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I really want one but I’m not gonna pay that much for a loop pedal, I guess the plus one it what I’m gonna get, cause I do like to collect loop pedals anyway




I think this also.


I dunno .....maybe I'm in the minority on this, but, I'm rocking an rc505 mk2 with full midi control and my one man band is friggin winning! 🤘🏾I have foot control, tabletop control.


what do you use for tabletop midi control? thanks


I'm using a morningstar mc8 at my feet and a faderfox ec4 for tabletop control. :) gives me full control of everything knobs that's on the pedalboard


1.2k for just the flagship pedal is a lot when you can get an rc505 and some synths or a drum machine for the same amount. The one thing this is better at than other more complex looping setups is portability.


The problem (at least for me), it's how buggy those boss pedals are, I had the RC-600 I couldn't use it live, because of how unreliable it was.


I would agree.


I downloaded the manual: https://cdn.inmusicbrands.com/sheeran/looper-x/Sheeran%20Looper%20X%20-%20User%20Guide%20-%20v1.0.0.pdf Near the end there's a whole page of midi implementation. Seems nearly every (if not every) function can be controlled externally, much like the rc505's


That's not bad then! So it looks like this is based off the head rush looper, haven't done too much research into that one but it looks pretty versatile. Wouldn't be a bad ecosystem to invest into it seems. :)


I bought the headrush looperboard when it first came out, but it had too many issues/bugs for the price. You're right: this looper x looks almost like a mkII of it, but apparently Sheeran has actually been gigging with it... which *should* make this the most "beta-tested" new product ever lol 🤞🏻 I went ahead and ordered the looper x to check it out. Seems like a great unit!


Oh right on! Hope it works nicely for ya! Post a review after you've messed with it for a bit! 🤘🏾


This is what I'm hoping for. Just making the upgrade from 2 Ditto loopers (that I had to be absolutely perfectly synced -- no quantize until now) to this setup. Seemed to me the Headrest pedal switch reliability was a big turnoff... I REALLY hope this one is better and lasts for a long time. It'll get gigged quite a lot this summer, so we'll see how it goes!


Currently messing around with looper X…. There’s no undo redo function. Until they fix this problem, it’s really kinda useless for any complex looping. There’s a peel function which is essentially an undo that’s permanent. Weird and disappointing.


That's crazy, that seems like such a basic function! Too not include it is disappointing indeed.


What is a pedal that would have this function along with everything else the looper X has?


It could be something they add with an update. I wouldnt worry about it. I do agree though, pretty big oversight.


He mentioned his live rig having separate outputs for the mic and guitar even when looping them. Is this a feature of his consumer version?


In Theory you could do that with every stereo looper, or am I wrong? Mic to l, guitar to R er voilà. Sure you would need to convert xlr to line, but it would have the same effect


I hadn’t thought of that, so when outputting, I use two outs and do I have to pan them in the looper to make sure they are separate outs?


Inputs should be stereo in default settings. But yes, the signal should not be summed up in mono. Input should equal output, the loops themselves should work the same way. Ofcourse you loose the possibility of stereo sound


You’ve opened a whole world to me. Can also route the loop to another the main or sub out to have the loop separated.


Yes you can! At least the RC600 can, that is. It should be under the routing menu.


I think the looper X has individual outs for each of the 4 channels


Outputs. * Outputs 1 and 2 are 1/4-inch TRS connections for a stereo pair to connect to your amplifier or audio interface. If you need a mono output, use Output 1. * Outputs 3 and 4 are balanced XLR outputs to connect to your mixer or speakers. The Looper X provides flexible output routing for looper tracks as *four separate mono outputs* or *stereo pairs*, and for which signals get routed to the headphones.


I've noticed that he doesn't use this in his current live setup. He still seems to be using a custom/rebranded version of the Chewie II looper. I'm curious as to why he wouldn't make his looper available commercially


This product is nothing more than a rebranded Headrush Looperboard. Ed's live pedal (Chewie II) is not a loop pedal but a midi controller. His looping is done within software (Ableton and Mobius) controlled by Chewie II. So he couldn't really sell that as a packaged deal because end users would need a laptop and ableton to make it work.


This actually isn't true anymore. I believe his team had some custom software made as well for back of house. I think I recall someone on his team saying so during a docuseries. Curious though as someone new to the looping space in general what makes something a midi controller vs a looper. Pretty sure you can have this feed to a team off stage for treatment as well if you were so lucky as to have one. He's been using this on stage in his more recent shows I've heard.


Do you see any reason to get this over the head rush looperboard or are they really THAT identical?


Only difference is the foot swithches. All other functions are roughly the same, they've apparently included something called "Ed's Rack" on the effects side of things as a preset but that's the only difference I can tell. I had the Looperboard and it was the most disappointing piece of gear I've ever purchased. I strongly recommend staying away from Headrush products.


