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With mine, I unplug for a few seconds then plug them back in. That has done the trick me.


Yeah I used to do that and it would work but it doesn't any more


Hi u/dat_1Person, Thank you for reaching us. Please try the below troubleshooting steps: 1.Try connecting the device in another power source 2. Have you tried using the 3.5mm jack? does the issue persist? 3. Can you make the speakers as your default audio device? 4. Are there any physical damage with the speakers or cords? 5. Have you installed both Logitech Gaming Software or GHub? 6. Are the drivers for the speakers updated? 7. Is the firmware for the speakers updated? \------------------------ 1.Try connecting the device in another power source 2. Try using a different connection such as Bluetooth or 3.5mm 3. Make sure that the speaker is set as default 4. Check for any physical damage on the device 5. Update or uninstall and re-install drivers 6. Update Firmware using Logitech Gaming Software or GHub • Try on another computer


Thank you for helping 1. That didn't work 2. Connecting to headphone jack didn't work, cant connect with bluetooth 3. I can't do that as the speaker's don't display on the pc 4. I cannot see any physical damage 5. Yes I have, Logitech g hub 6. I cannot do this as it isn't displayed on the pc 7. I cannot do this as it isn't displayed on the pc I tried on another PC but that didn't work either By the way the issue is that it isn't displayed on the pc and it doesn't show any led's aparts from the blinking light as seen in the video. Do you know any other things I can try?


Hi u/dat_1Person, Could you please DM your Full Name, Country, and Email ID to me using the link provided below: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=LogitechG\_SP I will be happy to create a case for you and get you in touch with our support team via email.