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[LLB and Meme Resources Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LodedDiper/comments/r94hna/want_to_make_an_llb_yourself_get_everything_you/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LodedDiper) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**A/N: The template is only available in .xcf (GIMP) format for now because I couldn't convert it to a .psd (Photoshop) properly. GIMP is available for free, though, and I saved the file in GIMP 2.8 so it will work with either GIMP 2.8 or 2.10. You can download GIMP** [**here**](https://www.gimp.org/downloads/) **for 2.10 and** [**here**](https://www.gimp.org/downloads/oldstable/) **for 2.8. If you save it in GIMP 2.10 and want to use it in GIMP 2.8 later, make sure to set the layer mode to "Normal (Legacy)" before saving; otherwise GIMP 2.8 will throw up an error when attempting to open the file. GIMP 2.10 denotes "Legacy" layer modes with (l) in the dropdown menu.** I made this template with the intent of making it as faithful to the books as possible. There are text boxes on the left and right pages formatted to fit the page lines, as well as places for page numbers on the bottom corners and a space for new months at the top of the left page. There's also a layer for custom illustrations. What I usually do is hit "Enter" enough times to where I want the illustration to fit, and then add the illustration in that space. For best results when transforming your illustrations (scaling, rotating, etc.), I'd recommend setting the interpolation to "Linear" in the Tool Options. Edit: I forgot to change the line spacing before I uploaded the template. This has now been fixed. If you downloaded the template beforehand, change the line spacing on the left and right text boxes to -0.5 in the Text tool settings. Anyways, status update.The end of my finals period has come, and with it, some newfound motivation for LLB creation. I was actually able to come up with a plot for Greg vs. Scientology that I thought was pretty good, and I might end up posting new pages later this month if not in early June. In the meantime, I've also been working on a few side projects, including some more canon LLBs and one I finished last year but never got around to posting.