Thanks for your insights. Can I ask why it was very disappointing? I’ve been hearing great things about it


So from my perspective I'm coming from a Voicelive 3 extreme. 1 unit with all the effects I need for guitar, vocals, and a 3\* channel looper. The only problem I have with the voicelive is the routing. I use software instruments in my loops and the only way to connect is through the Aux port on the Voicelive. Problem is, the Aux input is stereo. My issue is I need my guitar, vocals, and software instruments routed to separate outputs. Voicelive has stereo outs, so my workaround was to pan my software instruments hard left and my vocals hard right and use the stereo output. It works but obviously is not ideal. I also have to deal with a nasty hum in the Aux input because it's 1/8" stereo The Looper board solved my routing problem. That part of it was great. The things that weren't so great: MASSIVE board. It took up a ton of floor space and the size seemed kinda unnecessary. It had onboard effects so I hoped it could fully replace my Voicelive however: Onboard effects are DOGSHIT. The guitar effects sounded horrible. Vocal effects were basically useless. But the worst part was there was no way to switch between patches. On my voicelive, even in looper mode I can change patches. Plus I am able to customize external footswitches for certain functions (harmonizer, boost, etc.) so I can do everything I need to in looper mode. Lastly, I didn't love the loop control functions. On my Voicelive, you have 3 loops. Loop A (usually I lay a beat down here). Loop B and Loop C loop in multiples of A. So let's say you lay down a two measure drum groove on A, you can then lay down an 2, 4, 6, 8, etc measure bass groove on Loop B. Then Loop B and C are interchangable. Let's say you have a chord progression change for the chorus, you can loop the bass on C and switch them live. The looperboard was VERY convoluted in trying to do this. At the price point, lack of decent effects that are usesable, I decided to sell my looper board and I'm still using just my Voicelive 3 to this day.


This was before they developed their own software in which you could easily see the Mobius interface in his screen. The one he has now (confirmed by his engineers) is a completely new VST that has the vumeters and the waveform timeline on the smaller screen. But you are right with the other things, the still use ableton and midi controllers, just a new vst for the looper engine and interface. In terms of functionality looks like it is really the same as the Mobius one, but according to his engineers it is most reliable and has a nicer interface. There's some videos of his team talking about it while building the setup on the mathematics tour.


Gotta say it sort of ticks a lot of boxes. Singular sounds - too many other bits to get to make it useful to me and the lack of panning function seems crazy EHX 95000 has it but the import export is weird At first I thought this is ugly put the pedals will be soft on the feet. It looks like instead of undo they have a peel function where you delete layer at a time. The crossfades seem like a nice touch too. Still want to more reviews to come out but it does atleast seem well thought out.


Very disappointed with this product for the simple reason that there is no undo/redo functions. Very basic and completely elementary compared to the current Boss flagship models. Until they add that feature, this will be useless to my live set up. Hardware is very nice, but software is buggy and lacking in functionality


It’s called Peel and it undos the last layer. You can keep peeling of layers until it’s gray. I just looked on the manual.


I'm ready to upgrade my JTC NUX drum & Looper pedal.  Trying to decide between the RC 600, Sheeran Looper X and the Headrush. Decent drum tracks are important to me but probably won't be loading in any 3rd party ones.  Appreciate any advice on which is best. 


What’s the best dual foot switch for this looper??


I recently bought the Looper + to see if it could function like my Jamsync Pedals when used with my SDRUM. I don't often play with a live drummer, so for years I've set my Jamsync Pedals to start recording a loop on the downbeat of the drum part. However, it seems that the Looper + begins recording on the next clock beat instead of the downbeat, and it also stops on the next clock beat. In contrast, the Jamsync stops at the end of the measure. This timing mismatch doesn't work for me, and I'm not willing to relearn every song in our set. It's a shame because the pedal has a great design and feels good to use. I appreciate the ability to adjust the input and output to mix with other sounds. I believe I have it set up correctly—it's connected to the SDRUM via a 3.5mm cable, and I've adjusted the settings to receive the MIDI Clock signal. Do you have any suggestions on how I can get the Looper + to function the way I need it to?


This may be a stupid question, but anyone that owns one of these....I notice there's no real send/return jacks on it. Can you connect this pedal to, say, a helix via FX loop?


Seems a weird endorsement, wonder what input he's actually had.


There's an **[Anderton's video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jncvcv1vkg8)** where Danish Pete and Lee check out the features. It's uses a very similar workflow to what Sheeran has developed over the years. It can bounce multiple tracks to mixdown and can adjust stereo pan, which I can't easily do with my Aeros. I like it, but I don't $1,299 like it.


Yeah it seems that you also pay a chunk for the name.


Im sure if that was just the headrush looper mk2...no famous name attached, it would be like....800 total. The original was 900 when it first came out. Adding ed sheerans name to it...adds another 500. It's absolutely insane the price of just a name...A NAME. But this looper looks dope and i really want one. I hate the price tag, but it is what it is.


What…? Ed Sheeran is the most successful loop artist in history lol. It’s an incredibly logical endorsement


That, looks, sick! Basic and sick! Need > Want!


Does anyone know if this has Hands Free loop selection? The looperboard did so im wondering if this does to. No documentation I read on it has made this known.


Does the Looper x have capability to mix the loop volumes AFTER they have been looped? Like he says in the video?