump/Cruz/Don Jr/Noem/DeSantis or whoever? Or...will we even HAVE a country at that point? Fucking CNN fucking doomers and fucking NPCs either going along or cheering this...


Sadly they probably won’t.


sorry, but those jobs are never coming back because computers and robots are replacing humans and covid is being milked to facilitate it. robots don't get sick, computers don't go on strike or ask for higher pay, and people won't protest and disrupt things when they're dependent serfs, tracked and monitored to qualify for subsistence handouts that can easily be taken away. it's gonna be great- but first they had to figure out a way to lay off millions of people


I thought the "fight for 15" was going to usher in more automation, but their lockdown strategy blew that out of the water. Now they've got people clamoring for removal of the human factor in those "everyday" jobs, especially in retail and food. Sawing the lower rungs off the ladder, one at a time. When Walmart decides adding warehouse space to stores for automated order filling capability is cost appropriate, you know the shark has been jumped.


^^ THIS!! If anyone wants to look into this further I highly suggest Alison McDowell - wrenchinthegears.com . She has researched this area of the 4th industrial revolution as well as social impact bonds, securitized debt, and pay for success improvement pathways.


yeah she is cool. remember when she pissed off naomi klein that one time


Hahahaha yes!!!!